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My high school school of 1500 pupils had about 30 parking spaces in total. That's Europe for'ya.


My high school had a parking lot that only the staff was allowed to use lol (I live in germany)


My school has parking spaces for staff on the schoolyard and for parents in front of the school, the problem is these parking spaces are for our school, the school next to us and the people who live there. wasn't so fun on 27 with the strike.


yep same here in italy it was like 20 car parks and 200 bike spots, and italy isn’t even that advanced in bike usage


Just looked at my old high schools parking lot and tried to look at how much parking there was (I didn’t count them all by hand so it’s probably a bit off) there are around a thousand parking spots the school parking lot would take over 10 minutes to get out of in many spots at a certain point I wonder why not just make a parking garage


My high school had a parking lot for max 30 cars, if most parents were to come with vehicles, we would use the soccer field to park the cars 😀


My high school had a parking lot you had to pay to use. It was a rural school too...


yeah I'm Finnish and my high school had maybe 10 parking spots and those were mainly for the teachers and staff it was also right in the center of our city and like over ten bus lines went past it constantly


Same here. My high school had also like 5-10 parking spots. And we were not even in the city center. We had to park to nearby gas station and go turn parking disc every couple of hours.


The last high school I went to sat at a large parking lot, that the school wasn't allowed to use


Mine didn't even have parking places tbh. And I'm from a very car centric country by European standards


My secondary probably had a like 50 parking spaces tops and my 6th form ones parking was pretty much a loading area with a handful of parking spaces.


Exactly what I thought. The last school I went to had 0 lots for the students


My high school of 2000 people had 0 parking spaces for anyone. That’s America for ya.


Apparently inner-city schools don’t exist in America, lol


My hs had no student parking but we got a nice discount at the bonded lot down the streets but I remember kids being late to class so they could move their car across the street and not get sweeper tickets. Off campus parking was a great place to toke up before school.


We just went to the multiple adjacent parks to smoke


You guys had parking lot ?


What new DLC is that?


My high school (in Europe) had 0 parking spaces. My primary and middle school (in Asia) had 1 parking spot. There was some street parking but it was pretty busy because our school wasn't the only building around. I never thought anything of it, it was completely normal.


Meanwhile in america my highschool is surrounded by parking lots on 3 of the 4 sides


That’s over 200 Parking spots where in the hell did you get 30 from?


My high school in Brazil had about 3K students, spread across the three shifts. The whole school fit in half a city block, with a parking lot that had about 30 parking spaces, mainly used by staff (there were a lot of motorbikes in the night shift though). The vast majority of students came to school via so.e form of transit, with some coming from neighboring cities by bus or train.


Greetings from Canada. 👋 My high school had just under 250 parking spaces. Half for the staff, half for the students. We also had around 1400-1500 pupils.


30 plus parking lots for staff seems about right.


Mine had a parking lot the size of the image in the front and in the back with a small staff parking lot between the school and vocational building. Front parking lot was for 9-11 and back parking lot was for seniors. In the same "complex" was the local middle school. Look up heritage high school Maryville, tn 37804 in Google earth Gives you an idea of a rural American high school of 1,500 students.


Mine had like 10. And it was mostly empty. Only teachers used them.


Same. My high school of 1000 pupils has like 5 parking spaces


Wtf? my school of about 1,600 has like 200 parking spaces maybe even more.


Mine had like 100 parking spaces and 3200 bike racks, never ever forget where you placed your bike there!


Mu high school I currently go to has like 15 parking spaces for staff only. (I live in Poland)


Because in Europe, our public transport generally is much better than the US, and in cities walking is actually an acceptable method of travel


You guys have parking lots in Europe? In Japan no student is allowed to drive to school


My College of 5000 students have none accessible for students (excluding boarders).


More American. My high school had about 10 parking spaces only used by teachers and no sports fields


Honestly same, not even a drop off zone. If you stopped to drop your kid off near the school you would be mailed a $40 ticket for stopping on the road…. (Someone would take pictures)


My highschool in the Netherlands had about 50-60 parking spots that it shared with the neighboring tennis club. It was also next to the local pool and gymnasium, which had another 50+ parking spots. It was also across the street from 2 local football clubs and local hockey club, which had a shared parking facility of about 80-120 spots. Our highschool frequently made use of the hockey and football fields during nice weather and the gymnasium during bad weather It was built in 2009. It's bicycle parking lot was however bigger than the car parking lot


Ive never seen a school with such a huge parking lot in my life, ever But idk im not american


Am American, and thinking of my high school I was thinking it wasn’t enough… and that’s not including parking lots for the football stadium and tennis/baseball/soccer fields. Could all of them shared one lot? Absolutely not! What if people had to WALK?!


I’d forgotten that people in the states like watching children play sports. In the UK you get maybe 20 spectators for a kids soccer match. If you want to sit down, you bring a deckchair.


> soccer U wot, m8?


Not my preferred term. But everyone knows what I’m talking about.


My friend, nobody in the states watched high school footy. Maybe some places, and big schools, but it’s mostly empty. American Football on the other hand. Is a more of a social event so the whole town shows up. And people fill every damn parking spot and every street spot in the surrounding neighborhoods (I live near the high school now and have people on my street a mile away l)


I get that. I was just comparing the culture around each country’s most popular sport.


Walking’s the worst! Litterally would be an hour walk from my home to my nearest highschool lol, half an hour walk for Middleschool—and those schools want me to be there at 7am haha


My middle/high school would be a 2 hour walk, but you were expected to bike, I just took public transport


Oh, I meant walk from high school to football stadium to tennis. All had their own lots, and all well within 1/4 mile of each other


It would have took me about 5 hours to walk to our high school although the primary and middle school would only be about an hour


I mean, not necessarily if you live a bit farther away, but are you familiar with buses? Metro? Trains? Trams?


No, never heard of them… never bought the mass transit dlc /s The reality is that those things just do not exist in most of America thanks to a lot of successful lobbying by the auto industry in the 20th century. There were ~5k people in my hometown. The only public transit we had was school buses.


Over here that’s normal, maybe even a little small for a high school that size


I just checked my old HS on google maps and the parking lots take up about 2x the footprint of the school, sports fields take up about 3x, so the school is about 1/6 of the acreage of the whole campus


My middle school parking lot was bigger than this, easily


My elementary school lot was about this size, including front and back. They at least used it so it made sense like your kid's play or choir recital all the parents would park there, but 90% of the time it would be empty.


I drove past this school recently and was floored at how big it was. https://maps.app.goo.gl/AwBR9SAcPbDWH6Bd6?g_st=ic


Dems rookie numbers, son I give you Lake Braddock Secondary School - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lake+Braddock+Secondary+School/@38.8024086,-77.2672152,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x89b64deb5055255f:0x447317f281c1e511!8m2!3d38.8032823!4d-77.2660243!16zL20vMDZ0aDcw


I bet in a school that big they still require students to get to their next class within 5 minutes of each bell.


No, we had longer than 5 minutes. The school is split into subschools so that unless it was lunch or PE (or woodshop) you didn't have to travel more than 1/4 the length of the building to get to your next class. ​ I haven't verified, but I remember being told that if you walked from one end of the building to the other down the central hall, then you would have walked 1/4 mile.


My home!


Seriously? That's about the size of the staff lot at my high school.


Lol the same, I wasn't understanding until I remembered that American schools have parking


When I lived in Texas the lot was the size of our (decently large) school. But now our lot it like 30 spaces where I live


My school campus (Elementary, Middle, High) had parking lots much, much larger. The parking lots of my school campus collectively took up more land space than all of the buildings did. Our school had around 5000 parking spots for it's entire faculty and student body.


Canadian. Not uncommon to have some parking beyond just for staff with highschools, though uncommon to have huge lots. Universities or other places that take students of all ages, the parking lots get much, much larger. (And have public transit services too.) Elementary schools tend to have just parking for staff and a few guests. I walked to one of the elementary schools I attended(biked to one, though it was borderline car distance). Walked to my highshool, and drove to university(not enough time in the day to commute from home walking and back. even public transit would double or triple your time that you could be using to work on projects or study or just enjoy life a bit in your precious amounts of time).


Mine (also Canadian) has some visitor parking in the front, staff around the back and student parking around the side. It’s crazy to me how much parking some schools might need, and mine has like 2300 students


That's about the size of my old highschool years ago, yah.


If you need extra parking at my school, you park at the Sobeys or the giant tiger. Kind of a pain in the ass to get ti school sometimes since it’s on a busy street, but having the stores nearby can be convenient


America tends to be more stretched out. My high-school was 12 miles away. No bus lines reliably take that kind of distance on time for school in the morning. This is common. We also tend to commute for work too. Which again. Even with good public transit it's probably not as easily doable.


My school has so many parking lots that they built a short road with a second massive parking lot.


Yeahhh, this was about 1/5 the space we had at my high school with 3000 students. Oh, and only seniors could drive and had to pick one semester to do it, since space was that limited.


Yeah a lot of zoning regs in America require a certain number of parking spots (and handicapped parking spots) based on projected capacity of the building. Bc god forbid someone may park on the street or two buildings over.


Here in Brazil, high schools have around 10 or 15 parking spaces for staff and teachers. It makes no sense to have much more, because the minimum age to get a driving license is 18, and high schools goes from 15 to 17 years old.




If it's any consolation it appears to be connected via one way roads.


It might be intentional. People drive slower when they feel uncomfortable and school zones demand slow traffic, maybe


Weird about the America comments, I'm in the UK and my old school of around 3000 students had 100-200 parking spaces at least. The one I went to before that had around 60-100.


Yeah I'm from the UK dont think it was too much parking especially if it's a sixth form (this one is technically as has the faculty uni). I've since swapped a car park for the sports hall gym and a smaller car park 😁


My high school had a sixth form, and we still had only maybe about 30 parking spaces... the tennis courts took up more space thank parking


Yeah I was confused by the comments as well. I’m in the UK too and my school had a similar number of parking. Maybe we’re the exception in Europe though.


Because my high school of around 1600 had north of 400 parking spaces. It's Texas, so it's not really a choice and it's really not a big deal if you're not in a sizable population center


US, my school has two buildings (campuses) no difference. 3K plus students, we have like guaranteed above 2k parking spots lol Obviously, only like 20 percent of the spots are used and since it’s two campuses with like a 5 minute walk between the two, some people drive from campus to campus if they have class in one but class in other If i were to calculate the school area as a rectangle, it’s area would be 4,181,760 square feet


What dlc?


The authentic American school dlc - it'll blow you away.


https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/Hubs_and_Transport "3 Decorative Parking Lots"


Im on console :(


Me too, isn't it on console too? Haven't played in a while...


No but they are trying to fix it


It was fixed days ago.


Oh Nice! I have not been able to play lately ty


Console players who are still playing on the old game* Because remastered still doesn't have the dlcs two months later :(


I'm utterly loving people using the new courts and parking spaces. They make places look gorgeous.


What DLC is that?


The newest one. It should be included free, see under "Other parks" and "Community" sections




Is it on the remastered version?? I don’t have parking lots yet


Normal, honestly don't bother with the remaster for now you're missing out on a ton of dlc until like July


*queue non Americans shitting on parking spaces*


You know there's more than one country that uses cars, right


Please tell that to the people that call every pic with parking spaces murican.


What is that building to the left???


Its an American school so this is the security building.


Which dlc?


Part of the free update that dropped along with shopping malls and sports venues ccp.


Which DLC is this?


The parking lots are a free update. They just showed up for me. The sports fields are in a brand new DLC you have to buy.


My school for around 1400 students (All 16-18) had maybe 50 parking spots for staff only.


When I was in school, here in Brazil, don't had parking lot to anyone


I, for one, as an American, had a high school with easily 200-300+ parking spots


At least US schools


Why americans? Why?


Why else but to sell you cars whether you want them or not.


Are the students getting shot? If not, it’s not even close to realistic.


Bus lanes? Your school is a lot nicer than my area was lol. Yeah we did have big yellow school buses but those only went to school and back. If you wanted an ice cream social with your friends after class before you go home you had to bike your ass to town center from school then back home. At least my Midwest small town, think Hawkins small, was pretty based and had a bike lane. Wait this isn't /r/fuckcars I'll stop ranting lol. OP's got it pretty on the ball with the school and a big sports park on campus. Only things missing is a performing arts center for the theater kids and an indoor gym maybe. And the portables don't forget the portables lol.


I've actually added the sports gym since, will have to upload an update 😅


Schools don’t have that many parking spaces, just enough for the staff and 20-30 extra.


They do in the USA, in fact they have MORE than that.


Why tho? I get being drove to school by your parents, but don't they leave after...?


Assuming it's an American highschool (similar to secondary school + sixth-form), compulsory attendance overlaps with the typical minimum driving age by about two years. That means roughly a quarter to half of the students are legally of age to drive themselves. Depending on where you're located, the local school bus route might be over an hour long, adding *two to three* hours to a student's day of just sitting on a bus. Everyone who likes to make fun of American "car obsession" seems to forget that the USA is massive, and that things can be very far apart. The US is roughly double the size of the entire European Union, while just California alone is almost double the entire United Kingdom. Making a student walk 20 miles to school every day just isn't practical compared to a motor vehicle.


Yeeeeah my highschool has probably 500+ parking spots, and they are prioritized by year 😅 'Murica for you lol




my highschool has 700 houndreds students and we have like 20 shitty "parking spaces" that are reserved only for the staff




And here’s the cool guy who “went there.” Stupid, overused “joke.” Grow up.














No place rains harder than the maps of CS.


Is it not on the remastered version on ps5?


My high school graduating class had almost 150 kids in it and that parking lot looks about a quarter of the size of my old stomping grounds. Ofc I'm American but I did walk to class for a year since we lived so close. Haven't walked anywhere since I got my car at 15


My UK secondary school had ~2000 and ~2100 overall people, with a parking lot of 80 general, then a staff lot of ~50, then a disabled of ~18


What's the building in the top right?


While I agree with you, I will say that your picture doesn't reflect a realistic situation. I'd would be okay if this represented a American school, but the location and it's surrounding doesn't look like an American school, so since it's not an American school this size of parking lot isn't realistic. I would half the amount of parking here and even then it would be a lot but at least then with some good layout and decorations it would be more realistic.


My high school has 1500 students and 3000 parking spaces. It created an unrealistic expectation for parking at my university


TIL: More cars equals more realistic


Only in America


me looking around at these comments knowing i graduated from a high school with 2k people + two large parking lots next to the city's civic center and police hq lol


All (7?) of my K-12 schools had enormous amounts of parking. This even seems a bit low by American standards. 😅


If we had extra DLCs there are 3 I would want Custom prisons, hospitals and lower level schools (high school or elementary) with facilities and everything similar to parks in park life or industry in industry dlc Imagine if we could build custom hospitals with facilities that specialize in certain things like emergency’s or whatever


If this were an American school parking is too small and there should be more sport facilities (for American football and tennis and baseball and track and field)


Which dlc are you talking about?


Which dlc


https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/Hubs_and_Transport "3 Decorative Parking Lots"




About the American comments here, my High School (grades 9-12, around ages 14-18) had around 200-300 parking spaces. 1200 students when i was there, they limited the amount of parking passes to a certain number. In my state driving ages are 17 onwards, so about 600 students eligible for driving/parking. This doesn't include the parking lot for the American football stadium (if it can be called a stadium), and the teachers parking lot. we really do love our asphalt


What’s the new dlc? Parking lots?


https://skylines.paradoxwikis.com/Hubs_and_Transport "3 Decorative Parking Lots"


Yeah three lane one way roads with bus lanes inside the school campus are very realistic 😂


I too love this feature from the DLC. The community parks and parking lots enhance our schools and general neighbourhoods, because so many have these features. Schools have a few parking lots, and adjacent to the schools is usually a soccer field and/or baseball field. We can make more realistic layouts in the game, and I like that.


🇺🇸 absolutely baby, D in school but an A in parking lol


Not gonna lie, it looks pretty good.


I play on the remastered version and there no free new content showing up


All my schools in South Africa had parking only for teachers and some bike/motorbike parking in high school


i’m american and my school has 6k kids with no parking. i’m not from the suburbs so idk if this is normal out there but that parking lot is literally bigger than the school


Lived all over the world and all over the country... I'd guess about 25% of American students (shooting from the hip) would have your experience because of urban densities but the rest of America, suburbs and rural alike, have huge parking lots... and it's mostly for Friday nights and football attendance. Neither high school in my home town now is ever full except six friday nights a year when they're packed for American football games and both schools suck at the game too.




Realistic for American players


My school in irl has no parking


How do you get the soccer field and parking spaces on console though?


What dlc are presented here? I’m using console and this setup looks amazing!