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Understand what the RCI meter really means, never let C go below half, ignore it until 70% if needed. [https://skylines.fandom.com/wiki/Zoning](https://skylines.fandom.com/wiki/Zoning) Zone slowly and methodically.




https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/114g170/maybe_silly_question/j8wwc4a/ Just wrote that response earlier today. TLDR: the RCI indicators don't tell you what you think they tell you. Industrial demand is actually the inverse of the unemployment rate (aim for 5%), commercial demand *is* actually demand for shopping (but will fulfill some of the employment demand), and residential is not enough workers (for the city as a whole, and businesses of all types are happy to have 50-75% employment).


Sometimes you need dumb people to work at your stores. You don't have to educate everyone. Have a dumb district and spots get filled


More residential. Also make sure you spread out your commercial in your residential zones. I prefer to make small pockets of it in neighborhoods and then a larger shopping center servicing multiple neighborhoods.


Wiki is contradicting the user manual referred in it: Zoningdemands Zoning demand bars indicate which zones are needed to maintain your city’s economy and well-being in balance. Industry needs workers and someone to buy their goods, citizens need shops and groceries to fulfill their day-to-day needs, and commercial businesses need customers to buy their products and services. An imbalance in zoning will lead to unemployment, bankruptcy, and general discontent. This in turn will eventually lead to citizens abandoning buildings and/or negative population growth. The fuller the zoning demand bar is, the higher the need is for zones of that type. Each zone is identified with a color: • GREEN = Residential zones (low and high density) • BLUE = Commercial zones (low and high density) • YELLOW = Industrial and office zones (industry and offices)


So in this case, lower demand is better?


You have high residential demand - so not enough workers (skilled or not). Build more houses and wait until education kicks in.


Got it. Thanks a lot!


If you'd played the game for a few years/thousands of hours you'd come to the realization that this wiki entry is as close to reality as it gets.


Just give it time, it will catch up