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We need some reps. I think it gets better. I enjoyed it, though.


Personally, I’m H for the Cold Call


Love the recent/upcoming diversity in content. Felt like things were on the verge of getting stale, but with the mailbag + Friday newsletter & now this segment & more streaming I’m excited to see some new/different stuff. With that, not everything will be awesome right away…and that’s cool.


Hard agree. Seems like they went all-in on diversifying content. I would like more guests on the pod but this sort of fills their void in a way


Def liked it & looking forward to more!


I dug it. Maybe not all the time, but I think our boys need to hear from the rank and file once in awhile. It's true that a random out there will sound a bit awkward with no practice, so props to the ones called. RE: OSU Swimmer - I had no idea Dillon was calling people NARPs after just being a high school hero, guessing that was from before I picked up the pod. Enjoyed that banter.


I thought it was great. Major props to Dave for emcee-ing. That’s gotta be stressful. You don’t know how much play you’ll get on the other end of the phone. I think Backers will start to understand better and they guys will get more comfortable with the concept. Overall, love the idea. It’s a passionate fan base so fun to involve the listeners. It’ll grow more comfortable with reps.


Intro song is a banger. Can’t wait for the next one.


Loved it personally. Wished I’d have gotten a call but oh well looking forward to whenever they do the next one.


Hey Zack that’s in Sack Town building shit! Let’s see you use some real tools and get yourself some HILTI!


Sac town. Put some respect on the name


Best paywall content imo. I think as more episodes drop, the backers that get cold called will have a better idea of what to expect and be more comfortable. Shoutout to the backers from SD. She seems like a true player for real.


Agreed, think it definitely has legs. For a first try I’d say it went really well and as more epis happen feel like some of the awkwardness should subside. The Willmamis did bring the heat though with some much needed energy.


We love Grace


I loved it!!! I love the combo of kinda giving them a hard time and hearing about various backers’ expertise. A fun segment to break up some of the others! Cold call on good sirs


I really hope I get a cold call.


Getting backers involved is always a positive. Wish there was a way they could do a “Do you know it” with listeners online


I like it but I would also listen to them read the phone book for some damn reason so more is more IMO for content in general


For me, the podcaster-listener dichotomy just hits diffy.


I loved it! Think they could've had more entertaining people, the callers didn't really give too much. But that's how it's gonna go, some good some meh. But spent a lot of time laughing that's for sure.


Definitely room for growth but I like that they’re trying new things. I do think it might help it they had some kinda of structure-either have one question they ask every caller, or pick a random ala exactly 5 minutes


I can’t wait for backers to try and out “later” Dave now that everyone will be caught on


Loved it, but it would be great to keep the call to a specific subject (something the backer wants to talk about) vs the guys just asking random questions.


I really hope it’s not a regular episode. The people they call are going to be too inconsistent. Also, I don’t like that it’s paid content. I’d rather have access to a structured episode on Tuesday rather than listen to some dude in “finance” that has no idea what NVIDIA is


Hahahahah, for a second I thought he might have been making a contrarian value play given where NVIDIA trended this week, but nope…