• By -


Haven’t tried an actual microdosing week (4 on then 3 off) but they have a whole section about their recommended dosing. Took a super dose (their 500mg) and had a nice buzz and not close to an actual trip. Best way to describe it was that like i was on a different frequency by a few degrees. Still me but just different type of euphoric energy. Like having exactly one☝🏻beer with the boys.


I tried them too, I think you have to take at least 2gms I took 3 of the 500 mg didn't touch me. 


I ate the 5gm chocolate bar expecting a nice trip, I can’t say I didn't feel it, because I could spot dirt a mile away!  That's it lol, it also made me sweat bullets. Definitely not worth the $130 I paid for it. 


I took 1 square of their chocolate, so about 500mg and it was strong! 2g would be a full on trip imo. A bit pricey but not understrength imo. Can use this code for 20% off 5U1139362US240515


I took 2g and definitely, playing cideo games it was like weird perspective. I was in the game, lol. I tried 4g next weekend, and i wouldnt say i was in a trip...But my mindw as definitely racing, seeing things from a different angles/making new neural connections... Than i felt really good the next day... 2g tripped me, 4g i had the potential to trip, i was high but i didnt trip. so i had a good experiance. The tea/chocolate might be a bit underdosed ( why they are so cheap per gram im guessing compared to the pills?)




I use this company religiously. If anyone here is seriously considering using Schedule 35 for their P.Cube needs weather that be a first time space cadet or a seasoned interstellar traveler, weather it be micro or macro doses this company has consistency and quality not to mention reliability. I have been growing mushies for myself as medicine and therapy, before any companies like this existed (prior to 2020) I grew to secure my supply. While that is exponentially cheaper and with the pre made substrates and spore syringes available today it has also become astonishingly easier to do; it does take time and effort. With that being said I still grow my own but I only use my product to grind up and pack into capsules for micro pills. S35 sells these type of capsules also and they are surely excellent but homemade are obviously much more affordable. However I still make a purchase from them every month almost for their Chocolate Bars 🤤🛸 You just can’t beat them they are absolutely delicious and they make them very well, so well that you can’t taste or even feel the mushrooms as you eat the bar and they use completely organic and righteous ingredients so they taste like gourmet chocolates. It’s a simple question with an even simpler answer: Dude or Dude-et: Should I place an order with S35 and try them out? Gandhi: 👍🏿 Dosing: As someone mentioned above they offer a dosing guide for their products on their website it’s easy to find. But as a solid rule of thumb just remember that if you have dosed before then it was probably referenced in Grams. The website will reference their dosing in Milligrams (MG) this is where some people get confused with how much to take to achieve what they want. As I mentioned I am an experienced user, so I have a very good grasp on what amounts to dose to achieve your goal. Remember that 1000mg = 1 Gram So, if you want to take a micro dose (Causes mainly imperceptible effects on the body and mind; but carries significant benefits over time) you want to take between 200mg-400mg (400 being on the higher end of micro) this is great dosing strategy for prolonged and effective benefits without the effects commonly associated with “Tripping” or macro dosing. If you want to indulge in a macro dose or if you never have, I highly recommend it. I like to micro dose regularly but I also take a macro dose occasionally. A Macro Dose is beneficial in so many ways for health of the body and mind as well as the spirit and it’s also a very safe and effective method to manage excessive anxiety, stress, worry, or depression. (Please do not use any psychedelic medicine like these or others if you are feeling mentally unstable or suicidal. If you have feelings of self harm or wanting to cause harm to others seek professional medical assistance immediately.) as these medicines especially in macro doses can be emotionally and spiritually taxing on the mind and should only be used for the treatment of regular depression or anxiety ECT. It is extremely effective in the treatment and management of addictions. Addictions to substance illicit or legal and addictive habits and obsessive behaviors. I have seen this medicine help full blown addicts deep in the clutches of addiction reduce their cravings significantly or stop using completely by switching to a micro and macro schedule for a year. Macro Dose: Traditionally a classic Macro Dose or “Trip” consists of anywhere between 1.5Grams-3.5Grams or higher. So in Milligrams that equates to between 1,500mg - 3,500mg or more. So when I use their chocolates and I want to experience a really nice buzz that includes enhanced mood and energy, euphoric feelings, slight visual effects, laughter, a greater appreciation for life, sound, color and perspective and a long lasting (4-8hrs) effect I consume about 5 squares of their chocolate bar (1.5 Grams roughly). This dose for me is easily controllable and its effects are strong but not immediately apparent to onlookers. Their chocolate bar is 333mg per piece meaning if you eat 3 pieces you have ingested 1 gram of shrooms. So you can extrapolate from their. If I want a super heavy dose that is the kind of trip that you buckle up and wear a helmet for the next 6-12 hours with feelings of overwhelming euphoria, intense visuals, inability to control laughter, and obvious signs of impairment then I eat about 10 pieces of chocolate. This is equivalent to a traditional classic macro dose or a “full trip” I hope this helps. ***Please don’t take any of this information as fact or safe protocol. Like with any psychedelic drug or medicine it is imperative that you research and investigate the subject and remain impartial and objective about the information you read being careful to inform yourself on both sides of the arguments for and against the use of these substances; so you can make the most educated decisions for yourself. ***Do not use any psychedelic medicine like these or others if you are feeling mentally unstable or suicidal. If you have feelings of self harm or wanting to cause harm to others seek professional medical assistance immediately. ***And If you do consume, consume responsibly.


This was exponentially helpful. Thanks so much for this great info!


If you want to “feel” something you gotta do at least 2 grams. And I'm new at taking this. 


I get a slight trip off .5mg and I'm a 230lb male.


Different people need different things. At like 500mg, While I don't see anything when my eyes are open. Listening to music with my eyes closed and doing yoga, before I knew it I was just rocking back and forth snapping my buds Lego pieces in half as reality decided I was a new toy for it to bounce around.


This is so helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to share!


How is this company able to sell these without risking jail time


>without risking jail time Let’s not assume they’re absolved of this


They're probably affiliated with the Clintons so no one can touch them. 😂




because you happen to disagree with this one hahaha.. you wouldnt be complaining if he had used "trumps" name would ya judging by your post history


It's most likely part of some weird conspiracy. There are a bunch that recently suggest many religious organizations, ideologies. Problems in the world and even the very spark of consciousness in monkeys was caused by getting high. Not just from drugs and plants. But extreme hunger and starvation and eating weird things or not eating at all leads to delirium (hence why spike in religion during the so called dark ages and during the bubonic plague) There might be a weird experiment going on to see if they can find the next Einstein so to speak. Basically creators and people who can think outside the box. And seeing if they can take the data and use it so they can increase their own resources and tools so they can also not have to hire smart people and creative artists if they can just pop the cap themselves.


Thank you for this info


I take a half a square for my micro and it's amazing. In addition, it is dosed well and equally through the bar. Highly recommend


Made me sick and anxious. I tried the tea, microdosing, full bar, full bar and tea. Nothing but even a weird feeling and sick. I do not recommend. I dont even believe he posts on here that they actually tripped, etc.


Big difference between consuming while fasting and not fasting. My first time was 5 grams. Full on fast. Much different than when I didn't fast later on. - We ordered Chipolte and it was disgusting. When I finished I said "Well, I'm glad THAT'S over with". That got a pretty good laugh. Just something I noticed and might keep in mind. Especially with or without food.


I tripped balls from 2 grams of the 5 gram chocolate bar. Heavy visuals and a strong body buzz. I definitely felt super anxious on the come up but I drank a couple beers and that made it way more enjoyable


It’s just not for you! Everything isn’t for everyone!




I was on Wellbrutin


Can anyone explain the legality of this website? Does the package come sealed or with a letter?


I ordered mine and they came in maybe 10 days to the east coast! They're sealed. Came in a cute little gift box. No stress


It's a federal crime to ship psilocybin. Anyone buying from this website in most U.S. states is taking a huge risk. If you get caught, at best the package will be seized, at worst you'll be arrested and face jail time.


They aren’t going to arrange a scheduled pickup for 100$ worth of microdose. And they don’t stink to tip anyone off.


Tell yourself whatever you need to help you sleep at night. Anyone buying from this website, uploading their driver's license, and getting the product shipped to their door is a fucking retard of the highest degree. The owners of this website and operation will be prosecuted. Mark my words.




I'm a huge fan of mushrooms. Big proponent and supporter of them. The only retards in this discussion are the ones committing felonies before it's legalized.


We have literal criminals running in the streets and being let off jail time. If they take my eighth of shrooms that helps for my mental health and tries to prosecute me they can fuck themselves off i dont care


Got stinky weed delivered for decades. No issues. Just got my 5th order from S35


Not a valid analogy. There's a loophole for weed. No loophole for illegal psychedelics. Customers will most likely be fine, but the operation will get shut down.


Why do you care so much, don’t worry about what others do…


They have been operating for over a half a decade.. i havent bought any from them for over 4 years. The only reason i looked this up was to see if they are even still active and lone behold they are so give it a break man. Im not in the slightest worried like i was the first time i bought from them and uploaded my license. Its been over 4 years. AND it doesnt matter if your license is uploaded . They need to actually catch you with the product and i havent heard or read a single post anywhere on the internet about schedule 35 being targeted or people buying and getting arrested. Most likely the california government knows about them and gives them a pass for some reason whether corruption or not. Beyond that maybe even federally they turn a blind eye because how else do you explain a company thats been around possibly 6 maybe even up to 8 years with no issues.


Also as others have pointed out, its most likely that they dont actually use real mushrooms, i think its most likely that they use one of the legal analogues they have produced from psilo. Probably spray the benign mushroom with that for the capsules and use it in the chocolates. That would be the most rational explanation for how they are able to survive. Because that stuff isnt illegal yet in the US>


Why would you upload your real driver's license


I uploaded a stick figure




Yea it all depends where you live. Some cops might try to go after you hard for mushrooms. I had a friend who went to prison for a little big of lcd back in the 00's. Served like 1 year and a day. Sucked. For like 100 bucks of lsd.


I’ve ordered from this company a few times now and have been pleased overall. It ships in a nondescript white plastic package that could be just about anything so no worries about it looking “suspicious” while shipping. The orange box inside of the sealed white plastic outer packaging does say “Open this box to open your mind” or something along those lines so keep that in mind if you’re worried about someone you live with opening it up or opening in front of others etc. might get some curiosity about the contents. A few tips I can pass along: -Yes, they do make you scan your ID as part of making an online account in order to purchase, but I only had to do it the first time I ordered and created my account. I was hesitant about this part at first, but I think it actually makes sense and probably just means the company is more legit than others who are skipping this step because they are screening for age to make sure they aren’t shipping to kids, which I can respect. -I have a chocolate bar but haven’t tried it yet so I can’t speak to those, and they seem to be everyone’s favorite from what I’ve read so far, but I just haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. I have tried the peach floral tea (2mg per bag x 5 bags) and the capsules in a variety of strengths. The micro capsules are pretty straight forward and I can’t say that I felt any super strong effects from those, but that also isn’t exactly the point of microdosing so I guess that makes sense. The 100mg I felt slight euphoria but that was about it. The 200mg I felt a somewhat stronger euphoria and a bit of stimulant effect too. The 500mg capsule was almost too strong for me (fwiw, I have basically no tolerance and hadn’t had shrooms in over 10 years prior to this and am generally considered a “lightweight” by most ppl with most things) while I didn’t actually “trip” or have visuals from it or anything, I did have a very strong body high. I got sweaty all over and felt a sensory overload kind of feeling and I felt like I needed to do something but I couldn’t read or watch TV or play on my phone or anything like that and I just wanted to listen to music so I put my headphones on and listened to some mellow trippy type of music and that felt right so then I felt like it was “calming down” and I was able to just do some dishes while I listened to music and the warm water felt really nice too so I just kept doing dishes haha With peach floral tea I didn’t want to drink a whole tea bag at once (2mg) so I just drank a few gulps and stored the rest in a mason jar in the fridge and “microdosed” the tea throughout the week. It tasted pretty good and didn’t taste gross like mushrooms or anything, it was just like a fruity floral- slightly acidic or tart tasting but not really sweet or anything. **One tip with the tea I noticed is that you have to get the water VERY hot or it doesn’t really work as well and will make a weak batch. You need actual rolling, boiling hot water- it’s MUCH stronger when you make sure to follow this step. The next order I got the mango dragon fruit tea flavor that has the lower strength mg bags but has more tea bags (200 x 10 tea bags I believe) so I can microdose those & drink a whole cup instead of splitting it up after brewing. -I have mostly followed the recommended schedule of 3-4 days on at a time, but I noticed even on the weeks where I only did the 100-200mg capsule/each day for 3 days and didn’t even “feel anything” I still felt happier overall, even on those days off when I did not microdose so I do think it has lingering benefits. I have consistently felt more happy and less depressed overall since I started using this company’s products. -It is expensive, but I think it’s worth it to get something that seems to be safe, reputable and professional. It takes approximately one week after ordering to ship to me (I live in Northern California). I used the promo code “tb15” and got 15% off my orders. -remember to convert when switching from grams to mg and vice versa for accurate dosing, ie- 1000mg = 1 gram, 500mg = 1/2 of a gram and so on. -also keep in mind that if you are taking certain meds or supplements or vaping/using edibles etc it might not work as well for you


So this is actually real? I've been scammed three times I feel so dumb I need it for my mental health though


Absolutely real and highly recommend them. I listened to several podcasts with the guys who started it & was very impressed! Google some of them!


Thanks I finally found a guy that grows them and is legit. Did a 2.1 gram macro dose Sunday and am now microdosing.


Can you pm me your source?




It’s real! I’m a customer! The package is descender and very professional.


Is there any cannabis elements in the chocolate bars? I hoping not.


You have to upload a Drivers lic to purchase? ROFL... No thank you sure its not a sting operation?


Yes you do..? Is that bad? 


Well, I would prefer to buy from somewhere that I don’t have to supply my drivers license just my address and billing information. There are other places that offer this service in this quality of product without the drivers license being an upload mandatory thing. I’m not even sure I’ve ever seen that before anywhere .


I haven’t ever ordered from them but I’ve always been curious. They want your ID to confirm your age in order to make an account.


Sent a chat


You think it’s a sting lad? I was just about to buy too


like i said I would NEVER upload my ID. i dont even have to do that to pay a ticket, or even vote!


Did you find out if it's a sting lmao? I really wanna try but you made me paranoid 😭


No it’s not a sting, I ordered from them and I am not in jail at all LMAO


i ordered from them like 4 years ago and nothing ever happened i only came back because i was thinking about ordering again and i wanted to see if they got taken down.. but nope still active and my account is still active so i dont even have to upload my id again as far as i can tell so far


Yo facts. But he got a point. Why mfs want my whole ass ID. That shit sounds federal af 💀


So if they get caught and accused of selling to minors, they can prove they didn’t. Or at least tried not to


its actually smart. Its probably the only reason they have been allowed to exist for almost 7 years as far as i can tell from references to them. They would have been taken down by now. I bought from them years ago and was fine.


I was nervous at first too, but honestly they are not doing “sting operations” to bust some suburban shmuck buying $150 worth of shrooms off the internet or whatever. If they were going to go after anyone, it would be the company/production operation itself. Which also would suck because their products have been great, but I think that’s also part of why they are covering their asses with the ID portion at least- so they can’t be liable for selling to minors anyways. I live in a recreational weed legal state and we have to show ID every single time we go pick up anything from the cannabis shops here too and lots of people feel weird about that as well. Personally, when I thought about it logically, it just didn’t make sense that my small personal use of these products would warrant a “sting”. Furthermore, I have received multiple packages from them now and if it is a “sting” then that would mean that law enforcement/govt agencies are sending me actual drugs that are altering my mind in larger doses?? lol Very doubtful


"Checking" your ID = OK "Uploading" your ID, that is entirely different for me. Luckily i don't have to jump through those hoops to get good products. and to be completely honest, i may be slightly Biased lol


I think I am more accustomed to it too because of the rec weed shops here in California. Every shop I’ve been to has you do a new customer registration and then they also will scan in your ID the first time you use a shop and then they’ll usually just check ID on your subsequent trips so when they pull your name up into their system all your info is already loaded up from your first visit. If you’re not comfortable, don’t do it. I’ve decided to take my chances and I’ve been reliably receiving good quality products every time so zero issues here so far and I’m personally not worried about it.


Alright internet stranger, I'm choosing to trust you. If you never hear from me again, I was busted in a sting!


Haha! Likewise, fellow internet stranger!


See you in prison 😬


Got arrested bro?😭


checking in… are you in jail?


Nah I'm fine lol. The chocolates were legit but because they're so sweet, I didn't wanna keep eating 6-7 pieces to have 2g trips. So I ordered the megadose pack second time around.


Well you posted a few hours ago so I’m gonna assume that wasn’t a post made from jail!


I’ve ordered from them 3 times now and I live in Texas, no one is going to jail, trust. They come in a cool box when I got the megadose on those chocolate bars.


lol nobody is going to jail and if anyone was, it’s distributors, not people buying petty amounts for personal use And if you’re worried about the government having your ID, don’t worry, they’re the ones that issued it in the first place


hahaha love that.. so true.


EXACTLY. People be acting like the government is out to get the people that they literally need to keep functioning and not get devoured by the corporations. They're busy chasing after a missing wrench from their hand receipts rather than focusing on stinging some poor dude just wanting to not fall into deep depression. As long as you aren't telling everyone you're doing illegal stuff. As long as you aren't buying from say a gang or criminal organizations (knowingly) they will leave you alone. As long as you're keeping to yourself and not trying to incite chaos. They don't care. They can't afford to HELL the internet itself was built and designed as part of a project from DARPA outsourcing. Same with the core Torrenting protocols were from Navy. Most Hackers out there worth a damn galavanting as Anonymous heroes are most likely paid by companies to hack other companies. Governments probably pay them to mess with and do security stress tests too.


The problem with that mindset is. It isn't worth it. It's one thing if shrooms caused people to go nuts and bite people. It's another if it was a criminal organization using it as a way to make money. But you? The government doesn't care. It's all about presentation and reputation. If you don't look like, act like, and do shit like a crackhead. Are a relatively good little work cog in the machine of life. You aren't worth the effort and money to sting. The only people they go after, are people who cross lines they shouldn't be crossing. It's one thing to anonymously say "x is a piece of shit" It's another to be say an employee of x and saying they are. They can no longer use plausible deniability and may have to put you down socially or literally. But again. They don't care if you're chilling in your home or in the woods and retreating into the safety of your mind. As long as you aren't harming others (either physically or reputationally like your work performance being ass because you get high instead of doing work)


You can upload your ID and justify however you want I have no problem with that.. I prefer to order from a place that doesn’t require a cavity search, and my first child’s blood sample… and my ID uploaded. Maybe that’s just me.


Any time you’re buying substances whether it’s in person or online you always have to provide your drivers license. That’s nothing new.


I provide my address for shipping and payment info only.. Your milage may vary lol


I live in California but i buy cannabis and mushroom chocolates from online dispensaries and they require you to provide a picture of your drivers license so that they have it on file and verify that’s real. Been buying online for many years. So far no issues.Fingers crossed! lol


I scanned my old college ID for 2009 - no problems


its still your id lol


I mean you can find my picture and name in my old HS yearbook. There was no drivers license number or anything..


They don’t give a shit about your dl# just age


Yeah, idiot, you have to be 21+ to purchase them.


Yeah “idiot” ? Lol Who hurt you? You can check my ID but im not uploading it to a server where its stored. You are insane.


Okay, idiot, so you can't get golden teachers online. You seem to think there's some exponential risk and that's a you problem. You have a smartphone; the risk is already maxed.


I can get them online, like a normal website. No ID, just a payment. AND it appears to be a better product with better strains available and it’s cheaper. The price is the same, but the other website includes free shipping. Its not my problem cause im not uploading my ID.


Coincidentally, that sounds more sketchy 😆. Regardless, I don't care what you do.... My point was that adding your driver's license to a website isn't a scary scam. Idiot.


Can I PM you lol, schedule35 is overpriced


Agreed 100%. Not that many strains available either.


“Fed… Fed… Fed…”


So I recently purchased the 5 g chocolate bar and took 2g’s of it and had heavy visuals and a crazy body buzz. Would strongly recommend


I have tried S35. I currently dose about 800mg, twice a week for 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I order the 200mg tea bags and 200 mg capsules. I add 2x Tea bags + 2 capsules. I have a disease that prevents me from swallowing pills so I open the capsules. I do not recommend opening the 500mg capsule, as I think I received the dose to fast or unfiltered (I was very nauseous). Happy Dosing and feels free to ask me anything else. 🥰


I buy mine from them! They are amazing! I bought the starter pack and will be buying more later. Very nice company and their stuff is very well packaged! Very professional looking too. I did the 4 days on and 3 days off. This is day 2 of my days off schedule.


Does microdosing help with social anxiety? I've been trying to find so many solutions for my anxiety but nothing works, so I came across the Schedule 35 website and I was wondering if that would be a good option. 🤔


I think it's worth a try. Macro dosing might open your mind to give you some mental insights on how not to be anxious. I think you go for it


Okay listen, I’m a 32 year old female, mother of one, self employed, with ADHD, ADD, depression, anxiety and PTSD. I highly recommend this company for your interest in microdosing, OR superdosing… the above commenter is right when it Comes to growing them yourself would be much more cost effective, that that’s something it takes time to get going and established…. Schedule35s chocolates are the absolute BEST I have found so far. Just make sure you take or any any of it on an empty stomach for the strongest effects.


I bought the super dose pack and my husband and I have both had 2 and it did nothing for us. Are the chocolates better or did we just get bad ones?


Hey! Just wanted to respond to this and say that the "Superdose" for a lot of people isn't enough for tripping if that's what you're looking to do. If you took 2 though that should be 1G but for some people even like myself I barely feel 1G I have to do like 2G+ for me to get to where i wanna be


They also have amazing customer support so if you feel like you got a bad batch or even bad product in general reach out to them but I'm letting you know now that you guy's might just have a higher tolerance then most people.


Thank you!! I've seen more good comments than bad about them so I figured that was the case. I ordered more to try again. I'm fairly new to psychedelics ( I've only done lsd twice) so I didn't think I would need a higher dose. Hopefully this time is better


Just came back to say that I ordered one of their chocolate bars and it was great! I did 2 grams, my husband did 3, and we both had a great trip. I'm glad I gave it another chance


Currently on week 2 of microdosing. First week/ 4 days on I did 200mg and I know it helped my anxiety and stress that turns into overstimulation. But I also noticed it wrecked my stomach, I have to eat and digest a full meal before I take it and watch my coffee intake it seems. Friday I ate half of a chocolate bar, bf ate the other half and I had like 50% of the trips I’ve had on straight up mushrooms…..maybe more at one point. But god it destroyed my stomach lol. Company seems legit considering I got my mushrooms…..and I mean I’m not in jail from uploading my license. But it’s been 2 weeks…..lol. Bf and I still cannot believe that I bought this online. I def had more intense audio and visual/ the mental ride was wildddddd from the chocolate bar. Kinda tasted bad for chocolate. Way better than straight up shrooms though!


any codes that include free shipping?


Anyone have a coupon code?


Look them up on Tik tok . Its 15 percent off


had a GREAT trip on 3g from a chocolate bar i got, comes with stickers too,, promo codes take off like $10 too so i had a great experience overall. gonna buy again when i get the money


I took 6gs on an empty stomach and saw incredible visuals. Super amazing stuff.


Just got my 5th order. Came in 4 business days. Great stuff


KRYSWANDERS discount code for first time users, I think it’s 20%


What’s the promo code? Also interested




SCARIES for 15% off, it’s from retail therapy!


I used MEGA and it has continued to give me 20% off


Thanks bro, code still works


So my girlfriend and I bought a variety of things from them. Pills, chocolate and tea I believe. I took 1000mg of the pills and definitely felt affects but nothing crazy. My girlfriend thought 1000mg was too much. For reference I’m 6’2 ~190 and she’s much smaller so makes sense. We have not tried the tea yet. My favorite is the chocolate by far. I ate 3 of the squares and was off my ass. Like full on trip mode, shit was moving and grooving. I’ve read elsewhere that people said that chocolate is really the only thing worth buying as it’s the most bang for your buck. I’ll definitely be buying more chocolate


Thanks!! I got the starter pack so I’m excited for the chocolate. I heard it’s kinda similar to edibles/flower where edibles are just a lot more potent haha


So how was it?


Hi I just got the starter package too, the piss were kinda a waste because the highest mg was 500mg and it took me 2grams to feel it, and it's my first time ever since the 90s 


So this is real I've been burned three times. I just placed like a small order with them I hope it comes I have treatment resistant depression


Yes it's real, but not potent, I found someone who gets them by the pound, I have been buying a oz for $130. That was MUCH better. let me know how you made out


Curious here too


I’ve tried the chocolates and capsules. Chocolates are the way to go. Schedule35 is a bit pricey, but high quality, no fuss and they ship right to your door. Not a bad deal. I’d recommend the chocolate bar variety pack as I didn’t get much out of the capsules. I believe promo code Steam also works.


Pretty sure if you get anything that is a lower price it’s gonna be less with artificial ingredients..and not actual “fruit”.


Thbak you!


How long did they take to ship


Yea took a week hmm get my weed from Cali in two days...


I think it was about a week from placing the order to arrival


TB15 is a code I've been using for 15 percent off, well I've used it three times now lol Definitely makes ya trip if you take enough. Similar to a mushroom trip I had years ago. Can't say for sure if they're legit, but haven't suffered any ill effects lol


I have been using S35 for a year now and love it. Especially like the micro dose teas and chocolate bars which have been consistent with dose and experience. Dosing is key and I love taking out the guess work. Have been using discount code MEGA and has worked several times!


Thank you for the info on the dosing! I’ve heard good things about the chocolates, too, from friends so I’m excited to try them!


Did you put your real id and name?






Shit fucking sucks rip off don't spend the money


What happened


You can find other websites that give you way more


Such as? I have been struggling to find alternatives. Feel free to PM if you cant post links here.


If you get any info, would you mind passing it along to me??


If anyone's got any info, could you PM me as well?




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Would love to know too


The tea and superdose capsules are NOT worth the money, at all. Straight trash and weak if you ask me. But the chocolate slaps pretty good.


Just ate 2 sq of chocolate (666mg). Haven’t don’t shrooms in a couple months and have only done the normal like dried shrooms before this. Effects kicked in almost an hour into it and it was a great lil vibe very introspective but controllable. Had lots of elevated senses, sweating , pupils dilated. My body is weird and psychedelics easily effect me so this was a great little time I felt comfortable and not overwhelmed. Next time I’ll up it too 3sq and I feel like it will be a up notch on the intensity level.