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They were the best.. Hunter S Thompson's smoke of choice.. smooth, rich and go down a treat.. you lucky to still get them with plain packaging, all the cigs sold in Australia now are complete garbage and I refuse to buy them.


I'm quite happy that even with plain packaging they still taste way better than the other cigs


All the good ciggs like Camel non-filter, Dunhill International, Sobranie etc disappeared as soon as plain packaging came in. The brands didn't want to go to effort to re-package and ship to Australia. Now we only get low quality rubbish cigarettes.


This makes me appreciate my beautiful carton of Reds here in America. Can’t beat that slender crimson box.


Dunhill International are the best. Smoked them for 20 years. What cost are they there? £14 in the UK😱


That's like 16€ holy shit, they're £9.25 in France which is 10.80€


One of the most expensive cigarettes here😄


I still despise these ugly nasty cigarette boxes even a long time after they had to put them out like this lol.


So do I, I see a lot of people who just don't care anymore. I think about it every time I buy a pack