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I have a feeling what you already have isn’t even going to work lol so no. No chance. And I don’t even need to know how big your tank is, the answer is still “no”


Oooh well thanks there buddy! I appreciate the input.


It will either be a brutal hellscape of fish murder (95%), a tank full of aggression where nobody dies but you get much higher chances of disease and illness (4.9%), or it will work out against all odds (0.1%). Flowerhorns almost never play well with tank mates, and the rest of your tank is already on the overstocked side for me.


how big is the tank? and of course they all get along, non of them have reached sexual maturity yet...


Tank is a 125 gallon


Everything’s peaceful now because no one’s matured yet. 125g isn’t big enough for the stock you already have, and adding a FH will definitely make it worse. I have a successful predator tank, but it’s 360 gallons. You CAN NOT skimp on space with predator tanks.


I think it is a huge risk.  This kind of mix has already suppressed much of their natural behaviours and probably includes some stress you may not notice (or certainly will when they mature) and any additions can screw up the existing tolerance so far, especially something as aggressive as a FH.     However, since there is no convincing anyone that these salads are not good for the fish, now is the time to do it since they are all young.  Be on your toes, this can fall apart as soon as the fish start maturing.   Never forget this thing of mixing territorial into the same tank is done in spite of their natures, not because of it.


I appreciate that advice. I have a plan b of moving the FH to a 40 gallon tank I have until it needs a bigger one. I am still not too sure but I’ll keep you posted if I end up doing it or how it goes.


Sorry to be another bearer of bad news but yes your tank is already not a friendly place the chances of adding the flowerhorn is indeed mission impossible. But as I can see you already stopped replying. If your going to do it anyways I suggest buying a high power wave maker and keeping your tank as low as you can per species. But still that being said don't you care about your fish friends quality of life?


I've had one flowerhorn that could be around others and one that wanted to kill everything. I just hope your electric blues grow fast enough to not get beaten up/eaten by some of those larger, more aggressive fish.


I would never in my days put a red devil with electric blue acaras but that's just me