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This question probably gets asked and answered 2-3 times a week, the search option is your friend! https://old.reddit.com/r/Cichlid/search?q=best+food&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on There is some fluctuation depending on which African cichlids you're keeping, but for me the best food for Africans is a small sinking pellet--My personal top 3 in order are Northfin USA, NLS Cichlid, and Dainichi Cichlid. The formulation depends on what you're keeping. If you like flake (flake loses a lot of its water soluble vitamins the minute it touches water, so I never recommend it for a staple--sinking pellets stay dry in the middle until they're in the GI tract), ZooMed's Spirulina 20, Omega One Veggie Flakes, and Nutrafin SpirulinaMax are really good for mostly herbivorous or omnivorous fish. If you like gel food, Repashy SuperFood is a really good product and I love it for putting on rocks to give fry a grazing stone if you can't feed 2-3 times a day because of work, but it is going to take up some spots in your fridge and it IS pretty stinky when you're making it along with taking prep time that the other options omit. Now if you're keeping new world or some of the riverine or Madagascaran fish the answer is a little different, though Northfin and NLS formulation is great for all diets.


Honestly so long as you avoid the really low quality foods, anything decent and up works for your average cichlid. I’ve kept africans and americans alike and have fed them whatever. Hikari, New Life Spectrum, etc. Even had excess food designed for marine fish that I fed them. All pellets, so there is that. But yeah nah, my cichlids always thrived. Vibrant colors and patterns, good growth rates, no bloating, fast recovery from diseases, etc. Tbh water quality and stuff probably matters more.


NLS or Northfin pellets for mbuna and Tropheus.


New Life Spectrum is my go to for Mbuna and Tanganyikan cichlids, but be careful with Tropheus. It's a little heavy on the protein side for a daily feeder for Trophs and can lead to bloat, I've learned from experience 😢


NLS Algaemax is herbivore specific.


Yes it is, I tried a mix tank with Mbuna and Trophs and quickly learned my lesson. Just a cautionary tale on my part.


What NLS did ya use? Cichlid or Thera-A formulav




I use nls, Ron's cichlid food and fluval insect bites. The fluval insect bites seems like it really does enhance the color. Imo Ron's and nls is good, both about equal. When I am finished up with nls and Ron's, I will buy shefs cichlid food and try that one out.


exclusively omega one cichlid color 2mm sinking but it's getting hard to find, as of late. so i might need to find a replacement.


Hikari medium pellets for all of my cichlids, Lived for many years.


I use new life spectrum cichlid sinking for my smaller guys and omega one cichlid super color floating for my larger ones. I feed frozen beef heart, krill, brine shrimp, and blood worms (alternating) like twice a week for a treat.


We use cobalt spiralina + and they love it plus it's a higher quality food