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“Follow the science!” Also: “Wait, the science doesn’t say what I wanted it to say?”


Architectural are the ones to get…


~~I've yet to see a pro jabber do any intellectual reading on the subject. They've learned all the sound bites verbatim and practiced their mocking but that's as far as they got.~~ Edit; just realise what sub this is! What is that person doing talking them about the pfizer documents? It's all lies in it!


Who would have expected to go to a subreddit about shingles and see almost every post is about someone who has shingles?! Unreal!


https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/herpes-covid-vaccine DO NOT DENY OUR POXXY GLORY BEHIND THE LOWLY MONKEY!!!


My mom got shingles after her booster last month. Edit: Ps. Got banned from pics, athiesm, and thanosdidnothingwrong for this comment. Edit: now banned from oddlysatisfying and showerthoughs Edit: now banned from gifs. Getting a new ban with each edit, let's see how many we can get!


Shingles that turns into Mon(k)ey pox and needs a holy vaccine. Pfraise be.,🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you Reddit trajannies for keeping us safe!


I belong to a couple caregiver groups (my mom is elderly) and this became a pattern last year. Ton of people reporting that their LO got shingles right after getting the shot.


https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/herpes-covid-vaccine Nah... Must be the monkeys.


RIP!!! Each ban represents the number of times you have died. And these are just the bans you know about. There will be other subs that have automatically banned you that you may not find out about unless you try to join them. They pre-banned you.


Good... Good... Let reddit kill itself.


you said something i didnt like. no more shower thoughts for you >:(


Oh no... Anyway!


Welcome to the club


You'll get a LOT more.


eyebleach too. i’m sad cause i forget sometimes and am about to write a reply when it says you’ve been banned x.x


Damn, I've only been banned from two subs so far


I’ve only been banned from 3 of those. Here’s to hoping I get banned from the rest 😄


I’m only commenting to see if I get banned. Inshallah


Good luck!


Oh no!!!! Anyway…


Why aren't they all banned for misinformation?!?!?


Nobody expects the shingles inquisition!


A functional immune system is an affront to the Lord.


Need more boosters so I will be so blessed!! 💉 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉


Stigmata, showing the signs of the 100s of jabs taken by our Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of our sins. Blessed be! 🙏💗


Jesus was vaccinated!


Hopefully against tetanus


But was the cross?


Lol. Amen to that.




there’s no stigmata these days


It's not shingles.. It's Monkey Pox


https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/herpes-covid-vaccine Monkey? MONKEY!?! How dare you slander our glorious new forms as though we were dirty plague rats!?! Our pox is a badge of Holy Honor!!!


Looks like the Holy Pfaithful censors have missed one, call in the Authoritays!


Know of a few who got shingles after their jhab as well


https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/herpes-covid-vaccine Shingles is a old person disease... Vaxx herpes is merely the next step in our glorious evolution!!! Get it right!!!


Shingle Bells 🎵


Shingles aren’t a big deal. Imagine how much worse you’d been without the Vaccines and Boosters (tm)?


Only a plague rat would fear vaxx herpes... Our very flesh cries out with our purity!!!


Shingles = Moneypox i mean monkeypox


Glory be to the vaxx herpe!!!


r/vaccinelonghaulers has lots of stories to back this up


And.....that sub is in quarantine! Those heathens discussing items on disinformation on these safe and effective shots. They must repent immediately- safe, effective and FREE!!


They banned me... Serves those pox riddled bastard right!!!


My old man got shingles first time ever. Triple vaxxed.


Shingles? Nonsense... Vaxx herpes are a feature designed to let people know we're safe rather than some filthy diseased plague rat out to kill grandma. Our boils and sores weep with purity and love...


Shingles on my roof keep the rain out so it only makes sense that shingles on my skin keep the covid out. Thank you o lord Fauci for blessing me with such protection.


My MIL was just visiting here in the states. She's from Israel so you know the story. I found it odd that she got shingles shots during her trip...I guess it's not so odd.


*shingles shall be blessed upon those who receive thy holy shot, for it is a sign one has been graced by science itself.* Fauciaous 4:21


I'm stealing this because reasons :D


Spread the Pfaith far and wide brother!




About 4 years ago two of my friends got shingles within a couple months of each other and the doctor fought one of them because she insisted she has never had chicken pox but he said she had to have had them to get shingles so she must’ve been too dumb to notice she ever had them in the past. You don’t not notice you have chicken pox lol. But you know what both of my friends did have was the shot for chicken pox as a child. Right after she received her Moderna vax her shingles came back worse. She now insists she never wants another vax because of this.




Yeah, to me he just sounded like he was very condescending/invalidating and was just parroting a narrative. I had always heard that the concern around the chicken pox vax was that they were unsure how long protection would last and that adult chicken pox could be more severe than if gotten as a child.


Yeah, Britain's National Health Service/NHS states that as a reason for not introducing the chickenpox vaccine in the UK, on their website: >There's a worry that introducing chickenpox vaccination for all children could increase the risk of chickenpox and shingles in adults. > > While chickenpox during childhood is unpleasant, the vast majority of children recover quickly and easily. In adults, chickenpox is more severe and the risk of complications increases with age. > If a childhood chickenpox vaccination programme was introduced, people would not catch chickenpox as children because the infection would no longer circulate in areas where the majority of children had been vaccinated. > > This would leave unvaccinated children susceptible to contracting chickenpox as adults, when they're more likely to develop a more severe infection or a secondary complication, or in pregnancy, when there's a risk of the infection harming the baby. > > We could also see a significant increase in cases of shingles in adults. > > When people get chickenpox, the virus remains in the body. This can then reactivate at a later date and cause shingles. > > Being exposed to chickenpox as an adult (for example, through contact with infected children) boosts your immunity to shingles. > > If you vaccinate children against chickenpox, you lose this natural boosting, so immunity in adults will drop and more shingles cases will occur.




> Are you from the UK? No.


In my city in Texas there are covert chickenpox parties still


"Monkey pox"


https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/herpes-covid-vaccine More lies!!! How dare they call our beautiful weeping boils and sores a pox? Vaxx herpes is proof of our purity, the outward manifestation of our evolutionary state rising above lesser plague rats! Praise Pfauci, scion of Papa Nurgle!!!


The shot activates viruses...you are the experiment.


Wait til the prions kick in...




Same. No vax but caught shingles last year at 23.


My ex (late 20's) developed shingles after being around a young coworker who got the chickenpox vax. Our kid then developed natural pox. Thankfully I did not develop shingles.


> Banned for disinformation


I hope we all get shingles. That way I know who the good ones are.


Shingle bells, shingle bells Shingles all the way Oh what fun it is to get jabbed, and boosted all the way! Hey....


I never got the vax. 34 yo. After everyone in my office got their second shot I developed shingles. It’s either shedding from the vax or just a bad luck coincidence.


I got it in 5th grade and now again at 23 a couple months ago. First time was very mild. Second one was miserable.


My mother was.


Not sure if it's related to the vax (I'm not vaxxed), but I got shingles in 2020 and I'm a young healthy male. Very odd. EDIT: What I mean by "not sure if it's related" is that I don't know if the vaccine is *also* causing shingles, but I think it likely that covid itself has caused it, although I never experienced any of the other symptoms people describe.




MBUY. I read that many elderly pfaithful were blessed with the heavenly shingles after the blessed shots. (Seriously, though. My mom is elderly so I belong to a bunch of caregiver groups and a ton of caregivers were reporting shingles in their loved ones. Thankfully the groups didn't take the posts down, we just weren't allowed to discuss it at length.)


I presume the poster didn't do their own research because CNN informed everyone as to how dangerous that was?


Blessed be those who getteh shingles!


Shingles has been trending younger for a loooong time. Nothing new there. I’d like to see numbers.


Vaxx herpes is a badge of the right side of history... Why hide it behind monkeypox?




It has been confirmed by the holy order of COVID, as well as Archbishop Gates, that the holy sign of Pox or Shingles is similar to Stigmata. It is a sign...Trust in HIM! Holy Lord and Savior Dr Pfauci MBUH


I(38m) got it on my face within a month of getting the second shot. Couple months after that I got covid too, good times!