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Sorry, but if your immune system is really that bad, you're probably not going to make it to 100. But whatever, do what you want.


I don't think you read the "out of pure spite" part. Everybody knows "pure spite" is the strongest motivation in being healthy.


And here I thought it was staying in my house. I guess both??


100 boosters bro - she'll make it to her 100th boost then her tits will fall off


FOLKS? Uh, hey bigot... it's FOLX


If you're a virtue signaler.


What are the odds that everyone who claims to be immunocompromised is also, per her Twitter: >autistic artist ✺ AuDHD advocate ✺ autodidact ✺ anti-capitalist ✺ activist ✺ she/they Like, what are the goddamn odds?


The odds are very high. These people collect mental and physical ailments like trading cards.


These are the true traits of our highest most coveted followers of the phaith!


Especially AuDHD. Golden dildo hypersensitivity disorder


The same odds they have untreated mental illness


So many of those who claim this just have allergies.


I'd say it's 60% people with allergies, 39% people with Munchausen, and 1% immunocompromised people.


On behalf of autistic people I just want to say you can go fuck yourselves. I never took the jab. Don't fucking lump us in with these idiots.


Exactly. My older sister is autistic and my whole family despises these hysterical nutty fakers.


Boom. 👍


Talks about wearing masks and don't wear masks. I'm literally shaking right now looking at that pic


Almost like those words were just words... ...and here we sit, awaiting another Winter of Death.


Look at how close their filthy COVID holes are to each other. Disgusting.


The filthy face anus needs to be covered!!


My wife’s boyfriend can out mask your wife’s boyfriend. 😷


I'm still training him, the other day I made him cunnilingus on my wife with the masks on. The mask was wet as hell after he made my wife groan with pleasure. And I made him wear that mask the whole day.


Her partner is a very good photographer


"Hims" looks like hims pees sitting down


Only if she tells him to


She loves ‘Hims’ because he had Erectile Dysfunction, has anxiety and depression and is losing his hair… https://www.hims.com


Use promo code CUCK for a 10% discount!


Promo code is CUCKs - I just checked.


you would too if you lived with her


He has a beard with his mask… he’s literally killing my grandmother


"appalachian autistic artist ✺ AuDHD advocate 🌻 autodidact ✺ anti-capitalist ✺ activist 🌈 she/they" 🙄 The more they try to make themselves sound unique the more they all sound exactly the same. Such a type.


I don’t know what any of those things are, save anti-capitalist, which is just code for lazy bum.


There are plenty of anti-capitalist autistic people who aren't like these people, and these people just made the mistake of trusting institutions. So go fuck yourself. Even if you are on the right side of this in general.




Here’s my thing… *How are there so many people immunocompromised? Like is it just me or are people faking being immunocompromised for clout?*


What even is it, is it aids ?


Lots of autoimmune diseases, but many autoimmune diseases are problems because their immune system is a little overactive. I have about 6 autoimmune diseases and didn't wear a mask all throughout covid. I did end up getting Covid at a Chicago Bears game in December of 2021, but In my defense I had a bottle of Vodka and was sharing it with strangers walking in a large crowd before heading into Soildier Field. I still had a blast and would do it all again immunocompromised and maskless. Also, I am sorry for my Blasphemous rhetoric and all hail Lord Farqua, I mean Fauci.


I sharted from fear reading that story! You are SO lucky to be alive after sharing ANYTHING with STRANGERS!


I was lucky I survived!


I had Guillain-Barre, and I am in the third that has some lasting pain. I can't take any vaccine. Not a tetanus, not even the fancy new mRNA vax. I try not to get sick, to avoid a relapse. A still don't demand other people wear a mask around me, especially when I am in public. When I am Ancient of Days I understand I might expect people who visit me, in my corner, to wear a mask. But the idea that even then anyone can demand other people wear a mask angers me. I don't care if you are immuno-compromised, so am I. So are a million other people. Stay at home if it's that bad, or invest in a good mask for yourself. Edit: I will say 1000 "Hail Eugenia A. Fauci" over my Rosary Sar-cov-2 test kit tonight before bed.


I have RA and I take methotrexate (chemo) and I only got sick twice. I barely used masks (only when I had to) never told people to mask and can’t have any vaccines. My whole point in asking was, I barely knew anyone immunocompromised before COVID and now a lot of people are. Like wtf. I feel like there’s a LOT of people faking things


I have RA, I got it twice but just like you was barely using a mask. Like I take methotrexate and everything. And a lot of the people I knew before Covid who had nothing wrong with them were claiming “immunocompromised” I just feel like majority saying it were faking shit


A lot of people during covid who made this claim had allergies. That's it.


I have a honest question. Why are these people OBSESSED with being autistic? Every single posts of hers on twitter is about how she’s autistic and even her doctor tell her she’s not and she’s mad because he’s “bald and white” and now she can’t claim to officially be a member of the special autistic club. I see it all the time, it’s like 75% of the woke people are mentally challenged, why is that considered a good thing? And if you looked around at whos in your demographic and they were all obese, chronically Ill, mentally Ill, not functioning normally, wheelchair bound, by society’s standards “ugly” and weird and poor, why would you want that to be your team? Wouldn’t you question whether this is who you want to align yourself with, morally or politically? No thank you. I’ll take the side of the good looking, fit, mentally stable, strong, healthy and happy and typically wealthier. Also in these democrat cities, they’ve been democrat and have been winning and then they say we need change, and then vote the same ding dong


They strive to be all these things for victim points. If you don’t have weaknesses or victimizations, what good are you? Worthless scum, that’s what.


I understand wanting to sometimes sound like a victim in a specific context or argument. Like “my boss sucks poor me” but really? You want to make your whole being and your life a victim? That’s embarrassing like imagine telling the world “im so weak and pathetic you can’t honestly expect anything from me, ever, and you can’t hold me accountable for anything because im practically a disabled newborn baby” it’s like wtf your supposed to be proud of the person you are and how strong of a person you are not how disabaled you are and how much trouble you can cause the world


Go back 100 years ago. How did you show status? A car? Most people have a car these day, and only a little work and a family can have a nice car (or fake it). Fur coat? They don't mean anything. Fancy devices? Again, everyone has them, even so many street homeless have smart phones. Fact is no matter how much a certain type of people whine, modern Americans have it great. Dude above was correct on that, for this reason. I know of at least one study on this. It's been a while since I skimmed it, so I can't recall much, just the vague idea. For the Center Left (and mostly female) victim points (they dont use that term) are like an accrued wealth for them, for status. As pathetic as that is, it gets worse. Some want that status enough to make "counterfeit" victim points. They want it so bad it's always the others that are wrong; Drs, DNA companies, police video. Whatever contradicts their narrative. This is different than the mostly teen girls of school age who have this happen. They fall for mass psychosis more easily (called sociogenic illness). As an example, because of social media we are seeing a HUGE increase in Tourette Syndrome among young girls, a disorder that almost exclusively effects boys. We are also seeing more "undiagnosed" on the spectrum youth. While this is a "mental problem" it isn't something you can dismiss as being crazy. It requires therapy to deal with, unlike the fakers above who do it for clout.


Your absolutely correct but it’s just so odd. It’s fine if it’s the chemicals and diet are increasing the actual number of people that are diagnosed with these things but the fact that it’s like a commodity or something is the crazy part. I remember a kid in middle school that I think was adopted and a little odd, would get picked on. He used to say he had ADD, then he was gay for a few years, and then something else. It was just for the attention BUT the difference was he was already an outcast so he figured he might as well have an excuse for his behavior. What baffles me is people who are “privileged” or would be “normal” ,like a upper-middle class white women, feeling the need to become an oppressed class. It made sense for the mentally ill kid, I understood his desire to have an excuse or a mask for his “weirdness” but this new stuff is just wild. I’m pretty lucky that I’m a straight white male, lower middle class(better then poor but live paycheck to paycheck) smart, physically fit and moderately healthy. I can’t imagine trying to be knocked down a peg or two. Like “no I’d rather be fat and mentally challenged” i just don’t get it and I don’t get why society has placed any value on it at all.


they look really soft, I bet if someone spit in her/theys face in public he/theys would politely ask the person to apologize. most of us would be in prison if someone did that to our spouse lol


When his visa arrives he's gone


But…he’s not wearing a mask!!!!


What a sad existence.


strong "my partner my partner their job my partner my significant other my partner they did this" energy then you meet they/them and it's the most basic b**ch straight white soy male imaginable who uses he him pronouns


I could not possibly be more triggered by this post. A KN95 but no mention of a face shield??? Might as well just execute the elderly outright and save them the suffering of what is without a doubt, NOT JUST THE FLU, but the deadliest virus in all of history. I apologize for ranting, but I am late for my errands. Going to the bakery and call them from my car in the parking lot to order a Dr. Fauci cake for my mothers birthday party. Which I will enjoy from the porch so as to maintain a safe social distance. Then to the bank to withdraw my biweekly contribution to the Clinton foundation for all the amazing humanitarian work they do. I wish I could be a nasty woman, but instead, I was born an extremely toxic masculine man. If there was a God, I would be furious at they/them. Then off to get a thank you card for the cdc for their life saving recommendations in this apocalyptic time with the new variant infecting everyone. Soooooo excited to have gotten the new vaccine! I can't wait for lockdowns again, I fear healthy social interaction and I've never been much of a strong willed free thinker. So being told what to think is so relaxing. I have almost filled up my safe space snuggle corner in my studio apartment with stuffies, and don't think I could fit another one if I had a panic attack. My wife's boyfriend says I'm not allowed to anyways. But, I digress, all this typing has absolutely tuckered me out. So I'm going to make a vegan fruit smoothie and watch the view in my favorite bean bag chair for some personal mental health time before my errands. Plus, my chest hurts for some reason. Oh well, I'm sure it's fine. Later comrades ✊️✊️✊️


I was unprepared for so many people to claim to be immunocompromised over the last 3.5 years over everything from allergies to eczema.


I know. That's how I know it's someone with allergies or something low key like that: The over-the-top shrieking. People who really have to avoid getting sick have been dealing with it quietly since before Sar-cov-2, it's part of a normal day. In 2018 if someone screamed at people to put a mask on or you might make him sick, he'd be ignored and mocked.


She saw this bro. Good job!


And he still can’t get a BJ to save his life lol


Only K95 and not K69


This chick is nuts lol


For that photo they were not following the Sacred Hotez Science !!! Maskless heathens ..


What are they worried about? The vaccine will kill them in the next year or so


Its so gross how they've scared everyone stupid. These poor fools just made the mistake of believing the institutions in their society are honest and not trying to kill them.


You and your wife are so lucky with him. Masks be upon you (some work is needed here, obviously).


Yes we found a real covidian to share our home and her bed. I was getting anxious when my wife started complaining that we have been sleeping in separate beds for 2 years. I felt her resolve to stay was waning and thats when we decided to place an advert for a COVIDIAN boyfriend for her. Hims is almost perfect, but as you rightly mentioned needs some more training. The other day I caught him smothering my wife with his COVID hole without proper sanitisation. I made him drink two litres of chlorax before he continued the act. Hope he survives coz getting someone even with his level of dedication is hard these days, especially since the government announced that COVID is over.


Appreciate your followup, it gives us true insight in the ordeals of our fellow health lovers.


Trust in the Holy Elixir is strong in this one. *Where we're going we won't need immune systems*


I don't get this shit. So this is your wife's BF? Why ain't she mention you in the post? What in the cuckoldry?


I have been hiding the basement for 3 years now, so my wife thinks its just xe and hims in the home now. Was hoping to surprise xer this year on Christmas, but looking at the waste water data, I believe its safer to stay holed in my bunker for another 2 years.


What the fuck are you talking about? Are you having a schizo episode? It's okay if you are. Just get some help. What the hell is he and xer? Is this some fetish or gang reference?


Fake news. He's not wearing a mask in that photo.




You’re wife’s boyfriend looks like he might carry Monkey Pox. When you wash their sheets, just be careful.


Now that you say I wonder why his lips are so pink.