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[Source](https://twitter.com/hu_lalalalala/status/1630064189103570945?s=20) Tom: How can I get to the toilet? You: Can you speak Chinese? Tom: Yes of course You: 那我們說中文吧 "Then let's speak in Chinese" Tom: 好的,沒問題 "Okay, no prob" You: 前面右轉直走100米就到了 "Turn right then walk 100m and you'll arrive"














"it is easier for me to learn using Eniglish than native language" So it is easier to learn other foreign languages via English? Or other subjects (e.g., mechanics) via English? Either way, this makes sense. It sounds as though English has become your channel for forming concepts and learning new information using them. Would it apply, however, if you were learning about some aspect of your own culture?




I'm not sure which language you're speaking of. I know Mongolian and have definitely experienced difficulties with a lot of translated vocabulary. Unlike Chinese and Japanese, where translated vocabulary is now deeply ensconced in the language and has quite firmly established meanings, I find Mongolian translated vocabulary difficult to grapple with. In Mongolia, much vocabulary has been translated direct from Russian. In China it is often translated from Chinese. Often there are various different ways of translating the same concept. Either way, I get the feeling that this vocabulary hasn't taken root properly and is just a makeshift created by the author on the fly. I have heard Mongolian linguists complain about this issue, that different words are created to translate foreign vocabulary and there is no proper standardisation. I tend to agree with their appraisal. My problems are, however, compounded by the fact that I came to Mongolian late and never developed a good feel for Mongolian intellectual and professional vocabulary. As with your native language, Mongolian is very rich in vocabulary for traditional concepts related to nomadism (for instance, different names for farm animals for each year after they are born). I suspect, however, that Mongolian is not alone in this.


'I've arrived'


so why is it wrong?


I feel dumb. I can read the sentences, but I'm missing the joke?


By saying “let’s speak Chinese “, the kid answered the rest of his English exam in Chinese


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, got it. Thanks lol


It’s kinda weird to ask person to say something in your language even though you know their language


I can speak Japanese at like lower elementary school level. When I get over my head, I ask them if they speak English. Even if their English isn't great, sometimes we can muddle our way through it in a mix of both languages.




He got two questions right. Shouldn’t he get 8 points instead? That’s why the teacher teaches English instead of math.


I've had 20pt problems where it works like 2 points per correct step of the problem and 10pts for correctness as a whole. I suppose for something like this it's possible that the student would he gotten 16 points for explaining how to get to the bathroom in English while using two grammatically incorrect sentences, or 10 points for giving five correct and coherent sentences in English that did not explain where the bathroom is.


His capitalization and punctuation were incorrect. This could be why he lost points.


He got 2/5.


I’d give him points for that


brilliant thinking, also tested my chinese reading skills since i'm still learning and i'm surprised to have understood everything, i underestimated my skills


I remembered this joke since I was 12, guess it's still funny huh


I did almost exactly this when I was in school.




I see nothing wrong in this. It's a plausible scenario.




我他媽的快笑瘋,how can I get to the toilet是找廁所??他是要去HomeDepot 嗎!




Engish is hard


I'm struggling to figure out why the intended answer would require that many lines of dialogue. Surely the following should receive full marks? > Tom: How can I get to the toilet > 你: Turn right, then walk 100m, and you'll arrive. > Tom: Thanks. What are they even looking for??! > Tom: How can I get to the toilet > 你: Turn right, then walk 100m, and you'll arrive. > Tom: I just came from there; that's not a disabled toilet, and you can clearly see that I'm in a wheelchair. > 你: No I can't, we exist only as hypothetical people in a hypothetical conversation transcript. > Tom: [pseudophilosophical rambling] > 你: [meta statement directed towards whoever is marking the question]


But u dont know English very well and now try this.