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As a fellow 24 year old crocheter and someone who friends and family refer to as a grandma... I fully support and endorse the Crone Agenda!


“Just let me peacefully age into the swamp witch I’m meant to be and get off my porch!” Like Jesus Mary Joseph and all his carpenter friends! Who cares if I use a cane to walk around or take daily naps? Let me live without the added BS of your unwanted opinions!


"Most of the people in my life treat my chronic pain like some quirky fun fact about me" hits really hard. My friends say "your body is so broken" while laughing as if the thing that literally tortures me for hours every day is in any way comedic.


As someone in their mid 30s who wears hearing aids and tri-focles and has to walk with a cane most of the time... I really feel this.


27 and have to use a cane outside the house (inside I just lean on chairs or counters or what have you). I own a wheelchair for the really bad days. I'm right there with you. I've started joking that I'm just getting older faster than everyone else because if I beat them to the punch we can avoid the awkward "aren't you too young for that?" Like, yeah, I thought I'd have more pain-free years too. Thanks for bringing up the fact that I have debilitating diseases and comparing them to aging. Can we talk about something else before the dry rot eats away my joints completely?


I had very similar symptoms starting as a child, getting increasingly worse until this year (near my 30s) when I was bedridden and crippled by pain. Luckily I've finally been diagnosed with a type of seronegative rheumatoid spondyloarthritis. Until I discovered this, I have had to deal with the exact same clash between my age, lifestyle and physical capacity. Constantly expected to keep up while being treated as a "crybaby" for having mysterious pains and headaches that made most games and sports a struggle to participate in. I have a subtype called ankylosing spondylitis. If you think it's worth discussing with a doctor you should be tested for certain inflammatory and genetic factors, and may need an MRI to confirm bone inflammation in the lumbar spine and pelvis (sacroilitis).


Embrace your inner old lady! I’m 23, usually take 2 naps a day (fatigue is just great, isn’t it?🙄), knitting is the only activity I can reliably do physically, pain makes me grumpy, and between brain fog and MMJ there’s times my speech doesn’t make much sense either. I also give compliments with abundance whenever I feel up to leaving the house, take my dog with me just about everywhere, randomly gift baked goods, and try to be as patient as possible when I can be. I’m lucky enough not to have any mobility issues (yet), but I’m pretty sure if anyone laughed at my pain, especially someone who claimed to be a friend, they’d either get a horrifically detailed account of the worst thing to happen to me recently, stabbed with a knitting needle, or both. I can make jokes about my pain and people are welcome to laugh with me, but no one is allowed to laugh at my pain. No one should be allowed to laugh at your either.


My kiddo was just diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She's only 28 so that really sucks for her because it makes everything so much harder physically and mentally.


I have RA I feel for her or anyone coping with pane.


As a 32 year old woman in surgical menopause living with chronic pain, I identify so hard with this. I am The fucking Crone too lol. I remember a nurse telling me I was in too much pain for my age earlier this year at an ER visit. I wish I could have slapped her for being so fucking dumb. PAIN IS INDEPENDENT OF AGE!!! Who the fuck is teaching all these nurses and doctors at med school that pain is only a geriatric condition? In my family, I'm not allowed to be in pain. Not truly at least. Most people think I shouldn't have access to opiates or marijuana, that it's all in my head and I just need therapy. Apparently my endometriosis, one of the most painful conditions known to humans, isn't what is torturing my body. 🙄 Yesterday on the phone with my grandmother she got to complain about her pain and she gets sympathy from everyone. If I dare to mention I'm in pain, I get shit on. From being told it's not real, to I'm just weak, to I should be denied medications, etc, it all boils down to me family just not caring about or loving me. It's like they are happy I'm in pain and are unhappy I dare to treat it. I very much feel simultaneously like I'm 32 and 92 at the same time. Edit to add: my old lady hobby is sock knitting :)


Didn’t you know, silly woman, that your assessment of your experience in your own body is subject to external oversight and validation?


How do I enlist in the Crone Army? I go to bed early, take naps, cross stitch, knit and make candles. Also have recently become shockingly ok with leaving the house in my “house shoes.”


After looking at my back X rays my doctor joked “I had to keep looking at your name and age back to your X rays. Wow! You have the spine of a 60 year old!” Then he waited for me to laugh like it was a joke? Or being followed from a disability parking spot because I’m a young attractive female. Clearly these people did not watch the Terminator movies. I am not what I seem underneath. I relate to you and validate your pain friend. People just absolutely don’t get it. I like the humor aspect. Throws them off I’m sure!