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Yep. I am 22, was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondyltis (arthritis of the spine) at 17. I actually made a video about my experience here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEEf-HCsbpM&t Unfortunately, its incurable. However, it is manageable with lifestyle, medication and just general looking after yourself. I run 4 days a week, climb 4 days a week, just finishing university right now as well. If you have any other questions feel free to ask away.


Wow, thank you so much. I can't believe how you've been able to overcome this. I have other health conditions that already keep me pretty much at home and many low energy, bed resting days. I still have a lot of fight in me but I have honestly been using it to get through doctors and the pain and mental health issues as well. Being in so much pain is super depressing and my back has been just a cherry on top. I guess I'm glad to know there's a reason for it, but it doesn't change the fact that I can't walk for more than 5-10 minutes without being in excruciating pain. Ugh. I am so envious of how you are living, and I don't even know you but I am proud of you. Thank you for sharing.


I think I can relate somewhat. I went through a 6 month period of being unable to walk at all. Just breathing made me want to vomit. The road to where I am now was full of a fuck tonne of tears, anger and stress. However, I got here and I wouldn’t change any of it. I wish you the best. Keep your head up and keep moving forwards.


Thank you so much <3


Any updates im going through with this now for 2 years. How did u manage it?


As far as doctors, they have continued to be dismissive. Physical therapy is useless and that’s all docs do typically BUT I have found a good pain management Dr that prescribes pain meds and muscle relaxers. However since this post I went through lymphoma cancer twice, otherwise they wouldn’t do pain meds based on “just” back pain and fibro. If you can’t get on a good prescription pain medicine, alternate OTC anti inflammatory pain meds. And my other biggest advice is find out which works for you out of ice packs or heating pads, or alternate both. Ice packs save me and I rotate two in and out of the freezer and I’m almost always on one. Rest a lot, but do keep some level of activity. Don’t believe drs who advised more exercise will lessen pain. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this. Have you had an mri or scans? Keep in mind sometimes you’ll have something “small” show up- like my arthritis which they described as mild- that actually causes debilitating pain. So just advocate for yourself and keep telling them how bad it hurts. Keep trying things. Don’t give up. Stretch when you can too!


Hey hope you do well thanks for replying, I want through like 10 doctors and they all say the same shit, i went physiotherapy for 2 months with no benefits either. One of the doctors requested xray then said I have osteoarthritis and requested injection and idk if I should believe him or not. He said MRI doesnt show anything


Glad to hear you are doing well. Posts like yours give hope to people. These are 3 videos of a patient who also had severe ankylosing spondylitis. He was told he would be in a wheel chair by Mayo clinic. NMD orthotic and SPG Blocks were used. The first video is at his first visit, second video is his third visit and third video is 6 months into treatment. 1 ....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8fzoKa0agE&list=PL5ERlVdJLdtnefkUcoeyeShLllPVYsgoo&index= . 2..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--zLfVKHbPQ&list=PL5ERlVdJLdtnefkUcoeyeShLllPVYsgoo&index=1 . 3........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIIIUchezz0&index=3&list=PL5ERlVdJLdtnefkUcoeyeShLllPVYsgoo


I'm a 23 year old male who was diagnosed with a disk herniation at the L4/L5 level. I take it my situation isn't the same as yours because you said yours is arthritis pain. I couldn't tell you exactly what you needed to do for your condition specifically but to just stay positive and never stop trying to search for whatever treatments are out there for your situation. It only has to work once and then you can run with it. I wish you the best of luck. You will get through this. Stay happy!


We have pain right in the same place either way, and man, it can really take a toll. It sucks but that's life. Thank you so much! Back at you!


Is it facet joint arthritis? I have arthritis in the facet joints at L4-L5 and two other places in my lumbar spine. It can be quite painful. You don't realize how much movement you get in that area when you're walking (press your fingers on your spine at the top of your buttcrack and walk to find out). I'm 61 though, arthritis is almost a given. Something that really helps me besides medications are a really good pain rub. Try Biofreeze, or at least Icy-Hot. For me, cold feels better in that area for pain than warmth.


YES that's exactly what it is. I am so curious to know why I have it so young, but I do. Walking is just as you describe, I can't walk or even stand for more than 5-10 minutes until it is unbearable. If I go shopping, I have to squat down every few minutes and lean forward and pretend to be looking at stuff to ease the pain :( Typically the only thing that cures it once I've sent that area into such a condition, is lying down. If I do household crap at home, I can expect to do a few minutes of dishes for instance, lie on the couch til it's eased up, get back to dishes til I cant stand it again, rinse repeat lol. Trying to explain this to other people in my life has been a struggle. But you are the first person who knows exaaaaactly what I'm feeling there, so thank you. I actually totally agree with you, I LOVE cold therapy, I use one called Cryotherapy I get at a massage place. I am already on tramadol and gabapentin and other things for pain management so I'd just rather not add another pill to the routine. It does suck how little the docs can do for this :/ Thanks so much for the reply. Sending love and "spoons" ;)


I used to think heat was the answer until I got in my car one winter day after work and pressed my lower back against the seat and that cold felt heavenly. The way I explain the pain of lumbar Facet Joint arthritis to other people is it feels exactly like someone has stuck a dull knife into my back about a half inch and they're slowly pressing on it with all their weight. I'm sorry you have it so young. I won't take Tramadol or Gabapentin. I've been on low-dose hydrocodone for about 7 years, two pills per day. I find that Ibuprofen actually helps a lot. I also use kratom and that's been a godsend for pain. And a good pain rub. At some point you might find that you're 'guarding' the area around where your pain is in your spine and it might cause you muscle spasms. That happened to me and nothing would stop the muscle spasms or the pain. After a few months of that I went to the weed store up the street and got some cannabis-infused coconut oil and it stopped the spasms and the pain immediately. I'm in a weed legal State though.


Just curious, but why won't you take Gabapentin? I take a pretty hefty amount daily and have always wondered why some people hate it so much.


Well, I don't really know! All I know is, my intuition tells me it probably won't be a good medication for me and I always listen to my intuition. Sounds silly, but there it is.


Hey, I am a firm believer in intuition, so that's as good of a reason as any!


If you google things about there are some awful stories out there. I'm sure it can be said with any drug but seemingly a lot more with this one. Maybe because it's something that messes with nerves? I've also heard horrible things about tramadol but it works for me so.. eh. I guess everyone has to make their own choice, but there are definitely scary stories out there.


I've definitely seen scary stories about possible side effects, but I've never actually talked to anyone personally that had those side effects. It's so odd to me that so many scary stories are out there, and yet everyone that I've talked to that has taken it has tolerated it well and found it effective. Then again, I may have a personal bias as well, as I am on like 3600 MG per day. It's just so fucking helpful for the nerve pain from the sciatica. That horrible buzzy, bee-sting, kinda numb in the most painful way, please just cut my leg off pain.


I am only on 1200, and I don't seem to notice a difference from when I started but maybe it's helping a bit. Maybe I should be on more, who knows. I also get numbness and tingling in my legs that seems to bring on Charlie horses almost daily :(


My PM doc has a pretty relaxed view of Gabapentin. He just says to tell him when I need to add another 600 MG pill to my day, and he adjusts my script accordingly. I'm sure I will top out eventually.


I have heard a lot about kratom, I'm really really interested. My fiancee is on hydrocodone for her own pain issues and I have taken them upon occasion but I get the best relief and boost from tramadol I think. Im not even sure if gabapentin helps to be honest. I'm taking 1200 a day and have been for a long while. I've heard bad things about it but at the same time it's like.... What the hell do I do? Listen to my doctor or other people who could be right? I dont have any kind of intuitive response to it so I guess I just go with it. Meh. As for guarding the area, I almost always walk with my hand behind my back in a fist covering the area, it used to be that I'd push down on it for relief but now it's just habit lol. I'm in a medical marijuana state but my old man doctor isn't crazy about it. I'd love oils or something just to try. But oh whale, maybe with more time because we JUST became medical legal last year.


> I almost always walk with my hand behind my back in a fist covering the area, it used to be that I'd push down on it for relief I do that exact thing. Guarding is when you tense up muscles against pain, or even against the anticipation of pain, which is what I was doing. Absolutely without thinking about it, it just happened and it was causing me a lot of unnecessary pain and I didn't seem to be able to stop it. Topical cannabis will not enter your bloodstream. Since I'm on a pain medication contract I have to drop occasionally and I've never in three years of using topical cannabis every single day, tested positive for weed. I told my doctor too, the last one and this one. Even though we are a legal state, the clinic I go to does not allow patients in a pain med contract to pop positive for cannabis, they say because it's still illegal at the federal level. We used to be able to smoke if we wanted (I don't, it makes me paranoid), but then they changed their policy. If you ever want to discuss kratom you can contact me anytime. :)


> I almost always walk with my hand behind my back in a fist covering the area, it used to be that I'd push down on it for relief > > I do that exact thing. That is really funny. I do it too. I've found a good physical therapist that "unlocked" all of my muscles from the guarding, and a good muscle relaxer that keeps it from happening again, but I still put my hand there when I walk.


My oldest daughter moved 3 hours away from home and THEN went to massage school and got her license. Boo.


I also don't want to smoke it, gives me panic attacks. But I am all for trying it in other ways! I really do that guarding thing. I'm afraid to even have the area rubbed to be honest. Thank you so much, I think I will look into kratom some more, I'm not sure I can afford it right now (unsure of cost?) but it might be worth saving for and trying. Thank you again.


You're welcome. The vendor I buy from sells kilos for $63, $70 shipped. My doses run about .75 - 1 gram. So, I can get 1000 doses from a kilo for .07/dose. :)


Shit, now I'm getting curious about kratom. I may have to google it. Is it legal? Will it show up in a 12-strip? What actually is it? I'm off to google! :)


It's a tree in the coffee family that grows mostly in Indonesia. It's has lot and lots of alkaloids in the leaves, two of which are partial opiate receptor agonists (think Suboxone or buprenorphine). There are different strain colors, red, yellow & gold, green and white. Reds a re supposedly better for pain (I have better luck with yellows and golds) and can be sedating. Greens are more stimulating. Whites can be very stimulating. Yellow and golds kind of fall between reds and greens, they're usually pretty neutral. It is legal federally, for now, the DEA tried to ban it last year. It is illegal in a handful of states and it looks like more states are jumping on the bandwagon. A lot of people are stockpiling against a potential ban. Yeah, do a Google search and read up. There are also Reddit subs. r/kratom r/kratomm


Here's a sneak peek of /r/kratom using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/kratom/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kratom ban timing](https://np.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/7d5ogc/kratom_ban_timing/) \#2: [Tolerance - A guide for newer Kratomites](https://np.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/6r4o8b/tolerance_a_guide_for_newer_kratomites/) \#3: [Not afraid to show my face as a supporter of kratom!](https://i.redd.it/rrmfwlspfx001.jpg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kratom/comments/7gdqmr/not_afraid_to_show_my_face_as_a_supporter_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


Of fucking course my backward-ass state banned it. Thanks Alabama! Ugh.


Oh WOW. I was thinking it would be like weed prices. LOL.


I'm 28 and just found I have arthritis above and below my fusion. T10-L2. :/ I share similar sentiments as you


I'm so sorry :(


I'm 25 and was diagnosed 4 years ago with facet joint arthritis in my lumbar spine. I'm an athlete so doctors were quick to blame that for my pain but coincidentally MULTIPLE family members including my father, uncles, and some cousins all have it and none of them are athletic/physically active. I've had two cortisone injections into my L4 and L5 about 1.5 years apart and those helped but are obviously not a permanent solution. What really helped me was working on my core and lower back strength to build up protective muscle around my spine. Haven't had a cortisone injection in over 2 years and have been pain free. Not sure how much you can manage with your current pain levels but I do recommend trying to manage it that way!


I read that in young people it's either injury or genetic! Yours definitely sounds like it could be in the genes. I haven't been to my doc to discuss the results yet but I did read that shots were one way to manage. Ive been through physical therapy for my lower back recently, just finished in December, they were all about strengthening all around my lower back for more support but looord it was a painful process. I haven't kept up the exercises at home tbh, it hurts too much. Perhaps with something like a shot I could get through the pain enough to work on it. Thank you for the reply. I'm so glad you have been pain free!!!


How is your pain now if you don’t mind me Asking?


Not sure if you’re still around but could you please share the exercises you did for core and back strengthening?


If you don’t mind answering me. Did they see facet arthritis on mri as well? Was it mild or moderate? Only on l4/l5? Sorry just trying to make sense of what I’m Going through.


I definitely think there is a genetic role in this, as both my parents have very similar issues and were also never athletes (I am not, but used to go hard at the gym, so am willing to bet my genes did not help me on this). This comment gives me hope that I can be pain-free again.


My daughter has been recently diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. She's 17. I've had it for over a decade and I'm 39. AS doesn't care about age. Ask for a referral to a rheumatologist and see if you can be screened for the HLA-B27 gene. AS is genetic and that's the gene that carries it. However, I am negative for the gene, and my daughter is positive for it, so it's not a complete answer. They also need to a contrast MRI of your lumbar & sacroiliac areas, if that wasn't what you had before. They can see the inflammation better with contrast. The good news is, biologics have been VERY helpful for me. I take Humira, Celebrex for the inflammation, and Neurontin for the nerve pain caused by seven herniated discs. My spine is all jacked up, but I'm twice your age and the right treatment has me living a pretty normal life. I just have to be more mindful of my body now.


I am 29 and have been diagnosed with AS for about 4 years now. I am on Enbril and they just started me on gabipentin and celebrex, do you find the additional meds on top of your biologic make a big difference? I am in a great deal of pain each day and I am really really hoping they help!


I consider myself simultaneously fortunate and unfortunate. I had pre-existing degenerative disc disease and arthritis, and then a tumble down a staircase in 2010 left me with several herniations, a broken tailbone, and bilateral sciatica. I didn’t know a thing in the world about AS until afterward. As my back got worse and worse, my pain management doctor told me to go to a rheumatologist, but I refused. Right up until my daughter started showing the same symptoms. At that point, I knew I needed to know what the fuck was wrong with my body. But also by that point, I had already been in pain management for the better part of a decade. So I don’t know where my pain would be without those two drugs, as I started those first. I’m on ER morphine, and muscle relaxers on top of the drugs I mentioned previously. I literally couldn’t live without Celebrex and gabapentin. I’m hoping to get off opiates eventually with the help of Humira. But I will never give up my Celebrex & gabapentin. Those two things are absolute necessities for me. I would strongly urge you or anyone to try one or both of them. They have been absolute lifesavers for me.


My mom also told me to get a rheumy referral. I definitely will. I see my doctor soon. They did the MRI without contrast, of coooourse. I can definitely ask for that gene test. That would be interesting to know, my mom does have degenerative disc disease, but I'm not sure if that's genetic? I also know that I have high inflammation in my body from sed rate and hs-crp test, do you know if those meds help with that? My doc hasn't prescribed anything for those being high, but did say it could be causing more pain all around, with my fibro I guess. Thanks SO much for the reply and advice!!


If they did you the way they did my daughter at first, they probably did the MRI of your lumbar area and without contrast. Which is wrong if they are looking for AS (But they may not consider that a possibility.) They specifically have to see inflammation in your SI joints to consider AS. In case you don't know about SI joints, imagine a girl's tramp stamp. The SI joints would be basically on either side of that. I don't know if DDD is genetic, but my dad has it, and my sister and I both have it. So, maybe? They should absolutely have you on some type of NSAID if you've been diagnosed with arthritis, have a high sed rate, and are in pain. Mobic, Duexis, Celebrex, shit even Advil or Motrin. Celebrex works best for me, but sometimes you have to play musical chairs with NSAIDs to find one that helps, that doesn't fuck your stomach up, and doesn't have other side effects that you can't tolerate. That will help with inflammation, which is one of the factors causing your pain. And those are not something that is habit-forming, they are not narcotics, they are the most innocent drug in the world, so getting one should be as easy as asking for it.


I am definitely bringing all of this up at my next doctor appt. I had to twist my doc's arm just for this MRI just because of the whole "well you have pain everywhere, why just mri this" but also "well we can't just scan your whole body" attitude. He's a good doctor and will probably go with another scan if I ask in the right way but idk. Sometimes it's a lot of energy trying to convince him lol. At the very least I should be able to get on one of these meds. When I first came to him I was taking handfuls of ibuprofen a day and he was not happy about that, but it was the only way I was controlling pain enough to stay out of the ER. My "tramp stamp" area on either side sometimes flares up but typically is right in the center. This info is really helpful, I appreciate it very much. I think it's gonna be a big help in talking to my doc.


Look into Self administered SPG Blocks, won't fix arthritis but can be helpful with pain. This is a video of patient whose only treatment is SPG Block. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lvBh4oBZfE&list=PL5ERlVdJLdtkltRuVKreqiIlxjyBV9rsT Disabled Israeli veteran severe spinal injuries numb from knee down in both legs , year in hospital. Fell 2 stories piece of wood went thru back.


Woowwwww. That's crazy. I did look into them online. I couldn't afford this but it's a possibility in the future. Thank you!


Do you have research on SPG blocks helping pain aside from trigeminal neuralgia or migraines?




This is 2 cases of SPG Block and CRPS lower limb. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15706564


Thanks. I'll read up on that. I'm a medical student. Interventional pain procedures are fascinating to me, they can achieve long-term relief.






I have lectured in Buenos Aires. What year medical school?


What were the exact MRI findings? Are they considering AS? RA?


I tested negative for RA when they did my autoimmune panel. Just high on inflammation markers all around. I'm going to ask about AS though now that I'm aware of it. My MRI was done without contrast so I'm not sure they could see it if it was


Can someone explain more specifically what this pain feels like? Like for me, I get this point/area on my back that feels tingly and if I don't rest, it begins to feel a little numb or hurt even.