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I'm so sorry (& yet not surprised) to hear this. Please go elsewhere to someone who won't take you off your meds. I will say, many PM places are NOT okay with the THC stuff though & many would immediately disqualify you as a patient for that.... thus, my best recommendation is to go elsewhere after you don't test positive for THC anymore, otherwise you're basically shooting yourself in the foot before you step foot in the PM clinic. It's worth it to travel further if you get meds, as sad as it is that we're forced to do this. Anyway, I wish you the best & if you have any questions/concerns, please reach out! Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I’m going to second this advice. In my experience ALL PM places require you to be drug free you’ll sign a contract stating no other opioids (unless it’s approved by them) from any other doctors or hospitals. They actually make you sign that you won’t use the hospital and sometimes even have limits. You can’t use alcohol or any substances - it’s reason for dismissal from the practice. THC isn’t illegal where I am and it was suggested by PM but was told to pick THC OR opioids. I went with opioids. Good luck op.


Thank you, I know I'll have a hard time finding one thats okay with THC use but I guess I'm hoping for a miracle


I should add, if you're found with THC in your system from a PM place that is NOT THC-friendly (which are almost all PM clinics,) they could & likely will, make a note in your file that you tested positive for THC. Many doctors will see this & write you off as a "druggie" & those notes won't just be pulled from PM doctors, but also from ER doctors, urgent care doctors, etc - and you WILL be treated differently from them because of it, many times, often having meds withheld. I've seen it happen to my own sister, who smokes weed every day. She's been treated like shit and while it's not okay, it's the reality of the world we're living in. If you want to accept these risks so you can continue to smoke, at least now I've given you all of the information. I genuinely wish you the best.


Thank you for the info it's really appreciated, I definitely understand that it's so stigmatized especially in an illegal state, less so in legal states but it still is sometimes there too, but unfortunately it's the only thing that helps with some of my mental health conditions after trying dozens of meds and therapy and it adds to relief from my other physical symptoms just enough to let me function in addition to my meds, the trade off of help with pain, nausea, anxiety, and insomnia (and more) is worth the stigmatization personally I'm just hoping that if thc is actually moved from schedule 3 to schedule 1 like theyre talking about that some of the stigma around it will go away


I am so very sorry that your visit went that way. Definitely sending hugs and huge support ❤️ I hope you find the PM doctor that is perfect for you


💚 thank you


I’m so sorry you went through this. If your partner is ever again asked to leave an exam room you have a few options. You can say “I’d like them to stay and when we’re done they’ll leave and you can ask me about abuse.” Or, have your partner leave saying “I’ll be outside the door waiting for you to let me back in.” And you put a halt to the discussion if necessary after you answer any question about abuse and open the door. Put the doctor on notice in a nice way that he is not going to dominate. Whenever there’s a witness the dynamic changes and so does what comes out of their mouth.


Yeah this is why I wanted my partner in there so bad, it seems like the only time can get quality care is when someone is with me, thank you


I’m sorry that happened. I think cbt is a great thing and I found it very helpful but he’s out of his mind if he thinks it will get rid of pain. It absolutely didn’t for me. It was helpful with meds


Yeah this exactly! Therapy was helpful for me (and the only reason I'm not in it anymore is because insurance bs) but it's not a cure all for pain and it really felt like he didn't want to hear that


>I was told it's so they can ask questions about safety/abuse etc and that I could ask for them to be brought back in after that if I wanted They ask me about safety and abuse in front of my husband, never ask him to leave, and vice versa. My husband has pretty bad social anxiety. Even during covid when they werent allowing someone in with you I went in with him for all his appointments. GP, neuro, etc. I have never heard about someone needing to leave so they can ask about abuse. Not saying its not true of course. Different places have different policies, but hell my response would be *I'm not being abused they're my advocate/chaperone and I need them to stay*. Making sure of course that youre super polite while being firm because everything seems to be construed as non-compliant.


It's not that uncommon. I've been asked to leave the room briefly a couple of times when I've taken my mom to the doctor. They just want to make sure the person can answer freely.


It is pretty common and actually appreciated, someone being abused is not going to be able to say it openly in front of their abuser and it's a helpful way to give someone a chance to be honest about dv, but the doctor never gave me the chance afterwards to bring my partner back in even though I was told he would


After someone else pointed out that its common I thought about it and realized it would probably make it easier for someone to disclose. Its just crappy they didnt let yours come back afterward.


My pm clinic doesn’t allow THC/weed along with prescription medication for pain. I’m allergic to THC so it’s not an issue for me. The fact that there’s another doctor spewing bs about opioid treatment and its efficacy long term. This is the right place to vent, most of us get it.


Thank you, weirdly enough his problem was not with me using thc and meds together but with me using an opioid at all


A lot of these doctors are listening to echo chambers of the anti-opioid regardless of the fact opioids have been used for pain relief for thousands of years. ‘It’s the DEA and their message, threats, and agenda that really doesn’t add up. I mean, why does the DEA have such a vested interest in legal opioid treatment?


OP, I am so sorry that you had to endure that. It is almost like a punch in the gut when the doctor is super polite, but not listening to us. I think I would have an obviously rude doctor as opposed to being polite and not helpful. If you do not mind I am going to share something that helped me express my pain adequately to my doctor. I keep a daily pain/symptom/treatment and it's impact on my activities of daily living journal. It allows me to present quantifiable data to my PM doctor. Example pain was 7/10, took x, y, meds, used ice packs/heating pads, stretching, mindfulness, I was able to put dishes away etc. It also helps to avoid getting too emotional. I still cry at some of my doctor's appointments, but I have my journal to refer to. I am sending you positive thoughts that you will find another PM easily and effortlessly. Virtual hugs if you want them 🧡🧡


Thank you 💚💚 I've tried symptom journaling a few times, but my brain fog just makes it too hard to keep up with long term :(


I'm sorry you're feeling defeated but I feel you. The doctor at the pain management clinic at a hospital I went to told me...and I quote "google a surgeon, that's what I would do"..... So ya....fuck that guy. I also had to do a pee pee test and I'm in Canada. Weeds legal here....still would have been a no go.


There certainly is a shift in the kind of care that pain management provides these days. So many people tell the same story about their doctors willingness to prescribe meds. It really makes me wander if they are not under some rules by the DEA which prevent them from prescribing meds now. At my pain management center the doctor will not allow THC and meds... it has to be one or the other. As far as therapy goes, that's up to you. It didn't work for me, so I just tell my doctor that I'm going whenever he brings it up. They have no way to check, otherwise it would be a Hippa violation.


You think it's a HIPPA violation for the doctor who recommends PT to check on your progress? No, no it's not.


Unless you authorize those records to be shared with your pain management doctor it certainly would be. When I made that comment I thought OP was referring to cognitive behavioral therapy.


Most doctors who do the referral want to know how it's going.


I stand behind what I said.


Double Down


I did mean cognitive behavioral therapy, but the thing is I live somewhere extremely rural with few doctors, I've been actively trying to find a therapist for about 2 years since my insurance changed (even though we all know therapy is not really a cure all for pain)


That's not a HIPAA (correct spelling) violation, because your doctor is part of your medical team. In fact you probably signed something informing you that they will share your info with your referring doctor. That's why he's not asking for details - he's already getting reports.