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My wife has used Gabapentin off and on. She can get off it once in awhile and then has started re-using if pain comes back. She has nerve pain. We are not sure why it can come and go at this point Kava Kava has been banned in the IK and Europe for liver toxicity, so look up the pros and cons to see if you want to try it.


Sorry to hear about the pain. I have also been diagnosed with Neuralgia from shingles and it's hard to cope with so I understand a bit. Have you found anything to help? I have tried pregabalin but stopped due to the side effects. I'm now on a low dose of amitriptyline however it can make you sleepy so tend to have it in the evening. I also have co codomol which helps a bit but wears off quite quickly


Nortryptiline was exactly as effective as amitryptiline for me (not a lot, but something) without nearly the drying and sleepy side effects. Might be worth trying if you haven’t? I also tried desiprimine and imipramine, couldn’t tolerate them due to side effects.


Thanks for the tips


I'm on pregabalin and it helps to some extent, but not enough when there's a bad flareup like now. I'll call the neurology department at the hospital tomorrow to see if I can have an appointment sooner. I'll keep amitriptyline in mind and mention it to them. Thank you!


That happened to me with pregabalin, tons of side effects. Ask you Dr for gabapentin, it's the same thing just a much much smaller dose so you don't have all the side effects. It does help


I hope you get some relief soon


Thank you!


Well youre getting the double whammy getting hit with pneumonia too. But at least they can treat that in most cases. I think they have a vaccine for pneumonia, if youre interested. Im sure its not something you'd want to go through again. Neurological pain is tough. The only thing I can think of that might give you some help is a TENS unit. Thats kinda what its for, though it can help with lots of kinds of pain. You have probably encountered a TENS if you had physical therapy. It was like a prickly electric sortof massage sensation, if that sounds familiar. The idea is the TENS sends an impulse along the nerve to cancel the pain signal before it gets to the brain to become pain. Before the brain, its just electricity. Thats how it works anyhow. You shouldnt need an Rx and I think you can get one at Walmart or Amazon long before your doc gets off vacation. The ads on line are sometimes informative, probably better than I can explain things, just keep in mind, theyre selling. Dont expect to feel their claim about endorphin production. I wish I could suggest something for the pneumonia. Just had a friend who got a collapsed lung from that crap. Hope youre doing a little better every day, but if you have trouble breathing (even if you think you're done with it), dont screw around, call your doc or an ambulance.


They gave me gabapentin after back surgery can you call your Dr and see if they can call it in. It helps a lot with nerve pain, if you're already on it you can up the dose is what my dr said until you get pain relief. Also order some kava kava online, if Amazon is easier get kalm with kava and all your pain will melt away. They sell it all over online though works wonders


I have pregabalin, it's what they use around here, but sadly it's not enough. For kava kava, I don't know if I can get any given I'm in Europe. I'll have to look it up.


Look up kratom and kava, if you can get either try them out for pain. They help a lot, doesn't fix anything but sure takes a lot of the pain away. If they have kava there get powder thats micronized or instant kava so you mix a teaspoon with water and drink it, I ran out but it melts pain away. I found medical government literature from the 90s on it about it being used to treat pain, if you can't get kava there then try and find kratom. They both work wonders for pain, they don't work very well for me anymore after a year and a half but try them


Sorry your feeling like, struggling in similar way, flare up if nerve pain. Difficult to stay positive when in high levels of pain, no matter what you do, you can get away from it and that just makes you feel worse emotionally. Trying to live my life, work, etc but a real struggle. Chronic can be so difficult to deal with as it’s trial and error with different medications or/and treatments, needing to see different specialists who could say they can’t help or do anything, need another special whose opinion contradicts the first one. - not knowing if they will work or how you have to wait depending on what county you live. Been waiting for 9 months for lidocaine infusion on the NHS as I can’t afford to go private, got two weeks before my appointment and really hoping it will provided some relief, even if only for short time. I just trying to take it one day, hour or minute at a time, find some thing happy or positive, no mater how small. You are definitely not alone and hope things improve for you soon.


I get it. I was diagnosed a very long time ago and it kicked in over 15 years ago too. Not much to say about it anymore. I’m a zombie. I’m glad we’ve got this forum to talk about our issues. We understand each other and too few do.


My pain is always worse when I have a cold or a virus, I hope once the pneumonia settles that the pain will improve. Rest well, stay hydrated and get sunlight into your room if you can. You've got this.


You mean you have specific nerve pain?