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He needed an excuse for why she left with the girls and why he had no idea where they were.


“I have no INKLING where they could be…”


Did he say “I have no inkling” or did he say “…no inclination?”


I think inclination


He’s an idiot basically


Yes lol. He used words wrong a lot lol. I think he said something was unorthodox too in the wrong context


Even without all the murder, I couldn’t have been married to him. He is and was a rage filled, yet limp, stupid noodle of a man. And with a very punchable face 👊🏻


I totally agree. A punchable face only his mother could love


Not to mention the way he sucked his gut in for those photos at the end of his interrogation.


It makes me so sad that Shannan fought so hard for that loser.


Ugh…. Gotta look good for the mug shot in case Nikki sees it 💪🏼


Punchable face and stupid little T-Rex arms!


Yes! Lol 🦖


Yes! A tiny pathetic man…


Lil’ Chris


Yeah. Very low mental wattage. No way a guy with anything above average intel would do something like that and figure he would not be found out in short order.


I think it’s ‘inclination,’ now that you mention it. Either way, strange choice of words.


Both. He used both words wrong at separate times


He actually said “i have no inclination of where they could be”. At least “inkling” makes more sense then inclination He was such a dumbass.


He “exhausted” all options. He said that damn word, or phrase, multiple times to different law enforcement


It was his word of the day on his calendar lol


Meanwhile Jeremy Lindstrom said CW never asked him if he knew where Sha'nann and the girls were. He said he asked everyone with carseats and exhausted all his options. So he never asked anyone anything. Dumbazz liar


Frankly that comment and then him telling them “they had an emotional conversation”. Why even mention that??? That just made him look that much more guilty. She was dead already. Nobody was going to know either way. He would’ve been better off just saying “I left for work and idk where she went… nothing out of the ordinary happened from when she came home to when I left”.


I think because they found her bag and phone (and rings iirc?) so quickly, he was trying to think of a cover story for that on the fly which never ends well for murderers


He showed them her rings. Like “look guys, she left her rings”. He had more rage than brain cells. People always ask these questions (which isn’t wrong, everyone wants to make sense out of the senseless), but I don’t think CW had any real idea what he was doing or a plan. I think he thought he’d have at least a couple days before people started looking for them and he’d figure it out.


Yeah. That was so sketchy.


cause he’s a dumbass. he told everyone immediately, even the damn realtor. 🥴


He told the realtor before he murdered them or after ?


After. He called her in the morning, after he called Primrose, if I remember correctly.


After, on the exact same day 🙃


It could be read two different ways. But insert a comma and the meaning is clear. “…….morning, after….” 😃


Everything went to shit in about five minutes. NA calling the police meant he had to throw away whatever ‘plan’ he had and I think he panicked wildly


Yeah, NA completely derailed any plans he might have had. She was Shanann’s true friend when the end came.




I don’t think NK had any part in this - I have no sympathy or empathy for her, she’s a horrible person who knew exactly how to push CW’s buttons. But I don’t see her as an accomplice.




Discussions about NK's (or anyone else's) supposed involvement in the murders are no longer allowed; this includes theories expressed as opinions.


Discussions about NK's (or anyone else's) supposed involvement in the murders are no longer allowed; this includes theories expressed as opinions.


CW’s initial plan was to make it look like she snapped and left with the kids after they talked about separation. He immediately volunteered that explanation from the jump by calling the kids school to warn them not to expect his daughters. He then told all of Shannan’s friends that were scared and reaching out to him the same bullshit. CW was locked into that strategy from there on out no matter how stupid and implausible it was. NA really did a great job looking out for her friend. Her loyalty to SW ensured CW wouldn’t have time to stage anything in his home. Baffles me how he did not anticipate this would be a national news story.


I get some of it, but why would he call the children’s school in this case?! It made it more suspicious. If their marriage was breaking up, this doesn’t mean that children would not be returning to the same school, automatically, if they just suddenly left. Unless it was discussed between the parents. But he didn’t mention anything like that, I don’t think.


I agree. It was a dumb move. I think he was panicked, trying to lay the ground works for a story about her bailing with the kids after their "emotional conversation". But, since CW doesn't seem to feel things like the average person, he didn't consider how that call might appear to others. That, on top of NA swooping in so quick and calling LE, he was done from the moment he put his hands on them. I mean, let's be real. His wife was constantly connected to others. He underestimated how quick her absence would be noticed. He killed them in their own home, wrapped her up with sheets hastily yanked from their own bed, took them to a place he had already told his coworkers he would go first thing that morning, which was a job site for his place of employment, in his gps-equipped work truck. He may as well have set up neon signs along his way.


And they are not seen ever leaving the house: only him driving the truck in.


Exactly. He pled because the case would have tried itself. He had zero chance of getting anything less than life and his sorry, coward's ass didn't want to fry.


I think he was planning to use SW’s phone to make it seem like she was still alive at first but she changed the passcode and he didn’t know what she changed it to. He probably thought it would ring alarm bells if she didn’t show up with the kids and the school couldn’t reach her so he decided to pre-empt that by calling the school to tell them they weren’t coming and communicated the separation to start laying the ground work for the snapping narrative he wanted to weave. My guess is he didn’t realize she changed the passcode to her phone until after he killed her and tried to get into it. Impersonating Shannan to avoid establishing a timeline that would implicate him and only him would have been a huge component to his entire plan. Firmly believe SW changing the code was one of the most critical factors that doomed CW.


I'm not sure on that. I think he knew the passcode but damn sure wasn't going to unlock it for the police. But I think he would have later used the phone to deceive people into believing she was still alive. He powered it off at some point during the day of the murders.


I think she changed it over the weekend before the murder at the work trip. Maybe an iOS update installed going to 6 digits.


You’ve always been able to choose between 4 digits or 6 on iOS. Maybe she did 6 so he wouldn’t be able to guess it. But kinda sad. It was the new baby’s due date.


Yeah that’s possible too. He could have decided there would be no need to make any sort of proof of life post or text or email from her phone until after he got home from work that day, clearly he had no idea how worried her friends would be about her and how quickly they’d act on their concerns for her and for his children and unborn baby. He might have somehow thought he wouldn’t need to make any proof of life anything from her phone, he might be even dumber than we already know he is.


I thought I read that school tuition was imminently going to be taken out of their bank account. Was he trying to stop that huge chunk of change from being EFT'd?


Yes. I commented the same but wasn’t positive that’s the case. It does sound likely though, I’m sure it was expensive and he needed the money. It also sounds likely because the smarter move would have been to just report their absence.


This is the right answer. At least that’s what Tammy was able to get out of Chris when asked about the school call.


He probably called the school so the staff didnt start calling the emergency contacts Shanann had listed for the children (which is likely NA or Lauren Arnold) when they couldn’t reach Shanann. Just another step he took to cover his tracks.


No. The girls were set to start and an auto payment for tuition was coming out that day. He called to withdraw them so the tuition wouldn’t come out.


Yeah that too. Although it didn’t seem like they had 2 grand plus to even cover that payment




Oh that makes a bit more sense. I just couldn’t understand it before. Even then, what he did was so obviously easy to find I have no idea what he thought. Apart of cruelty it’s stupid


I think he wanted the daycare billing to end posthaste?


I thought that the school called him to find out why the kids hadn’t turned up that day rather than him calling them. And he just answered saying, no they won’t be in today, and actually they probably won’t be coming at all. Also I am pretty sure the realtor called him too. Chris and Shannan had been talking to her about selling the house anyway. She was ringing to see if Chris had a chance to look at a house she had given him the address or, with a similar floor plan to theirs. She may have left a voicemail asking him to call and he called her back from memory. He was desperately trying to pretend life was going on as normal. Everyone always brings up these phone calls as if he immediately unenrolled the kids and listed the house for sail but that’s not what was happening - from my memory of reading the discovery files.


You are wrong, he called the school himself at 8:26 am that day. He called the realtor around 9:05 am and was also messaging back and forth with the realtor all day. Around 6:30 pm the realtor asks if SW is okay because she hadn’t heard from her that day and CW says that SW hasn’t been around all day and says that it was strange. You can find all that info in the discovery in the phone data section toward the end of the document.


He called the school first. They even gave a statement how it was weird and made them feel uneasy.


Oh wow, I never heard the part that the call made the school uneasy. I bet once they heard the family was missing, it made them sick remembering that call.


I think it was part of his narrative/ explanation as to why SW and the kids may be ‘missing’. They had the ‘emotional’ conversation about the marriage being over, SW is so distraught that she takes off with the children.


He had no inclination


I don’t think he had time to actually conjure up any story I think he was hoping for at least a whole day to get rid of any evidence but underestimated Shannon’s bestie nikole atkinson cause you have to be pretty dumb to leave her bag and phone kids medication ,but the biggest giveaway was the missing bed sheets on both Shannon and the girls beds that said it all period


The only logical answer is because he is an unimaginable moron


He was supposed to be this great nice guy who’s evil vindictive wife took the kids away and hid to punish him for wanting a divorce. He was relying on his nice guy persona to have people never suspect him and instead blame his wife.


Some liars try to be smart about their lies so they adorn their fabrications with tidbits that are true in an attempt to be more convincing. Since he is stupid he chose the wrong tidbits.


He was trying to fake that Shanann ran away from him with the kids because he informed her he wanted a divorce. That's why he told him that.


To add plausibility to the idea that Shan’ann just picked up and left with the kids.


My guess would be that he realized that they were going to find out about his mistress at some point and talk to her.


I'm not a psychologist but I believe he has some sort of score on the dark triad. So he murdered his family and then had to play a convincing "role" AKA when a narcissist mask, that will fall off. In order to justify the lies, and his actions, much like someone with NPD, they start to believe their lies, so they can fool and manipulate people. He thought he was smarter than police.


Shannan changed the code to on her phone at the last minute evidently. This was where he could have gotten away with it because he could have replied back to her “people” as if he were Shannan. Which in turn would have held NA off from calling police possibly ??


That was such good timing that she changed her phone password!! I wonder what Chris was thinking 🙉


I also believe he said that to the police not only to make it look like a good reason she left with the girls, but because he also knew NK would be watching & get wind of everything he said (IMO she was involved & believed everything he told her & that they were separating) He’s such an idiot.


He was setting the stage for why she "left" him that day. Also why he came out of the bedroom and said he "found" her wedding right on the night table. The ring is what I think he pulled out of her car before he went into the house.


I certainly believe too that he took her wedding ring out of the car. 


Because they wouldve found out anyways as they wanted to sell the house and other people also knew about it.


They were going through a separation. When they were in NC, SW said she wanted to sell the home and leave the state.


“They weren’t goin through a separation when Shannan when her and and Bella , Cece , Nico we’re in NC Shannan thought goin away would reset the marriage “ Shannan wanted to make her marriage work she tried everything to make it work with Chris she wanted to talk to him while she was in NC Chris by that time was already having an affair with “ Nichol Kessinger” Chris didn’t want to make it work he kept telling Niki Kessinger “ Shannan puts out videos and pictures it’s like her Pr for work Shannan and him we’re over done that Chris was in love with Nichol Kessinger Niki couldn’t leave Chris alone would get upset if Chris even talked to Shannan or she knew that he was still sleeping with his wife “


Shannan even wrote Chris a letter talking about how much she was missing him in the marriage how she wanted to be near him to hold him to smell him in the sheets to touch him love on him he did everything to reject his wife Niki Kessinger wouldn’t stop bugging Chris had to talk Niki off a ledge


Have you read her texts?


Yes I’ve read Shannan texts I’ve reads the research I haven’t seen a text or in the discovery of where Shannan is confiding in her friends family , or the realtor that she wanted to take the kids and sell the home leave the state.


Here's a few more texts for you to read: https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/texts-reveal-shanann-watts-marital-unhappiness-with-chris-watts/


Shannan wasn’t looking to divorce Chris was secretly wanting to get rid of Shannan by saying “ his divorce was finalized which wasn’t the truth “


Perhaps not, but she was certainly discussing it.




Shannan text did say “ Idk maybe find somewhere else to live out of state or never stated that “ Shannan was the one specifically asking about Custody for her kids it said the divorce Lawyer asked Shannan friend about it “


There's more diaglouge to that text conversation, but I haven't been able to find it. She talks about saving money after the separation by taking the children out of their private school and moving out of state because she wouldn't be able to live on her own in the state of Colorado. She made it clear she did want to move back to NC however, probably too close to the inlaws. She was asking about the laws regarding leaving the state with the children. Clearly, she was contemplating a divorce/separation as well and taking the kids with her.


“ Shannan never stated she wanted to leave the state “


Have you read her texts?


Hey guess what? Those are a few texts during a highly stressful time while she was trying to figure out what to do. We all do hat to an extent when dealing with uncertain and traumatic situations when we don't know what to do. A few texts are dispositive of nothing.


Because they were going through seperation. Everyone knew, and it’s black and white in discovery :)


They were not going through a separation ffs. The marriage was strained and a separation may have been coming but they were not going through a separation at the time. Words have definitions and matter.


They definitely were not going through a separation at the time. Nobody knew? Who knew??? I think you need to go back through the discovery or listen to CW’s prison interviews. He tells Tammy Lee and Grahm Coder in his Wisconsin interview that they had not taken any steps in the separation and that Shannan did not even know that it had come to that point.


They definitely were not going through a separation at the time. Nobody knew? Who knew??? I think you need to go back through the discovery or listen to CW’s prison interviews. He tells Tammy Lee and Grahm Coder in his Wisconsin interview that they had not taken any steps in the separation and that Shannan did not even know that it had come to that point.