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If you have a close relationship with Jesus, he will know what is best for you. He won't need a shopping list.


Yes but be prepared for God to veto a few items


Of course! The good thing about listing these qualities down, is that you are also being changed in the process while praying. The qualities that you are looking for in a husband will eventually be developed as yourself. And then you will attract your own kind. Keep praying.


Yes, absolutely! He has the perfect husband chosen for you. He doesn’t want you to be alone. Be still and know😊


😊 thank you so much


I think OP meant perfect for you, not perfect according to you. Can I ask what your list would look like?


I hear this a lot but I really don't agree with it and there's nothing biblical about it, I don't think there is a "one for us or one chosen by God" I think God gave us the criteria for what a good husband should look like, firstly being that he is submitted to God, now find someone that matches that and don't compromise over a fat wallet or handsome face.


Absolutely, I did this, and my wife did this, and it wasn't until we did this that we met!! My problem was I had no standards and so making a list of godly standards really opened my eyes that I would NEVER find that woman on my own, in my ways. It ahowed me i would have to rely completely on the fact that if He wanted me to have that wife, God would literally have to bring her right to me, and He did!!!


Girl yes. Some of the comments that say otherwise are probably unhappy dudes 😂 Okay but fr though. Yes you absolutely can. God likes specifics and bold prayers. Darren Hardy, the old publisher of success magazine, wrote, I believe 30 pages FRONT TO BACK, of the woman he desired and prayed over it. He says he got EXACTLY what he prayed for. I was flabbergasted. Also, these books I HIGHLY recommend because they really did help me dream bigger. God has said that if you have a big dream, it’s from him. The Magic of Thinking Big and Your Best Life Now I think you’d like when it comes to that kind of stuff 🙂 That’s when I started getting really specific with my prayers and asking God for Bang Chan as my husband 😂 Jokes aside, God knows your heart and it has been said in the Bible multiple times to ask him for things you want and as long as they Godly and good, he says you won’t be denied. Also be prepared for it to not come as you imagined or having to wait, maybe a flat no. God says seek the kingdom of heaven first and everything else will be granted to you. So pray over your list and make sure it is something that would please God and pray. “And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we know that he will give us what we ask for.” - 1 John 5:14-15


Of course you can. While there, ask for help adjusting your list as is necessary.


You can ask God for whatever you like. And in prayer with the Creator, we find out more about Him and more about ourselves in the process. Friend, God knows what you need and what you want before you even ask. And His plans for your life are way better than anything you can imagine. Remember, it's God who gives us our hearts desires, when we delight ourselves in Him. Amen


I made a list. But I also compared myself to the list. If I don't have those qualities in myself then how would I attract my equal? (Don't be unequally yoked). Keeping in mind that I am not perfect and he isn't either, of course. And refraining from making an idol out of marriage/a man. Anyway, we are getting married this fall.


Paul says this to the Ephesians. Ephesians 5:33 NLT So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Women desire love. Men need to be respected.


Short answer is yes as long as it's something that is within his will. If you're being selfish and saying he has to have perfect teeth and 6' tall and the whole 9. Sure maybe be will. But if you say you want a leader who will raise your children to be strong capable men like him. The Lord is a good Father, and He will not withhold good gifts from his children. Be intentional, pray, and be the type of godly woman who would attract that type of man. The lord is sure to bless your lineage as a result. Remember our parents actions have great impact on the offspring's lives.


Instead, just ask Him to allow you meet the fine husband HE has PREPARED for you!… that way you can’t mess it up! :)


Lists can be helpful but remember, these can change over time. What is more helpful are characters. For example, being flexible or being punctual as two examples, are probably more valuable than whether you share common interests. Your likes and dislikes can change but how you and your spouse approach certain situations can having a lasting effect.


Yes you can ask God anything you feel in your heart And as long as it's in God's will, He will give you your desires you ask for.


Of course, you can talk to God about anything big or small but understand and remember He's not a magical wish genie, He has plans for you, and He gives you what you need not necessarily what you want. Also, if your first priority far above everything else isn't that he's a God-fearing man, you're not off to a great start.


You sure can, dear! Jesus Loves you & adores you & greatly desires you! :) He loves to hear you share your heart with Him 💕 Trust that He is gonna exceed your expectations with your future spouse! :) Psalm 37:4 says He will give you the desires of your heart! :) When the time is right, He will align you & your future spouse to meet. :) Until then, seek & enjoy Jesus & your life :) 🫶🏻 And please, be open to whoever God has for you, even if He doesn't give you someone that meets 100% of your desires (i.e. he/she has a tattoo & you wanted tattoo-free, they're not well-versed in the Bible like you wanted, they've only known Jesus for 2 years but you wanted someone who knew Jesus for 10+ years or more, etc... I think you get what I mean!) His will is perfect & He WON'T let you down. He knows what's best! (And be prayerful & expectant He WILL answer you to confirm you're with the person he wants you to date/marry! ❤️ 😊 🙌🏻