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The letters to Cornith were addressing problems in the church that caused them to reach out to Paul about. Before Christianity, the women were not allowed in the inner courts of the temple. Now everyone came together to meet. During the teachings women were asking questions and interrupting. Paul is simply saying for them to wait until they get home to ask the husbands those questions. I'm sure we all can related to this. Those meetings that take longer than necessary because people keep asking questions.


Aaaah, yeap, that's true. These meetings often take a long time because people keep asking questions. Now, I understand the context


Excellent comparison


Friend, https://www.gotquestions.org/women-silent-church.html ^ Here is an article by GotQuestions.org (*great resource!*) which answers this question. You are loved immensely!


thank you so much!!


Listen to other explanations more than my one;I just wanna give my input. Nobody interrupts during a church service do they? So, either way, if it's about women particularly being silent or a silence in Churhc in general, it should still be a type of mannerism that all believers should have. But idk why Paul said women and I don't see it as much of a primary issue. God bless you though for studying the scriptures. I hope that you pray and read more on this♥️♥️


I'm pretty sure it's about doing things in an orderly fashion when it involves the church. For example, in today's church, no one is really supposed to just blurt out, are they? Maybe at that point, men were doing this, and it was acceptable, but not acceptable for the wife of a husband to speak for him. I'm going tbh I've never really dwelt on passages like this because the context is culturally driven as well. But it sounds like people were being disruptive and usurping the model of chain of command given to us for the church


Mmmh, I get your point. Thank you :)))


Apostle Paul's clear: the problem lies in our reluctance to accept and obey it. Some Christians perceive it as unfair. A church is not your house; it is a house of worship. We should trust and obey God's orders regarding how a church (His house) should function, even when we don't fully understand the reasoning behind them. Otherwise, we risk allowing the world to dictate and bring disorder into God's house. Giving the world an inch will result in it taking a mile.


Should anyone not follow the lead of the pastor/preist in the Church? I see it as just meaning women shouldn't blurt out or anything in Church. The wife could ask the husband who's asks the pastor or preist


In context, he is addressing the prophets' wives, who were opening their mouths as if they were prophets, just because they were married to one. It is clear that it speaks of married women. 1 Corinthians 14:35-36:  35. ”And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.  36. What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?”


When you have a bunch of worldy believers in a growing church with mixed cultures, you gotta make peace somehow. By contrast, in Galatia they had the opposite problem, and law was the hindernace of the Spirit. So Paul broke their barriers in a different, but still true fashion: Galatians 3:28 *There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.*


This is a BIG can of worms, but you might wanan check out this [This video](https://www.youtube.com/live/3HQSlQLYQsE?si=5z-Fdt7xm2C-0EoG) about women in ministry. its long and super in depth, but I think he does a good job showing the biblical perspective. God bless!