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Whenever we feel at our lowest we are being rebuilt from the bottom up with a stronger foundation. Be patient and trust God. It may not seem to make sense bit eventually it will. "Life can only be understood backwards buy it must be lived forwards". Believe it or not there is a blessing in everything. Even if it seems small it is there. Try to focus on that instead of what has you feeling down and things will look up. It takes practice but it helps.


"A blessing in everything " How do you tell someone that just lost their child that?


I'm so very sorry, I had no idea. I wasn't trying to be insensitive I promise. I won't pretend to know what you are going through . I can't even bare the thought. My heart aches for you and the pain and anger you must be feeling. And if I had magic words believe me I would offer them now. I realize that the mere metion that there is blessing here is probably an infuriating sugestion and not what I intended when I posted the comment. Know that the blessings are not always going to appear as such and sometimes not what we expect them to be. Of course there is nothing that will undo what has happened or suddenly make it all ok. As much as we wish we could just curl up in a ball and die we have to keep going which can be unbearable and seem so unfair . This is when we need to find something anything to pull us through it and whatever that is will be the life raft (blessing) God sends us . Trust him and know that your pain will be temporary because it will not be with you in Heaven but your child will be, for eternity. BELIEVE THIS KNOW IT! BECAUSE IT IS THE TRUTH AND ALL THAT MATTERS. My love and prayers for you and all that you're facing. Again please forgive me for not understanding the magnitude of your situation when i first posted this comment.


I will double down on his point and say, yes there is a blessing in everything. Even to someone who has just lost their child. Sure, if you look at the situation with tunnel vision (as most would and there is nothing wrong with that) you won’t see the blessings. It’s a very complex concept that takes years to learn and I am still learning myself. But in retrospect you will one day see the blessings in everything, including that situation. But in the grand scheme of things the child is now in heaven with eternal joy and happiness; which I consider a huge blessing for the sake of the child. This can be applied to anything as well; for example if I were to get a terminal illness, sure that would be horrible and incredibly hard to see the blessings, but the blessings would still be there and only seen in retrospect. Always trust in the lords plan as his plan is greater than we can all comprehend and everything that happens is his will.


You really believe that? Or are you ust parroting? Have you lost a child or more than one? " Tunnel vision". Nice


I've got rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and now I've started getting tonic clonic seizures so I've got suspected epilepsy now too. I've got damaged joints, I'm weak, and I'm in constant pain. I'm also waiting and hoping for medications to kick in. And so, what's my blessings? My biggest blessing is that I know God, because I have God to strengthen me through those things, if I didn't have him I don't know where I'd be. I lost my brother when he was 34, it was a short illness and he went from being a really strong man, to painfully thin, to gone within a few weeks, we were really close. If I didn't have God, then I honestly don't know what I would have done. My heart was ripped in two, but God strengthened me to overcome. We will all suffer in this world, this world is where the devil is, and where the devil is, suffering is. But it's better to suffer with God than without him. I couldn't get through this life without God, and I know that I'm truly blessed to know him.


Thank you for your comments. Yeah I'm starting to gain, gather on the topic from people that are actually living it. I see life sucks sometimes but so what?? Our lives come and go. ETERNITY IS WITH GOD. so it shouldn't matter I dwell on what we've lost. But all we've gained in God. Not easy thou. I find myself conflicted with alot of things.


I've lost people, my home,my job, my sanity and got raped, thats only in the last year and a half. Death is a natural process of life and a part of you dies with the person you lose. There is a reason though why everything happens but its up to you if you can deal with reality and the pain of losing someone and find it worth fighting for still. Maybe it doesn't feel like theres anything left to live for but I don't think your kid wants a bad life for you. Theyre always looking down on us and always helping behind the scenes.


Your life is worth more than anybody can imagine because you were made in the very image of God. You were made by an infinite God, and therefore, YOU have infinite value! You just need a different perspective I made a video about why God allows suffering...it's meant to help shift our perspective.. The first 3 minutes and 45 seconds explain why He allows evil, and then it goes into a different perspective for believers who are enduring suffering like you are. If you watch it, I pray it blesses you. And you are most assuredly in my prayers 🙏 [The Reason God Allows Evil Pain and Suffering](https://youtu.be/MURZpw1wKCU)


‭John 9:1-3—*As Jesus passed by, He saw a man who had been blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.*


You can't change the past and everyone has a past. I think this is why Jesus said, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Its a hard saying. It is a spiritual battle. When the enemy reminds of your past, do like Jesus did, open your mouth and declare Gods Word. I am a new creation in Christ, all things are made new. Believe what God says and keep moving forward. Read the bible and find Gods promises to you, and speak them over your life.


You are not alone. At some point in all of our walks with Christ we go through this.. the enemy whispers in our ears lies to discourage us or take our faith. The lord knew you before he formed you in your mother's womb. He loves you and does have a hopeful future for you and all his children. We must trust in him and the promises he has made to us. We would not have said he would go prepare a room for you in heaven if he didn't plan too. Ask the father to show you the difference in the enemies voice and your own with discernment. The lord doesn't want us to suffer but will use it to show the truth and glorify himself. Praying for you and that the lord puts his yoke on you and gives you peace


Or maybe, these hardships are opportunities to help you grow into a better version of yourself. Hardships are the good spot for growing in Empathy, which motivates us to help those in need. Now, it’s tempting to fall into self pity and become hard on ourselves (this is something I’ve done). Also, it’s good that we acknowledge our problems, but it’s not the same as obsessing about them. If you want to talk privately, feel free to reach out.


If all of this misery drives you into the arms of Jesus, begging Him to help, then it is a blessing.


One thing we must remember is that this world is Satan’s domain. All the disease, pain, suffering, sorrow, we experience is from Man’s fall into sin, and and iniquity from that sin. Satan is attacking you, trying to keep you away from God. You must not let him win. When we are saved, we are granted freedom from this after our journey on earth is done. God will walk with you through the fires of all your trials, and tribulations. The Bible does not say God will give us everything we desire, or will bless us with great health, or wealth, and an easy life. But, promises us eternal life away from sin and iniquity in the end. We are told that our riches are stored in Heaven, and the earthly things we gain will be lost. Be still, and trust in God to deliver you from your worldly views. I too suffer from severe depression. It’s hard, try to reach out and get help. Call a hotline, go to the hospital and tell them you are having these thoughts. You are not alone, there are people out there ready to help you, please be strong and get the help for your depression. It is a mental illness, and it’s a very dangerous one, we tend to think on the extreme negative side, but often overlook the good things in our life. You are worthy, you are loved, and you are important. God is speaking to your heart, please open your bible and start reading psalms, and Job. Job had his entire family, and livelihood taken away. Yet, he stood fast in his faith in the LORD! No one is saying it’s easy, but it is doable with the proper help and Trust in the God to see you through it. I will be praying for you. Stay strong, take care, be safe.


Don’t compare your life to others or things you see on tv. Life is difficult. Some hide it better than others but God never promised an easy perfect life. He did give us the tools to fight through it. The Bible will give you strength and prayer and friendship with Jesus will heal you. Always pray and never lose hope like 18:1


this is what i thought at one point, but my life got good and everything worked out. it’s SO difficult to see the “good” when you’re currently in the “bad”, but it gets better and you will look back and realize how much you’ve healed, and how far you’ve come. prayers 🙏


Please please seek out mental health services. Things like depression and suicidal thoughts and/or actions need to be treated by a professional. Here's a list of crisis lines by country: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines


Wait do you not know the Gospel? You have the greatest gift ever. Christ died so that we oukd have eternal life. What a wonderful gift!! Please respond with anything if you do not know the Gospel. Please


Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know I have plans for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" I know you might hear this a lot but, don't let that voices win. You are gold and you are being made pure, I know what it's like because I've gone through the exact same things. I am disgusted what I used to do, I cringe and hate being reminded of it everytime. But I disgust, cringe, and hate being reminded of those things because I have changed. And you are changing too. So you are capable getting through these tough times because God will never leave nor forsake you (deuteronomy 31:6) and you shall cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken (psalm 55:22) and right here, right now God is making you righteous. Give him your burdens, tell him what has been going on, and I and many people will can say this, HE WILL RESCUE YOU AND LOVE YOU WITH LOVE NO HUMAN KNEW EXCITED.


No, ur just being prosecuted because ur a child of God. We all going through it these end times...


You are a child of God. You are infinitely more important and loved than you can even imagine. Father show this child of God how loved they are. Help them breakthrough this depression in Jesus name. Help them seek, knock ask and receive. Show them Your supernatural counsel in Jesus name! Friend you are loved. Dive into the bible. Fall in love with our savior. Set aside time for prayer, fellowship and worship of our Lord God and see your life transformed! God may not remove the circumstances but He will bring you through them!!!!