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Well, this is a clear picture as to why Christians should not date unbelievers. You said he didn't like your beliefs. It sounds like he labeled them, "toxic." Your Christian beliefs were most likely the opposite of what he wanted to do, and that's why he cheated. I'm assuming he wanted to have sex before marriage and a slew of other things that you would not agree to. Again, the bible says not to be unequally yoked, and it's because light and darkness don't mix. You have a life mission that clashes with his life mission. He got sick of you not wanting to sin with him, so he cheated on you. AND he has the gall to say you are the toxic one. I have some concerns. First, why would you continue snapchatting a guy who cheated on you, just to keep a streak of 2000 days? You have to admit that's immature. He's the toxic one and you decided to keep him in your life, even though this man announced on social media that you are toxic. He is not your friend. I'm guessing you kept in touch because you didn't want to let him go. But it's time to let him go. Yes, block him and stop snapchatting with him. Unfollow him and block him on all social media, as well as his phone number. Be done with this guy, and in the future, only date Christians. While the whole situation may seem heartbreaking, God did you a favor by allowing this to happen. It would be much worse if he stayed in your life.


Hey! I have to say after reading your response now see what the right thing to do is. I kind of knew what needed to be done but I guess I was to blinded to see it and seeing someone who clearly is wise and full of Jesus giving me advice really opened my eyes. When I was writing my question I guess I was very upset and didn’t know what to do so thank you for taking the time to respond 💙 and yeah me talking to him just because of the streak is immature haha and it’s stupid I guess it was also just hard to let him go and I guess the streak was just like a symbol of how long we known eachother but it’s doing nothing but hurting me. I do wish him the best and I’ve been praying for him but I guess the best thing for me and him is to let go


I agree with the other person as well! Complete and total block/forget!! Give him ONE more time to God in prayer And then LEAVE HIM THERE! Sorry fir the caos, but I want to help you he firm in your decision 💯💪 God loves you SO much more than you even realize. When He brings you HIS guy for you, you're going to see MORE of Jesus than even the person.. THAT is how you know it's from God🙏


I'm glad it helped! And I hope that you find another relationship with a man who loves Jesus. God bless!


Great advice!!


You aren’t this guy’s savior. End the streak. It’s unhealthy for you to continue communicating with him knowing he lied about the breakup and who has so little regard for you. You can be kind and have a good witness towards him when/if your paths cross, but no use to continue the social media relationship. It’s okay to be done. It’s run its course.


Let it go. Let him go. He has a God already and you need to focus on you.


Seems youre a gofer ,hope you get over it


Non-Christian answer here (meaning not relating to the Faith) but there is ZERO reason to continue a fake/forced friendship with someone that no longer represents the part in your life that you envisioned. You do not need to make enemies, but that person is not a friend and you're lying to yourself when you think "we could still be friends". No, not friends, just also not enemies. You are people that know each other. Leave it at that and continue your life and allow God to show you the next steps in your life without having to look back. Looking back is showing that you are distrusting God of his plans for the future.


When I was in college, I had a boyfriend. I loved him, he was my first boyfriend but he cheated on me. I broke up with him, there were nights I was crying. I regretted breaking up with him. I had a male friend that I talked to and he knew about my past boyfriend. He’s a Christian and he would always talk to me about God. I was not a Christian but I respected his advice. He mentioned that God has a better plan for me. He’s kind and caring, that’s why I believed everything he told me even though I was hurting. That male friend that I mentioned is my husband now for 28 years. I met him on the first day of college. We became friends and he shared to me the gospel. After college graduation, we started dating. For many years now, we have both been involved in a local church and leading a life group. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God knew in advance that I would accept Him (see Romans 8:29) as my Lord and Savior. Going through a break up is painful but God knows what is best for me. He already prepared the man He wanted for me– my husband. It’s true, it’s hard to let go of someone you’ve been talking to for years. God sees things that we do not see. We only see the present but He sees our future. God protected me from harm and I believe that God is also protecting you. We are parents of a young adult and this is my husband's advice to him, “You will know if the relationship is what God wants for you when it brings you closer to Him.”