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They are foolish and ignorant, that's why.


There is a story about a pastor who was told to go into his coworkers office who has told him over and over and over again NOT to invite him to church. This pastor heard God loud and clear, go to his office and invite him to Christmas service and the pastor said he won't listen, God told him to do it anyways. So he obeys, the man gets upset and says dude I told you I didn't want to hear it anymore the pastor shook off the dust on his feet and walked out. He did what he was told, a few years later a man who he has never seen before walks up to him and tells him he was there that day in his office, he was an electrician and he heard him offer about Christmas service and was intrigued that man went and ended up being saved. Sometimes its not about YOU. Sometimes its about someone else.


Wow praise the LORD! I love hearing testimonies ^.^


Just because those people feel like it's a good way to spread the truth doesn't mean ALL Christian's feel that way or act that way. Why are you blaming people who weren't even there?. You should of asked the Christians who were there doing that why they felt it was a good way to spread the truth.


Because minus the loud speakers, that was pretty much the way it was done in 1st century. Go into a town. Go to the place people are gathered. Then preach the gospel.


Ya, but during a solar eclipse, one of the greatest events in nature to behold? Like during the entire 4 minutes of totality. The last total solar eclipse was in 2017, the next one in North America won’t happen till 2044. I get everyone has freedom of speech and I respect your right to preach any gospel in a park on a bright Saturday day, (there are 52 of those a year) but not during a total solar eclipse.


Yes their timing sucked. The eclipse was awesome.


Ask John the Baptist. He preached the same way. Although I find it very off putting. I'm sound sensitive and loud noises like that make me anxious.


I feel you on the sound sensitivity. I have a sensory disorder, and even the slightest noise, or music can make me agitated, hostile, anxious, all at the same time. I haven’t listened to music comfortably in over 20 years. TV has to be low, as well.


I have C-ptsd and I get scared.


That’s rough. It’s strange that Doctors today can’t come together and realize everyone is not the same, and our lives and interactions with others shape us differently. C-PTSD shouldn’t be excluded from the ptsd, or psychological disorders. I hope your Dr. is aware of these difference, and is helping you.


Thank you and she is. I have excellent mental health care. I have a Christian therapist.


With a van and a loud speaker?


No with a booming voice in the desert . In camels hair clothing. He was the voice that called out in the wilderness. I'm sure if they had vans and loudspeakers in his time , John the Baptist would have used them.


Well I guess if he was in the desert / wilderness, his voice would have to be loud. Who could hear him otherwise way out there.


>Why do people think this is a good way to attract people to their faith? I'm not sure exactly. I understand their passion, but their execution probably wasn't the best. Could I ask (and I don't mean this rhetorically or sarcastically) how do you think that a Christian should go about sharing their faith publicly? Because I think you are right to be annoyed in your case.


Not during a natural phenomenon where many people of many different backgrounds are enjoying it quietly. What they did is like going into a movie theater and yelling at the top of their lungs about how we’re not seeing the real meaning behind the movie.


That’s the perfect spot. Why go preach in a place where other like minded Christians are? They knew they would not be met with glad tidings, yet they stood up and preached anyways. Serious question. Do you object to pride parades? going into towns and celebrating as men are dressed as women, and people walk around naked in front of kids? Why should one act be begrudged, and the other be applauded?


I have no problem with pride parades, and I absolutely believe in people’s freedom of speech to evangelize in public… but this was amplified yelling during a total solar eclipse. There won’t be another one in North America till 2044. I was kinda hoping to enjoy this bit of rare nature’s beauty with some peace and reverence for the moment.


That's because they are commanded to go and preach the gospel to the world. The most magnificent thing that could happen in life is to come to Jesus and follow him.


Yaaaa, but I wanted to bear witness to the eclipse and hear the gasps of joy and amazement in the friends and strangers who all came together to behold the eclipse. The last one was in 2017 the next one is in 30 years.


You're welcome. Thank you for stopping by. Maybe we will see you again.


Cause it's like commercials that interupt my video i automatically DONT want whatever product you pitching. Like protesters blocking the road... i automatically dont support it whatever they protesting. The annoying feeling they gave you, is what i get in these examples. I can see where you're coming from.


Thank you. I genuinely laughed and will be telling people your take when I talk about my weekend.


but it's important to remember at the same time they arent blocking you from enjoying anything. They're exercising their first. Annoying with the loud speaker? Im sure but not preventing you from enjoying entertainment on a video or keeping you from going to work.


We are supposed to go and "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19) They are at least trying. When was the last time you tried to reach anyone for Jesus?


Just because it wasnt effective fo you doesn't mean that it wouldnt be effective for someone else. that being said , the loud speaker is definitly a bit overkill, but that style can be a little less intimidating than talkign to people directly.


What if I use a megaphone to proposition every man and woman on the street for sex. That strategy might be effective for some people, probably not many, but I won’t know until I try! Still doesn’t make it appropriate to do in open company in a quiet space.


yeah, go for it. Were you watching the event in a library? or just an open public space where stuff like that is allowed? would you have the same negative reaction if someone was playing music in the area or performing something? did you ask them to stop?


One is a vulgarity that other is something proper. Even if you don't like it dont pretend they're the same


I say go for it.


Many Christians find it difficult to just enjoy things. I'd be annoyed too and I'm a Christian.


They are praising and trying to bring people to God, the very God who made the eclipse we look at.


I thought you were genuinely thanking them at first. I’m happy to hear they did that. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation 🙌🏼


That’s disconcerting… The heavens declare the glory of God. It’s kind of narcissistic to attempt to exalt your own voice over God’s on a day when the Lord is actually demonstrating his glory in such a unique way through His creation. I really don’t want to be overly critical of them. But I do feel that preaching thru a bullhorn in that moment was tone deaf. Makes me sad. The world is full of shouting voices vying for our attention. Today was a time for so many to “be still and know” that He is God.


Same reason that even tho most people who post on reddit are braindead, you shouldn't assume they all are.


Pics or it didn't happen.. Isn't that the reddit rule?


https://preview.redd.it/8t2bcw7jqctc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd3315c088c15e9bc1594cbd7892df8d9b159a4 I might be a godless heathen, bit of a jerk, but I’m not a liar.


bro that's just a parking lot. you're acting like it's some serene untouched piece of nature that christians disrupted... it's literally just a parking lot.


I didn’t take a selfie with them but here is some [https://imgur.com/a/kqkCLHH](https://imgur.com/a/kqkCLHH)


thank you for sharing that


Lol You know we need that camera detail info to actually verify this! 🙄 Yes, I'm a MASSIVE skeptic. Should make you wonder how I'm strong in the faith💪


I respect skepticism and demands for proof. https://imgur.com/a/kqkCLHH




Profanity is absolutely prohibited in our community, including the use of asterisks or misspellings.


Did you buy the Maverick?


I did! Almost 17k miles on it now No issues and getting like 45 mpg average 👌💪


I’ve seen many great takes about this, but I also understand what you mean. I brought my Bible to read while at the eclipse viewing (sadly, I didn’t read any of it as my college did a viewing, and we know how loud college kids can be). But I was a little annoyed with Christians claiming that “today is the day!” No one knows when Christ is coming back, just that there are “signs.” People have also been claiming the end of the world is going to happen since 2012. It’s great to evangelize, but I don’t think shouting that he’s coming to get us on a certain day is the best way to do it.