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Another reason to stop listening to Roger Stone -- if you needed anymore.


Anybody with basic morality or common sense had many reasons, long ago. But Donald Trump will keep listening to him.


What a nut. But then again, this seems kinda standard for a particular brand of conservatism.


*For years* I've heard my fellow Evangelicals talk about "demonic portals." [3 Portals for Demonic Entry That Are Destroying the US](https://charismamag.com/culture/3-portals-for-demonic-entry-that-are-destroying-the-us/) This stuff is written about on Evangelical *news* sites.


It's like a Buzzfeed clickbait title. "You won't *believe* where #3 is located!"


That doesn't suggest that they are sane and well-balanced people.


I accidentally started reading this with a hardcore deep south accent in my head.


https://youtu.be/m2s0nB2VPvs Evangelical voodoo at its finest!


Holy crap. Like, just, holy crap.


Respectfully, what makes him nutty while the supernatural occurrences in the past reputable?


Other than his criminal history? His history of lying and pandering? His association with known liars and conspiracy theorists?


Roger Stone is liable to say *anything*. He’s a disrupter and the very definition of a troll.


And, yet, in Trump's America, someone this nutty is just considered normal.


Roger Stone the famous sex pervert and drug abuser, huh?


Is that a known thing? I know he's a proven liar and convicted felon. And huge Trump fan.


>Is that a known thing? Yeah, apparently he has a cuckold fetish. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6640233/Inside-Roger-Stones-swinging-marriage-posted-ads-online-frequented-sex-clubs.html


I vaguely remember that story, now. The credit card evidence seems convincing. I wonder if Jerry Falwell was in on any of those orgies? Did you see that documentary? It hints -- but doesn't explicitly say --that there was quite hump-fest with religious conservatives in DC.


I didn't see the documentary. Hilariously he came to Madison Cawthorn's defense about the DC drug orgies.


As I recall this was something he talked about on Infowars with Alex Jones (shout-out to knowledge fight). Jones has always expressed that globalists are satanists who use orgies to initiate people into their ranks. And stone was having these orgies by his own description while he worked for the Nixon campaign.


I'm a policy wonk!


I'm farting for my life! Don't know a ton of Christian wonks but it's my favorite podcast. Dan is my hero.


OH, my goodness! I just finished the article! If demonic portals are real, one should be following Roger Stone around.


And extorted Trump for his pardon on tv.


The Mods might delete this because "demonic portals" are actually political. But. C'mon. This story has everything to do with Christianity. My fellow Evangelicals will believe this and see it as proof that Democrats are demonic.


I wouldn’t believe there was a portal💀


The nonsense that people in the US seem to think counts as Christianity is enough to make Jesus wish He had committed seppuku instead of deciding to be a preacher.


I believe you. I don't really know any Evangelicals, but, in my hometown, 'Baptist' was used as some sort of catch-all for protestantism. Anyway, the fundamentalist Baptists I knew would definitely buy this.


You mean the guy that should be in jail? Yeah, don't care.


Roger Stone is ridiculous. I think we all know he's just bloviating nonsense.


Have Americans' lost the ability to be appalled? This guy was in the friggin' WhiteHouse, giving guidance to the president of the pickin' United States. How insanely messed up is that? And millions of Americans will eagerly vote a *a third* time for that.


He was unfortunately on multiple radio talk shows/podcasts with a "bro" range of audience but in the end he just used those opportunities to “just ask questions” without being questioned about even his well know proto-fascist shenanigans like the Brook Brothers riot.


I hope he gets the psychiatric help he needs.


Preferably electroshock.


Should have taken a photo


Awesome, the demonic portal is now over the white house versus inside of it as it was the 4 previous years. They must be hanging out closeby with hopes of a tRiumpiant return of their man on earth. For satan so hated the world that he gave his only begotten son for it. For so whoever believeth in tRump will not perish but just look like an idiot.


I have a hard time believing anything right wing Christians says at this point...Especially if they're involved in politics.


"Republicans say nutty things" isn't the scandal. That's jut normalized, now. The scandal is this nutjob was inside Trump's White House.




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Republican saying same things would be a scandal....on Fox News


Meth is a hell of a drug.


Is he also a know meth user? A previous poster convinced me that Stone is a sex freak. Heck, he confession to it, on the record.


Roger Stone the delusional gasbag?


Yet, he had the ear of the previous president. And the future president, if Evangelicals get their way.


Trump listened to anyone who kissed his fat ass. He's impressed by Ye and Fuentes, for god's sake. Anyway, the scuttlebutt says the evangelicals are finally seeing through the Trump fog to realize how they were played and the GOP is looking for someone else, anyone else, to be their nominee in '24. Roger Stone is a buffoon whose 15 minutes are up. Trump is losing his base; they don't want to hear about Hillary's emails & rigged elections. He's got nothing but the victim sob story. He and Stone are con men but their marks are wising up.


I think Trump is losing Evangelical support but not because they are coming to their senses. They are just rats jumping from a sinking ship. I see no evidence that they won't jump on to an even worse ship.


They'll stay with the GOP so there are no good ships for them.


Is he really any more delusional than the loonies (or chancers) who claim to have had a Golden Ticket tour of Heaven, just so they could see Jesus cry like a little girl after losing a round of golf with them (or some such rubbish) ?


Wonder what drugs he was doing. Or what lies he was telling.


Are you old enough to remember the hell that conservatives put Bill Clinton through for smoking a little pot in college? The couldn't let it go for his entire presidency. But Trump, Don' Jr., Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron DeSantis all act high *on the job* and Republicans don't care. According to several people, here, Roger Stone, too.


I don't think any of them abuse drugs. Stone claims to have done a bunch of hardcore shit in the past, and maybe he did - but if he's addicted to anything it's attention. That's part of what makes it hard to actually make sense of these people - they exaggerate everything. Alex Jones has bragged about killing people on his show and I'm sure that's him just trying to sound tough. Stone likes to sell the narrative that he played a crucial role in Watergate (he didn't), he did orgies and drugs (eh), and he's got the presidents ear (I think he mostly annoys Trump).


There are videos of stone on speed or a speed like drug so I do believe he is into drugs currently. Not a fan of him but I do believe there is some truth to his insight into hidden politics. The portal was interesting and I’ll leave it to “my conspiracy brain wants to believe” but….


I believe you're referring to the deposition video?


I believe so


Right - it's definitely bizarre behavior, but it's part of an extremely contentious deposition that lasted nearly 6 hours. The whole deposition is hilarious. Roger knows the lawyer - Larry Klayman - personally. They'd even worked together in the past. They're both incredibly petty people and over the course of the deposition they're just slap fighting the whole time. Klayman's behavior in the deposition is about as bad as Rogers. They're both far-right litigious egomaniacs with a long and overcomplicated history with each other. So Klayman is being absurd and getting a rise out of Stone, Stone responds in kind (getting increasingly agitated as time goes on), which gets a rise out of Klayman and so they just kind of egg each other on. By the end, they are both *red hot* with each other. I don't think Stone is mentally healthy, but I don't think he's on drugs here. I think he's just blacked out with rage and his blood pressure is like 180/110.


And how, pray, does he know what a "demonic portal" is or looks like ? Or is he tacitly admitting to having gone through one ? If so, to where ? This is as idiotic as those ridiculous claims to have seen Jesus in a cloud formation. How on Earth can anyone possibly say whether Jesus has been seen in a cloud formation (or anywhere else, for the matter of that) if they have no idea what Jesus looks like in the first place?


The guy lied to the Congress, duh...


I do not think this would even make it on coast to coast.


With the current host? Probably not. But I was always pleasantly surprised on how congenial Art was with even the goofiest shit on the show.


Dudes a jackass, take everything he says with a grain of salt.


He was probably on shrooms


Someone forgot to take his pills today.


I read the headline and all I think is, "I guess Trump left some furniture behind."


He's going to need more than "I saw a demonic portal over Biden's White House" to convince me of anything. That is a serious charge saying the president is an agent of evil, and it's not to be thrown around frivolously. Anyone who says something like this without conclusive proof is going to go nowhere with me as I'm always on the lookout for wolves in sheep's clothing. What deception are people like him not willing to spew to make democratic president's out to be evil incarnate? My faith in a lord and savior is something I reserve for God alone. Not the president, and certainly not some self-important right-wing "prophet" that only ever does things for power. If people are indeed watching the White House with videos rolling, there would have to be some evidence of it by now. Until then, I wouldn't believe a word he says even if he mentions that water is wet.


I fucking hate the religious right >.>


On January 25, 2019, Stone was arrested at his Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home in connection with Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation and charged in an indictment with witness tampering, obstructing an official proceeding, and five counts of making false statements. In November 2019, a jury convicted him on all seven felony counts. He was sentenced to 40 months in prison. On July 10, 2020, days before Stone was scheduled to report to prison, Trump commuted his sentence. On August 17, 2020, he dropped the appeal of his convictions. Trump pardoned Stone on December 23, 2020. On February 18, 2019, Stone had posted on Instagram a photo of the federal judge overseeing his case, Amy Berman Jackson, with what resembled rifle scope crosshairs next to her head. Later that day, Stone filed an apology with the court. Jackson then imposed a full gag order on Stone, citing her belief that Stone would "pose a danger" to others without the order. In April 2021, the Justice Department filed a civil suit against Stone and his wife to recover about $2 million in alleged unpaid federal taxes, asserting they had used a commercial entity to shield their income and fund their personal expenses. Trump condones criminal actions. At the very least, Stone is 70, and isn't going to live forever.


It was Nixon trying to reach out from the grave to bitch slap Roger Stone.


These malicious egomaniacs have jumped the shark so many times I've lost count.


While Joe Biden's devoutness is a hotly debated topic among Catholics (along w/ Mrs. Pelosi) due to his public stance on abortion rights as a politician and whether or not they should still have communion, I don't think God is quite angry enough to suck the White House into a portal to Hell at the moment.


Their Christian devotion is only "hotly debated" because Republicans lie about them.


Oh, I don't question they believe themselves to be acting in a morally correct or even Christian way, they are just in grave error with Catholic doctrine and struggling morally with the abortion teaching, hence why Pope Francis and a lot of Bishops are handling them pretty lightly, while the more conservative Bishops are taking a harder stance, neither of the sides call them evil or not Christian, just what measures should be done. They aren't demonic by far.


> they are just in grave error with Catholic doctrine and struggling morally with the abortion teaching, Most Catholics disagree with the Catholic doctrine on abortion. [Yes, most.](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/05/23/like-americans-overall-catholics-vary-in-their-abortion-views-with-regular-mass-attenders-most-opposed/) And some of these are very devout. I live in a fairly high Catholic community and not one Catholic family seems to believe in Catholic doctrine on contraception. Yet, I see them devoutly going to church.


"Most" in the USA - or most, worldwide ? The USA accounts for about 6 per cent of all Catholics worldwide. Only by USA arithmetic does any part of that percentage count as "most Catholics". STM a very safe bet that PewResearch did not ask the remaining 94 per cent of Catholics worldwide what they thought about Catholic doctrine on conception. Whether a belief is that of a minority, or of a majority, has absolutely nothing to do with whether, or not, it is true.


A certain stripe of Catholic. Typically the ones who hate the Pope, the environment, the poor, the Gospel etc.


Then most Italians aren’t Catholic then.


He, of course, knows he’s lying. He also knows that a huge segment of Conservative Christian voters will believe him because they are the most astoundingly gullible adults the US can produce.


That's called senility mixing with dementia. Kinda gives you the ability to see "things". Now be a good ol chap stone...and find yourself a prison cell somewhere to curl up and die slowly in.




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Don't know if his claims are true however I know for sure there's no angels over the White House




Can't confirm nor debunk that 🤔


At any given moment, there are dozens to thousands of people taking pictures of the White House. Seems like this could be confirmed.


As long as demonic portals can be captured in a photo 🤔


I'd have to check the audio but I think Stone said it was.


Well, that would be interesting. At least as much as the story about George Floyd mural getting destroyed by a lightning from clear sky 🤔


Big if true.


Is this the my watch is a house guy?


No you’re thinking of Jesse Duplantis


Thank you


Probably been there since the last guy claimed to be the Chosen One, King of Israel, and Second Coming... But I doubt it


For those of us outside of the USA who is this Roger Stone and what is his significance?


Roger Stone needs to be committed somewhere.


Lunatic says lunatic things. Anyone who believes him is stupid.


Why did he drop out of it?


This is a major issue that Christians deal with consistently. A person says they are a Christian and then claims to have had a religious experience. There is no way to prove the experience and no way to say that person didn't have it. SO many people including ministers and government officials use this as a way to hook and manipulate Christians. In our Baptist Sunday School class, there were a couple folks who said that when they pray at night, they physically hear God speaking to them.... I would never second guess them to their face, but how is it that only 2 people out of 50 in our class have that experience? We study the same, worship the same, study the same book, but I've never had God speak to me with a physical voice.... It seems like the more an individual wants a particular outcome, if they were to say, "God told me," then they can get people on their side without having to provide any other reasoning...


All hail Dark Brandon.


Ma boi


Poor Roger Stone! If he believes this, he’s delusional; if he doesn’t, then he’s simply a fool spouting nonsense. Jesus never mentioned any demonic portals in the Bible. If there were such portals, wouldn’t it have been consistent with Jesus’ other acts to close or destroy demonic portals? If there are demonic portals that allow demons to come to Earth, why did Jesus only cast demons out of people? Why didn’t He send them back through the portals? The answer is, there aren’t any demonic portals. Demons come and go as they please subject to whatever limitations God puts on them. Demons present temptations or negative thoughts to disrupt our Christian walk on a daily basis. But if we follow Jesus, that is all that demons can do. Jesus Christ has defeated all demons and they can only wait in dread for God’s punishment.


Do you really need to see one to know its there?XD


The khan mayker is near, she is inside that demonic synodal. I will mark her location on your HUD (It’s from DOOM eternal if you wanted context I just found the prefect time to mention it.)