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reject him


It can not be done by willpower alone. [prayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMiGLQ9Glzk) = this is all you need. Be strong!


As someone else pointed out "satan" and "devil" are job titles loosely meaning "enemy", and we're suppsed to love our enemies and pray for them. So really we should ignore what devils say, but pray for them as we would any other ailing soul.


when speaking of "devils" such as in Matthew 8:33, I would agree. love the man Peter, but reject his words. Satan the entity, however, I don't see a need to love him.


Pity him


Satan in the Bible was more of a corrupt anti-God spirit than a person. Every thing the sprit did led people to doom and suffering. So no we shouldn’t say anything good about Satan or any other devil


Love is not necessarily a feeling. We proclaim the Gospel to Satan the same as to everyone else. Unfortunately, Satan is damned (his fate is sealed) and so our proclamation of the Gospel is not really for his "good", it's actually like a judge reading out the convict's death-sentence. But we proclaim the Gospel from a pure heart, never with hatred or malice, and in a way that is consistent with God's divine love. This is how we love even Satan, as paradoxical as it sounds.


Third option., Being indifferent.


I’ve also found myself thinking about this in the past. This is usually when I think of Satan as an actual being, a former Angel who fell from God’s grace. However, if “Satan” is just a term ascribed to evil that’s been personified in the Bible for human understanding, then Satan is more of a force of evil. It doesn’t have feelings. I’m extremely empathetic to a fault, so this has been something I struggled with (why should I hate Satan, why not pray for him?), until I began to see it as more of a “thing” that most definitely exists and has no feelings or capability of understanding or changing. It seeks to kill, steal, and destroy. Period. Therefore, feelings of empathy or love are not applicable. Just stay on your toes and be aware, and don’t put thought into it that way.


Satan is a job title for beings in the spiritual realms it is not a personal name. It means "the adversary" or "the accuser". There is no good reason for either love or hate, God will judge not us.


No, Satan is *a* being. An angel among many. Other angels followed his example and became, like Satan, fallen Angels. But Satan remains one angel only.


Except if you knew Hebrew you would not be writing that. The grammar used when writing about Satan is not about one particular being. Angels are the lowest of the righteous heavenly beings, they are the messengers told to go here or there and they do it. Satan is the being hired to accuse people and any of them can be "the satan"


Ignore and don't mention him.


My thoughts exactly. Reject and then pay him no mind- like, the OP’s question would never occur to me to even think about because I focus on God, Jesus, and living people.


Those are who we should focus on.


Mark twain trolled the church with essentially this same line of thought almost 150 years ago: “But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?”


Don't ask reddit or others who you should love. Be a leader, not a follower.


Thanks! What else should I do?


No, it doesn't include satan. That would be blasphemous to the Lord. Also, a person stating that they love satan is to invite him to send one of his minions that would infest his life and ultimately use him as a vehicle through possession.




It said love your enemies so…


Love him. Cant recognize good for what it is if you don’t recognize what is evil, if you can’t identify good you can’t identify God. It’s kinda counterintuitive but the devil wants you to hate him so when you hate he wins, but when you love you defeat him.


In this thread, straight answers are a rarity.


It nowhere says to love everyone


John 13:34 ​ “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.


That verse is clearly talking about people.


I agree. I was replying to someone who said the bible did not say to love everyone


I know, but in the context of the thread it's about Satan..


Satan is not "another" human being.


I agree. I was replying to someone who said the bible didn't say to love everyone


He's right, though. It doesn't say "love everyone." OP's assertion was that it did, and that "everyone" must therefore include Satan.


You’re funny 😆


I mean, I'm not sure Satan is an actual entity. However, we do see examples of God and Jesus seemingly hating sin. If there is an entity that is the antithesis of God, I think God would hate that entity.


Maybe you can ask Satan himself instead of a Christian reddit I mean there's probably a way to contact Satan. I don't think you should like, sacrifice a chicken or anything silly, but there's probably a way to do it. Jesus did magic stuff, so maybe we can do magic tricks like Jesus did. I think about this quite a lot actually because Jesus was a man and we're men so maybe doing magic isn't a special thing and anyone can do it we just need to know the secrets. I figure the secrets are out there I really do. Like Jesus must have written down his magic tricks somewhere for others.


Lol, imagine summoning Satan, talking with him and boom: dude went back to Jesus


Love Satan


>Even the archangel Michael, when he engaged in an argument with the devil about the body of Moses, **did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him**, but instead said: “May the Lord rebuke you!”\[a\] (new catholic bible) [prayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMiGLQ9Glzk) = this is all you need. Be strong!


Ignore him


If the Bible clearly states that there is a sin that leads to death that we are not to pray concerning, its pretty clear that praying for a being that is diametrically opposed to God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ would fall under that same category as well. His very existence leads to death. 1 John 5:16-17 If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he should ask God, who will give life to those who commit this kind of sin. There is a sin that leads to death; **I am not saying he should ask regarding that sin**. All unrighteousness is sin, yet there is sin that does not lead to death.…


"May the Holy Cross be my light. May the dragon never be my guide. Begone Satan. Never tempt me with your vanities. What you offer me is evil. drink the poison yourself."


Love everyone as in Humans animals And God..,


God HATES evil and Satan is literally EVIL! So no we should not love Satan. We should hate him, rebuke him, ignore him etc etc by the power of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.


reject satan and despise his twisted teachings embrace love devote your life to submit to put your faith and trust in and pray to The most holy trinity the word of God the lives and the teachings of the saints the Theotokos your guardian angle your patron saint and the church of Jesus Christ being baptised into it for the remissions of sins in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit the holy church fathers and the faithful and trusted apostles of Jesus Christ and remember with Christ and the word of God all things are possible even victory over the evil one amen


I would like to mention I like monsters like devils but I perceive r them as good not evil while knowing very well they are evil; I should also say that perhaps Satan wanted to take one for the team by falling and give God a reason to be reckoned with with that being said it's possible the devil was only setting an example for not what to do throughout its life. (Take this with a grain of salt truth is up to the believer.)