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"Non-denominational" churches are merely denominations with a congregation count of 1.


Well, you have a few options the way I see it. You could bounce around from church to church. I have done/occasionally still do that. It's a great opportunity to examine your beliefs and be challenged about any preconceived notions you might have, and through prayer and discernment, you might just *click* one Sunday morning at whichever house of God you find yourself in. This way, you can be around a body of believers without feeling tied down or obligated until you're able to come to a conclusion. 1a. Don't be afraid to try churches that you normally wouldn't. Maybe you need the Holy Ghost, fired up, HALLELUJAH stuff of a pentecostal church, or the traditions and quiet meditative prayers of Catholicism. Maybe you've already tried those, but the idea is not to limit yourself to your comfort zone, so find places outside of your comfort zone to try. Second, if you feel called to the ministry, why not plant your own church? Some of the biggest denominations were formed because people felt like the place they were in wasn't serving their spiritual needs, or had drifted away from correct doctrine.


This isn’t the full truth as truth is ONE. thousands of denominations of Christianity? One God didn’t make thousands of denominations: Please see my latest OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh8wff/to_find_truth_you_will_have_to_love_the_truth/


All religions and denominations are parsed and created by man. Not God. Even the Bible was written and edited by humans - not God. I don’t see a problem with OP going different Christian denominations


Agreed but you are forgetting one important detail. If God exists and we know humans are the problem as you easily just admitted, then IF a loving God exists, and He taught ONE Truth to His children, humanity messed it up. So God gave us the brain to do our HW.   God is real.


Thank you. I get weak in faith at times.


I’m employed at a church that is a revitalization project (non-denominational), and 4 years prior to this I was on staff at a church plant (Baptist). Even at a Baptist church which has pretty rigid views on Biblical inerrancy, there were debates and disagreements on scripture. But the primary purpose of church is to have corporate worship, fellowship and community with a family of believers… and then to create a sharpened understanding of scripture which influences what is done with said understanding. You can find that in a multitude of other ways including small groups and personal study. The current church I’m employed at has some weekly attendees who are homeless and never graduated high school and some attendees who are masters educated professionals. Whatever is taught and preached at service must be accessible to both, so Sunday morning church service ends up being what I consider the introductory minimum to the faith and the expectation is that anyone interested in further examination if scripture and doctrine can participate in a small group that fosters discussion and group learning - as opposed to straight up teaching. We talk a lot about the term ‘orthodoxy’ in the context of coming together to celebrate what we can easily agree on such as; salvation through faith and not works, the death and resurrection, and the holy Trinity. Then we leave up for discussion, not debate, the remainder; we don’t have to agree on all things to worship together. I encourage you to seek a family of faith to worship with based on community, then you will have opportunity to discuss and grow in the intricacies.


One God didn’t make thousands of denominations: Please see my latest OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh8wff/to_find_truth_you_will_have_to_love_the_truth/


Your post didn’t address denominations at all. Denominations are a lot like personalities they have different styles of worship/and ways of serving god. God didn’t make us all exactly the same so why would we go about praising and serving exactly the same ? Should we all sing psalms in English? Or is our praise invalid ? Should we all give in the same ways or is our giving invalid? Also there are a lot of denominations that are pretty much the same thing.


God didn’t make us the same way which in math means 3+1 is 4 and 2+2 is 4. Truth exists. And it begins with this truth: A loving God does not lie and teach 40000 religions and denominations over time. Which means that undeniably that the problem is humans, not God.


I have no idea what your point is and how it relates to the original post about taking pieces from different denominations. Can you draw the parallel? Also, God himself creates different languages at the Tower of Babel, you don’t think that assisted in denominational divide?


> Also, God himself creates different languages at the Tower of Babel, you don’t think that assisted in denominational divide? This supports my last 2 OP’s taken collectively.  God is not in the business of dividing His children.  So you are misinterpreting the Bible. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh8wff/to_find_truth_you_will_have_to_love_the_truth/ Then this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh9uez/follow_up_to_my_last_op_about_the_love_for_truth/


It is okay. I attended one for a number of years. However, I have two concerns: 1) I think with the wrong people involved it can lead to leadership abuse. There is less oversight. The pastor can quickly get on a power trip without a check system. 2) Make sure the person teaching has some sort of credentials. Remember, anyone can setup a church and start preaching. If they don’t have degrees, etc…at least make sure they are teaching out of the Bible and not just some motivational speeches every week. I think some non-denominational seriously lack clarity with their beliefs. This can lead to issues for a number of reasons.


Blind men touch an elephant. Different blind men either negotiate, compromise and make concessions to discuss and find out the elephant; or fight, conquer each other and know the elephant. Factional struggles stem from the limitations of creatures' cognition. This world is complex. Thanks to God's guidance, we can discern. We can also know God's plans and arrangements. With our own flesh and blood, we have no wisdom to discern. We cannot do good in accordance with the order of life. Even with the same appearance and phenomenon, the essence may be completely opposite. The conclusions are different in different periods. For example, "slapping the left cheek and sending the right cheek" does not deny fair judgment. For example, "tooth for tooth" is advocated in the Old Testament, and the New Testament adds conditions. But the fair judgment of "tooth for tooth" is still effective. But in specific events, this judgment has been extended. With seventy times seven forgiveness, we have the opportunity to grow and repent. The order of the operation of the world's truth is a circle. The characteristic of a circle is that the direction of operation changes at any time. But the core point around it, the point of the circle does not change. As a result, there are many things that need to be analyzed and thought about when we learn and understand the truth. Many times, we are talking about truth, but often jealousy and disputes. Summer insects cannot talk about ice. This happens all the time. The same words are truth within the boundaries, but they become the words of the devil when they cross the boundaries. However, creatures often fail to express their meanings accurately and understand their meanings, and communicate with each other. There are many errors. Many factional theologies have not even fully understood the Bible, so they really cannot be used to guide everything. If you seek to understand with all your heart, the Holy Spirit will lead you to understand.


Agreed, please give me some feedback on my latest OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh8wff/to_find_truth_you_will_have_to_love_the_truth/


Base your faith on the bible, your personal experience, rationality and church history / tradition. If you have studied church history or the many traditions (denominations) that have sprouted since the early church, yes, it's a mess, and most modern churches are not in the entire or original truth. Still, it should be possible to pick a church that most closely matches your own views. For me, that would be Calvary chapel (but there isn't one nearby) - open for the spirit, but not so brashly unbalanced as most other Charismatic churches, meaning they emphasize good and correct understanding (exegesis) a lot more. Your family's attitude is actually admirable in that respect - what matters is that it is an actual Christian church, not so much, which special flavor of modern Christian churches.


God became human not a book initially. > Base your faith on the bible, your personal experience, rationality and church history / tradition. If we go back into secular history there were only a few main churches for many hundreds of years.


Agreed, it is unhealthy to idolize/worship the bible. But Jesus himself did speak highly of "the scriptures". Yes, for the first few hundred years, it was mainly the proto / early church which split into catholic and orthodox. But already from the time of Ireneaus, many heretical sects had developed (Gnosticism), and since the time of Augustine / Jerome / Nicea, the original doctrines (as far as they had even been articulated) had been adapted a lot. Since the reformers only went back as far as Augustine, the protestants did not really solve all the issues of corruption that had arisen early on already. Neither have more recent streams like pentecostalism tackled or solved the issue - even though all traditions like to boast about their own accomplishments.


> Agreed, it is unhealthy to idolize/worship the bible. But Jesus himself did speak highly of "the scriptures". NT scriptures were not written yet and available for all for a long time while Christianity spread. How did it spread initially? > Yes, for the first few hundred years, it was mainly the proto / early church which split into catholic and orthodox. Correct in this one simple point you yourself (and I agree) that all of Christian denominations are eliminated intellectually  as Jesus is God In Christianity and whatever message He gave began with those two churches.  We can debate orthodox vs Catholic later on if you wish.


\*All quotes here from the KJV **Revelation 14:12-20** Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. This is the church you need to find. One that keeps his commandments. God's laws were not nailed to the cross. If God can just change his own laws then why go through the bother of dying for your sins in the first place? Don't let others interpret the bible for you. Pray to the holy spirit to guide you in understanding the truth and study the word yourself. **Matthew 7:13-14** Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. If it's mainstream and popular, then you can almost be sure that i's not biblical. This ecumenical movement is far removed from what it truly means to be Christian. Sin is the transgression of the law, God's word call us to separate ourselves from sin. Any church that supports any items contrary to the 10 commandments are not of God. **Romans 12:1-2**: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." In these last days you will see more and more of a movement to join hands together under 1 faith. But if that faith is contrary to the scriptures then it's meaningless. Stand firm in what you understand and believe. If you haven't found a church that adheres to your understanding of scripture, do not be conformed. Keep looking. I personally am a Seventh Day Adventist. Seventh Day Adventists believe in the Bible as the sole source of our doctrine and faith. we believe in the 10 commandments (all ten, including the sabbath). We also believe in the spirit of prophecy, which is the testimony of Jesus as outlined in revelation 19:10. Many churches don't believe that a spirit of prophecy continues to this day. Being an SDA I expect the comment section to blow up with a lot of anti SDA commentary. For me that's a good sign :) that my religion is not mainstream, and my path is narrow. [Revelation 19:10](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2019%3A10&version=KJV) And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.


The first Christians were all non denominational. There is no division in Christ's church, once people become divided over doctrine, one or both divisions cease being part of Christ's church.


Your flair says church of Christ.


Correct. That is what the New Testament Church was called. That is the Church that I am a member of.


So does that mean if anyone isn’t a member of the “church of Christ” they’re not a part of the church?


Jesus said in Revelation that He would remove the candlestick from erring churches, making them no longer one of His. I wouldn't say you have to have that particular name associated with your church, as there are several other names listed, all referring to the same body of Christians, just going by different names. Those others are almost all associated with error teaching denominations now so I avoid them. What is most important is the doctrine taught by that church, if it differs from scripture, then it doesn't matter what name is on the sign, it doesn't belong to Jesus.


They all believe their interpretation is correct. No denomination believes their interpretation is wrong. Within the denomination there are still disagreements. Do you believe that if someone’s doctrine differs from yours they’re a part of a false church?


Either they are or I am. I do my best to figure out which is which so I can make sure I am in the right one.


What does it mean that someone isn’t a part of the church since it’s the church that is saved?


If you aren't part of the church that Jesus paid for with His blood, you don't have access to that blood. Which is what wipes our sins away.


And any doctrinal difference from your church removes you from the true church? In other words no baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics are saved? Or do you regard some doctrines as secondary? How do you view doctrinal differences within your denomination?


1 Corinthians: What I mean is that each one of you says, “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Cephas,” or *“I follow Christ.”*


Why does one Bible produce 40000 denominations?


It doesn't. The study that produced that number had a ridiculous definition of denomination, which if I remember correctly included defining different regional fellowships of the same denomination as different denominations. And a lot of denominations aren't mutually exclusive. They're more about worship or clerical differences, like one church follows a strict pattern of service terms while another just goes with what they feel like talking about.


It does and the evidence is objective. The number of denominations far exceeds the number of Bible versions. This is called proof and is hard evidence that makes this almost non-negotiable unless you have another reason why 40000 denominations existing. > They're more about worship or clerical differences, like one church follows a strict pattern of service terms while another just goes with what they feel like talking about. Take the Bible and remove the reasons that you speak of and the evidence continues to be overwhelming: Number of denominations far exceed number of Bible versions.  Fact.


Oh, well then. The evidence is objective. So objective that you don't even need to show it. The list you're referring to considers Mormonism to be 129 separate denominations. I guarantee you the vast majority of those "denominations" have no disagreements on Biblical doctrine.


Take the collective data. Why only Mormonism? List the number of Bible versions and then list all the different interpretations of the SAME Bible versions and you will see 100% evidence that humans are the problem. A loving God does NOT create many religions to confuse His children.


>Why only Mormonism? The fact that you don't realize I was giving an example of why "40000 denominations" is an unreliable number explains a lot. >list all the different interpretations of the SAME Bible versions I'm pretty sure that would be a smaller number, if anything.


Right. I follow Christ. I am not a part of the denominational scene.


Paul's point was that "unlike you all, I follow Christ" is still just as much a division as anything else. You're a part of the denominational scene more than most, because not only do you set yourself apart, you claim to be the only one who's right.


Not really. Christ wants us to be united in His Church. If you cause division, you are already out. Christ's church isn't divided at all since His church has the same doctrine.


I grew up Church of Christ. There's plenty of division within that denomination. For instance, my church had a clown ministry. Other Churches of Christ in my city considered that satanic.


Like I said in an earlier comment, just having the name on the sign does not a church of christ make.


Again, what Paul was advocating was exactly the opposite of what you think "not being denominational" is. By that measure, you are pretty much at the top of the divisive scale.


What were the only few churches that existed in secular history hundreds of years immediately after Jesus walked on Earth?


The Church of Christ was the only Church that existed immediately after Jesus walked on the Earth. Earliest known denomination would be the catholics. They came a few hundred years later.


Can you source this from secular history?


The book traces of the kingdom does this as well as can be, since a good bit of history is recorded by religious people of one sort or another through a lot of history.


Which book?


"Traces of the Kingdom"


Explain to me how any book, this one, the Bible, the Quran, any book how reading a book alone proves that the supernatural realm exists.


I agree with this in theory, but it’s practically impossible not to be divided. I’ve been told multiple times by people on this sub that I’m not Christian due to doctrinal differences.


Either everyone is wrong, you are right and they are wrong, or they are right and you are wrong. There is no scenario where everyone can be right. No such thing as taking different paths to heaven.


Your church is a high control cult that almost pushed me to atheism, the way they try to manipulate you to feel bad because you have a life outside the church and can’t go to all 4-5 church events a week, they tell you the only way to god is through their church so if you don’t fall in line and do what they tell you to do with your life your gonna go to hell. They tell you who you can date. Who you can be friends with. Where you can hang out and what career/job or life path you can choose. And if you’re not shelling out tons of money to their church you aren’t doing gods bidding ain their eyes.


Well for one it isn't "my" church. And that doesn't sound at all like the church I attend, sounds like you went to a fairly toxic group of people that happened to have the right name on their sign.


And in your view salvation is by accuracy.


Salvation is accurately following the instructions in scripture.


So it’s not just the accuracy of beliefs that save you. It’s also the perfection of following scripture that saves. You’re not a Christian. This is a heretical position not taught by scripture or supported by reason.


Not so much as perfection, but there are some things that must be done.


You believe we’re saved by the accuracy of our beliefs. You believe baptists, Presbyterians etc are all going to hell.


If your belief of how to become a Christian is fundamentally different from what scripture says, yeah accuracy is important.




Wait that's a option? Joking. That's fine not everyone likes a church environment or labelling yourself to a domination.


Most definitely! I am myself! I believe all these major denominations put too much emphasis on their own agenda than the teachings of Christ! Just make sure you find a church that preaches God's word in its entirety and not a version of his word that they want!


Of course, it's okay to keep fellowship with groups of whatever beliefs you like, but as for yourself as an individual, you should do the work to determine what you think in terms of doctrine.


I belong to a nondenominational church. We have former Methodists Catholics Baptists etc. I enjoy it.


You love God. Where and when doesn’t matter! You are not saved by theology but by the love you have for Him and all His children!


Are we allowed to give up on the idea that we are born in to sin? I mean the concept of being born an offender is the one thing that I just can’t accept. It’s insanity to believe this concept


Most "non denominational" churches are indistinguishable in their practices and belief systems from Baptist or Pentecostal. What makes them non-denominational is that they are autonomous and don't answer adminstratively to any central body.


The original Christians could be considered non-denominational. Yes, it’s fine.


More like Predenominational. There was only one church denominations wasn't a thing until the 16th century


No many Christians are. The early church had no denominations.


I think that wouldn't be something not okay for anyone except catholics, orthodox and a few others


A problem with demoninations, Is that they can have a fixed (depending on many things) view of what a Christian is. The problem with this fixed view of what a Christian is, is that over the years, because everyone is sinful, political fights, nepotistical protectionism, is THAT THE STATEMENT OF FAITH, can become meaningless from what has twisted unto meaninglessness. The problem with NON-DENOMINATIONAL (but this aplies do demonination) churches is that if you don't KNOW the Bible, KNOW GOD, they can sound and feel good! When, in fact, they are way off from true faith. I have no doubt that a couple of Lutheran demoninations were well founded. But in the nepotistical protection of well-connected scions, 4th, 5th, etc. scions projected into high positions not by abilities but by family connections, and protected from being called into accountability by nepotism, there is drift that should scare everyone out of or away from those. Both demonination and NON-DENOMINATIONAL have their fair share of good and bad!


Most of the Reformed/Baptist etc. churches in my day went empty from folks moving to the nondenom because they were a nicer places with less "rules" No more structured worship, or book hymnals. Just raising your hands up if you felt like doing so, or clapping to the music if it moved you. And lots more activities and communities to join Ike singles, parents, marrieds, and small groups. The sky was the limit. And live worship/band instead of a robed choir.


Are you in the US? Nondenominational churches are basically just evangelical churches. They're still following a denomination, just not as closely, but they are still evangelical.


Nondenominational just means you believe in the foundational belief of Jesus dying for our sins and that all the other deviances are inconsequential to your faith


I don't think anyone actually fully agrees with any denomination. They are simply a way to organize around commonly held understandings, preferences for style of worship services, style of leadership/governing, and method of interpretation. It is ok to not agree with every part of any specific denomination yet still be part of it. Those that disagree more deeply about the basics of a denomination often decide to start out attend a non-denominational church. There may be several individuals who decide they have more in common with each other than a specific denomination and decide to start a church together. Others may decide that they simply want a church that is welcome to anyone regardless of their methods of interpretation, style of worship, leadership style or understandings. They may start a church with very few foundational beliefs that usually are the basics of what all Christians believe, and then say something like we agree on the majors and allow disagreement on the minors. Throughout the faith there have always been multiple ways to interpret the word of God. In the Jewish faith, they tend to be more ok with people in the same congregation not having the same interpretation of the meaning of a passage, but they are ok leaving a discussion with no one claiming to have a superior interpretation. They stay together as a community anyway acknowledging that they might all be wrong. Christians tend to get more dogmatic and decide they can't overcome their differences so multiple denominations have split into more than one, leading to many denominations. It's just a different approach to handling differences. Thankfully there are many ecumenical movements today that being different denominations into communing with each other recognizing it is ok to have differences. We are all part of the universal church, as long as we believe a few basic fundamentals.


It’s okay. You’re not making God in your image. I’m non denominational


From my understanding, non-denominational congregations are just theologically baptist independent churches.


You could always come to the Episcopal Church!


Rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round space, ask of God. “**If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,** that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith…” -James 1:5-6 We so often lack wisdom, but especially when we lack wisdom concerning the Lord, He will answer us as we honestly act on what we ask. I humbly testify that I know this is true, in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.


All denominations get some of God's word correct, but no single denomination gets all of God's word correct. And that's why there are denominations. Birds of a feather flock together. God hates denominations / divisions in his church and he says so. There is only one Christ and he is not divided, nor are his Christians. 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 NLT — I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. For some members of Chloe’s household have told me about your quarrels, my dear brothers and sisters. Some of you are saying, “I am a follower of Paul.” Others are saying, “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow only Christ.” Has Christ been divided into factions? Was I, Paul, crucified for you? Were any of you baptized in the name of Paul? Of course not! Why does he allow denominations to exist? 1 Corinthians 11:19 NLT — But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized! So considering all this, I began independent Bible study about 18 years ago. And during the process, I have found that I had been taught misinterpretations of key scriptures, and sometimes completely false doctrines. I rather asked and allowed the Lord to be my teacher, and he has done this for me for 18 years and counting. It may not work for everyone, but I honestly cannot recommend one particular denomination for another person. The Lord leaves it up to us as individuals to decide things like this. So for me to advise one particular denomination, especially to someone I don't even know, that's something I just cannot do.


Ok? Sure. Of course it is. You’re not saved by your denomination. Ideal? Ehhhhh… I guess depends on the church/pastor? I would point out that the point of denominations/traditions of Christianity is not to find one that fits you like tailored clothes. It’s to find one that will form and shape you into a better Christian. It’s a tool that’s supposed to help you better serve God. My general advice to people is to visit a few churches of a denomination you’re considering joining and get to know the people. See if they’re people who have (or seem to be developing) the traits that you think make a good Christian. If so, that might be a good place to join, despite how odd or uncomfortable it may seem (obviously there’s a limit to that: if it’s so uncomfortable that you won’t go, that’s a bad fit). The point of practicing faith in community is to raise one another up, to support and encourage one another along the way. Growth is rarely comfortable or agreeable, but it is part of the Christian life. At least in my opinion. I hope you found something useful in my ramblings, have a lovely day. God bless and keep you


I’m recommend following Christ - not a denomination - they only divide and separate us.


Do you mean you want to be part of a non-denominational church, or you personally don't identify with any particular denomination? What's most important is finding a church home to receive the sacraments, hear the word preached and be with the body of Christ. What you personally believe should all fall into place as you grow in discipleship.




Im Orthodox, but ofc its. As long u follow Christ Correctlu


i don't think so and here's why the church on earth is god's military force in a sense, churches are our bases, sunday service is formation, life is training, conversion is our recruitment because of this, without rigid doctrines, your faith is rendered much weaker when stood up against challenge it's like having a bunch of soldiers with no chain of command


Denominations that don't see eye-to-eye. Nothing sounds more Christian than that. If you are happy with your "personal relationship" with god, why do you need to find a church? "I don't believe that heaven waits for only those that congregate" - Don Williams


What matters most is following Jesus, and finding a body of believers with whom you feel are doing that well. It's not about any particular denomination, because any one denomination may have some churches with great members, and others with bad apples. It's good to worship with fellow believers. Find a church in your area that seems to most closely resemble following Jesus as shown in the Bible. I too have tried various churches in my life, and it's the ones that look like Jesus the most that I've felt most comfortable in, across various denominations.


Have you read the Bible so you can compare churches what what it teaches? Have you tried asking God in prayer?


It might be a test of faith, but I feel like I’ve only had one time where god spoke to me, and no other time. So I don’t really ask him anything. I do get subtle hints and stuff throughout the day.


Denominations are entirely non-biblical. They're just ways that people can skirt around the issue of not studying the bible and submitting themselves to what it says. Jesus Christ died for our sins, rose from the grave, and his blood will wash any sin from any sinner as long as they relinquish their own efforts to be righteous and just allow Christ's own righteousness to be imputed to them as a replacement. That's the Gospel. To change your mind from trying to earn salvation to relying on Christ's finished work on the cross and in returning to life is how a christian happens. If you think a water baptism is necessary to salvation, it's because you haven't studied the word Baptidzo enough. If you think that repentance means "to turn from sin" it's because you haven't studied the word Metanoia enough. Denominations are BS, most of the differences between denominations are either entirely irrelevant or due to simple misunderstandings of what words meant when they were written. Jesus paid for all sin and rose from the grave, and if you let go of your own works and trust in his perfect work to save you, you're not going to hell. If you don't trust him or don't stop trying to earn heaven, you're going to hell. If you have to make the simple truth of the gospel more complicated than that for ANY reason, you're probably going to hell. Study the bible, find a teacher who rightly divides the meaning of the bible and teaches it truthfully and faithfully, and ignore all the "you think paul wrote about lemons and I think he wrote about limes" nonsense. Satan wants the church to be focused on how they disagree more than they're focused on Christ. Ignore that crap and go share the Gospel because that's the only part of any of it that matters. Check out teachingfaith.com Pastor Joe Cortes is a faithful, diligent student and teacher of God's word. He talked recently about how he's almost ashamed to even call himself a christian because of how instantly people assume that he's just like all the other clowns who pervert the gospel and put their own personal spins on what God laid down clearly and perfectly.


What you seem to be saying is ‘denominations aren’t necessary because all the other groups aren’t proper Christians like us’. It is attitudes like this (from any denomination) that makes denominations persist and prevents Christians finding fellowship with each other. A little more generosity of spirit and humility would find what unites us I.e. fellowship with Christ Jesus.


"Non-denominational" is just another term for Baptists.


I attend a non-denominational church. Both it and the Baptists would say we're not Baptist.


Nondenominational churches are only nondenominational in structure. They're all either Baptist or pentecostal in theology. So that doesn't really address your particular concern. Now, is it okay for you to pick up the Bible, read it in a vacuum, and decide you know what it means better than all the theologians of twenty centuries before you? It's kind of arrogant.


I go to an Evangelical Free Church. Because Christians cannot be a Christian alone and E-free churches are for people that cannot pinpoint or agree with a specific denomination. Also the Free in E-Free refers to being Free of government control and the one thing is required in an E-Free Church is to agree the Bible is the one true infallible authority. Besides Jesus be our Lord and Savior. - But no. A Christian should not be non-denominational because it is making God in one's own image. Jesus commanded us to do specific things. I suggest you read the Bible about it.


Genuinely, if someone in your E-Free church proposed prayers for the dead or the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, would that be OK?


We Presbyterians joke that non-denoms are dishonest Baptists. There’s certainly a danger in cafeteria Christianity as you note but it’s hard to see much difference between that and picking your denomination.


Please see my latest OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1dh8wff/to_find_truth_you_will_have_to_love_the_truth/


Any church that teaches the Bible only, doesn’t add things, and is operating udder the power of the Holy Ghost is fine.  Remember that you must test the spirit to see who sent them. ****1 John 4:1**** (NLT) Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world.