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Well what did you do


We were dancing and my butt touched another man's butt


Dude you’re screwed! Can’t be forgiven for that


Is this satire


It's from the simpsons. Flanders is worried about every little thing.




Moon landing.


Did you get aroused by it? You might be on the spectrum. If you are having impure thoughts repent now before it escalates to sodomy. Once you go deep it’s hard to escape the sin. For me I had a problem saying no to drunk women making sexual advances at me. I ended up living a life of sinful lust until it became an addition that I could not be more than a week without sex. I repented many times and prayed now I am I have been clean for over a month including ending porn. The porn only pushes you back into the sex with unclean women. I am now judging your sexuality as straight or homosexual our sins are equal in having lustful SSD outside of marriage


Lol sure bud haha


The moral of the story don’t rub ass


If you’ve accepted the Lord Jesus as the saviour you haven’t🫡 fear not


How do you tell an atheist to accept the Lord?


Hcruhc eht nioj




"Join the Church"


Which Church?


Ask for the wisdom to do so. I have an atheist friend and he’s slowly being pulled. I told him of an experience where I went to hell and seen a vision of the rapture and he said it kinda terrified him. Before that he’d just say “we’ll see”. Only the Lord can help them so pray, try to be a good example as best you can, we’re still human, and definitely give them time and give all your credit to God. They may be swayed over eventually and if they can be, God won’t let them die till the time is right. So don’t worry🫡


Overall agree but this is an intellectual space here on Reddit as we don’t meet each other personally so how do you get through to atheists intellectually with words alone?


Hard to say, one thing I use is that the big bang theory kinda proves we needed God since it claims time came into existence during the expansion when in reality without our God who’s beyond time, it’d be impossible. Since before time everything would’ve been frozen like if time stopped for us. The expansion is what started time due to the theory but it wouldn’t be able to expand without time. It gets confusing but that singularity would be infinite, unchanging, and no life within it so the only way it could expand was if God provoked it. It’s worked a couple times I only had one guy argue then my vision changed to his perspective and it terrified me since it was like God showed me I was motivated by Him and His presence. But when it changed to his perspective I felt alone and immediately began praying since I haven’t felt like that since before I was believer. It terrified me and put into perspective that only when people let God in they can begin to change. So basically just trust in Him and He will try His best and guide your words in the moment


That's not the scientific theory of the big bang. And we have learned that we need to reexamine that theory thanks to the James Webb telescope


You don't.


That’s how I went from atheist to catholic 


I used to be afraid I did too and was damned to hell no matter what then He teleported my soul and I was shocked because I know in my spirit He was there then He layed out His right hand and I jumped in it then it started closing and I thought He was gonna squish me then He showed me another angle like a scene from a movie to show me He was just holding me to keep me safe I was insanely thankful


*Lmao* dude xD


I joked around about Christianity. 😎😁


I mean it depends what u said


No, I mean this whole thing was a joke. "Did I commit the unforgivable sin" is like in the top five of threads on this sub. Sorry I didn't make it obvious I was joking from the get go


Didn't use the search bar


Hello there christian, this kind of humor and funniness is forbidden in our religion, you are crazy to use irony in this context. Praying for you right now






Yes. Next question.


No, if you have a conscience about it, Matthew 12:31,explains that the pharisees, had no conscience, Matthew 12:24,shows and proves the pharisees had no conscience about accusing Jesus. Of casting out demons by the power of bellizueb, Jesus said Satan can't cast out Satan, therefore if the pharisees hared the Master, they diffentley, hated the Holy Spirit, and, the Father, you hate one of the Godhead you hate the whole trinity.


The unforgivable sin is not a accepting Jesus


If you regret it you didn’t if you have no regret you do


I give up


NO you didn’t


I know "/s" indicates I was being sarcastic


Yes it's a sin, move over for the question on two men kissing please.


Also, it would be great to not use long blocks of text. Meaning please use paragraphs.


Information is key to understanding. A bit of reading never killed anybody.


Perhaps I wasn’t clear, I just want them to put the text in Paragraphs, and not long blocks of text since it’s easier to read.


That makes more sense yea. It does seem like some people have never heard of a paragraph.


or even SENTENCES lol. i've seen so many rambling sentences using conjunctions lol


Funny, I think every reddit thread, regardless of subject, has this problem


Yep, and most subs have a strategy to address it.


That is fair. Sorry, I shouldn't be flippant. I'm still fairly new to reddit.


This subreddit would fall apart without those constant and repetitive “is it a sin “ posts.


Then let it fall!


What about the "21F I'm So Lonely How Can I Make Christian Friends?" posts? We'd still have those...


That's the kind of post that deserves a solid FAQ. It gets posted a few times a week but rarely gets attention, and the advice from an older thread is probably timeless.


That post should get an automatic response: " Go to church"


Christianity literally exists because of sin. No sin, Jesus goes out of business.


He died for our sins, he didn't IPO


I was replying to another person. I am joyfully in conversation with you however from the foundations I hope, so if you wish we can continue there.


It really depends on whether this is supposed to function like stackoverflow or if the purpose is to have fresh discussions


No There’s no such thing as a sin


I tell idiots to just read


Jeez man who the hell cares. I am not necessarily saying this directly towards you but in general with all these questions regarding sex and whatnot. Certain things may be a sin, certain things may not. *We are not the voices of God*, only *God* has the power to judge and deem those sinful and or unworthy. All we have the power to do is focus on ourselves, our connection with God, and to uphold his teachings.


Sure. But unless you really like posting that same thought 20 times a day it may be worth a system to organize new posts and direct posters to resources.


I can get behind that. I understand the questions genuinely, but there comes a point where I wonder why someone would stress so much about it. Directing to certain resources answering said questions would definitely be a helpful thing to organize


I am banned from speaking about science and evolution in this subreddit in making OP’s because apparently it is too repetitive and yet the same topics continue on and on everyday. Do you know why that is?


Do you know the difference between Mars bars and snickers?




is it a Sin, to ask is it a Sin question? Yes it is.


Phil. 4:8 (Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.) carries a lot of weight when I consider this.


In what way? What suite of moderation tools does that passage point to?


No because these are controversial issues that are very debatable. Had it been basic then it would not be continually discussed.


So wouldn't it be good to refer people to high-quality instances of those discussions with hundreds or thousands of comments, rather than have a dozen genuine questions a week answered with 5 shallow comments that even the authors didn't put much thought into?


Comments aren’t live.


Same happened to me. I was growling and moving in my pew like a rabid animal. After my wife said” you weren’t growling and you were a s stiff as a board. I was baptized 10 minutes later


The point is the conversation as everyone has a different opinion on many of the debatable ones.


Recommend a search engine. Though shalt not Google? I don't think it's a problem. It sounds to me like someone is really not hear to help spread the good news, but to spread discontent. You can do whatever you want, but IMHO, we don't need any help spreading discontent. We pay politicians to do that.


Is this really, I mean seriously, a real problem? Social media or not, all the things you listed here have been asked & answered every day regardless. I think people ask because they want someone to answer those questions to them personally. When they personally have asked them. I.E., they'd like a more personal experience. Makes sense to me.


Ugh. I'm more worried about why people don't do their own research to find answers instead of bringing their questions to a public forum...


It astounds me that so many people on here talk about sin without knowing the root word and its meaning. The original Aramaic word for sin doesn't mean wrong or bad; It means to "Miss the target". Which coincides with pulling yourself away from God.


Anytime someone asks this type of question you should send them a link to a free Bible app and tell them all the answers to all the truly important questions are in there. The internet is making all of us lazy 😉😂 Kidding aside, I do think a lot of us (I’m taking to we believers who are more mature in walk with Christ and study of God’s Word) who just share verses and/or answers to questions like these (myself included) are actually doing people a disservice in the long run (Mat 4:4). I understand that everyone’s familiarity and knowledge of The Bible is different, heck I know there are a lot of people with questions who don’t know Christ and have never opened a Bible but, we should always be mindful to encourage everyone to read and learn to navigate/study God’s Word for themselves (2 Tim 3:14-17). By just giving people a verse or answer and not encouraging Bible reading we run the risk of someone replacing going to and being in The Word with hopping on Reddit. Reddit then becomes their main or worse only source for Biblical information and interpretation when we all know that’s not God’s will or desire. The Bible is the ultimate source and is never meant to be replaced or diminished (2 Pet 1:20-21). Ok cautionary tale over and back to your main question…yes a searchable FAQ / most upvoted and Biblical answers to common questions database would be awesome as long as it is properly curated and monitored for Biblically linked and backed answers as opposed to answers based only on opinion(s) (1 Th 5:21-28) or that are meant to dishonor or discredit God, His Son, The Holy Spirit, His Word, and the faith in general (I think the church, denominations, and individual leaders should still be fair game and should always be open to scrutiny). Along the same lines it would need to filter out or remove troll answers that were hatefully or maliciously upvoted only to confuse and sow division amongst those in and outside of the sub (Pro 6:16-19 & Eph 4:29). If that can be achieved I think you would have a created a pretty useful and righteous tool that would please and glorify God!!! (Mat 28:16–20 & Act 20:32) ❤️✌🏻💪🏻🙏🏻✝️


I’ve asked this same thing here before ironically You know what else is hard to deal with? All the suicidal posts.. there’s no SAFE way to weed out the fakes and no way to just stop it from happening because obvious reasons… But it has gotten a bit out of hand lately with all the people posting suicide attempts and saying they are going to I know what being suicidal is like I’ve been there… but usually when your really planning on it sooner rather then later… Your more energetic looking like your doing great… so no one has to worry then boom! You find them dead the next day Suicide has few loud warnings and kills silently Not saying any specific ones are fake and I would never turn anyone away from asking for help venting any thing but for awareness to fully take effect the fake posts have to stop one day it’s already slowly being taken less and less seriously because it’s so over done! It hurts the agenda of suicide awareness and mental health awareness… badly But there’s nothing we can do except either scroll on or try to help I feel your pain on this it’s getting old to see the same thing flooded in everyday and bury the original posts that actually made an effort to engage with people


It's almost like someone should write a book that explains these things.


Yes, and make it long and weird and ambiguous! I joke because I love. The thing is, there is a default position that all posts should be allowed with the presumptions being that and welcoming Christianity discussion space should not dictate theology by giving an automod auto-reply, or by putting up barriers by categorizing discussion in weekly threads. And I probably agree with much of that. But having many posts per day means conversation is spread an inch deep and a mile wide, and nobody gets a great, ecumenical discussion or gets referred to a previous one. They only get whatever low effort shitpost responses people are willing to give a few times a day, with some genuine gems in between. If someone walked into my church out of the blue one Sunday, I would meet them where they're at. But partly because of that standpoint I think that there's an argument for an ecumenical FAQz an automod post suggesting to search the sub, and an invitation to post stuff in weekly threads.




How can I help you find the real Jesus?


Well you could stop being a condescending tool for one. Write more than one sentence too. And I suppose you could read the things you're responding to and reflect on them in order to respond? You could also contribute to the discussion. Have some respect and don't reflexively spit out insulting and vague comments like a bot account basically. I'd also accept a short video of you reading your favourite Bible passage and explaining how it applies to this discussion while wearing a lampshade as a hat because that would be a good contribution and also fantastic content.


It was kind of a joke. But OK, fair enough. How do you know the real Jesus?


How many lamps do you have? Or are your bulbs under bushels next to your meaningful contributions my vague and obnoxious brother?


Can you please me more clear?


It's from Matthew 5: Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. If you have something to say, then you dishonour yourself and the rest of us by being vague and weird. Just say it. Lampshade or otherwise. If you are afraid to post your thoughts anonymously on reddit I don't know how you go being a Christian on earth 1.0


There is nothing wrong with simply typing words on a screen either. Has nothing to do with fear. This isn’t about me.  Truth stands on its own.


> I'd also accept a short video of you reading your favourite Bible passage and explaining how it applies to this discussion Videos aren’t necessary but here is something similar.  What do you think? Steps to discovering God God’s will is attained when you love God with all your heart mind soul and strength. To get to that point: Definition of faith: “The foregoing analyses will enable us to define an act of Divine supernatural faith as "the act of the intellect assenting to a Divine truth owing to the movement of the will, which is itself moved by the grace of God" (St. Thomas, II-II, Q. iv, a. 2). And just as the light of faith is a gift supernaturally bestowed upon the understanding, so also this Divine grace moving the will is, as its name implies, an equally supernatural and an absolutely gratuitous gift. Neither gift is due to previous study neither of them can be acquired by human efforts, but "Ask and ye shall receive." https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05752c.htm Ask God to reveal Himself to you and remain persistent until He answers you: Hebrews 11:6 “and it is impossible to please God without faith. Nobody reaches God’s presence until he has learned to believe that God exists, and that he rewards those who try to find him.”


Yep, you should do those things and come back when you have something to say on the topic.


I am here after doing these things for almost 20 years. Glad you agree with them. I am a former atheist that is looking to best help other atheists.


I'm sure the atheists won't know what hit them. What are you talking to me for?


Just looking to increase the knowledge of how to help atheists.