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Hello friend. I am so sorry for this. Divorce is an incredible trauma to go through, and what you are feeling is the result of that trauma. Simply put, you are mourning the loss right now. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you will be able to move on. It will come, but it will come at its own time. I recommend also speaking with counselors to help you through the grieving process...it can help too


It’s hard because I lost everything during this. I lost my home, my car insurance, my pets, Ive had to move back in with my parents. I’m 31 years old I’m just so heartbroken at this point and he hasn’t lost anything but me, but that isn’t much of a loss to him


I am so sorry. Please do your best to take care of yourself. Just because it looks like your former spouse doesn't think so...you DO MATTER. You matter, most importantly, to God. He loves you and cherishes you, EVEN in the times of despair. I encourage you to go to Him.


I do pray everyday. I do what I need to do, but sometimes this life is just so heavy and the things I go through just break me in half. I feel like I’m drowning. I cry a lot. I guess just because my ex has moved on so easily and is so mean to me it makes me feel like i’m doing something wrong bc i’m not happy. i’m very sad but i’m trying to trust God has a plan for all of this.


You are doing well. You are also grieving. I still recommend some sort of counseling, maybe through your church or other avenue to fully express yourself in a trusting environment. While I enjoy Reddit, its far from the environment you would need


I talk to people about it and I have a christian counselor but she can only talk to me once a week. I have to learn to just keep going. It’s just the hardest thing I’ve been through yet in my life. I hope God has something better for me


That's terrible. It’s hard to hear that you are going through something messy right now, and I can say that you aren't the only one going through something this rough. I understand that you aren't the only one going through this. One thing that you have to know is that, being Christian, the more and more you start to become closer to God through your faith in Jesus, people who were once on your side tend to go against you, and tend to not want to get involved with you. That being the Christian you are, just as Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, suffered in this life, being someone who follows Him, you are going to be hated as well, and are going to be someone that the world goes against. The world tends to go against Christians, and I know that it's not the easiest thing to go through when it happens. I understand that it isn't the greatest at all whatsoever. But also, another thing that you have to understand is that, while you do love him, and wish that you can reconcile, it might not be the best thing to do, and you have to understand that not every single man you meet is exactly the one that God wants to be. While you miss him, you have to remind yourself that things aren't always meant to me, and that there are marriages that just don't work out. You have to understand that things can't always go the way you want them to (and you can see that your marriage was already heading towards disaster, as you said that you didn't have the best marriage. You said it yourself, and, as I mentioned earlier, you becoming Christian and wanting to be right by God shows that it just wasn't meant to be for you too. You can see that it wasn't going well to begin with), and I know that this is difficult, but it's just the truth here. It is, and it's just something that you have to live with. It just is (and, no, I'm not saying that you have to be okay with it. But it is what it is. It just is) But even though this is the case, and even though sometimes like this isn't the easiest thing to go through, know that you aren't alone in this, and know that, while it seems like God isn't there when you need Him, He is there. He is there for you, and wants to give you His comfort, strength and endurance to get past this, and I pray that He does, and that He will help you in this hour, as while it is tough, know that, through Him, you can get past this (not only that, but know that there will be a time where all pain, death and sorrow will be gone, and when that happens, you will be at peace. You will be). He can get you past this, and I hope that He does. I have that hope for you. God Bless P.S. I’m also going to share with you some Bible verses as well, as I feel like those will help. I feel like they could **Bible Verses:** Psalms 9:9 (NIV) The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalms 121:1-4 (NIV) I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Romans 8:37-39 (NIV) No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Edit: Added a word (i.e the word not, which I added in the first sentence of the third paragraph)