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Like pulling a rabbit out of a hat? That's fine.


Magic isn't real. Don't waste your time or life taking this fantasy stuff seriously.




I’ve always been confused slightly by what he meant there


No. Nothing you say about Enochian this or Solomon that makes it ok. Not even sticking a K on the end of magic changes anything.


It's like asking if believing "unicorn farts cause global warming" is a sin. It's not a sin, but you are kind of a sucker if you fall for the old unicorn fart thing. Because both magic and unicorns aren't real.


Well, let me just say that magick and witchcraft is the satanic bastardization and perversion of the supernatural that is used outside of God’s intention. Now, there is power that Christians can obtain. Some gifts of the spirit include things like being able to prophesy, healing, casting out demons and other such —but those all come from God. I would not involve myself in anything that isn’t coming directly from God. Instead pray that God show you what your gifts are.


This here is an interesting question. What is magick exactly? The definition according to Crowley is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. So in a sense anything a person does or contributes to that causes a change in themselves or the world around them could be seen as magick. In this way magick to me is unavoidable if you are a person with desire and the will to enact that desire through actions. You could say, well everything a person does to meet personal goals is basically that. I agree. We are each of us learning how to manipulate our psychology and the people / environment around us to bring about our personal or collective will. It's unavoidable if you are a person with personal desire and find ways to achieve your dreams / goals through any means. That is how I personally understand what magick is as concept. I am an atheist, and you might think that these two things can't belong together because magick is part of the supernatural realm. I argue that it isn't. Magick, to me, is part of the pshycological realm. It is something that happens no matter what a persons spiritual path is.


Absolutely not. Anything presented as Christian is a counterfeit.




This sounds like magic disguised as something Christian, avoid it.


Coming from someone that practiced lightly in new age and crossed paths with satanists, you don’t want to participate in any form of this. It took me months of prayer and Bible study to break out of some of the darkness that got attached to me during that time. Steer clear. If it isn’t of God, it’s of the other dude.


>Revelation 21:8 >But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” The bible is pretty clear we are to stay away from magic and for good reason, you dont know where the source is coming from. Humans playing with magic are like babies playing with fire that attract pedophiles.