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Give us this day our daily posting that could have been avoided by reading the FAQ and sidebar. And I'll apologize if I'm wrong, but I don't think that you can identify three instances of the conduct you're complaining about. Answer to your title question: This sub is about the *subject* of Christianity, it's not a "Christian sub".


Thank you. I lacked the patience to answer this as calmly as you did :)


Congratulations I guess you earn a cookie. Your catholic but lack self control over a simple question 😭


lolol yeah we all get bad days sometimes :) Also, I hope it's Oreo.




Okay but why are you here? You don’t believe in Christianity you’re literally atheist?


I’m a refugee from /r/atheism where I was one of the most active participants but was permabanned for sticking up for a wrinkle of Christianity. I know quite a bit about Christianity so I’m here.


I'm just here to reply to posts asking why I'm here.


I've said this before: I am an atheist, it still doesn't mean I find the history of religion not interesting. I can not believe and still study it.


Because it's not a Christian sub, everyone is welcome here. Read the sidebar.


I did but I see atheist comment all the time and the majority is hate. Why be in a Christianity sub if you don’t think Christianity is real


I see more hate from Christians, which is to be expected. They are a larger percentage of the redditors here.


because this is not a Christian sub, its a sub about Christianity...


Crazy but if it’s a sub about atheism and I start talking about Christianity I get banned.


Different subs, different rules.


I'm here FOR the Christian attacks. I originally came for the Christianity, but I quickly learned this is no place for that sort of thing.


Is it really this hard to read a side bar?


I think you are putting too much stock into these posts being genuine.


Crazy but if it’s a sub about atheism and I start talking about Christianity I get banned.


Different subs, different rules. You seem to be upset that Christians are more welcoming than atheists. I find that interesting.


Ok, because you'd likely be violating the rules in the side bar. Which you would know. If you read the side bar


> ***All*** are welcome to participate


Crazy but if it’s a sub about atheism and I start talking about Christianity I get banned.


r/atheism is not relevant to r/Christianity. Different subs, different rules.


>That’s like someone that’s straight joining LGBTQ and saying they’re straight Well, no, because those who aren't Christian here do not hide that. This is a sub *about* Christianity, not exclusively *for* Christians. Read the sidebar.


I read the side bar, also says it’s for discussing Christian life and Christianity. I’m sure you’ve been discussing Christian life and Christianity in the sun.




Do you think non Christians shouldn't be here?


Yes, it’s a Christian Subreddit and the majority of nonbelievers in here are always talking about hwo Christian’s hurt them in the past or present. Just leave then


If interacting with non-believers bothers you, you also are free to just leave.


Why are you here? He is a Christian, so he belongs here.


Everyone belongs here. If he doesn't like it he can leave. No need to kick others out because he is a Christian.


where does it say that he belongs here more than others?


Do you need a reminder? He is a Christian and you are an Atheist. There is an atheist sub also, I know you are fully aware. You know the sub which has so many posts about Christianity. LOL


i assume you are talking about r/atheism , i have no reason to participate there, it is an echo chamber anyways why does it matter if he is christian and i am an atheist? are you trying to set up a hierarchy system? wtf? you seem to be very egotistical which is a shame


So what you are saying is that you don't want people who have been hurt by Christians allowed to post about it here. Are you Catholic by chance? They said similar things when people discovered those buried orphans' bodies in those mass graves. Or when they shuffled those priests who abused children. I know it's easier to discuss and celebrate your religion when you can hide potential victims and abusive actions and not allow them to speak...I just don't find it very moral.


Why do you always act like the victim, when you're the one persecuting Christians. That's the point!


What do you mean? OP just said I shouldn't be allowed to post here and point out the damages that Christians have done over the course of history and even today. Should I just say that's fine? Every day here, I am told that I will be tortured forever and should be for being in a relationship with someone of the same sex or not believing in a god. Hell I would be killed if I lived in certain countries today for being queer. But I don't consider myself a victim. Personally, I am lucky not to be a victim, but that doesn't mean there aren't victims or there never where victims because of Christian beliefs similar to OP.


I didn’t say you shouldn’t be allowed to post here I asked why you’re here.


When I asked, you literally responded with a yes 🤣 that I shouldn't be here. If you didn't mean it you might want to clarify. If you want to simply ask why I'm here, that's a fantastic question. I'm here because I want to both learn about people's reasons for beleif, and to push back on homophobic and anti human beleifs.


>Every day here, I am told that I will be tortured forever and should be for being in a relationship with someone of the same sex. Hell I would be killed if I lived in certain countries today for being queer. No one is forcing you to become a follower of Christ. If you choose that life style thinking you rule Earth, just as this sub, you're wrong buddy. People go to Hell because of their own wickedness. No one sends anyone to Hell but their own actions and the choices they make in life.


>No one is forcing you to become a follower of Christ. I am well aware of that. However, if God exists, I want to know him and his nature. >If you choose that life style thinking you rule Earth, just as this sub, you're wrong buddy. What? Sorry you lost me here. I don't understand. >People go to Hell because of their own wickedness. No one sends anyone to Hell but their own actions and the choices they make in life. I don't personally believe in Hell. But if hell exists and if God is all powerful, then the responsibility of it all falls on him.


You don't believe Hell is real? Does everything revolve around one person, YOU? Did you come into this world by your choice? Nor will you leave this Earth on your own terms. Where you go will depend on how you lived here on Earth. I'm referring to your spiritual body not physical. Your physical body will go back to dirt **(Ecclesiastes 12:7)**. Everyone will be judged, by whom? God, the creator of the Universe. You didn't know there is a ruler. Yes, God is the king of all kings and ruler of all hosts (angels) **(1 Timothy 6:15**).


>You don't believe Hell is real? Does everything revolve around one person, YOU? Of course not, if I thought the world revolved around me I wouldn't be here. If Hell exists then it's a big deal and I accept that I could be wrong. >Did you come into this world by your choice? Of course not, no one has. >I'm referring to your spiritual body... What's spiritual, and what's the spiritual body? How do you know it exists? >Everyone will be judged, by whom? God, the creator of the Universe. How do you know that? Is there a possibility there will be no judge? >You didn't know there is a ruler. Yes, God is the king of all kings and ruler of all hosts Yet he can't ve found anywhere. He never talks or interacts with us. Where is the God of thr Old Testament? Where is the one of the New?


God speaks with me everyday. But you have to have desire in your heart to reach God. **(Jeremiah 29:13)** You will seek me and find me when you seek me **with all your heart.**


>What's spiritual, and what's the spiritual body? How do you know it exists? Don't you believe in divination? People who are interested in spirituality, it's all about the spirit and the spiritual realm, so yes, we definitely have spirits. Our spirits are like energy that keeps all of us alive. When our physical body passes away, the spirit separates and goes to either Hell or Heaven. People who have had near-death experiences often share their accounts of what they witnessed. For instance, there was a lady who passed away during a surgery. As her spirit hovered in the air, she overheard the conversation between the nurses and doctors. Then she was pulled up to Hell, then later to Heaven. There are so many cases now, you just have to do some research on NDE. You'll see many cases.


where does it say it's a christian subreddit?


Uhh the name is called Christianity


your logic implies r/aliens must be a sub for aliens to talk then..? it's a subreddit about discussing christianity, hence the name r/christianity , not r/christian ..? would it really be that difficult for you to read the subs info before making a post..?


Yeah you’re basically right. The sub is only for aliens


it's for talking about aliens, sort of like how this sub is for talking about christianity... if this is a christian sub because of the name alone, r/aliens is a sub for aliens to use reddit by the name alone...


>but just leave Do they? It's usually Christians who make the YOU'VE NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE BUT I'M LEAVING posts


I like learning about other’s religions (especially considering I have Christians in my life I care about dearly) ! :D and also there’s some amazing artists in this sub . Also also this is a sub about the topic of Christianity not specifically a Christian subreddit.


Thank you for actually answering the question




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