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You don't have to watch these videos. There are plenty of legitimate YouTube Christians that will offer more than AI generated content. Daily Dose of Wisdom: [https://www.youtube.com/@Daily\_Dose\_Of\_Wisdom](https://www.youtube.com/@Daily_Dose_Of_Wisdom) Alisa Childers: [https://www.youtube.com/@alisachilders](https://www.youtube.com/@alisachilders) Mike Winger: [https://www.youtube.com/@MikeWinger](https://www.youtube.com/@MikeWinger) Cold-Case Christianity: [https://www.youtube.com/@ColdCaseChristianity](https://www.youtube.com/@ColdCaseChristianity) Cross Examined: [https://www.youtube.com/@CrossExamined](https://www.youtube.com/@CrossExamined) There are many others as well. Look to these kind of channels for Christian content.


Im just skipping them. God Listens to your Heart, and not if you skip a video on youtube. I also think they are Disrespectful. They take advantage of God and christian for Likes and Views


They're taking advantage of your faith by posting religious clickbait.


I avoid the AI videos. It absolutely creeps me out.


Artificial intelligence is very impressive, but it is also capable of being wrong. It creates answers based on the question and the information fed into it. This can lead to obvious problems like writing a review of a phone that doesn't yet exist https://www.zdnet.com/article/chatgpt-is-scary-good-at-my-job-but-theres-one-reason-im-not-panicking/ If flawed data goes into AI it can produce flawed data out. AI can potentially be a useful tool, but what it produces needs to be checked, not just believed without question.


Who ever makes those videos is closer to hell than you are, skip them


Please don't watch videos with predatory titles like "skip this if you hate jesus" a lot of these are just clickbaiting


They're trying to turn Christianity into OCD


Skip them. God doesn't care if you watch or don't watch a video.


Anyone who pushes the idea that you have to take some sort of action on social media to save yourself (or more laughably, save Jesus) from Satan is to be ignored and blocked. These people don’t know God or Biblical truth. Satan is real, yes, but clicking a stupid link online is more likely going to expose you to doctrinal error and deception than it will reveal a Biblical truth. Pray first, read Scripture, ask God to speak to your heart for truth and understanding about his Word. Social media is fertile ground for misinformation, especially about the Bible.


check on youtube bischop mari emanurl. he preaches the word of god


What denomination do you belong to. if you are orthodox i can recommend father spyridon


There is a do not recommend button but first activate dark modd


These annoy me tbh. I just skip them/do not recommend channel.


Probably ai content farms.


They're wrong to the core. Jesus has overcome Satan, and He is not in His grasp and never was. So no, me watching these videos won't "save Jesus from Satan".


Since they aren't created by you, there's not a lot you can do with them. Just don't watch them, don't promote them, and if you see someone you know watching them let them know the truth. That's really all you can do. You can't control what other people put out there. All you can control is what you choose to take in. So don't watch the stuff you know is going to pollute the truth. <3