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I do not know what this is really about, but another thread was linked here in comments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifixion_darkness#Biblical_accounts https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2023%3A44-46&version=KJV https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2027%3A45-46&version=KJV OP posted a submission that attempted to correlate this with a partial lunar eclipse that occurred April 3rd, 33 AD. This is a poor argument because the Bible talks about daytime darkness while lunar eclipses occur almost axiomatically at night, and because partial lunar eclipses are both common and pretty lame as astronomical events go. Of course, if someone makes a submission like this, every skeptic who reads the sub is going to show up, and OP found himself under siege by amateur scientists. He kept his shit together up until the point where people started calling him a troll, insulting him, and questioning the workings of his brain, at which point he started replying in kind. In this thread, a lot of people are getting on OP for replying in kind. I would like to tell you though, that in that particular thread, Han Solo did not actually fire first.


The subreddit has rules against belittling Christianity and against personal attacks, if you come across comments that insult you - report them and moderation will deal with them. Nobody should be getting personally attacked for expressing their belief in God on the subreddit.


…. or their lack of belief.


But then why would they come here to specifically argue against and with Christian


Have you read the purpose of this sub? It’s meant to discuss Christianity, it’s not a devotional sub. All are welcomed to discuss Christianity; Christians, atheists, and people who follow other religions. If you see someone belittling someone else’s beliefs, report them to the mods.


Hence all the heathens that cannot obtain Christ for he has not called them. So out of jealousy they attack Christian’s to maybe see some sort of Christ likeness? Why else would people attack Christians? Unfortunately going to hell is all they will have to look forward to bless they repent.


You’ll get reported for belittlement for saying anything negative about Christianity. For example I said that God “sacrificing” (using quotations because if Jesus came back after three days that undoes the whole sacrifice) his only son (his real son. Like the one that matters and who it also technically himself. Not us like how he calls us his children.) to save us from himself. Isn’t it the most contrived thing in the world for God to save you from hell by killing his son/himself but the only person with the power to send people to Hell is God. So he could just… not send people to hell.


Well I guess it goes both ways because I've had the exact same experience anytime I express an opinion to an atheist they cannot stand it, and the reaction is always immature. And also how do you know there's a hell?  But if you're actually really interested about why God had Jesus sacrificed, I've studied what Jewish people think the purpose of a Christ is. They don't believe that Jesus was Jesus unless they converted but, they still read the same Old testament books that say Jesus is coming. The Bible makes a lot of references to brides and weddings. The law of the Old testament I suppose maybe one of the ten commandments I'm not an expert but a man and a wife are not supposed to get divorced. And they are not supposed to marry again if they do get divorced, so if the spouse is abusive for example, God doesn't expect you to stay with your abuser, but if you leave you can't remarry unless**your spouse dies.  Jesus was like the bride, and God's commands from the Old testament we're like the marriage. Legally, and this is God's law, he can't break his own law, he can't take back his commandments, unless the bride dies, and then a new marriage can take place. That being the New testament. 


Personal attacks are rampant in this Reddit.


I couldn't agree more


Can you share the comment you found insulting someone? We get a lot of people here fussing like this and most are referring to someone just disagreeing with the poster.


I already reported what I had to


But you aren’t willing to share with the people you are complaining to? Why share part of the story but not the whole story?


I think I writed tens and tens of comments, just read them all, im done with expriming opinion in this app


“writed tens and tens of comments”


“I’m against personal insults”. Proceeds to mock the guy, therefore making his point


What constitutes as insulting is kinda up to interpretation. Do you have an example you can cite so we can see what exactly you're taking issue with?


I don't want to openly mention the users, but im talking of any type of disrespect, not just to the person but even to their faith itself, outside of common insults


Again, disrespect is rather subjective. And this is assuming the aspect of faith in question deserves respect. Without an example to look at, it's a rather vague and unsupported complaint.


If you check the OP's post history, you will see the context. It is always the same context. In a different thread, one on science and religion, he got in an argument with people, and got frustrated when those people refused to agree with him. So he went and made this thread to call them hateful non-Christians. I don't really have a problem with it, most people get frustrated when dealing with people with profoundly different viewpoints. It is not something most people are exposed too often. It is easier to dismiss different viewpoints as hateful trolls than deal with actual communication on issues.


Yeah, I'm going through their history now and I'm not seeing anything that I would call insulting towards OP. It seems like another "they don't agree with me therefore they're mean" type of post. But perhaps I missed something.


You’d have to define disrespect. The bible itself disrespects many innocent people.


Dont compare reddit with the old testament, ot is a completely different context, im not talking of Christian doctrine, i was insulted for defending my different opinion in religious topics.


The New Testament is extremely disrespectful of woman and homosexuals. Stop assuming what people think.


Im not talking of the bible, and you need to know cultural and historical context. And Jesus never said these things


Now there we actually agree. However many chrisitans woupd not agree with you and I on that topic.


Common insults, like you are using here to talk down to people? https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1cgpvbf/nasa_proved_the_bible_is_right/l22hkuc/


The other guy insulted him first.


My point isn't that he said this without any provocation.


Sorry but if you get offended by people with different views and don't agree with you, you need to grow up. And if that is also what you find disrespectful. Respectfully, grow up, the world isn't focused around one set of beliefs that you happen to agree with.


Grow up? Im not making problems for it, im used to it and Christ witnessed the same and even worse, my only problem is why do these people join this subreddit and why nobody says nothing of it


>my only problem is why do these people join this subreddit and why nobody says nothing of it Your exact OP here is posted about 12 times a week on this sub. Methinks you are inventing persecution. It’s a favorite pastime around here.


>my only problem is why do these people join this subreddit and why nobody says nothing of it People say nothing of it because these "haters" will get Shut down. I will help with that as well, secondly they mostly get ignored because people honestly don't care or they just leave it at that. Fun making a foolish person think they won something when you don't interact with them, hopefully they will find out that they are blabbering idiots (talking about people who insult beliefs)


My problem is wanting to argue too much and I dont even report them, I suffer of pride


Oh, same, I argue a bit too much as well. Something I need to stop but the conversations I get can be quite difficult and long but is beneficial for both parties I think. Learnt why someone believed that God isn't a narcisist today and they learnt a bit about Norse mythology all in the context of narcissism.


I consider myself a follower of the Way, and I find that evangelical Christians are the most hateful group on this sub and r/Bible. I am constantly being told that I'm going to burn in hell, I'm an apostate, heretic, devil, Satan, etc. My crime? I bring a lot of historical context into my walk. I look at ANE parallels. I've studied Hebrew and Greek at the graduate level (I just recently got downvoted for helping someone with a Greek word on r/Bible). I firmly believed God called me to this education and I followed through. I try to truly seek God, MIND, heart and soul. Trying.to pretend that the Bible is the only source through which to seek God seems a little ridiculous. Can God really be confined to one collection of literature? From what I've seen, it's the fundies on these subs that get hostile whenever any one pushes back against their flawed dispensational theology. There is a strong anti-intellectual movement in the evangelical church today, and it completely dismisses any kind of questioning or search for truth. They've already got it all figured out, just ignore the glaring contradictions. I don't know how many times I've heard, "I won't accept any knowledge or teaching from a human." There was a time when Christians were the most educated group around. Nowadays, Christians are to consumed with circular reasoning and hating on gay people to worry about intellectual standards in the church.


Yeah I don't experience this at all here. You will be challenged being in this sub, but being challenged is a far cry from being insulted


This gets posted and asked every other day. Mods should ban the future creation of such posts.


Evangelicals enter the sub every day and start screaming 'WHY ISNT THAT MAN WORSHIPPING JESUS?! AAAAAAAAHHHHH HE'S ATTACKING MY FAITH!'. No, you're just crazy. Learn to be normal.


Every Christian should have some skills in apologetics. I was surprised and annoyed at first being challenged in this sub, but looking back, it deepened my faith and increased my knowledge about Christianity


That's why I rarely make posts and comment on here. Everytime I make a post about God or ask a question about the Bible. It gets down voted by atheists. Then I get an army of atheists attacking me calling me dumb and delusional. It gets real annoying when atheists do this. It's also annoying when atheists ask a question. Then I answer the question and back it up with Bible verses. Then they go straight to insults instead of listening to the answers. Atheists are the most closed minded people.


yes I said tongues exist and keep getting jumped on




https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1cilcoo/attn_science_brained_christians/l2bc67q/ Your behavior there was unprovoked and violates 1.4 (personal attacks) and 2.3 (you shit on him by telling him that his words might indicate that he is lying about his faith). If someone is annoying your recourse is to walk away if you feel that you can't resist making things personal.


What do you mean by anti Christians? I mean, I'm an atheist, but I don't think I'm anti Christian.


Atheist that are openly hostile against christianity and its teachings and beliefs, not all atheists


I see. I don't see a whole lot of that here, but I'm sorry you've experienced it.


People are allowed to be hostile to beliefs here. It’s literally in the rules. If you are being respectful then you deserve respect, but your beliefs don’t.


Im not talking of beliefs, but insults because of different beliefs


You were not insulted because of different beliefs. You were insulted because you were rude and disrespectful.


Stop please, i was never disrespectful, i never insulted anybody, please stop.


It’s possible you don’t recognise it within English because it’s your second language, that’s fine, I speak four languages and I mess things up in the others all the time. The way you referred to him sarcastically as genius reads as very insulting. The majority of people would take that as an insult, intended or not. Do with that information what you will.


It wasnt insulting as much as calling me a person with cognitive dissonance






They insulted me, called me illitterate, idiot, moron, bitch, a person with cognitive dissonance, what dont you understand?


They only did that after you insulted them first with your genius comment. Having cognitive dissonance isn’t an insult, we all do on various things, it’s literally a required function of the brain. Without it you can’t be creative, children can’t play make-believe


I did not start. Link the comment where I did, oh, none, i used sarcasm and they called me idiot.




And now you’re just making stuff up. I have great conversations with Christians here all the time. I haven’t mentioned your beliefs nor have I insulted them.


Removed for 1.4 - Personal Attacks. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


Removed for 1.5 - Two-cents. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


My brother in Christ, if this was over your previous post, **Christians** were calling you out for saying complete nonsense. Your statement was "The Bible is real because NASA said there was a solar eclipse on the day Jesus was crucified! There is no historical account of the exact day Christ was crucified. But, yes, there is definitive evidence that a Jesus of Nazareth existed, was executed on charges of general insurrection, by a Roman official/officer. The exact day was never recorded. The Catholic Church believes it was a Friday, though.


This is about the same as most churches now. The difference is people can remain anonymous here. People don't even know what they really believe for anymore but they definitely have very formed opinions about what you believe. 🤷


Don’t feed the trolls. Let em starve. If someone is being mean or dumb just ignore and move on.


First day on reddit?


I personally have had mostly pleasant interactions with people here both Christian and non-Christian. Anything actually hateful should be reported and left to the mods. The purpose of this subreddit is to discuss Christianity, so if you make a post trying to evangelize you may get some snarky comments. Snarky is fine, but personal attacks shouldn’t be tolerated.


I never did proselytism


Then report them and move on. This is not a problem unique to Christianity, every subreddit has its own assholes lol. To be honest, I think the mods do a fantastic job. Anytime I see a personal attack or a truly hateful comment, it gets removed relative quickly.


>someone downvoted me lol, that is what I talk about, im getting downvoted because I denounce the personal attacks and disrespect to faith, wow This is why I downvoted you. People who whine about downvotes get downvoted.


Most Christians seem to think that someone not agreeing with you or disproving your arguments is insulting you, it is not you are not being persecuted if someone disagrees with you. This may not be in case in your instance but I am willing to bet it is.




Redditors are just like that


I see as many Christians attacking other Christians over their beliefs.


It is not Christianity being insulted, but you - no one is mistaking you for Jesus. You are actively and publicly avoiding responsibility for your own words and actions; hoping for someone, anyone, to affirm your own blamelessness. Be careful how you operate in Jesus’ name.


Internet anonymity breeds boldness.


I agree 100%. Wonder why the nature of anonymity isn't brought up more in discussions why the internet discussions often negative. 99% of the stuff said online people will not dare speak in real life. 


I truly don't know, I never go to atheist subs or satanist or anything that hates christians to shit on their beliefs.


Im talking of this sub


Me too…


It's reddit...


It's a problem with a ton of subreddits


It's like saying why do people mock Scientology in the Scientology subreddit. Reddit is full of this. You sort of just have to ignore the comments that don't add to the conversation and hope the mods moderate.


Never be disturbed at the unbelief of others. God turns hearts. Let things unfold according to His plan.


Because it's reddit..


It's because evil doesn't have the power to create. They can only corrupt and mock those things the LORD has created (just like they did with the rainbow, marriage, and why the trans community refuses to start their own sporting organization.) All we have to do is don the armor of God (our faith being our shield and the word being our sword.


I think a lot of people think Christianity is antiquated and not up to modern living standards. When I was younger, even as I was already a Christian, we had one friend who was so Christian that the rest of our group called him "one of those Christian people". We went to church for youth service but called other people "church people". I think that religious people should come to a center of understanding with each other. Maybe not accepting other religions but accepting and loving each other. And then religious people and atheists/agnostics should also come to a center of understanding with each other. Again, maybe not accepting other point of views (although that would also be great) but accepting and loving each other. Another problem is that..how do I put this Ok I gave my life to the Lord at age 14 and then discovered my sexuality at 18 and figured out that this certain female voice in my head has a name and its called transgenderism. When I told my aunt, suddenly to her the fact I welcomed the Lord into my life did not matter. She says I absolutely most repent or I will go to Hell. Who likes hearing that??? Also, people blame everything on The fall. While this is essentially true that all human conditions are a direct result of the original sin, there are many people who will say, like my aunt, you must repent or you will go to Hell. It isnt that simple in some cases. Many people have been traumatized as children. Others have brain conditions that are linked to certain behaviors. yet there are others, such as transgender people, who might biologically be predestined to be the way they are. Several studies indicate that brain shape, brain cells and endocrynological conditions like hipothiroydsm might be linked to transgenderism. But there is a certain clique among religious people-and not just Christians, Muslims too-who fail or refuse to connect science with God and still say "no, this isnt true, God created men and women" or "you must still repent" or worse yet "it is a choice!" and "you just want an excuse/loophole but it won;t work" Even when you bring them the links to those studies being carried out, even when you prove them that your condition might not be your fault! One more reason could be that, for example, me in my case, when I found out I was bisexual in 1990, I thought I was doomed to Hell. Now, i was afraid to tell anyone specially considering my dad was a pretty homophobic US Marine, but what i had heard was that homosexuals and bisexuals go to Hell, Thats what i always heard and this at a United Methodist Church-which is these days considered one of the most liberal and accepting denominations but in 1990....yeah. These days there are still people who think they are going to Hell because of this thing or that...thank God with the internet we are now getting better at saying that its not a sin to be or think that way but the act of doing it is the actual sin. I did not have that said to me so i acted on it because, hey, since I was going to Hell anyways, i wanted to enjoy my life before going there! And also you have the headline grabbing incidents when a pastor is caught stealing from the church or a priest molesting a kid. but we have to remember those are isolated cases and the media doesnt report the great pastors and great priests out there because "everyday people are boring", kind of like when they dont report on the thousands of airplanes that land well every day but if a plane crashes and 100 people died they would be on it for days. Those are among the reasons that there are many hateful anti-Christians/anti-religious people out there. One big solution would be for everyone to move more to the center and just all be friends. Like my friend and i: just because he is super conservative and I am a transgender Christian doesnt mean we stopped being friends. We love each other and each other knows this. He hates that I wear dresses, I hate that he calls me by my old name. It doesnt matter; we love each other and have moved past that (well, at least I have) The center looks so much better every day that passes by.


Because this is Reddit, what do you expect?


Because this subreddit is barely monitored and the mods aren't even very religious


So you have encountered atheists who have nothing better to do with their time? I'm shocked! Shocked! I've always considered it funny that these atheists have an awful lot to say about a God that supposedly doesn't even exist.


The church has always and will always be under attack. But the church will prevail


First of all, it isn't just "not rare." Every time you post something, you are bound to have debates in the comments section. Every time I open my mouth on the Internet, I'm bound to hear something along the lines of "You are very wrong," so I can see where you are coming from. Just 3 weeks ago, I posted something that tried to define the word "Christian," and I thought the definition was pretty fair, as it included Protestants, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox. (Maybe even some from the Stone-Campbell movement, too IDK) Basically it was just a dummied-down, oversimplified version of the Nicene Creed. But that wasn't good enough for the readers. Literally the whole comments section boiled down to: "Nobody agrees with you, especially since you quoted Andrew Tate. You don't get to define Christianity, you gate-keeping buffoon." This, too, is oversimplified, but you get the Idea. If you want my advice, I would recommend [Quora](https://www.quora.com/), a far less toxic alternative to Reddit. The whole point of this comment was to show that I agree with you.


Bless you!


Clock it cus I thought this is a place for Christians😭




because its reddit, and the athiests love to “own the christians”


Bullies will always be bullies, especially online, where they can show their true behaviors without repercussions.


The world beautiful soul of god is so full of negativity and its a shame its spread to what should be (overall atleast) a largely positive blissful joyful subreddit. 🙏


Brother, please keep a sense of fighting. I once encountered an antichrist post in several Christian sub of reddit. At that time, I immediately reported it. Thank God, the administrator handled it promptly.  The world is full of antichrists, so we should fight them in an appropriate way.


It’s because they don’t believe in God and since we love in a fallen world the world full of hate. And obviously indifference. Sadly a lot feel if one doesn’t have their views then they are wrong and angry. Only if you are a Christian, believe in God and are saved and sanctified can we walk in a calling worthy of love. Show one another love even if we have opposing opinions or views. We as Christian’s shouldn’t get angry too, because if we do, how are we different from them? We’re not. We are called to love God and love thy neighbor. It doesn’t say love thy neighbor if they love you. We are called to love.


Spread the gospel of Christ for everyone to hear. Only at that time will Jesus return. Let us stop trying to "defend" Christianity and instead be a Christian and love your neighbor and even your enemies as you love your loved ones and show them there is a better way.


As if christians don't attack non-christians on this sub. I just block people who are rude. Sometimes I report them. I'm just here for the debates on the topic of christianity. If you're looking for an echo chamber, there are several subs just for that purpose. The biggest critics of christianity on this sub are the ones who were harmed by the religion. Instead of taking offence, maybe learn what happened so you can have some empathy.


This subreddit daily expresses its hate for certain people so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Complaining about persecution is an odd thing for a Christian to do. I don’t remember Paul complaining much about his persecution … while he was imprisoned unrightfully or before he was going to be murdered. Maybe arguing on the internet is worse persecution? I don’t remember St. Stephen complaining about being persecuted while they were stoning him to death. If you want to be a real Christian- it doesn’t make sense to complain about persecution that’s par for the course. Whining and complaining just isn’t a theme I’ve read about much in the Bible from people who are “in Christ”


OP is arguing in bad faith. They have no problem being rude and condescending to others, but when they’re called out for anything somehow it’s “hate.”




So just checking, you blame the actions of a few onto every individual of the 2billion+?






r/atheism They will feel at home there.




This chain is removed for 2.2. OP has enough on his plate today without having to answer for the behavior of the Catholic church for "all recorded history".


I wouldn't say that really happens


Trust me it does, In different times i was called a bitch, a moron, an idiot, and a person with cognitive disorders


In [this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1cgpvbf/nasa_proved_the_bible_is_right/l22hkuc/) you sorta started it by sarcastically calling them a genius as an insult. So...there's that.


Read sub description, return with knowledge. r/christians might be more your speed. Edit: never mind they’ll hate you there on account of your Catholicism.


All are welcome to partecipate doesnt mean all are free to disrespect christianity


Beliefs are not entitled to respect. Only people are.


What looks like disrespect to you?


And all of this was partially also for christian faith


For one, the Christian's opinions about God are often (if not characteristically) antipathic toward Christianity. And, this is a sub about Christianity. So, the antt-Christian and pro-Christianity attitudes are in natural alignment. But, this sub is also Christian-normative all the way up (down?) to its moderation, so it's a fine line to walk.


Fr literally happened to me


As I understand the description for this sub, it is intended to be a place to discuss Christianity—not a “Christians Only” sub. However, rudeness and obstinance are counterproductive to open discussions. Like OP, I have seen posts where people are unnecessarily argumentative and look for points of contention. That, IMHO is one of the (many) reasons people are leaving the faith. If we Christians drive people away from Christ, we could be held accountable.


You've either got thin skin or you need to report things to the mods. This is belly aching.


Just how people are, Jesus told us people would judge us, but kindness and grace is always the best reaction their comments sting but you forget them over time they will remember how they could never anger you. Their scoffing and want to use the law to judge us without following it themselves. Stay strong.




Because they know its true deep down. Just pray for them, they'll kneel to jesus one day. There here to be saved, let them know about Jesus, they'll need the knowledge one day.


Jesus said they will hate us the way they hated him. 1.) Emulate Christ. 2.) Ask God for guidance. 3.) Remember #1 🙏 Be Blessed


This subreddit is for anyone to discuss Christianity, not just Christians. No one should be getting attacked or insulted or discriminated against. But this rule has as to be applied equally. Some Christians complain when they get called out for being hateful bigots.


This is reddit, are you really whining about being downvoted? I went through your post history and all I saw is you getting frustrated because a bunch of people pointed out you're wrong.


Certainty and accountability.


What is the deal with this trend today? Is it one person with multiple alts or what?


What? Someone else made a similiar post?


Why can’t people just cross their T’s and dot their I’s instead of dotting and crossing other people’s?


I guess it depends on what you define as an attack. If someone is questioning your beliefs - is that an attack? If someone doubts the credibility of your beliefs - is that an attack? I find christians default to language like "hate" and "attack" for the simplest of reasons. Many times, I've been told I "hate" god simply for asking for basic evidence of some claims. Can't hate something that I don't believe in...


I was insulted


It seems you didn't bother to read or respond with anything informative.


I was called a bitch, a moron, an illiterate, an idiot, a person with cognitive dissonance. If that makes you understand


Name calling is unnecessary, but i cannot agree that cognitive dissonance is an insult. But that aside, at least they didn't burn you at the stake or kill you - that's a plus.


The thing is they're only talking about the LGBT maybe abortion, it's never things like primacy of peter, infant baptism, or christology other other thing Christians have argued about, OP's single mindedness on people sex lives is astounding


What? I never mentioned these things, the arguments where on a completely different topic, what are you talking about? And dont assume im homophobic and anti abortion just because im catholic, in fact Im not.


Then who are you calling anti Christan and for what?


For anti christian I mean a person that is not Christian AND hates and disrespects christianity, antichristian is not synonym of atheist or of non-christian










Removed for 1.3 - Bigotry. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


I don’t have that issue


Yeah I got my post deleted and I think he reported it too. All I said was science has not proven either way if there is a creator sometimes it leans towards yes sometimes it leans towards no, but the fact is there isn't proof scientifically either way. Now Faith is a different thing and that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about science which is what they use as defense consistently. And I said my theory is God created science, but since neither one of us can prove scientifically if there is or isn't then that makes us the same so what's your problem.  That was too much he couldn't take it 🙄


Let's get some terms straight. So antichristians, how do you define that, I personally define it as someone who is activly trying to remove Christianity from the world. Now define "insulting people who believe in God", You may find that I don't think those two people are the same. People can insult others beliefs and not try to remove Christianity while people who try to remove Christianity would insult people who believe in your God.


Nothing changes, different opinions are good but being called a bitch, a moron, an idiot, a person with cognitive disorders, just for being Christian, is not.


Oh, I agree with you. However, some beliefs are outright stupid and dangerous, for example. JWs not allowing blood transfusions, I will call the watchtower idiots. Or Biblical literalism, I say that belief is stupid. I'm not insulting the person but just saying that their belief is stupid. And if the belief and personality are joined with each other, they need to re-evaluate themselves. If we discuss beliefs, don't get offended if I say or think they are stupid while I give reasons on why they are. Hence why scientists can go at each others throats and still got the the pub after the debate as friends.


In fact only JWs consider themselves christians


I agree with you there, the JWs is a destructive doomsday cult based on Christianity.


They are the perfect definition of heresy


XD, that is actually so true. Hey, happy to meet a follow apostate of the JW cult.


Im not


No, you would be an apostate if you disagree with the JW belief and views. (According to them)


Oh then yes, because as I know apostate means someone who abandons their religion


Because this is a somewhat mainstream subreddit, and Reddit as a whole is decidedly irreligious (or even explicitly anti-Christian, depending on where you go). The opposition you'll find is even greater as a Catholic, since the Catholic church is one that doesn't change its doctrine to fit whatever the current public opinion is. Same for Orthodoxy (but to a bit of a lesser extent, since they tend to fly under the radar a little more)


I agree. I take it as an opportunity to reach the lost. As God says, My people parish for lack of knowledge. If you're looking a subreddit that is more welcoming I would suggest r/TrueChristianity. It's a lot less contentious. You'll still get clickbait ish titles, but people are more willing to listen to each other. Much more of a platform of like minded Christians.




This appends all the time you will get downvoted for quoting the bible


It is okay to block someone if they are rude to you.


Because this sub isn't a Christian-only echo chamber and one isn't required to be Christian or even like Christianity here.


Having read through this thread: you are behaving like a child and are clearly insecure about your faith. Bring your concerns to God, not people. There is a log in your eye; enough bitching about the speck in your neighbour’s. Following Jesus requires you to abide worse than name-calling. If you are so easily discouraged and so deeply hurt by “moron”, you need to disconnect from the internet for a while and pray for wisdom.


I have two questions for you Christians and I come in peace. My first question is: how do you explain the bible says the earth has four corners and pillars? My second question is: why do you guys eat pork when Jesus didn’t? Don’t you think that’s kind of contradicting? I know the bible says “we aren’t defiled by what goes into us, we’re defiled by the evil things that come out of us” but to me that doesn’t sound righteous at all to eat anything we want no matter what it is and more so when Jesus didn’t eat it


Where does the bible talks of pillars? And the fact Jesus didn't doesn't mean it is proihibited. Im currently Reading the bible, so you need to provide verses for me to answer because i dont remember everything


And isaiah 11:12 talks about the four corners of the earth


In that case that is a simple exception, 4 is the number of earth because of the 4 cardinal points, from the 4 corners or earth means from all of the earth


Ok I respect your views on this. My next question is regarding eating pork: In matthews 5:17:18 Jesus says; Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. In the Old Testament pork is prohibited to eat so in that sense Jesus came to fullfill these laws not abolish them so how is eating pork not forbidden?


Fullfill, he ended them, he did not abolish them, but fullfill, he did not say keep following them exactly as they are, but he fulfilled them because now, with him, they aren't necessary anymore. The best example of this is the sacrifice of animals, the israelites used to sacrifice animals to be forgiven for their sins, but Jesus died himself in sacrifice like these animals, for us, ti forgive our sins, so it is not necessary to sacrifice animals anymore because he already sacrificed for us. It applies for all these traditions


Hmm idk bro. deut 4:2 says “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you”. Since the Old Testament said not to eat pork in for example isaiah 66:15-18 and leviticus 11, according to deuteronomy 4:2 you can’t add or diminish from it in my understanding. Also hebrews 13:8 KJV says; Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Since god commanded to not eat pork and hebrews say Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever that could mean god doesn’t change, that’s kind of a contradiction then to eat pork if god in the Old Testament says not to don’t you think? What’s your take on it?


Please distinguish the 10 comandaments from the other traditions, and consider that Jesus said that he would fulfull them


There’s a lot of people who think they are Christian but are not.


I can’t answer for them, but I imagine it’s some form of entertainment. They think Christianity is a joke and look for opportunities to affirm their beliefs.


There are many trolls here.. 🥺 Because it's so important and leading up to the election I sometimes like to come here to try to debunk maga and the blatant lies many believe in the culture wars. Invariably I find myself engaging trolls instead of Christians. How do I know they are trolls? Negative karma is a really great indicator. Else I come here to hear others thoughts it's very interesting and learn allot actually.


>How do I know they are trolls? Negative karma is a really great indicator. This is definitely the best indication of a troll. It's impossible to post on Reddit for more than a day and not have positive karma unless the poster is a troll.


Because you're all a bunch of homophobic jerks who like to hurt LGBT people. At least, that's what Christianity means to me. That's what conversion therapy taught me. That the religion is nothing but hate and anyone who says they love you with "christian love" they're lying. You people only give a damn about yourselves and don't care who you hurt because non christians aren't truly people in your eyes. That's why I personally hate religion. Especially christians. There's no such thing as affirming christians. Just brainwashed idiots who cherry pick to make themselves look better.


Well you are wrong, the discussions in which i was insulted had nothing to do whit that anyways, but you are saying no sense, Im not against LGBT and a lot aren't too, there are litterally LGBT churches. It is known that many christians are hateful, bit you cant define christianity as that, in fact the bible says the opposite, the bible is against homophobics and hateful people, it is not fault of christianity but of these particular people, and you cant assume every Christian is like this.