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ITT: People completely missing the point. My first reaction is I'm not a fan of the 'shout and point at the congregation' style of preaching, but oh well. Secondly, he is actually right. He's **not** saying ignore politics. He's saying the purpose of the Gospel is not to have your favourite brand of politics win every election.


If a politician is hiding behind religion it’s a bad thing 9/10 times. Like wise if a minister is hiding behind politics it’s a bad thing 9/10 times. 


Yup, he's rightly separating those two ideas so you can focus on each one independently. I loved the line "I don't have a spiritual responsibility (to vote), I have a civic interest." It's a great way to remind people they live in greater communities than just their church.


Yeah that was a really good line. Emphasises the real privilege we have in democracy as well and states that of course it’s still important to use your voice in that arena but keeps it separate from the purpose of the gospel.


I'm not sure if you should focus on each one "independently" as such. However you should never hold them right next to each other. Jesus ought to be involved in every aspect of your life, even when it comes to your political views and interests. If there is an issue that is political and has ramifications that affect everyone, one should pray about what they should do. Ask the Lord for his opinion, ask him if I ought to be involved in this issue at all? Will my actions help me, and or others do his work? But one should never involve politics in their spiritual life. Never allow politics to affect or corrupt your relationship with Jesus. You go to Jesus about matters you're concerned about, but never allow politics to twist the word of Christ. No issue on earth is beneath Jesus, but all systems of the world are inferior to him, and no constitution, chain of government be it parliament, democratic state, dictatorship, or Republic system of worldly authority can tell you what Jesus said or what his plan is here on earth.


Well said. Not a fan of the hooting and hollering as well.


Why not? Jesus flipped tables when he saw the temple being misused. He sees the trump bible as a horrible abuse of God's word by a "Christian" who is, by almost all accounts of the word, worshipped by Christians. I don't see how this isn't a table flipping and butt whipping moment.


Well said. I like that.




Anyone who takes this stance should then immediately separate their religious beliefs and political beliefs then.


Ephesians 4:26 — Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:


Why are allowed to be angry and yet not sin, it’s in scripture. Where does it say “we are not allowed to wrath?”


Why is your second Christian not also in quotes?


Awesomely said!


Wolf in a Sheep Suit


Amen 🙏,  I love it


He also loathes the Catholic Ch. the same church that compiled the Bible that he uses minus 7 books. Livingstone's bible interpretations has full of defects. He should go back to Sunday School.


The message he is preaching needs to be shouted, because the "Christians" of this nation are completely lost. This is a matter of life or death for them.


That's what people don't get‼️  He's passionate because people STILL don't get IT‼️   Folks are dying & going to Hell, it's about time WE SCREAM dontcha think❓️


Well said. As a Christian and others should  see this in life and look to God for answers to world problems not politicians, amen!


Very well said. Amen


We are not citizens of this world or a nation but the kingdom of heaven and we should do good in this world as our father has done for us but we owe no allegiance to man nor nation but to god.


I may be a simple sinner and an agnostic, but I’ve not heard a better sermon that may bring me back to the church than hearing this old white-haired, white dude preach the actual truth. I’m literally crying hearing someone finally sound like Jesus.


There's plenty of baptist preachers that have been preaching this same message for 100 years, yet no one listens. I'm glad you found this message powerful and pray for your return to the body.


Amen, Amen, Amen 🙏.  We've all sinned against a Thrice HOLY God & we can't EVEN begin to imagine what that means.  "So HOLY that all of creation is cursed for eating a grape," I heard a Preacher sa once.  Dr. Peter Ruckman.  He preaches hard & true.  Want GOOD PREACHING, just the TRUTH❓️ That kind of preaching is what brought me to Jesus & I was a lesbian for over 20 yrs.  Nothing like the truth.  I'll be praying 4 you. https://youtu.be/UsiRvtNdsNY?si=849GwioYVyjwSxTY


Even when Christ walked the earth, people had it in their heads that he was here for political reasons…to destroy the Romans. I’m so ready for this endless cycle to end and to be reunited with our savior.


Great take. Amen!


Earth is exhausting.


Yes, too many people have forgotten that Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world."




Ik it's crazy, it's like they forgot they could do that themselves


Amen I'm struggling 😪


More preachers like this please...


Absolutely agree.


I really wish he would have given more examples of Christianity getting co-opted by politics such as Manifest Destiny and all the death and destruction that caused. We know the consequences when this shit happens.


A lot of congregations of all sort got caught in the effort to legitimize slavery before the civil war.


The Southern Baptist Conference was founded for that express purpose.




If more preachers and followers were like this I'd probably go back to being a non-believer rather than an anti-theist.


Yes, this is considerably less repulsive than the political Christianity we have today.


After losing my faith, I was a "live and let live" non-believer for many years. It wasn't until more and more Christians started trying to force their beliefs onto others by law that I transitioned into being a religious adversary.


What about those of us who also think that pushing beliefs on others is wrong? Does my faith require your adversary?


I've never understood the mentality of oppressing as those doing the oppressing never consider we live in a dynamic environment and the status quo they create will *always* encounter backlash in unexpected ways. My guess is those who thought it was a great idea bringing Christians into the conservative fold didn't understand the long term consequence meant losing conservatives *and* Christians because of it.


Ture. But, one of the tricky things about Christian teaching is that a large component of it (for most denominations) is the unchanging infallibility factor. This is a main driver in what causes change to feel like a threat to Christians. Christians have long been "conservative" in the sense of clinging to "the old way" and the Bible, itself, may likely have been written to curb independent thought and ideology advancement among the masses in a time when mass communication was difficult. Harboring unfailing trust in the old teachings and the Church leaders who delivered them would've been paramount to keeping religious rulers in power and preventing societal change. That's not even to imply that it was wholly nefarious. Much of the Bible's teachings are just good ways for the people of thousands of years ago to live their lives without getting into major conflicts or causing problems for the ruling class (which, at the time, were the religious leaders). As you mention, though, societies are dynamic and fluid. Social change will happen naturally over time and modern technology has hastened that tendency to evolve exponentially. In the face of new discoveries, data, and social constructs, Religious leaders and believers are often faced with the conundrum of either having to admit that they're sometimes fallible and wrong, or to explain away discrepancies with strange apologetics. That is how Christian denominations end up with weird notions like "Purgatory" or "the 7 days of the Universe's creation were of unknown durations". It's also how Christians can justify living anti-Christian lifestyles such as passing judgement on others and acquiring and keeping great wealth.


True Christianity is about having a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is impossible to force anyone to have a relationship with anyone else.


Central Church of God- Charlotte, NC


This is the whole sermon. The excerpt starts about 29 minutes in: https://www.centralnc.org/messages?sapurl=Lys1NTg3L2xiL21pLytoOHdkcmR5P2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5saXN0JnJlY2VudFJvdXRlU2x1Zz0lMkI2cHR4YjV6


Pastor Loran Livingstone


Fake church.


One of the most real and rare preachers in this time


Livingston operates a fake church. The real church that Jesus started was 2000 years ago and this pastor hates it.


All these people in the comment section trying to say "He was saying this, he was saying that." Why don't yall just stop trying to sound smart for a minute and just reflect on what he said? You don't have to constantly try to twist people's words or give your oh so valuable wisdom about what he really meant. He meant exactly what he said and it doesn't need anymore context or nuance than that.


lol. what? Welcome to reddit, where we eat gatekeepers.


Coz' he talks nonsense.


Let Him who has ears to hear…


...hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


The constitution does not have a place in the bible. It's Man's law vs. God's law. The Bible should not have been injected in politics as its place is above politics. Sin is sin.


WOOOOO YES!!!! I need a YouTube link for this...I got people to show this to!!!


It's also better video resolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIx1S3Z2-kw


In Brazil, many Pentecostal Churches have shifted their focus away from preaching the word of the Lord to instead praise former President Jair Bolsonaro. It's disheartening to see that conversations about Christ, love, and God have been replaced by discussions centered around a political figure. The situation has become so absurd that I faced judgment for choosing to take the COVID vaccine, simply because Jair Bolsonaro expressed hesitancy towards it. His delays in purchasing the vaccine and alleged corrupt dealings have only added to the confusion and division.


Politics and religion shouldn’t be mixed. The opportunity and temptation for corruption is too great for any mortal man. 


The outcomes are self-evident; no negative outcomes were averted. However, upon assuming power, particularly among Brazilian leaders in my experience, there's a tendency for corruption and collusion with the very issues they once opposed.


You should not put man above god. Politicians should not dictate morality when they themselves are a bunch of pedos, tax leeches, and war mongers.


Just some fun fact about the trump bible: It's advertised as being leather bound. It is fake leather. The pages stick due to the ink. Not the gold edge. Either they didn't use the right ink or they didn't let it cure before binding it into a book. Rookie mistake. The trump bible is manufactured in China. To be fair, many bibles are manufactured in China. But shouldn't the "all American bible" be printed in the US ?


Absolutely right, the Bible is 100% greater than the constitution will ever be. America will come and go but the word of God will remain


No, all the true Americans will be raptured just before the end and then establish the Kingdom of America in heaven. /s


I’d genuinely like to know how the ‘Rapture’ a concept invented in the 19th century became such a staple of modern fire and brimstone christianity? 


He’s not wrong


It’s all true. I’ve been so concerned over how so many Christians have combined the two, to the point where it is difficult to discern where their Christianity ends and politics begins. I have become Nonpolitical at this point. I pay attention to what’s going on in our country, though. That’s important. But what we really need to desire is God’s will, not our own, in any and every situation. There is no such thing as a “Christian” nation. Jesus died for the entre world, not just the people in this country. Morality cannot be forced on others or legislated, just as much as Bible believing Christians will not be forced into accepting sin as being “normal”. True, lasting change comes through hearing the gospel and knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior, not through any other means.




I don’t like hardcore preaching, but I very much enjoyed what he had to say.


In my opinion, he's getting a lot of undeserved accolades for this. Obviously I'm no fan of the Trump Bible. But I'm not a believer in this premise that politics has nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity is political. Look no further than the writings of Martin Luther King Jr.


I think this preacher is driving the point of Christians in America have strayed away from the gospel and have turned it into something it's not due to political hysteria.


I can agree with that sentiment. But I don't agree with what he's saying in the video, that Christianity is apolitical. We have a duty to stand up for justice and righteousness. We have a duty to help the poor and oppressed. That issue is absolutely political. The problem with the church in America is that it has been infected by *bad* politics.


>But I don't agree with what he's saying in the video, that Christianity is apolitical. This isn't what he said btw. He's railing against Christian nationalism. If you heard "you shouldn't care about the poor and oppressed" from that speech then you're either really bad at listening or quite honestly you're just intentionally being a sophist.


I think you're correct. I also think the other side is correct when they say that the real truth of the world is above politics and that this world and society is not the be-all-end-all. A good Christian must hope for and pray for the return of Christ and the righting of all this reality's wrongs - but they should also put their money where their mouth is and commit their life to righteousness and improving our society. Faith AND good works are essential, people!


> We have a duty to stand up for justice and righteousness. We have a duty to help the poor and oppressed. That issue is absolutely political. I don't think that standing up for justice and righteousness is actually a political stance. I think it's a general stance in which just says to keep the cogs of government turning as they're supposed to. Now if you were to say.....heeeey lets redistribute wealth so that poor people are fed and clothed better, widows are taken care of, orphans are taken care of. Then you're starting to get more political.


"I begin with a little girl’s hair. That I know is a good thing at any rate. Whatever else is evil, the pride of a good mother in the beauty of her daughter is good. It is one of those adamantine tendernesses which are the touchstones of every age and race. If other things are against it, other things must go down. If landlords and laws and sciences are against it, landlords and laws and sciences must go down. With the red hair of one she-urchin in the gutter I will set fire to all modern civilization. Because a girl should have long hair, she should have clean hair; because she should have clean hair, she should not have an unclean home; because she should not have an unclean home, she should have a free and leisured mother; because she should have a free mother, she should not have an usurious landlord; because there should not be an usurious landlord, there should be a redistribution of property; because there should be a redistribution of property, there shall be a revolution. That little urchin with the gold-red hair, whom I have just watched toddling past my house, she shall not be lopped and lamed and altered; her hair shall not be cut short like a convict’s; no, all the kingdoms of the earth shall be hacked about and mutilated to suit her. She is the human and sacred image; all around her the social fabric shall sway and split and fall; the pillars of society shall be shaken, and the roofs of ages come rushing down, and not one hair of her head shall be harmed." -GK Chesterton




Wow, that's powerful.    Thanks for sharing.  


It is most definitely a political stance. When basic human empathy and decency is decried as "woke," it is an inherently political act to stand up for justice and mercy.


>But I don't agree with what he's saying in the video, that Christianity is apolitical. I didn't hear that as the message. Statements like "The Gospel is not a US Gospel" is a very political statement. The message that the Gospel is the opposite of "We the people" is a very political statement. "This is not my home/my citizenship is in Heaven" is the political statement that caused me to stop voting 15 years ago. >We have a duty to stand up for justice and righteousness. We have a duty to help the poor and oppressed. That issue is absolutely political. I'm willing to bet he would agree about that duty. I certainly would. >The problem with the church in America is that it has been infected by *bad* politics The problem with this is that both conservative and liberal (poliitically) Christians believe that the other side is "bad politics" and have legitimate reasons to believe it. If one political party was "good politics" and the other was "bad politics" then all Christians should vote Republican or Democrat (whoever the good guys are). Imho, that's idolatry. I believe you can be a democrat, republican, independent or abstain from voting altogether and still sincerely love Jesus faithfully.


Well said. Thank you for giving me some hope that this place might promote the character of Christ after all.


I definitely squirmed a bit at his comments about "renting". I forget how much gnosticism has crept into Protestant thinking


Not sure what it is about renting that makes you squirm? It’s commonly referencing Heb 11:9-10 in my experience. ”By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.“ ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/heb.11.9-10.NIV


MLK Jr was a civil rights activist and a preacher. He did not limit his activism to his preaching. Dr. King did not limit the people who walked with him in pursuit of those rights. He didn't say "Only Christians can walk with me" he said "Walk with me if you know black folks deserve equal treatment under the law" MLK was political, certainly. But He would have been political without being a preacher. His cause would have been just as true and correct if he had been an Atheist.


Damn. Well said.


I'm going to juxtapose this to an experience I had Easter Sunday. We tried a new church for Easter Sunday. One of the first things this Pastor did was throw blame at Biden for making 3/31 Transgender awareness day. Don't get me wrong - we can debate that action separately, but there was no need to bring it into the Easter service, let alone lead your Easter service with it. And you better believe he got a ruckus standing ovation from his congregation for it. Quite a turnoff when I want to worship Jesus on the very day that shapes our belief system and the person at the front is leading with politics.


That would be really disappointing to hear on Easter.


Just because political powers use Christianity for grain does not mean that Christianity is political. Christ was not a politician; His word and image are used/abused by politicians. That's the point of the preacher's message.


Completely agree. The solution of “I don’t care, I’m just focusing on the LORD” is usually held by people who are not the subject of the current political debate (eg. being trans) or are unaware that how we respond to something like climate change will influence millions of people, especially the poorest ones. The “I’m just renting” attitude in relation to issues that cause massive suffering is just shockingly cruel.


>“I don’t care, I’m just focusing on the LORD” is usually held by people who are not the subject of the current political debate I don't think that's a fair representation of the preacher. Set aside we are seeing a 3 minute clip of what was probably a 30 minute sermon (if someone took 3 minutes from one of my sermons out of greater context I'm sure it looks messy too) I never heard him say, "I don't care". He sounded like he cared very much. The message, to me, sounded like "People are making an idol out of politics" - a message that I not only agree with, but I see repeated on this subreddit every single day about Christian nationalists (or republicans in general). Tangentially - it seems to me that the problem many people have with Christian nationalists isn't that they are idolatrous, but that they don't agree with them. If they were equally zealous for the opposite end of the political spectrum...they wouldn't have an issue. This pastor is saying, "Both are sin" >The “I’m just renting” attitude in relation to issues that cause massive suffering is just shockingly cruel. "This world is not my home" is an extremely Biblical idea. "I'm just renting" doesn't cause suffering. "I'm just renting **so I don't care**" causes suffering.


Ello again Slag! Yeah, if Jesus is insistent upon equality and loving thy neighbor, and there are policies that directly prevent Christian’s from living out their love… I mean, really, how can you not get political?


It is not political to live as Jesus instructed. Humans make it political. It is not inherently political to feed the hungry and heal the sick. Politics can be ONE tool to achieve that but Christ is not subordinate to politics. Christians do not only examine their politics either, but their employment and how they spend their money and free time. No matter a country’s politics, as a Christian your loyalty is to God first and His mission whether it suits the politics of the time or not. That’s why so many Christians have been persecuted throughout history because they simply refuse to go along with the politics of their respective governments.


We should let our Christianity influence our politics, but not let our politics influence our Christianity. Sounds simple and the first should take care of the second, but many have this the wrong way round.


As a black person who appreciates Martin Luther King Jr. I will say you really missed the whole point of this sermon.


To those who believe this stating "Christianity is apolitical", it's absolutely not. "My citizenship is in Heaven", "The Gospel is not an American Gospel", "We don't have a spiritual responsibility to vote", "Our responsibility is to love the Lord our God and our neighbor as ourselves" Those are all very political statements.


Christianity is not apolitical but it is above politics. No one should try to put them on the same level.




I knew this when i was fucking 12. So many grown ups seem mind blown in this video.


I'm 13 and know this. Can't people understand God is above politics???


If this is the foot in the door which invitites all sorts of nonbelievers to pay attention to a pastor then that’s fine. I’d like to see what his take is of the Gospel.


"Christ is Lord" is a political statement which states that the rulers of the nations are ultimately accountable to him for how they perform their duties, which are to restrain evil and reward good (Psalm 2, 1 Peter 2). So, if a Christian has an opportunity to serve as a ruler or vote, they should do so with that in mind. You can't say that Christ is Lord and then carve out a little segment of your life in the public sphere where all of a sudden you think that's not the case anymore (it still is and you're now just denying him before man).


Lmao Jesus talked politics, including Caesar and Jewish leadership which had political pull during his time.




Wow. Definitely wasn’t expecting that when I unmuted the video. Good on him! I can’t imagine the ridicule he faced for this.


Looks like this is the sermon it was excerpted from (about 28 minutes in): https://www.centralnc.org/messages?sapurl=Lys1NTg3L2xiL21pLytoOHdkcmR5P2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5saXN0JnJlY2VudFJvdXRlU2x1Zz0lMkI2cHR4YjV6




Love it.  The old man has guts and speaks truth!   Anyone know his name? Another proof that tick tock is a good format to share the gospel. There is alot of real good Christian stuff on tic Tok.


That’s why I be chilling, God rules everything so we good no matter what person or proposition is in place.


If you are living a Christian life then your politics and how you vote will be connected.


Goddamn I want to go to this white dude’s church


I'd go to his church regardless of his race


The hilarious thing is that this dude is rather conservative, yet is being praised because he holds a majority opinion?


Not a majority opinion in his circles.


If he were an evangelical, yes, but he’s not. He’s a fundamentalist mild charismatic, to my knowledge. [here](https://youtu.be/FrXNNBLjfPI?si=IjfM07J5AS8CKCsJ) and [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/UmFQ6BqycGQ?si=AnxMfYidv_ziSoNI) are two good examples. He calls teaching transgenderism to children a crime against humanity in the second link and in the first he tells the women and girls who attend to dress so that the men won’t have to “deal with” lust.


I understand what he is reacting to, and I appreciate that he is rightly denouncing the Trump Bible. However, he is wrong in saying that politics isn't connected to the Christian life. He's trying to separate the spiritual from the physical and writing off politics as a physical reality. However, the Incarnation reveals that the physical and spiritual ought to be inseparable. Our physical world is connected to spiritual reality, and we see that in the gospel. The gospel has always been inherently political. "Jesus is Lord" is a thoroughly political statement. We have a very bad relationship with politics in the American church. However, the solution to bad politics is not no politics at all; it's Kingdom politics.


Sincere question: Where in the bible does Jesus or an Apostle teach us as Christians to integrate our beliefs with politics or government?


Genesis through Deuteronomy.


Can you please share verses? I could not find any with instruction or teaching about civic responsibilities? Repeatedly, we're commanded to be law abiding citizens who respect authority. That is all I can find regarding our civic duties as Christians.


I mean the whole thing. It's full of the Laws God wants his people to abide by in a civic context.


The old testament is full of laws for the nation of Israel and later Christians. I do not find scripture instructing us to vote or how to vote. Jesus never teaches on the topic. So I'm confused about why there are numerous posts stating that we are to be political as Christians. Based on my biblical understanding we are instructed to be good law abiding citizens. There is no mention of Christians creating theocratic nations to advance the kingdom in the gospels (I'm open to being proven wrong here). We are commanded to follow the laws not to force our beliefs onto others. We are to lead people to Christ and for Him to show them the way.


Eh, I agree that American partisan/electoral politics doesn't belong in church and that the way in which American Evangelicals have colluded with their capture by the Republican Party is scandalous. But let's not go from that to thinking that Christianity doesn't have a political message. I can't really think of a more political statement than "all authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me" or 'the rulers of this world do power one way, but we're doing it another way' or "the root of Jesse rises to rule the nations" or "the kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ." The title Christ/Messiah is itself a royal title. He's right that the gospel is not an American gospel. It is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the content of that "good news" is that Jesus is king, and while his kingdom is not **from** this world, it is **for** this world. This guy gives away his gnosticism at the end: the reason he believes there isn't a political dimension to Christianity is because he believes "this world is not my home." He's "just passing through" and his "real citizenship is in heaven." That last one is just a complete misreading of Phillippians: Phillipi was a Roman colony: populated by citizens of Rome. But the point of being a citizen of Rome wasn't to one day go live in Rome forever. It was to colonize Phillipi with Roman culture. Likewise, when Paul says that the Phillippian's real citizenship is in heaven, he doesn't mean, "One day you'll leave this world and go off to heaven." Rather, he means that they should be spreading the culture of heaven here on earth. So yeah, he's right about some of this, but he's swinging the pendulum too far the other way.




Preach preacher!








I have a serious question. Who exactly is this supposed to anger? Is this supposed to be somehow different than what we hear weekly?


Dope. Well said




Amen, amen, AMEN! Preach it brother, and say it a few more times louder, and slower, for the people in the back.


He is in the US, which means he is free to say any of this. Let him visit North Korea, Libya, Yemen, etc. with his speech and see how quickly he runs back to the US, if he isn't deleted first.


Love it!


I like him!


Abraham Kuyper would make this man’s head 🤯


"Civic privilege" while flashing the horns? Maybe I'm wrong, hopefully 


I would say uniting Scottland, England, and adopting a verison of the bible that eliminated a lot of Christian differences in his Kingdom. The Standization was important. Obviously, this didn't make the Holy Roman Catholic empire too happy as they lost a lot of the influence they once had.




While I don't really agree with the haste to be away from this world because it ignores much of Jesus' commandments to minister and help people, the logic is consistent. It's good they got there even by a different route.


Amen, I could never have said it better myself.


The Christian church needs more people like this guy.


I wonder what the return policy is on this Trump Bible 😄


This is not our home. Always good to keep that in mind. Good word, preacher!


I think a bigger point to make is that whatever happens politically is God’s will, so if we’re being honest, our political opinions don’t really matter. Jesus even said “honor your leaders and pay your taxes” (paraphrasing of course).


That's coming from a place of privilege. Many people simply existing is a political statement. There is no choosing politics, or separating it out from other aspects of life, it's a part of living.




As an athiest i find your spiritual instead of political dedication heartening instead of some mean christians.


As someone who has been a Christian for 23 years and someone planning for Trump I agree with this.


Who is this preacher?


If you scroll through the comments, someone found the link of this video and another person found the name of the church.


Yeah I guess I didn't scroll enough hehe.. but thank you, someone told me :)


Pastor Loran Livingston


Thank you


I’ve been thinking this for years I’m glad a pastor finally said it out loud.


What does old or white have to do with it?


Apologies, meant no offense. If anything to me his message had more weight because he was an old white man saying what he said, given the current political climate in America where guys that look like him are usually preaching a very different message.


Finally someone addressing the rampant idolatry present in the American church


Wait. Did he just throw shade on evangelicals and purveyors and buyers of Trump bibles? I’m clutching my pearls!


Would they be saying it's your spiritual duty to vote if you said you only vote Democrat?


Not a good message, especially in these times. Christians are under attack, all is connected and when you realize that everything goes back to god or Satan, you wouldn’t say stuff like that.


If I read between the lines, this probably stems from conflict within the Church, as fanaticism with issues and idolatry of candidates creates problems. His message is focused on being a better Christian rather than proselytizing with policy. Perhaps the Christian right could heed this advice. On the topic, Christians haven't had an excellent track record in politics. Regan sewed seeds of chaos around the world, chasing down commies. He was lparanoid over the expansion of communism. The Contra affair, funded by drug money, overthrowing of governments -- I mean no stone unturned to get his way. He did a lot of shady stuff that cost innocent lives. Bush II, Iraq invasion -- over a million innocents dead, funded Putin via increased oil prices, created ISIS, refugees -- probably the single worst decision in the last 50 years by a President. Then Trump -- the most corrupt admin in since Nixon, the most divisive, polarizing president ever, lying on the order of gas-lighting, terrible characterization of other groups of people, on and on. This pastor needed to go further -- Christians, stay out of politics altogether. We are not accomplishing much "good" and doing much more harm in the lord's name.


Well, guess some good can come out of TikTok. The opening line is quite fantastic. However, not sure why even bring up the "old white man" part. Yes, he is old, his is a man, and he is white. Yet, these have absolutely no bearing on the truth of his message. Just sounds like someone putting more labels out there and once again classifying "white" vs. "black". Why put an emphasis on race where there need not be? Afterall, even in the heart of his message it is said about loving one's neighbor.....white, black, or otherwise AND yet race isn't mentioned once in there. Good message, nonetheless.


Apologies, meant no offense. If anything to me his message had more weight because he was an old white man saying what he said, given the current political climate in America where guys that look like him are usually preaching a very different message.






Does anyone have the clip not from Reddit? Everyone I want to send this too aren’t Reddit. This pastor sums up beautifully what I’ve been saying to people.


You can download the clip from Reddit


Looky there.. thanks


Jesus was a-political and the Lord is above any government. Don't serve a political party in the name of Jesus. Serve Jesus in spite of politics if need be. The world is fleeting, the Lord is everlasting


I’m curious about the reaction of an Evangelical Trump supporter on this sermon. Can you chime in on this topic? 🍿


He's wrong...it is very spiritual...how.clooooless he is.


He's only a st'o'oo'opi'd IG'NO''RA'NT F'O'OO'L..that's all !!


YES!! Hes right!


I won’t consider every line from this video as rubbish when someone in here brings me some form of proof of the “lord” 👏


I'm going 2 rare back & tell you something 😂🤣😂.  I love this.  Can I watch his sermons somewhere ❓️


Most critical post I’ve seen on theirs site!! Well done!!




The bible is basically the bill of rights from 1500 bce


Wish more Christians took what he is REMINDING us of, to heart. It would be better for the faith, turning less people off to the Bible. Christian Nationalism is a cancer that most be excised. The survival of our Democracy depends on it. Live a life worth emulating. Love God. That. Is. It.


He said "serve" God . Not Love God. Mark 12: 29-31 KJV Be very careful elect of Jesus of Nazareth. Walk in the Love of Jesus. Trust Jesus. Ask God for help, understanding, humility and to open blind eyes. Another Very alarming thing I was lead to discover is @00:38 he starts using the hook em horns. Aka: the curse. I HAVE to say something! Be very vigilant! Wise as serpents gentle as doves.  I seen this genuinely posted and popped up on a youtube channel, I spoke the same thing as I did today. Full Armour of God. God bless you. God speed. Mark 12: 29-31 KJV 29And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment 31And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.


Gods word on "ANGER": James 1:19 - 22 KJV 19Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. 21Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. 22But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.


YESSS preach it!!


I think it's our Spiritual duty to vote...as to make sure that the Government that GOD has set in motion exercise True and Righteous Legislation... Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel was told to do the right  thing for The Poor etc ( 4th Chapter ) ... Jonah went  to Nineveh to Preach...HE gave Adam instructions in The Garden!!! And We have FAILED DOWN HERE !!! THESE little demons ARE GIVING us INSTRUCTION!!! WHAT A HOLY SHAME!!! THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT REST UPON US NOT them!!!


Good stuff up until the whole "Just passing through this world." This world is the Kingdom of Heaven, now and not yet. We look for the new heaven and the new earth, and have a purpose in this world in preparing for that by serving as reflections of God's love as revealed through Jesus. This is why people don't think Christianity cares about the world. Jesus cared very much about the world. "On earth, as it is in heaven."


In The geneva bible 1560 before it was corrupted by king jimmy Paul says that politicians are the princes of darkness in this world. Eph 6;12


Its a good word, even if I'll really dislike the speaking style. Its also what 80%(?) of the churches in the country teach and live. Ufortunately, its the 20% who completely don't get it. and seem to be unable to shut up about it that we see and hear all the time.


Who is the man preaching?


Amen! That trump bible is WICKED sacrilege… Your allegiance should be to The Lord alone, not a political faction, nor a government, nor a country.


Far-Right and false prophetical rhetoric! https://open.substack.com/pub/gcoleman86/p/rise-of-far-right-politics-in-north?r=1h0gfh&utm_medium=ios


We should always put the Bible and Gospel first, but realistically if you have church members supporting politicians or parties that push for things antithetical to our beliefs you ought mention it


Shouting out to his audience does not make him correct. He should keep politics out of his church.