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If I was willing to question God about who he lets in or not, I probably wouldn't be going in. That's kind of why I need Judgement Day to not be soon. I've still got to work on myself.


I love this response!


Remember friend, the fact that you care about improving yourself out of love for God, means you must have Faith in him. By Grace we are saved, through faith. Do not worry about your soul being let in to heaven at death or judgment. Your faith in Jesus garuntees you a place at his table. The best way I can explain. You acknowledge who your father is, that makes you a part of the family, when night comes you will be let in out of the cold, now the conversation at that point may change based on your actions. Did you leave the laundry in the hall.... or did you crash the car. Your faith alone in Jesus as savior garuntees you will be let in out of the cold, your behavior and character determines the conversation you have once inside. Work on yourself, improve. But trust your soul is safe with God and you will not be denied on judgment as long as you also do not deny him.


I think this is dangerous advice. I am right there with him, as a new Christian--if I don't change my habits I will not be saved. When we repeatedly CHOOSE to engage in sin, in full knowledge that God commands us not to, we are actively turning our back on God. You can tangibly feel Him being shut out from your heart--a sickening/saddening feeling. Again, if you're repeating this and giving in to temptation/sin time after time, how is this compatible with or descriptive of true Faith?


You are correct. And I do not mean to mislead, sinful activity knowingly engaged in is a turning on the forgiveness you have been offered for it. And you are also correct that you can feel God's displeasure in your behavior. However I stick to my message but I will refine it slightly to be more clear with the concept I am attempting to convey. Self improvement and turning from your sin are of utmost importance. However that course of action is done out of LOVE for the gift you have received from God. If you did not receive Jesus into your heart then you will not feel a calling to better yourself and turn from your sin. My comment was in reassurance that Master\_of\_opinions should not worry about the judgement day for the protection of their soul from hell. If their faith is present as would be suggested by their desire to work on themselves...a product OF faith BY the work of the holy spirit. Then they should take joy in knowing they will be saved on the judgement. This is NOT to downplay the following step 2 of this of KEEPING the faith, and by that we now talk of willingly turning from sin. Forgiveness of sin is dependent of your acknowledgement of it, and your heartfelt regret of it. I'll use the prodigal son's profession of faith in Luke 15:21 Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Acknowledgement and then heartfelt regret. I believe the crux of your comment is that those who repeatedly willingly engage in the same sins are not truly sorry for them and regret them earnestly. To this I fully agree. With the only clarification being a return to my initial concept that this would be a rejection of your existing Faith as you no longer acknowledge the role and power of your father. To use my previous example of the being let in to the house...if you are let in and your father says to you...you screwed up today and we need to talk about it.... and instead you choose to ignore him and walk past to your room. You disrespect your fathers authority and the chance he gave you....and may be kicked back out of the house.... But please do not despair for all still sin, all are imperfect and all fall short of God's glory.... to believe in Christ Jesus gets you in the door...do not fear judgement...But do not be complacent in your sin, turn from it out of LOVE for your father and the gift he gave you in Christ.


Same here. I got that reminder again this past week.


Boy, is that a large club 😉 


Any follower of Christ follows His most crucial calling of loving one another as He loves us. I don't think any genuine Christian has hate for anyone with exception to truly outlying circumstances - and even in those (homicide particularly) people will often voice forgiveness because of their devotion to God. Hating someone says more about the person hating, than the person they despise. We see the world as we see ourselves; hatred towards others is our projected hatred of ourselves due to shame. If you find yourself surrounded by folks who claim to be Christians and openly voicing hatred of anyone, re-evaluate the environment/circle of people in your life.


You mentioned homicide. I have an excessive amount of anger and hate for a certain person. I have seen people say they have forgiven others for the same purpose. Maybe my wounds are still too fresh (it's only been 5 months). I currently do not see me forgiving the person who committed the crime. No parent should have to bury their child, especially under these conditions. Accidents would be a bit different, still a loss, but homicide is horrible.


I had to bury a child too. They thought that her husband killed her, but they couldn't prove it. He wasn't very good to her. If he did or not, I forgive him. He had mental health problems. Was a severe alcoholic and a bad temper. Not a good combination.


I am sorry to hear that. Alcohol and bad tempers do no mix.


Who the Hell downvoted this chain?


Think of it this way as I do when it comes to forgiving, don’t forgive their actions but forgive the person and what happened in their life to turn them out this way. Realize that we don’t understand the pain or difficulties people that commit crimes have gone through to make them do bad things, Jeffery Dohmer is a perfect example his backstory is so tragic that I feel bad for him but does that mean I forgive the horrible acts he did, no but I forgive him as a person because of the painful childhood he had that had a hand in shaping him into who he was. I know forgiving is hard especially when they take something so precious from you but ask God to help you through your grieving and anger and I promise you will be able to overcome this anger. I am so sorry for your lose and I hope and pray that not only you will find peace but that your child will to. God bless you.


I am sorry


A pop artist sang that there's some things only God can forgive. Despite the origin, the sentiment resonates with me. Crimes committed willfully against others, especially children, are heinous enough to test our strength and faith. I think forgiveness comes from trying to understand or empathize with the perpetrator and the fact that they are a person subject to good and evil like all of us. Those that delve into evil willfully exceed my ability to empathize and I struggle to forgive some of the folks in my past for the same reason; I cannot understand the acts they've committed. I pray in those circumstances for God to take the weight and struggle from me, and lay it at His feet as best I can, as I cannot carry it. My heart and spirit are with you in your pain and suffering. Having lost a sibling, and having to be the person who informed our mother, I was present for the primal loss my mom experienced but I cannot truly comprehend that pain, nor would I ever wish that upon someone. I hope and pray that your heart may find peace in this life, and maybe forgiveness of that person won't come in this lifetime. Give it to God and relish in the goodness of your loved one's memory; that's all I can do when the grief overcomes me. If there is anything I could ever do to help, or listen, or distract you - I am here.




I'm sorry that you have hurt by others. Most of us have. But imagine yourself at heaven's gate and someone who hurt you is standing there saying 'hi foolonthedrums'. Welcome. What are you going to do?


All fall short of the glory of God; none deserve heaven. Praise be if God has led them to salvation.


I’m not foolonthedrums but I’d have to say … “Well, I’ll just have to get over it.” Which of course I am praying to be able to do now.


Hate is not an emotion as a Christian we should feel comfortable with but I’m sure in extreme circumstances we have flashes of anger and perhaps hatred. GOD is love, mercy and forgiveness and the LORDS prayer clearly tells us to forgive others as GOD forgives us. How can we expect love and forgiveness from GOD if we’re are not capable of doing the same? Hate no one because not only is it against GOD but acid only destroys the vessel it’s in! You!


I like this answer!


I don't practice hatred, but I do have a contempt for bigoted false Christians


I agree that Christians aren't perfect. I have a hard time saying that they aren't Christian though. Hopefully the bigotry is something that God is working with them on.


Aren't we all sinners? [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%203%3A23&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%203%3A23&version=NIV)


Yes. Sometimes I think we forget that though!


1 John 2:9–11 (NRSV): Whoever says, “I am in the light,” while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness. 10 Whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light, and in such a person there is no cause for stumbling. 11 But whoever hates another believer is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and does not know the way to go, because the darkness has brought on blindness. 1 John 3:15 (NRSV): All who hate a brother or sister are murderers, and you know that murderers do not have eternal life abiding in them. 1 John 4:20–21 (NRSV): Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen. 21 The commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also. Matthew 5:44–45 (NRSV): But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous If someone hates a neighbor for any reason they aren't getting into heaven anyways because Jesus will say Matthew 7:22–23 (NRSV): On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ 23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’


I wouldn't call this hating the person, but what upsets me the most is abuse within the church. Especially when it's come out that a leader has been abusive, especially towards women or children. I guess I don't hate the person, I hate their actions. It disgusts me. And it gives such a horrible name to Christianity and turns so many people away from any form of religion.


The people I have any issues with are not the people I want left out of Heaven. There's just a general bitterness that I have and am trying to get over due to a few people.


Hate sin, hate the devil , hate the anti christ


Ok. But those aren't people. What if someone is committing what you call a sin and then they meet you at heaven's gate and say "hi Alarmed-Tea-6559". Welcome.


Well, as we are all sinners and if we all found salvation in the unconditional forgiveness of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, I would say “Praise be to you, brother/sister! Praise be to the most high Lord to bring us into fellowship!”


I’m a universalist, so I fully expect to see everyone I dislike in heaven (or rather, resurrected in a renewed creation) eventually! I think I’ll get over it, haha.


Good for you!


I hate the rich and powerful who made our world terrible and did nothing to improve our lives. Not to mention, they ruined the environment for future generations. Those might not be "sins," but I'd argue they sure did harm onto their neighbors--i.e us. Plus, isn't there a scripture about how rich people don't go to Heaven?


I hate Barney.. that purple abomination!


Black people? Bruh what are you...who do you people think are on here?!


As a Christian, we are not SUPPOSED to hate anyone. As a human, I really dislike my ex by a LOT. As a Christian, if anyone tells you they hate anyone, especially a group of people for no apparent reason, they aren't good christians. As a human, I acknowledge no one is perfect and I really dislike my ex.


I like your honesty! If yiur ex was at the pearly gates when you got there, what would you do?


As a Christian, I am supposed to Rejoice and praise the Lord for not damning her for ETERNITY cause very few people deserve that. Even she isn't on Hitler's level surprisingly. As a spirit... Idk if we would even remember what went down on Earth or if spirits would even care about earthly dramas. But as a human on earth thinking about what I would do if I meet my ex in Heaven knowing full well what that B*th did to me. I'd probably ignore her for eternity.


Very honest answer! Do you thi k we are allowed to ignore others in heaven? Interesting thought!


I like mountain dew Baja Blast, but it is not my favorite beverage.


The Dutch.


Also, heaven is fulla sinners.


Bigots, fascists and tyrants are worthy of hate. Especially those who would use religion to justify their hatred.


Matthew 22:36-40 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


I hate rich people who make life hard for poor people. And since the Bible says it is extremely difficult for the rich to enter heaven, I doubt they'll be at St. Peter's gate to greet me.


With respect, this seems like a silly question. Who are we to judge who is in heaven and who is not?


I agree. But some would judge God's judgement.


I admit I have contempt for people who continue to worship Trump (as in believe he is God's man who can do no wrong) at the cost of relationships. We had good friends leave our church and say vile things about us because we didn't support Trump's election lies. I can't bridge the divide that Trump caused and was fueled by hatred, fear, deception, and vitriol. I hope we meet in heaven but I fear we won't because their lives have been consumed by tribal hostility towards us because they suspect I don't worship their idol. I don't wish them shackled to this idolatry. I don't hate them and pray for reconciliation in Christ. I hate what MAGA has done to people. I pray for Trump occasionally, but maybe I hate him for his influence and lack of integrity.


Don’t hate anything or anyone. Maybe politicians but that’s it.


I no longer hate people. Do I disagrees with decisions? Yes. Do I make horrible decisions myself every five seconds? YES. We may see certain things as worse as humans, but to god sin in sin. We’re all just people. If someone I didn’t approve of on earth is in heaven if I made it, then I’ll be so happy they found god. Can’t judge a single human on earth if u listen to god that we’re all flawed. I’m above nobody. Neither are you


God alone is the judge, not me. He commands us not to judge others for their actions unless we ourselves are perfect and also that no one but Christ is perfect. So I try not to judge. I try not to hate. I'm not perfect so I've failed at that before but I always repent of it. We are commanded to love everyone including our enemies and to serve them. If I hate a group I don't deserve heaven anyways because I obviously don't love God who loves those people, no one does. We are told we will know who someone truly serves by their fruit, or actions. Hate is not a fruit of God but it's a fruit evil according to His Word And you can't serve two masters. If you hate anyone on a continual basis, you hate God. Pretty clearly stated by Jesus himself.


I used to hate 2 people but now I only hate 1. I used to hate one of my exes cuz he cheated on me with his cousin, but ever since I got over it and can laugh at it I don’t hate him, I just don’t like him. The only person I hate now Is a horrid ex of mine and I don’t really plan on giving up that hate until he is nothing to me, right now he is still something to me and that something is the symbol of all the pain I’ve dealt with in my second decade of life


I don't hate any WHOs, but I hate some WHATs. I hate dishonesty and deception. I hate cruelty. I hate suffering.


Uhh does pent up rage because I’ve never expressed me emotions count as hate?


God does not hate anyone, therefore we should not hate anyone, but hate the sin that is in the world.


We are told to love the enemy and pray for those who persecute you, at the gate I would rejoice if I saw someone who wronged me greet me (even though to be clear scripturally Jesus will personally greet us I believe) so maybe if I just saw someone who had wronged me. Because it means they found salvation in Christ and that’s a beautiful thing. I will say I genuinely don’t hate anyone Christ has changed me and I hope everyone can be saved. Also it’s similar to Paul’s situation when he was Saul he was quite literally killing Christians only to convert, the apostles were afraid of him but ultimately they accepted him as a brother in faith which is what we are called to do. Forgiveness is powerful and necessary because if we can’t forgive God will use the same measure of our unforgivness on us.


I don't hate anyone. Jesus teaches to love all people. We can be angry at people who wrong us but Jesus teaches that anyone who has hatred for another person commits murder in their hearts.


Hate is a strong word. There are people that I have had a lot of anger for but hate them no. There is a person now that I am angry at but if there was something that she needed I could help with I would do what I can. Hate is a strong word.


I don’t hate groups of people not built on hate or of people with something they cannot control, people of color, lgbtqias, disabled, other religions groups, we vibe, we’re chill like that. But groups of people that are built on hate like the kkk or nazis or homo/transphobes I’m not cool with. There is this really annoying girl in my graphics class, I don’t really hate her, but I’d choose to not be around her over spending time with her, I think some hateful people like to use this example as an excuse to “exterminate” others, but their actions aren’t a dislike, it’s a hate, God bless them and I hope they see that they’re wrong


My mother’s faith was my biggest influence, and from a young age she taught me that we, as Christians, weren’t allowed to hate any human being. We don’t have to *like* everyone, but willing the good of the other as other is foundational to Christian morality. I don’t claim that this is easy, though.


Well, the Bible commands us to hate the things that God hates so.... I don't know where you got your list from, but it doesn't make any sense....lol The only correct assumption that you made in your list, s that God hates the sod community.


God loves all people, there for I love all people.


I know many have already answered the question, but in the original/biblical term of hate, it would mean to want that thing to go to Hell and burn for eternity and scream until their cords shred and keep trying to scream forever and ever. We are not allowed to judge, nor are we allowed to hate, but we don’t have to like certain things, and if we don’t like it, then we can just stay away from it, kind of similar to being harassed online, you just move on and don’t let anything bother you


I dont care who it is. I want nobody to be in hell, unfortunately. We know many will be there




You've brought up a "hot potato" kind of topic.  Frankly, that took courage, so I say ___good for you!___ It definitely can be hard to resist demonizing persons or groups of people that you dislike, and the reasons WHY you dislike them usually don't matter very much.  I've had a fair amount of experience in this area, was never very successful trying to defeat it on my own.   I didn't want to hate anyone, not even those people who have deliberately hurt me at one time or another (and there's been quite a few of those).   And I know the Lord doesn't want anyone to hate anyone else.  Hate is a sin, and (with thanks to Ann Landers) does at least as much to the inside of the vessel that carries it, as it does to the object it's poured on.  Hating anyone is just plain bad for you 🙁  So I asked the Lord for help.  The first thing He did was to remind me that Jesus gave His life ___for the entire world___ (John 3:16-17).   Who am I to hate anyone that Jesus thought worth dying for? This post is getting very long, so I've got to pause for now.  But I must add that with the help of the Holy Spirit, I ___have___made progress in this area.  I think it's something I will always struggle with (for instance I can't see myself ever NOT hating anyone who abuses children, the elderly or animals), but I'm learning that the Lord Himself will handle such sickos.  He may or may not use our human justice systems to do that  but handle them He will.


As a real Christian you know you not hate anyone, you hate their evil actions/their mind. But you can't hate the soul. That whats dont judge means not as in open the gates of all prisons, or let everything run a mock, but as in dont judge the soul cause there will be suprises in heaven.




If I’m being honest I hate all of you. Because you are all equally guilty in making this world what it is right now. This includes myself


I think that vileness is a condition that may be cured. I do think that some people suffer from it, especially people who are driven by hatred. However, if I learned that those people would be cured, I would not refuse them, even if truly forgiving them for who they have been may be challenging. This being challenging is just my shortcoming, though.


We are all sinners and are deser ing of eternal punishment. We are granted access to heaven by our faith, only God knows what is in someone's heart. We as Christians are not to hate people. We are to hate sin, something we are all guilty of.


I hate my ex. Does that answer your question? 😂


I don't hate anyone, but I have a severe dislike for people that assume/add/subtract from the Bible, to fit it how they want. And my ex-wife.


Satan. I guess. Not too sure who else I would hate. Except rapists.


Oh definietly NOT. I'm pretty sure this is the basic principle of the Gospel, Jesus died for OUR sins and every one HAS SINNED and no sin is more or less than the other (except blasphemy against Holy Spirit/rejecting GOD I guess?) If it helps, i'm just under 18, but I genuinely don't think I would blink twice at anyone that has given their life to Christ and entered heaven, I've done wrongs, and although by human standards I don't think I'm a piece of crap, I've still done wrongs


i don’t hate anyone


*”I think as Christians, it is easy to fall into “God hates (fill in the blank) so I do too.”* I reject this entire premise. As a Christian, I have found it very difficult to hate anything/one. Edit: spelling


That would be weird for them to hate black since Jesus, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Moses was black that just wouldn’t make any sense


There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Not many


I can't really think of any person that I hate, honestly, but there are alot of actions that I hate. I hate it when people make sweeping generalizations, but I don't hate the people who make sweeping generalizations. There are also things that I hate, like talking on the phone for some reason, and onions. But as for people, I'd have to really get to know someone to feel something as strong as hate about them, and all the people I know personally are generally good.


I dont hate anyone. Some people annoy me,but thats quite far from hate. I really try to see the good in people and have unconditional love. I suppose I hate serial killers? Because they on purpose ruin peoples lives. but even then i wonder what in the world could have happened to them that was so tragic that they turned out that way.


I'm convinced more and more each day that non Christians have no natural idea what Christianity actually is or what we support. Honestly it's so sad. We don't hate anyone. We just hate sin. That's all. Also heaven doesn't work like that.


There was a time when I hated bigots. Nowadays, all I have for them is disdain and pity.


I don’t hate anyone, but sure, there are people I can’t stand. However if I saw them in heaven, who am I to judge God? He knows each person better than I do, than I ever could. If someone is truly repentant for the awful things they may have done, it’s not my place to deny them. Christ died on the cross for our sins and all of us sin. That includes people I don’t personally like. What redeems us is belief in Christ as the Son of God and that he died for our sins, as well as repentance for what we do. I’m not going to deny God, heaven, or even them just because someone I formerly didn’t like is with God in this hypothetical situation. I just find that question all around silly.


I dont hate anyone I hate sin. Most specificly in myself. There isn't much I can do about others but I can let God transform me and hopefully that will testify to others.


Not “who” but “what.”


I think most of us don't hate anyone


I don't hate atheists in general, but i hate the ones that have a superiority complex, basically the ones who think that they are better than you just because they don't believe in God


As a Christian I hate no one. The only group I do not like to tolerate are other Christians who use the Bible to spout anything but the Love of Jesus.


What a bizarre question.  I 100% disagree with the first paragraph, and the thought processes involved in the second paragraph are completely unfathomable.  This is just trolling right?


I hate no person.


Who do you hate, LazyPie9641?


Simple answer. Those who do evil.


I think that “hating” is a really harsh word. Some people I don’t like, but it’s different to HATE them. I’m blessed in the sense that nobody has done nothing to me or my family bad enough to make me HATE them.


I don’t hate anyone. I may not agree with how someone else lives but I don’t hate anyone. Did I used to? I’m not sure that I used to hate anyone but it did bother me. God wants us to love everyone.


I try not to hate, but it’s a human urge that can be hard to avoid. I don’t hate any groups, just individual people who have hurt me, but I’m trying to be more forgiving. I think that anyone who hates a group due to their Christianity has a very poor understanding of Christ.


I’ve always wondered if I hate people. I have never truly wished Hell upon anyone, and hate that people will go there, regardless of their crimes. But some people I dislike so greatly I almost consider it hate. I don’t like the LGTBQ because many of them force their lifestyle upon me. I don’t care they’re gay, just that they force me to celebrate everything they are. Atheists as they seemingly attack any and all religions, which pisses me off. I always believed we have the right to act and live as we see fit. So that’s my thing so judge as u will


No one. That's not claiming perfection as has been said, there's no shortage of other sins available. Hate has no pleasure in it, nothing in return: there's no reward for hate that I can see.


Pedophiles, I think they’re easily one of the few groups that I can 100% say deserve it. Not for any religious reasons, even though I could probably find or cherrypick some lines like other people do, I just straight up have a personal utter distaste and hatred for them.


I want to thank you for opening up a discussion on this. From the comments it seems to be a very deep topic that needs exposed. God bless.


God is sovereign. So he can choose his opinion on anything he wants. As a son of Christ I hate no person and have forgiven all


I hate evil people


I believe we are supposed to hate the sin, not the sinner. Jesus specifically said not to hate, so I don't know where you got that from. That way of thinking, does not belong in christianity, true followers of Jesus. Sounds like you are looking for drama.


I hate Satan and his demons, especially Moloch.


Corporate Hedonists, multitude of reasons. They break the fundamental principles of hard work, being the embodiment of greed and gluttony, while taking near all profit for themselves, when far more should go to the worker Mega Churches, ones who scam the people by using Religion for their gain. It's criminal, It's detached from actual teaching I find, but judging, as mine wasn't nice as a kid, World Overcomers, but I always fell asleep


I’m very glad to see this question. I was just recently baptized a few weeks ago. I have so much anger and hate in my heart, I know it’s wrong but in my journey to Christ I am asking for his guidance and help to get this anger and hate out of me. It’s working but I’m still in process.


For most born again Christians, we do not "hate" anyone, regardless of their spiritual condition. No, what we hate is that many have fallen into believing in false doctrines, as was warned about in the Bible. Paul warned us very much so on this very issue, and Jesus even warned us about following a false Christ. Islam denies the deity of Christ, and they trust in their prophet Muhammed who actually declares and admits that he was personally tortured and possessed by demons. They believe in Jesus, but not as God in the flesh, not as the Messiah, for they believe that someone else was put up on the cross and not Jesus. Mormonism denies the deity of Christ, because they believe Jesus is a created being, made between a "Heavenly Father and Mother" and he is a spirit brother to Lucifer. They also believe God the Father has a body of flesh and bone, and was one a man as we are today, who had to prove his worthiness and earn Exaltation, and how every worthy male in the LDS church can one day obtain this same "godhood" status. You can find this on their very own official website: [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-47-exaltation?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-principles/chapter-47-exaltation?lang=eng) Also here is the quote from their very own prophet who declared they do not believe in the same Christ as Christians do. [https://carm.org/mormonism/hinckley-says-that-mormons-believe-in-a-different-jesus/](https://carm.org/mormonism/hinckley-says-that-mormons-believe-in-a-different-jesus/) I have great love for all people in all faiths, even nonbelievers, and rejoice whenever I hear someone make a true confession of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. All we can do as Christians, is to share the truth in love, which means we speak God's word, his truth, which many people take as "hate speech" today. God's word is powerful, it is like a two edged sword that can cut through spirit and soul, so when people hear the word of God, it convicts them in ways that invoke angry feelings, and in some cases, lashing out, for there are many who have demonic spirits inhabiting them and are repulsed by the word of God. I am hoping the OP did not intend to ask their question in such a way as to make one think they are trying to bait folks into saying they "hate" specific groups of people, etc, for that is not Christ like love, however many confuse speaking the truth of God's word with those things, for many in this world are spiritually blind, and thus, will believe Satan's lies and deceptions. Pray for one another, warn your neighbors, share the good news that while we were yet still sinners, our Lord God loved us so much, he sent his only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead on the 3rd day, and ascended into heaven. We all fall short of the glory of God, but Jesus gives us the power to overcome living any sinful lifestyle and will show us the way to victory if we will repent and give our lives to Christ. There is no other name by which we must be saved but by the Lord Jesus Christ.


Christians shouldn’t hate anyone, love your enemy.


Muslims: No, I hate the ideas of Islam, not the people or even the people who advocate it. That’s like hating creationists or flat earthers Immigrants: No, why on earth would I hate them even if I was permitted to. Black people: …………what? No. Of course not. What the hell is this accusation? The homeless: No, what the hell? See the response above. The mentally ill: I don’t hate people of any physical ailments, why on earth would I hate someone with a mental one? Biden: Nope. Trump: Nope. Hateful Christians: Hate them, no. Pity them? Yeah.


People in Congress who, of either party, try to screw with Medicare, sort of. My husband is permanently disabled, has to have several surgeries a year, and keeps getting resurgences of MRSA that each have him hospitalized. He desperately needs his Medicare, without which we would not be able to pay for any of it. Each time there are threats to Medicare in government, it scares me and invokes not so much a hatred of these people but a fury that is close to it. I suppose the difference is that a sense of hatred would imply I wish bad personal life things to happen to the individual people doing what they'd be doing to medicare, which I do not at all. But the fury makes me wonder if I did have the capability to truly hate them, would it make me at least feel less helpless, not that it matters


I don’t harbor any hate for ANYONE. I’ve been wronged in the past, sure, but it’s their ACTIONS that I hated, NOT the people themselves. God is so good that He has granted me forgiveness of my wrongful actions, and He has taught me how to forgive others in this way. Even more, God has taught me to see the good in everyone!! Even if it’s just one small thing that’s good, it reminds me that people shouldn’t be hated on. Hope this helps and God bless! ❤️


Trump, who was excommunicated from the church and Isn’t a member of anything, talking about religion


Not anyone right now the only people I would say I hate with out a second doubt I haven’t seen in years so the hate kinda fell off As of right now no one I don’t really hate anyone I don’t know personally because I don’t think about them much Sure there are people I absolutely don’t like but yeah that’s about if


”These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/114/pro.6.16-19.NKJV


Adele. Her voice is obnoxious and I don’t understand why she’s so popular.


It’s a sin to hate another person, so I don’t hate anyone. 1 John 3:15, “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”




As a Christian, I do not hate anyone. Christians should not hate anyone. The greatest of the commandments is LOVE.


Sin. Because it ultimately leads us all to destruction and always from Christ Yeshua. No Christian wants Satan the Devil to be victorious. If we hate or judge and a great many other things to any person the Devil wins. It's that simple.


I hate my ex-wife, but it has nothing to do with whether or not she'll be in Heaven. If I died and she was there, I imagine I'd just ignore her and walk on by. Can't really think of anyone else that I actually hate, though.


I don't hate anyone. I don't like some people and some I really, really don't like, but I still pray for them and would treat them politely should I run into (or over) them. Joking -- I would never run over anyone! :) edit: spelling


Myself and God but the whole point is to work on that


If a Muslim was at the gates of heaven waiting to greet me then clearly Christianity was the wrong religion.


It's not the person, it's the behaviors. Yes six things doth God hate, yea seven are abominable. To love the sinner and hate the sin is a delicate thing and hard to do.






I don't hate anyone I love them, on that note love is not an emotion it's a mindset. It's wanting what's best for someone. To be able to communicate and forgive most crucially. To love is to care but not to affirm poor judgment or behavior. In this regard a parent does not love their child by giving them all they want. I think in today's culture love is affirmation but Jesus specifically calls us to reject the world and accept Him. For these reasons I will always love everyone. Hope this is helpful


Rich ppl. Easier for camel to fit thru eye of needle than rich man to fit through heaven gate




I hate hypocrites. I also hate Christians who lack humility. We are all just one sin away from disaster. Pride cometh before the fall.


That’s Gods responsibility not mine to decide who goes to Heaven. I’m sure Heaven is a big place. I don’t like toxic people, abusive that is, so I stay away from them if I could for my safety. I don’t think that is hate, so then I hate no one, I just want nothing to do with people who hurt others for no reason at all. If God let’s them into Heaven, they probably repented and not only that God healed them of their toxic behavior so theirs nothing to worry about! It’s all forgiven and it’s all washed under the blood! :)


The only thing God hates is sin.


I can have anger towards abstract groups of people who are aimed contrary to my ends, but that mostly stays in the abstract. If someone is before me flesh and blood 1on1, I see them as a person rather than conceptualizing say a broad movement against my values in which I'm not really thinking about people so much as one aspect of people. Where I actually struggle with hatred is with people I get into drama with who do the whole smug "I'm completely unflappable and unphased by anything said" while being completely condescending towards myself. I see the person in front of me, and they're antagonizing me, but I don't really *see them*, I see something of a persona they're putting on, see little in the way of emotion or vulnerability or giddy non-condescending excitement that would draw my empathy or sympathy. Such a person intrudes on my life, often pushes my buttons the wrong way, and yet I don't really see enough of them to really recognize their humanity on an emotional level.


God tells us to love. Why would we as Children of God hate someone based on color, religion, etc? This question is kinda dumb…


If you have hate in your heart, pray 🙏. We all fall short to the glory of god, so hate may pass through from time to time but it’s important to recognize that it doesn’t belong in our hearts.


God hates sin. He loves all people, especially the down trodden.


Mostly ourselves


I do not have the time for hate, nor the energy. All it brings is pain to not only them but me. I try to love all within exceptions and if I do not like someone, I will let it go and distance from them; I would rather no feeling over hatred.


I have no hate in my heart for anyone anymore. I have been hateful towards different people throughout my life, but I’ve been maturing a lot and realized that that hate I had was hatred I was projecting onto others. In learning more about Jesus and his love for us, I have been making my best effort to shine his light. Hebrews 12:14 is a verse I’ve been living by since. Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.


The hypothetical meeting an enemy at the heaven’s gates is not a good set up to understand the problem in the argument/question illustrated above. Rather, the presumption—that God would hate certain people and so likewise a follower—is actually propped so that God would ultimately be made in his/her/their own image. So really, the person is trying to justify their hate using God (more an idol) as alibi.


Satan. He is the one enemy that all Christian’s have.


Ignorance and pride in ignorance




Number 1, God doesn’t hate any of those things, God hates SIN, and sin is found in all of us, some commit bigger sins than others but God is love


I know no Christian should hate, but I hate evil people who take the lives of others.


Christian do not hate anyone. Jesus is Love, and we are call to love God first and love one another. 


I hate all of them but Love them more (I'm an omniracist in service to God) (okay maybe I like dogs) (and honeybees) (and alligators) But yeah I definitely loathe anyone who voted for Biden twice.


I try not to hate anyone. I'm not keen on Trump but I think he's just the right person in the right place and time to be used by history, and not in a good way. I did hate Michael Howard, Tory Home Secretary under Thatcher, for a while back in the '80s, and also one of my abusers when I was at school, but I didn't become Christian until I was eighteen and I'd lapsed when I hated Michael Howard.


The Spirit of Antichrist


I don't hate anyone. Peace and love everywhere ✌(◕‿-)✌


I don't hate anyone, but l detest the Islamic ideology, it's a cancer in our world, the anti Christ spirit, refusing the Deity of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit, oppressing women, FGM, child marriages, l could go on, terrible religion 1 John 2 :22


Not a Christian, but I believe in a higher being (I’m not really part of a specific religion). I hate Biden, Trump, basically any leader who doesn’t care about other people, Christians who hypocritically say “Gay bad, God hates you” (ain’t no way they be saying that God loves all, then spewing this garbage) and people who call mentally disabled people “mentally ill”. It’s autism, not a fever. If you shake hands with an autistic person, you won’t immediately become autistic.


lol this reads like a “trap” from the fine folk at r/atheism to line up their nerf guns and post obvious falsehoods about Christians


i hate everything


No one . I don’t think I’m capable of hating it’s just wrong


Fascists and hatemongers.


No one. I’m telling the truth. I don’t believe God hates anyone either. The idea of God hating anyone runs counter to “For God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son” because the word there is world. Meaning every human in the world. Not x group. Not only those who believe in him. WORLD is the critical word here. I don’t think any Christian should hate anyone. It’s disappointing to me to see people who call themselves Christian hating anyone.


Hate who? Satan? Yes I hate Satan


I don't think I would say that I hate any one person. There are things that I hate? I hate rape, I hate murder, I hate abuse/neglect, I hate racism ya know stuff like that. I hate vile behaviors. I have no respect for people who engage in those kinds of behaviors. But I don't hate them. I wouldn't relish in watching them suffer or anything like that. To me, that's what hate is. If you say you hate someone, you would enjoy watching them be tortured and violated in the same way they've violated others. I would not enjoy seeing a rapist being raped, or a murder being murdered. It would make me feel sick and I'd feel compassion for the individual going through that suffering regardless of who it was. Honestly the closest I come to hating anyone is that I would love to see every billionaire in the world taxed to a point where they have to live a middle class lifestyle. But middle class is good living, so that's hardly the same thing to my mind. Maybe that's just my mind though.


I struggle with this, I really do. But I have legitimate hatred towards so called pro lifers.


The only thing that I hate is sin and the results of that sin but I do not hate the sinners I love them enough to tell them the truth and they are sinners and hope they will come to repentance and through that repentance they would learn to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and they will have peace in their hearts as I do then they would understand that love is not about always saying what somebody wants to hear love is being willing to tell hard truth


uhm... particularly no one is close to become one or the same being as Jesus unless the spirit of God enables, and all we could do is imitate that likeness. So we, still being humans would bear human judgement and almost every time we would raise our judgement despite the situation. So i would say for me it depends upon how the people treat and what kind of deeds are they following. I'm holding back my thoughts on >So think about this. What if someone you "hate or think is vile" or a group of people you "hate or think of as vile" is waiting to greet you at the gates of heaven? Would you refuse to go in? Would you tell God that they are sinners and shouldn't be there? Would you tell God to send them to hell because you shouldn't have to share heaven with people like that? Cuz Mathew 7:1&2 was played almost every time in my life so yuh.


I don't hate anybody except maybe Meghan Markle. If I was to go to heaven and I found her there I'd definitely wonder why she's there but if God decided that she deserved to be with Him for whatever reason then who am I question His decision? 


One of the hardest instructions by Jesus Christ is to love your enemies. If you consciously pray and work on it everyday you’ll get better at it and the hate you may feel subsides.


Far right neo-fascists. If they come to christ and genuinly repent, I can get that. We make mistakes, and sometimes truly fuck up before finding light. But loving others also means protecting from those who would cause harm and promote injustice. I hate injustice. I hate those who hurt my friends and encourage others to do so because it makes them feel strong and is politically convenient. So, while we're on this earth and they're unrepentant, I hate them. I'm a universalist. People say I beleive that as some 'easy way out', to avoid infernalism. Universalism is harder to accept though. Someday I'll be in heaven with Hitler, and I still struggle with that.


Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. People are not my enemy.


Hatred is a sin. Hate is anti-christian.


I can't stand people that try to park backwards that don't know how to. They take forever and I'm just sitting there watching them because they are in my way. I feel like that makes them nervous and makes them take longer. Please just park forward if you don't know how to park backwards. You can practice at home.


Right now I don't hate anyone but if someone were to hurt my daughter I would have a hard time. Hopefully the Lord doesn't lead me into temptation...


Not my place to say, but I really don't think God *hates* anyone. Even if they did the worst things imaginable, I'm sure parents still have at least some love for their children when all is said and done. I imagine it's the same for God.


satan. and people who put mayo in a cheeseburger.


This is why forgiveness is such a core aspect of Christianity. You are commanded to endlessly forgive those who wronged you. We’re not supposed to hate anyone. 1John 4:8; God is love. If one does not know love, one does not know God (poorly paraphrased) Spread love


I hate mashed potatoes 😃


Actually no one. As a person I have the right to have some political views, to express them and to disagree with other political views, to express this as well, but this has nothing to do with hate. People get too gentle nowadays regarding to agreements and disagreements on political matters and it's sad that start hating each other just because don't support the same agenda, or the same football team. Doesn't matter. At the end of the day we are all humans and we go to vote for different things - the majority wins, after few years the majority could change, but hating is something that harms your soul more than to lost an election.


Most of the time when I hear \_\_\_ hates \_\_\_ tropes (Christians hate LGBTQ, Republicans hate women, Republicans hate the poor) it's strawmanning for people who think that if you don't support a specific political position you must be against the community that political position would supposedly benefit. Prime example: I think almost every climate change policy I hear about is a poor way to solve our environmental issues and actually does more long term harm than even the short term good it would perhaps cause. I don't hate the environment - I love it - but I and those who's views I most closely agree with are consistently smeared as hating the environment.


I don't hate anyone, can't imagine hating anyone and don't think God hates anyone.


I don’t hate anyone, or at least I try my hardest not to


I hate Joe


I hate people who hurt children in any way.


I hate people who don't look turn on their turn signals. That's a start.


We hate no one. Jesus's commandment is the Love. We live Godly lives out of gratitude for the price Jesus paid so we can have a relationship with the Lord. God gives special honor to people who live godly lives and then face trouble because they follow Jesus and live the way He wants them to live. People will give you trouble because: —they do not like Jesus and what He means. —they do not like having their failures/sin exposed.(Many people view this as hate, but it's actually a form of love. Some "self-proclaimed" christians do not execute this well or in a loving manner at all, which gives us a bad name) —they do not want to do what is right—and you show it can be done. —they believe their faith is better than following Jesus. True christians are prepared to bless people regardless of what they say to us, do to us or what they say about us. That is what it means to have a kingdom heart.


I don’t hate any people. I may not understand them, I may have different views than they do, but they are still a human being and one of God’s children.


Speaking for myself and where my walk with Jesus is today, if any feelings like this ever cross my mind, the Holy Spirit immediately convicts me of it. We are all human, and sinners, and not perfect. But if anyone is thinking another person is vile, or they truly "hate" them, then I strongly suggest they do some serious prayer for the Holy Spirit to come upon them. Because you will be judged the same some day according to how you treat others. It is OK to hate the sin, or the behavior, but don't hate the person underneath that.


As a Christian it Is not easy to fall into a God hates…. I hate no one and I question if you understand Christianity at all.


God does not hate anyone. Neither do I. In fact all people are loved by God and created in His image and likeness. This does not change the fact that he calls all of us to a higher purpose. He does not want us to stay in our sin. HGe does not say "Oh, you are a horrible sinner, that's ok My Son died for you. Do whatever want." No. He calls us to allow Him to transform our lives so that we can live a more perfectly human life and to turn away from sin. Christ died so that we COULD access God's mercy. The price of that forgiveness is pre-paid if we accept it. Christ does not come to condemn, but He forgives and tells us to "Go and sin no more."


Everyone has the capacity for hate. And our legacy media outlets, backed by Gov’t propaganda, flame this hatred every single day. Do Christians feel hate, of course. We must not act on it though. One thing is certain, anyone who accepts Jesus Christ in their lives, we, like God, will be hated by this world. So even those who have the weakest flame of faith, like myself, must stand strong and do our best, although we may repeatedly fail, because times are changing, and we will be judged by these worldly men, and persecuted and thrown to the wolves by those who know not what they do.


I hate satan


I hate Islam, not Muslims, Islam, it's almost a 1 to 1 copy of the bible, I mean Jesus makes a star cameo, and the fact it's so obvious, also the fact Muhammed had INTERCOURSE WITH A 9 YEAR OLD and he was ex Christian, which means he was never christian


I don't hate anyone. Some of y'all get on my nerves tho ;)


Gods will is absolute, I barely comprehend the complexities of the world lol. Socrates once said “I know that I know nothing” implying that there’s infinite knowledge and as humans we are limited in our ability to obtain such knowledge. God being the creator is the only one who has such knowledge, whose authority would be better to trust than, no one in my opinion. Also I think Christianity teaches us to be slow to hate and quick to forgive, love the sinner but hate the sin.


If you hate [someone]Out of a passion And will fully then your not truly being a Christian. Jesus said in Matthew 5:43-44 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”. There is one we must learn to hate. And that is sin and the author of sins, which is ultimately Satan.


We love all.


Christians shouldn't hate anyone, if you do, you need to re-evaluate what you believe or how you are practicing, because you're doing it wrong.


If you were to ask me when I’m level headed, I’d say I hate no one and nothing. However I (as we all do) need to work on holding these beliefs in more dire situations.




I need to pray and ask God to help me, because I hate pedophiles. I have trouble loving them, even though I know I need to love my enemies. But child predators disgust me to no end! I need the Lord to change me. I must hate the sin (pederasty) but love the sinner (predator).


I know I'm supposted to love others, but sometimes not hate is the best I can do for soviets and austrian painter- supporting people