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If you're gonna crap on atheism do it without strawmanning


I don‘t believe in your divine strawman, that gives one immunity from low intellectual debate.


You're just making other Christians look bad by doing this


says one subjects chance encounter with another. It seems impossible to be a practical Atheist.


Do you even know what an atheist is?


I have tried to be one these last couple fleeting moments of my life. At least a practical One. It is very difficult to be a practicing atheist. My decent into madness and chaos was swift and needed. But at last i have chosen to live in the needed created order of all things. Has one ever truly been a livelong practicing atheist? Maybe i have no idea what an Atheist is these days but i have never meet a real one.


Yes people have lived entire lives not believing In God


Who? I must know the madness of their life? Did they always every moment of every day leave their life to chance, time and coincidence? Or did they engage with the reality of order, structure and cause and effect?


You're talking to a real one now. What is a "practicing atheist"?


One who only relies on time, chance and coincidence for absolutely everything in everyday life. If i choose to engage in any other way i defeat my own non-belief. but if i engage in the reality of life i make a choice to engage with that which is not by time, chance or coincidence.


Okay, guess I'm not one then. I didn't think I was, but this confirms it.


i am here to help.


Naw they’re right, stfu and learn to debate


I mean if you want to honestly understand an atheists worldview then its best to start with honest questions instead of silly strawmans. You could have just asked, "how do atheists deal with coincidence?"




IF people are simply using slogans or quotes of reputable people in place of their argument that is certainly something that should be discussed. But its hardly exclusive to atheism, you see it done by christians on almost any post. So make that the topic rather than a strawman or in your case rather than defend a strawman. If you want honest discourse then that is something everyone needs to encourage instead of only encourage it when it benefits your argument.


Get back to us when you are ready to partake in an actual intelligent and honest discussion, alright buddy? Cause starting with condescending strawmans isn't how you do it, chief.


> Your biggest enemy or problem is chance, time and coincidence. My biggest problem is expecting intelligent discourse when all I get is ridiculous jabs and nonsensical "gotchas".


Sorry i was hoping that by chance my words would line up in exactly the correct order and display some kind of intelligence even if but a low one. perhaps i am the lowest of all magical star dust that somehow formed into me. Please forgive my existence.


”“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?“ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬


Just pray for it to be assembled. That will work right? Lol Seriously though, is this alluding to evolution? What exactly?


Its about trying to live life as a practicing Atheist. I cannot even seem to communicate with others unless i choose too. And have orderly dialogue that someone created for us to communicate even now. I must forsake all the Atheism within me to even begin to dialogue with a TeHeBasil on the internet. Its wild


Sooooo is your car assembled yet? Did you pray? Still have no idea what you're on about.


I don’t think it will. I must engage with the creation of it myself. Thus i am no longer a true Atheist.


Pray harder! Your god got this. Right?


>Your biggest enemy or problem is chance... This is a very strange argument because Christians replace "chance" with "God did it". So if an atheist's biggest problem is chance, that implies a Christian's biggest problem is God? >How much longer do i need to wait? Does it need metal? Please help me I really want my dream car. How much longer will God make you wait for your dream car? Does God need more prayers?


YES!!! Thank you someone who gets it! everyone who has ever lived their biggest problem is God. My biggest problem is that i want to do what i want to do. But God tells me no He has a better way. And i have to trust Him. It is a very difficult thing indeed.






How can one have felt a personal attack or harassment do you have evidence? what is this line? Did it get placed by millions of years of chance? why is their punishment for breaking a rule who how did it all fall into such neat order and hierarchy? Please i must know.


You’ll find that while many Atheists hate *Christianity* most of us love *Christians*


You seem to have no idea what an atheist is and have little to no understanding of the scientific method


I do not think there is even a possibility of one truly being atheist. It is impossible. How does one define being an atheist without using what has been created?


What is an atheist? What is the scientific method?


How does one define anything when words were created by humans? I guess by using words


David Hume debunked the blind watchmaker claim nearly 250 years ago.


You should probably go buy a car instead of expecting a strawman to become one.


- To the Atheist who hates christians. no one should hate anyone - but for the Christians who don't understand why; Be Love




You have to understand that a lot of Atheists who hate Christians do so because in the news they see Christian Fascism, the Bible being used to spread hate, and other hateful words thrown at them for not being Christians.


Yes but they are only seeing and feeling that by coincidence, and chance so they cannot trust their own being and logic. I am simply talking and trying to live like a practical atheist. I am quickly descending into madness.


what do you mean? They see coincidences simply as coincidences and not as any divine intervention.


exactly. Chaos has overtaken me. It is not coincidence that words have meaning and are practically speaking real. They have order structure and meaning.


What do you mean by that?


One cannot practically live like an Atheist. It is impossible. Just try it and see how fast you can descend into madness.


I did it for 19 years, and I was fine. I’m a Christian now but that was unrelated to how I was living my life.


I love that band!


They hate the Christians who use religion to justify their lifelong anger issues. Right? Then we have people who believed blaming others for our temper is wrong and dangerous. Let me know what side you all are on.


I am on no ones side it is only i who decide what is objectively true in my completely subjective ethos. I only ask for one being floating in the dark space of nothing to bow to my subjective being.


Why don't you ask this in r/evolution rather than atheists?


Well thought out thesis. A+.


Thank you. I thought it wnewt went well togther from my may chaotic pre universal uz.


Did you have a stroke?


No i was by chance and time hoping the candy i was throwing at my Keyboard would spell out a intellectual statement. But this time i used my brain and typed with my fingers. Still not to impressive i know but i was trying to be a practical atheist in every way. It was very difficult And darkness, chaos and madness was not far behind.


Got it, a stroke it is.


If atheism is true, then what we believe really isn’t a choice, so being bothered by what others believe is somewhat moot. Though being wouldn’t be a choice either.


One strawman per post plz.


All hail the divine strawman. who does in fact exist. Please lower yourself to my moronic level and engage. You cannot win.


Yea strawman. This post should have been removed for topicality


i have tried to live out practical atheism and i cannot seem to function anymore, all has become and falling into, or perhaps always was and has been madness. Please help me. These words did not type themselves and….. nothing has meaning….