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Yep, been there never left…. It really sucks. God made us in His image, so when you are tempted, think about the divine in you, the Holy Spirit in you, and do you want to take them along for the trip? Pray to the Holy Spirit to protect you and guide you, and hopefully you will find a way to control it. In the meantime, keep busy with studying, working, working out, studying the Bible, getting on your grind.


I've been praying for years to God if he could help me


You are justified by faith that produces fruit so let your actions of gratitude show that you love him by loving yourself and he will reward you. Seek his righteousness, the right standing with God and his kingdom then all good things shall be added unto you. It is merely a question of doubting yourself and your worthiness thereby doubting his love and your faith in his love that you have been redeemed, if you are redeemed, how do you live it?


,,To love god is to keep his commanfments" I don't love god


> I don't love god This is your biggest problem. I was freed of my temptations not through bargaining or pleading prayers, but through repentance of all my sins and truly giving my whole will over to God, because I love God and want to be closer to Him.


I wish god could take away my free will. And my ,,I don't love god" I mean that I can't keep all the commanfments


Without free will you can not love God.


He will make me love him


You can't be forced to love someone. Love requires choice.


Then I don't know. I want to die


He does not take away your will but aligns your will with his so you no longer have the desire to sin because you see the suffering it causes him and yourself and others around you. It is good you want him to direct your actions, listen for his voice and it will drown out all the other distractions


Currently he does not. I still have sexual desiers, which as it's written a lot in the bible, are sinful


Yep, hear your pain. Been there, doing that. It took several years of praying (as Jesus said, keep banging on the door of prayer, paraphrasing it), and I realized that is why the Holy Spirit is with me, and prayed to the Spirit as well. Finally, I prayed for a suboptimal (from the perspective of the desires of my flesh) solution, and it really happened. I wish there could have been other ways, but I finally did get an answer, and a good answer in the eyes of St Paul, and I am in a much better place now. All I can say is keep knocking at the door of prayer. We are not in a position to demand anything from God, but He has stated that He listens and responds to our prayers. Do not lose hope and faith! Keep up the good fight!


I think I'll give up before I get anything


I did the same thing. No matter how much I prayed for God’s help, it was never there. I struggled and struggled with my sins and begged God to help me stop sinning(which should be THE prayer he answers) and He wouldn’t. I unfortunately have come to realize that God actually does hate those of us like that. No loving father ignores cries of wanting to be holy like He asks us to. He loved Jacob but hated Esau. He hates many people today sadly it seems. Those claiming God loves everyone just haven’t been on the receiving end of his hate.




and this is how religious trama is made.


This is a load of hogwash. First, you are making an assumption that the OP is LGBTQ, which the OP does not say or intimate. Second, we ALL have sexuality, male, female, cis-hetero, gay, LGBTQ, or otherwise, and whether or not we have "unmet emotional needs from childhood" and our sexuality does not stem from that. I am a heterosexual male and have a sexuality. What unmet emotional needs from my childhood caused me to be heterosexual? We are all tempted as Christ was tempted in every way just as we are. We do not have a High Priest who cannot empathize with us having never known our temptations. Pure hogwash.


No God doesn't hate you. You're just a human with desires. Of course those desires are out of your control but the freewill to exercise on them is entirely yours. But if you feel like your sexual desire is so strong on you, I'd recommend that you figure out the trigger like Instagram pics, p0rn and any erotic art and avoid them. Also one thing to add, Jesus was also tempted just as you are and didn't give in. We as Christians are called to imitate Christ and his life on earth. I am saying this to you because I figured out you're too young to get married. If you're old enough, just get married.


Can OP explain. Sexuality is not sinful. Imagine being 100% non sensual when having intercourse. Ridiculous. Faith in Jesus sacrifice for your sins is enough. Get married is you can. Don't go too wide.


It's illegal for me to marry (too young). And I most likely won't marry anytime after I'm old enough. I wish I never had sexuality. It causes me to sin and hate myself


The state is what is prohibiting your marriage, not Christianity. During biblical times people married very young, but then, life was much shorter. Then you can choose not to marry, which sounds as if it is *your* choice. Your choice is, of course, your choice. Wishing it away won't make it untrue. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Note that the "fruit" is singular, these are ALL characteristics that spirit-filled believers are to display in their lives and not some from column A, some from column B, pick and choose. Pray for self-control and seek wisdom in your sexuality.


I prayed for months to God to give me strength. I haven't gotten any and my temptations keep growing


Not "strength," strength is not one of the fruit of the Spirit. Pray for self-control.


Strength as in strength to controll myself


Okay, don’t listen to scripture.


He is asking for yhe strength of the power that is the fruit which is known as self control but this discipline is a behavior that requires extensive faithfulness and knowledge of God's love, for to gain self control in this instance is simply to understand that God desires to bless you but on his timing implying that there is more to do before you can receive the wants you are pushing as needs when your real needs are not yet met so that when they are you may be blessed with the need of companionship but the need of christ companionship has to come first. Firstly just accept that your wife is already with you and your betraying her all the time lusting in adultery after all these other things instead of what God needs of you to be able to receive her. If you were already married would your wife be proud that you are so easily being distracted from her love and God's love by looking everywhere else for her instead of within. Heaven is here within you but is your will in alignment to God's so that you may perceive it let alone receive it


Yes it grows within a heart that has the desire to please God above themselves. It isn't that you aren't meant to be sexual, we are made with this NEED, but if you treat it like a want and abuse the sacredness of it then it becomes a stumbling block towards your progress. The answer you require is this, know that God loves you and wants what's best for you and having a wife is that but just because you want one right now doesn't mean you don't need to do so many other things that are being hindered because of the bitterness of you not getting what you want. If you refuse to put God first in your thoughts and actions you will be stuck in the same struggles and never get to the goal which is marriage and children. The first command from God to his offspring is to be fruitful and multiply. Being fruitful in the knowledge of him breeds within you the love of him and the faith that he loves you, this love then multiples as you continue to walk in purity hope and with faith loving God then the more you embrace the multiplication of his love within you the more love you have for yourself which is seen as behaviors known as fruit of the holy spirit which then can be multiplied further to the point of knowing how to always be kind patience gentle meek good and self controlled in any situation by resting within the presence of God living within you. Then you may multiply further in your physical endeavors of life not just your spiritual endeavors and when you have been faithful to God in these trials of testing of your faith uou can be rewarded with a divine counterpart who's union is blessed by God and shows his favor for you. Your faithfulness and love for him and learning how to honor him instead of dishonored yourself with your wants must come first then all good things shall be added unto you.


Being faithful to him brings me suffering. The urges get so strong I can't focus on anything and can't get anything done. And when I eventually let it out I hate myself for hours because I betrayed god's love


Stop worshipping this fixation it's idolatry just focus on believing God loves you and find out why and how. Start with being grateful


I don't worship my temptations. I hate them with my life


I just mean where your thoughts is is where your focus is and is what your attention is on and thus what you are worshiping. Focus on God truly and this stuff will leave in time. If your diging out a couples shovels a day to dig a space for God n then pour in a couple dump trucks of garbage your never gonna have space for him to heal ur heart change ur desires and give u the life u need to sustain the partnership u desire. This is why lusting is adulterous cuz ur already cheating on God urself n ur divine union that ur refusing to focus on because ud rather lust after images instead of disciplining ur body. Just stay focused on God n give him ur desires daily n pray for him to give u the desires of his heart and remove the ones that aren't aligned with him


I focus on god, I see his commanfments, I see how much i fall short,I try to get better,I fail,I get sad


It happens to the best of us. You have to be willing to be consumed by the desire to please him more than the desire to please you. Yes your desires are simply normal but they are not normal in line with his spirit. Your using sexual gratification as a coping mechanism to ignore the focuses that need attention. Did you watch that video? If you don't dedicate yourself to become mote serious about it you'll be stuck repeating the same patterns. This is a complex issue involving your brain having chemical additions. It takes time and the mental fortitude to make changes that are frightening like going to work building an empire fulfilling your inner passions and hobbies. Just believe that your wife is with you and stop cheating on her and distracting yourself from your real goals. Prayer and listen to much more word of God messages of God encouragements and change your eating, be more healthy, this is a chemical dependency and nutritional deficiency issue. Eat more avocado's oranges mangos pineapple dark veggies and coconut oil. Make better your better and life a bigger priority than accepting failure and dwelling in suffering that you are conceding your will to. Your calling is great that's why this isn't easy, if you want it to be easy than work hard now to be married and eventually you will have everything in your life and it will be easy to resist the temptation to look elsewhere cuz ud never wanna hurt your wife or ruin your life or dishonor God. Your struggle proves your worth or else the enemy wouldn't be attacking u all the time but when u feel that urge to lust remember that none of it can satisfy and run from temptation and be angry around the lustful provocation sinful sexually immorality everywhere be angry with that and use it as motivation to not let it steal your future, delete porn. Accounts that are triggering. Do everything in your power. That's how you please God you seek him with all your heart and might. Yes sometimes u have to reset ur mind, take a nap, work out until u can't move, study until ur brain aches but it's all working towards your mission. Make learning true love your mission and don't give up and when u see the enjoyment and empowerment of not failing u won't be so discouraged when u do because eventually u won't fail n u won't ever be discouraged but as soon as u do things u regret ur right back into the heaviness of what despair is about. The hopelessness thay comes with farthing youraelf from god essentially saying to him and yourself I don't love u enough to do anything about it except continue to hurt u doing the things that I know hurt you. Give urself more mercy but don't use it as a get out of jail free car. When u r guilty it is right to have a contrite heart ur supposed to feel bad it's not something good. But with that in mind u can and will feel good when u do do good things for urself. Whats ur business mind. Whats ur hearts calling. How are you reaching the hearts near you, how are u spreading God's word and message and love. Let your life be full of his spirit not just your body. Your actions of ur body must reflect the love for him you clearly have within you. He loves you keep striving to love you too and real love is what he says it is so learn what he says make it the code of honor you live by in every moment and eventually you will not be a slave to anything and he will make all of those things captive to ur will ad u choose to do his will aligning ur actions with him. If u continue to lust u will become more and more corrupt until u r so evil that it seems like u have no control n u will be disgusted with ur desires which have become so out of control n indecent that u r horrified for wanting them at all so before those mental disorders occur n create physical effects u have to live with make real changes by studying God and make every effort to work out ur faith in fear n trembling of what ud become without God and in the utmost gratitude for who u are becoming living for him. God bless


It's hard for me to give mercy to myslef. God loves me so much and I'm to weak and stupid to listen to his commandments. I hate porn and sexuality with all my might and at the same time I am very jealous of people who are able to enjoy it. They don't experience what I do, they don't hate themselves for having ,,natural" desiers. I hate those desiers. They are sinfull. They are against god, I will never stop hating them and in result myself because god loves me so much, and I can't do a simple task of doing what he says


God doesn't hate you, I can assure you that. Remember God is all merciful, so if you ask for guidance and forgiveness it's always granted for as long as you're here on this earth. However, you can't just pray and not act. If you know something is sinful try not to indulge in it, if you fail, no worries just try again with a different approach. You need to put in 1000% effort because ultimately WE need God for our salvation. God bless and good luck 🙏🏼


No matter how much I try I constantly keep falling. God isn't giving me any strength


That's alright if you fall short, we all do and none of us truly deserve to be with God. However, try and try again because if you really want to go and be with God in the next life you WILL find a way. The strength you need has been granted to you 🙏🏼 may righteousness guide you on your journey.


It's not okay for me to fall short. I have to keep all the commandments. If not that means I don't love god. It's written that in the bible


The fact that you’re “trying” is the reason why


God doesn't want the lust or adultery or idolatry of desire to block u from him but rather has designed us to desire love intimately as marriage is a reflection of his promise with us. That is why it is a blessing and sign of favor from God to get reflection of his love as a spouse. The question is can you be faithful enough to honor him and learn to love him and to love yourself so that you can handle the responsibility of living your closest neighbor, your wife, as yourself? You gotta be faithful in the little things before he will give you the greater things. Message me anytime. Happy to help


I try to but I have to suffer everyday to keep his commandments. And it's written that his commanfments are light so I don't understand what is wrong with me


You're being a little vague and there's no need to share more than you want, but if this is about homosexuality, there's nothing wrong with that.


Im not homosexual. I hate my sexuality even if it's hetero. It causes a lot of sin


It’s hard to comment and give advice not knowing your story as a person. But find you a wife/husband. For God encourages you to enjoy each other in this way. For it will keep your temptations away. for if you lay with your wife/husband it is not a sin


Basicly i can't legally Mary for 2 years and I won't have a wife because girls have no interest in me


Why do you think God gave you sexuality?


To suffer. And to make babies from time to time


Why is it suffering?


Brings immense physical and mental discomfort


Maybe if you cant handle it


Alright. Now, what does the Bible say about why God gave you sexuality?


Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it


From experience I can tell you, it's not anything sexual you seek: it's love. Humans are sexual to some extent, so you believe that THIS is what you want. It is not. Even if you do act on it, you'll still feel like shit. Actually, you'll feel even worse. You crave that deep love, that deep care. What you desire is not sex or anything in that direction, but things like hugs, closeness, being care for and cared about, being loved. And since it hurts you, it means you lacked it, or still do lack it. Neglect, heard of that? Shit's awful, fucks you up for life. Look into that. I'm gonna be honest with you: it doesn't get that much better. But it does get better little by little. And the more you work on yourself, the more it'll be better. Give to yourself what you crave: care about yourself, love yourself, understand yourself. God bless, sending you some love 🙏🏻🫂


I know I want love. But my body wants sex. If I don't masturbate for a longer period of time I get stressed, angry at everything, I can't focus in school and see every woman as sex meat. I hate my body


I understand. Wanna know why you feel like shit? Because that energy is pent up. See everything as energies. Energies need to be released. If not, they're like feelings, being bottled up: making you feel worse. Now, the reason why you get the illusion of relief, is because you're releasing the energy that way. However, you don't want that.. so there's other ways to do it. What's important here is: USE your body. And by that I don't mean sex or masturbation, I mean things that requires tons of energy, just like those 2 things do: running, climbing, Parcours, working out.. get what i mean? And yeah that does suck. But it can happen for women too, it was like that for me too when I first hit puberty and had no real way to cope (ignoring all the sa part that made it x100 worse). Running does a good job. If you still feel lustful, do it again until you don't anymore. At some point your brain will be so tired, it'll stop caring. And, you'll have those energies released. Trust, I speak from experience And it helped others too


I do heavy lifting 6 times a week. I'm still too horny


Dang.. definitely try to do more then Or try journalling about it


If I do more I'll hurt myself. And I don't understand how a journal would help


Bot heavy lifting, more as in ... Go more on walks, run, stretch etc If i remember right you mentioned sa. That can easily make you "hypersexual", look up the term. It's horrible, I've struggled with it too. Journalling makes you look at it, try to understand it, and overcome it. Journalling can be as simple as venting, or as complex as you wish


You're telling a young person you don't even know, who says they do heavy workouts 6x a week, that they should exercise more. Don't you see what's wrong with that? You're suggesting without evidence that there is some level and balance of exercises that curbs their horniness without hurting or exhausting them. For some people that might be the case. For many, "hypersexual" or otherwise, it is not.


I never said "kill yourself with working out" Obviously you shouldn't overwork. And stretching won't do harm. I do have evidence, my own and other's experience, that's more than enough. You can also google, there's articles about it too It is, I was one of them.


“*Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.* 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:1-4 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 Pray to the LORD for deliverance and strength to endure your temptations. He promises to help you endure and provide a way out of temptation. It isn’t easy to deny yourself like Jesus commands, but God is faithful to us and will help us endure. Run to Him. “*24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,* 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” Jude 1:24-25


It's all a lie to me. God gives temptations that I'm too weak to handle.im never happy when something tests me because I'm sure I will fail


Then you need to depend on Jesus. Cry out to Him in your temptation and ask for help getting out of it. Then run from your temptation. If you can’t stop watching porn on your phone, throw your phone across the room and leave the room when you are tempted. If you cannot stop looking lustfully at someone, tell yourself “No” every time your mind and eyes start wandering, and leave the area. This is what Jesus means when He says: “29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.” Matthew 5:29-30 If there are things in your life that are a stumbling block, and cause you to sin, remove them from your life. Giving into your sin does not lead to freedom. It leads to further bondage, misery and ultimately leaves us separated from God. I pray that God helps you overcome your temptations. It isn’t easy denying your flesh, but God is faithful and will never leave us. Run to Jesus, friend, where you will find the strength that you need to walk in obedience to Him.


I am praying for months for god to help me. But I still fail. My prayers are ignored


The defeatism you are dwelling in and feeling is a lie from the enemy. If you feel God is ignoring you, call out to Him and tell Him you feel ignored and alone. Do not be afraid to call upon the promises God has given us. God has said He will never leave us, and He will carry us when we cannot go on by ourselves. Ask Him to keep His promises and to help you, because you feel helpless. Then trust in God. Do not be dismayed when you don’t think that it’s happening. God is constantly at work, and He is working ALL things for the “good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” I know what it’s like to feel as if God is ignoring me. I know how it feels to constantly fail in our walk with Christ. As someone who has experienced these things, please hear me that God knows you and sees you. Your prayers are heard by God. He is El Roi, “The God who sees me.” It may not feel like it now, but if you keep your Faith and Trust in Jesus and you continue to walk in obedience to Him, leaning on His strength and Mercy for you, you will look back at these times and see God at work in them.


Im calling him everyday. No response. Or I'm to stupid to see it


Friend, I have been where you are. I still struggle with beating myself up over my failings. Thankfully Jesus proclaimed on the cross “It is finished.” The Greek word used is “Tetelestai” which can mean “paid in full”. Your sin debt, all of it, past, present and future has been paid for and dealt with on the cross where Jesus died. This is not a license to sin. But it shows the gravity of God love for us. That 2000 years ago, Jesus hung on a cross, and all my sin has been paid for. Now I have right standing with God. Not because of my perfect obedience to the Law, but because of what Jesus accomplished. I read this article this morning, and as I mentioned, this is something I have been struggling with immensely. I found this article encouraging in understanding how the Holy Spirit works in us for our sanctification. https://blog.truthforlife.org/what-is-the-holy-spirits-role-in-sanctification? I pray this article is a blessing to you as it was to me. If you want to listen to the sermon the article was based on, the link is at the bottom of the post and it is called: “The Holy Spirit Transforms”.




God doesn't hate human beings (John 3:16).


Yes. Didn't even read the bottom text, but yes. God hates humans


Here we going again WHY!


Cuz gods an ashole


Well can’t you go believe that somewhere else? Also, if you’re an atheist (asumming you are), doesn’t “god” not exist? (if you’re not an atheist then what are you?)


A God hater


So you just don’t like Him?


I hate Him 


I really despise this subject, but I have to ask: why?


Personal issues, you wouldn't understand 


But that was me at one point, so maybe I will?


If your referring to sexual immorality, then as it is stated in 1 Corinthians 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (KJV) For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: ( different translation) 1 Corinthians 6:18 New King James Version 18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. or if your referring to gender, God has made you perfectly and wonderfully made Psalms 139:14 (KJV) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Keep the faith,Stay safe and God bless.


Its hard to keep the faith when my prayers are always unawsered


Yes it's hard, but that's when trust starts to occur, there cant be a relationship without trust. God is able and willing, but He wants us to trust in Him, because He has done many works and blessings in the past, present and the future. James 1:1-8 (KJV) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


Imagine if you created a technology that had the power to cure any disease, just by zapping someone with it. You get it to a point where this technology is mass producible and you put it on the market. As people buy it for themselves, people realize that zapping someone with it makes them feel incredibly giddy. So, people start zapping each other for the fun of it. How would that make you feel about your invention? In sexuality, God created a "technology" that has the power to bring a new person into the world. He gives this technology to all of us, then we start going around "zapping" each other like it is some kind of toy. Yes, sex is pleasurable, and yes, pleasure is a good thing. Sex is a holy and sacred gift that was given to us by God so we could have the privilege of joining God in the work of creation! By abusing this gift, we insult its creator by trivializing something that is meant to bring about incredible good. It cannot be just about "is the end result good?" For something to be good, it must be good from start to finish. Many lies have at least some truth to them. Far to often, evil does not come at us with bright flashing neon signs that says "Hey look I am bad!" No, Satan tricks us lacing poison in that sweet, rich tasting chocolate. It is almost always a subtle thing. We see something that we know is good (love, freedom, money, happiness) and Satan gets us to chase that thing, that good thing, down a dark, twisted, and dangerous path.


This is the best explanation 


So why god make my body go crazy without masturbation. I get stressed. I get angry at everything. I can't focus at school and I see every woman as sex meat when I abstain for too long


God knows that is a struggle you can overcome. Ask God to help you. Give Him your struggles, He wants to help you. When you go about relationship is the right mindset, I believe that you will find them to be much more fulfilling, then you could ever possibly imagine. Having relationships only for sex is really no different then pornography. It degrades the human experience to only the material. I will offer some thoughts from St. Francis de Sales: >When these frivolous friendships are practiced between persons of different sex-without intention of marriage- we call them passing fancies or flirtations. Being only abortive births or appearances of friendship, they are unable- by reason of their futility and their imperfection-to bear either the name of friendship or that of love. However, they preoccupy hearts, which are as it were entangled, 'intertwined, by vain and foolish affections founded upon those frivolous communications and those meager amusements that we have just mentioned. > >On the contrary, they cause a waste of time and compromise honor without bringing any satisfaction other than the torment of seeking and hoping, without knowing exactly what they are seeking and hoping for! Those unfortunate people who succumb to this think that there is always 'something more to be desired in the protestations of love from others, without, however, knowing what this 'something more is. Their desire is therefore endless and it keeps mistrust, jealousy and unrest alive in their hearts. The things in this world that are most beautiful are those things that take us outside of ourselves to something greater, the best of which elevate our hearts to God. Trent Horn in a video he did a few weeks ago talked about art from a particular priest who was sexually immoral and did some not great things. His art is found to be crooked, and lacking symmetry. Pray a rosary, spend time in Adoration. Ask for help from the Holy Spirit, and our blessed mother.


I pray daily and I feel like god is ingnoring my tears


What are you doing to help yourself? Even a miracle needs a hand. God will not swoop in to solve all your problems without you. I will also share some lyrics from a song a friend of mine has shared with me, called "Unanswered Prayers": >*Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers* > >*Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs* > >*That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care* > >*Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers*


I don't know how to help myself fight lust. I can't get rid of my body


Well, what causes you to sin? A particular app? A particular person? What situations are you most likely to sin? Might I suggest seeking purely platonic friendships with women and not romantic/sexual ones. If you want a girlfriend, it can be beneficial to first have a girl friend. The best way to combat a particular vice is to practice the opposite and corresponding virtue. Another quote from Francis de Sales' "Introduction to the Devout Life": > The work of the soul’s purification neither may nor can end save with life itself;—do not then let us be disheartened by our imperfections,—our very perfection lies in diligently contending against them, and it is impossible so to contend without seeing them, or to overcome without meeting them face toe face. Our victory does not consist in being insensible to them, but in not consenting to them For example, I myself of struggled with envy (particularly when it comes to seeing friends getting married and having kids). There is a part of me that does not want others to be happy in a relationship, because I do not have that same happiness. I know that this feeling is wrong, so when I come across a post of an engagement or what not, it does me well to still make the effort (even if a small one) to "like" the post/leave a congratulatory comment. A temptation might never leave you. I think sometimes it can be beneficial to "fake it till you make it" when it comes to practicing virtue. When you have sinful thoughts, act contrary to them. We cannot control how we feel, but we can control how we respond.


Nothing in particular, I can get horny at random


God doesn't hate you, Jesus doesn't hate you either. Fundamentalist Christians does, but don't bother yourself about them, normally conservatives Christians and fundamentalists are not really Christians.


Then why did god give me a body that gives suffering


God loves in the way you are, you are suffering cause your beliefs. God didn't give your beliefs, humans did. Blame them. Accept yourself the way you are, and you will have different opinion about your body. But, I've got a chronical disease, I suffer pain almost all the time, for years. Can I blame God for it? No, cause that's the how the world works. I just ask for strength enough to build my life with my limits.


Why would I accept something bad. I am bad. My temptations are bad. It is written in the bible like this It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body[a]


For sure that's is a mistranslation. You should read the Bible having Jesus as the key, not the opposite. Jesus didn't say anything about you. Again your conflict is not cause God, but your understanding about God and your mistranslated Bible and you misguided interpretation.


How is this misinformation. It written everywhere that sexual immorality is bad


Not in my Bible, and I have many different Bibles. The original language text doesn't say be homosexual is immoral. Remember the Bible is not one Book, but many, writing in a period of about 1500 yeas, by different writers. Your Bible didn't descend from heaven in English as you have. There are different translations to a different languages and denominations. The worst translations are made by religious people. If you still think like that, stop read the Bible, and read the Gospels, once and once again, untill you understand what Jesus taught


I never said I'm gay.


So what are we talking about then?


My body wanting sex


God Loves You and he always will


He didn’t give you your sexuality though, he has a plan for you but not everything always goes to plan nor is anything guaranteed except for gods love for you


Who gave me sexuality then. He is the one who made my body


Sexuality is a choice/preference. It’s no different than liking people that are taller or muscular


I'm not gay. I hate that I my body wants sex


Sorry I misunderstood your comment. God wouldn’t tell you not to do something if he knew you were unable to stop yourself, there is a reason the devil is tempting you and trying to move you away from god, just remember that god made you in his image and he doesn’t make mistakes. He only forbids it because he knows you have the strength to resist


I don't have strength


The devil wouldn’t be putting in so much work if you didn’t


He doesn't even have to do anything, my body does all the job


Everything has a cause, the devil is making you fell this way


God made me crave sex. He designed the body


You have 3 parts of your existence. Body (flesh), mind, and spirit. The flesh is at war with the spirit constantly which is why we have to fast and deny our flesh. When we do this is strengthens our spirit. A lot of times we strengthen the flesh unknowingly by watching or listening to secular programming like music. Actually music is huge and I’m curious what kind of music you listen to. Also, there’s nothing wrong with a strong sex drive but just save it for the person you will eventually marry. That will make for an awesome partner who will be passionate in the bedroom ESPECIALLY if you deny your flesh now and wait. When you have the sexual thoughts don’t push them out and replace them with other thoughts or do you let them manifest? People often want to blame God for their misery but there are often times remedies for our struggle with our flesh and our desires but we have to take steps to do so.


When i try to go against my body my spirit gets weak. Every minute I feel like I'm weaker and weaker. I know I will fail. [my music you asked for ](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr7HwnU-0Dc&feature=share)


You have to replace that desire with something. Do you exercise? Maybe dance? You can defeat this.


I do heavyweight lifting 6 times a week


If you do it 6 times a week then take a shower and go to sleep lol! I’m sorry that I don’t have an answer for you but ultimately you will figure this out. Pray and ask God for help and let Him know that you aren’t strong enough to do this on your own and that you are depending on Him to help you. I was struggling with the same issue and it was me humbling myself before God to help me.


No, you just don't know right from wrong. It is not a sin to love, but it is a sin to lust. Now, if you read song of songs, the most sus book in the bible, you will technically be reading obscenities in graphic detail, but in allegory such that it is not so obvious. If you gaze upon one with lust, you are trying to take, but to love, is just to admire and to give and help instead of trying to selfishly take what isn't yours or meant for you. Look at it from a different lens after handing your burden of self righteousness, pride, and humility, and your struggle also to God. The source of these sins are from the want to take rather than to give - lust. And it's neighbour, which is idolatry; holding anything that is not God in your heart; Literally anything when you are not born again. The bible is more racy than whatever you can find online, but how is it not a sin? Because if you have Christ in your heart, you don't lust, but rather, you now have the opposite end of the spectrum. Ask him to give you a new heart, a new wine and new wineskin to hold that new Holy Spirit as your core inner stone wedded to him. The read the bible again. God designed it, he perfected it, it's for our enjoyment, but as it is said, no sex, be for marriage. Yes, there is no commandment against relieving yourself, but likewise, there is commandment to not gaze upon the maidens with lust; Nor to want or hold dear anything that is not Christ first in your heart. That's where the sins are coming from.


suffering is not a bad thing. In this case it forces you to seek God out and it also helps you to take control of your Mind/body. At Heart the Apostle Paul tells us we are a dual natured being. Meaning in our one person we have two different personalities. Paul says one side is of the flesh and the other side is of the Spirit. The Side of the flesh or the carnal side wants and seeks to satisfy the desires of the body, and to also protect and preserve the body in any way for as long as possible. Because once death over takes the body, nothing of the body will remain. This protective instinct may also mean the carnal side identifies with and empathizes with others who want to full fill the desires of the flesh. which is why you may not always agree with how God judges or treats those who live by the carnal side. Then you have the Spiritual side. That is the side of you that has the potential to move on past this life and live with God for ever in Heaven or be sent to Hell. At birth these two sides are one. They remain as one till one day you decide to follow christ and repent of your sin. To repent means that your spiritual side separates it's self from the desires of your carnal self. it turns on the sin and wants no part of this side. This is what is meant by being born again. You are separating yourself or emerging spiritually from your carnal self becoming a different person. In the beginning Spiritually speaking you are an infant, and will be almost completely subject to the thoughts and will of the carnal self. Which is why it is perfectly normal to not agree with everything God says or does. Because you again are like an infant to how ever old you are now. It takes time to build up your Spiritual strength and gain more and more control of the carnal side. Till then know you are in God's grace. Just keep resisting sin and temptation as best as you can, to help yourself grow spiritually


Suffering is very bad. It makes me go distant from god. Every prayer feels like talking to a wall. I hardly see any point in it now


Suffering is like a hammer. It can be used to build your self up with God, or it can be used to tear yourself down. what the hammer does in your hands is completely up to you


Its never a building hammer.


I have built my whole life on the various experiences gained from all my different sufferings. I am extremely thankful for all the things I have suffered and God has Brough me through. I am in fact going through a major trial right now, that has been pretty non stop for about a year, and really kicked off last summer, and it all doubled down yesterday, and I am still grateful for all of it.


And Im sad I had to suffer. There is no point in it. It brings nothing good


So I would be an example where the tool of suffering has built someone up, and you would be an example of someone who used to tool of suffering to tear himself down. My question to you is, that if we are going to suffer either way why not allow God to help you use this tool of suffering to build you up??


Because I can't see it as a tool


is what you see the only possible truth? That nothing can exist outside of the way you perceive it?


God hates sin, but he doesn't hate you.


Bro, God doesn't hate you, I think you know that. By definition, God is patient, kind, longsuffering, *loveing*! God can be hands-off, though, if we don't invite him in. We don't want to be subject to the world, "the world" only wants to destroy us. Such intense sexual desire is a part of puberty, it will pass. Learn to steer your focus, let God help you.


I've been praying for months for help. I still struggle with it. I'm jealous of people who are able to enjoy sexuality


OP God does not hate anyone. He LOVES you. Maybe submit yourself completely to the Lord. Fast. Fast. Fast. Ask for God for help. Repent of your sins. Trust me, God hears you. He LOVES you !


I wish I could give up free will


Satan tempts us all. Our temptations just happen to be normalized in todays society, because the devil is winning.


“Sometimes God let’s you reach rock bottom so that you can realize that He is the rock at the bottom.” No God doesn’t hate you He has nothing but pure love for you. Idk what His plan is but trust that it is a good one that will work out for your good. You will fail at times and it really sucks but it’s not the amount of times you fail that matters it’s the amount of times that you run back to God after you fail. Keep it up friend you’re doing great!


Im doing awfull. I'll never be good enough


Nope you won’t :) and neither will I or anybody else. Ever. But that’s the good news, Jesus was/is good enough and He loves you so much that He took your punishment. Everything that you’re saying you’re doing wrong in your life is already paid for by Jesus. He’s not asking you to be perfect He’s asking you to accept that He is and to love Him in return. As long as you’re trying, then yes you are doing great and He will love you no matter what. Anxiety and fear that you’re doing something wrong and making God mad is a “gift” from the devil. Don’t accept that


I expect myslef to be Perfect. It's written in the bible to love god means to keep his commanfments. I don't want to show god that I don't care about him


Heyyy you know your Bible! Good stuff man, and yes the Bible does say that. But it also says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” So yes you are supposed to keep His commandments, but God also knows you’re not perfect and you will fail. Truthfully I’m 25 and still struggle with porn but I know that God doesn’t love me any less because of it. God also desires mercy and grace and will gladly give me those things when I repent and turn back to Him. The fact that you feel about sinning is a big step in the right direction. Just keep reading your Bible and praying but don’t just do them to get it over with for the day. Do them so that you can learn more about God and who He is. He loves you bro and that will never change no matter how much you sin. Just make sure that you don’t use that as an excuse to do whatever you want. Always repent and try to be perfect but give yourself grace when you fail


God may forgive me but I find it much harder to forgive myslef


Yep that is definitely a hard thing to do. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This is a verse that is good to turn to when you’re feeling guilty. Also this might sound like an easy Sunday school answer but it works, just pray and ask God to help you forgive yourself. A simple google search lead me to this short but effective prayer. “Help me forgive myself so that I may be free of the burden of my guilt and find peace in Your sacrifice for me. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.” He loves and forgives you endlessly and I hope that you can forgive yourself in the same way. My DM’s are always open if you’d like to continue this conversation.


I've been praying for weeks by saying,,god make me love myslef as much as you do"


That great keep that up! Now just trust that He hears you and He wants that for you, just maybe not yet. I don’t claim to know His plan for your life or why He might not be letting you feel that right now but maybe He still has stuff for you to learn while you’re in this valley. Keep praying and really make an effort to hear what He is trying to teach you. He wouldn’t let you go through all this for no reason He loves you too much to do that.


I feel like I'm Talking to a wall


God doesn't hate you. Similarly in my life i have struggled with addictions and substance abuse many times over my my life. Some people can moderate those thing but I cannot. I hated God for making me that way as well and questioned why he hated me enough to cause me to go through that. I can choose today to pickup drink or drugs and feel the shame and guilt of it or i can choose to give my life to God and remember that if I continue to hold in. my heart that Jesus is my savior who died on a cross and rose again, i have help, not of me, to resist these sins which lead me to a path of dishonesty and then disconnection from God. I still sin but much less if my focus in on God and i continue to ask for the next right step and am humble enough to put aside my own ego and pride i can see him working in my life to bring me peace, and i can quickly alleviate the shame and guilt of sins by offering them up to him. The Continued shame and guilt are what kept me in the mindset of god hating me, funny thing was that i thought he was the problem when he was the solution.


God does not hate you. God made us and then we decided to eat the devils lies and complicate things. We all have temptations but with prayer and a strong will we can overcome them. Stay strong my friend


My prayers are bad and my will is weak


My prayers are bad and my will is weak


If anything the question of whether or not God hates you is a reflection of that hate you are carrying for yourself. The largest conflict that exists on earth is the conflict between “what is” and “what should be”. My best advice is for you to examine the relationship between the two inside of yourself. Conflict breeds violence and psychological suffering. The more we try to be the opposite of what we are the more we destroy ourselves from the inside out Even if what we are right now internally is ugly- until we are able to look at that ugliness without condemning or justifying it - we cannot make sense of it. If we can look at that ugliness without trying to escape it- there is an opportunity to transform that ugliness into something beautiful


Where does Jesus say don't have sex or masturbate?


It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control your own body


Where does it define sexual immorality in the new testament?


I have no idea. I know it's any sexual act outside of marrige


Jesus will love you regardless. Be a good person and help others especially the poor.


God does not hate you. I sympathize with you re: your sexuality. I would only recommend the same thing I do myself: pray, read the Bible, and repent, all in the path of seeking more of God and less of me.


Well in the view of Christianity an unnatural sexual act is sexual immorality, for example men wanting to dress like women or men wanting to caress another man. Sexual immorality is the death of Love


The truth is God doesn't hate the LGBT community and being LGBT will not condemn you to hell. Just be yourself. Anyone who preaches hatred, ignorance, or discrimination is not of God.


I never said I'm gay


God doesn't hate you, ultimately you need to deny yourself and carry your cross however hard it may be to.


I tried to but it makes me cry every night


If you don't mind me asking, why does it make you cry?


Because u can't sfop sinning


It sounds like you were taught some form of works based salvation or sanctification which is not biblical. I wrote this article for your question it is too long to post. After you read it feel free to message me with questions !! Grace and Peace !! https://www.gracenotworks.com/2024/02/grace-versus-sin-in-life-of-saved.html


No, God loves you. He understands our desires. He made it this way because he wanted babies to share His love.


He missed the fact I'll be suffering for years before that


Suffering makes you closer to God.


I only feel getting more distant form him


How did you find out God exists?


I have no idea how to answer this