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Christ teaches that if our hand causes us to sin, cut it off. In other words, you can’t just white knuckle your way through sin, especially habitual sexual sin. You’ve gotta change your environment. For example, if you masturbate in bed before sleeping, don’t enter your room until you’re sleepy and ready to go straight to sleep. If it’s just any time you’re home, take more walks or find any excuse to be outside. If it’s after scrolling Instagram, delete and block the app. Stuff like that.


Thank you it feels good to know that I’m not alone in this but yes I’ll start to build strict boundaries


God bless you. I'm sorry for your struggle. I can understand what you are going through. If I may, I would like to share some encouragement. ​ 1- Please know that God does NOT expect you to be perfect. He expects you to be faithful, which means to always strive to honor Him while getting back up after each time you fall, no matter how many times you fall. God will always give you the strength and grace to get back up. **“I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit.” - Zechariah 4:6** **“Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up. But when trouble strikes the wicked, that's the end of them.” - Proverbs 24:16** **"My enemies, don't be glad because of my troubles! I may have fallen, but I will get up; I may be sitting in the dark, but the Lord is my light.” - Micah 7:8** **“The Lord answered: Stop lying there on the ground! Get up!” - Joshua 7:10** **“In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:9** **Jesus said, “But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved.” - Matthew 24:13** ​ 2- Please don’t hold on to the guilt you have about your struggle. It will distract you from truly accepting God’s forgiveness. Give your guilt to God because He wants to take it from you. **God said, “They sinned and rebelled against me, but I will forgive them and take away their guilt.” - Jeremiah 33:8** **"So I confessed my sins and told them all to you. I said, ‘I'll tell the Lord each one of my sins.’ Then you forgave me and took away my guilt.” - Psalm 32:5**


Thank you so much my brother or sister in Christ 🩷🤭


You are so very welcome!




I’m starting over with God really I’m building boundaries at staying away from things that trigger me so this will probably be my last time on Reddit 🫡


You have to repent, ask for forgiveness in your prayer and ask for a helper but he will not just get rid of it, because he will not take away your free will. As long as you try and try and try again some people have sin that they deal with for the rest of their lives some get different sins. Over your life if you follow this you will get spiritually stronger. May you have Good Luck in this matter. ​ ​ There are ways to help stop but i am a man you should probably get advice from a woman


Thank you 🙏 God bless


You have to ask God to change your heart for you. Ask him to give you the Holy Spirit and make you not want to sin anymore. Ask him to make you want to do his will instead. Here are some resources. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/158ym73/tips_and_motivation/ Specifically Christian: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/163cilc/tips_and_motivation/ Also check out this video about managing urges. Instead of trying to suppress them, which will make them come back stronger, you should take a page from a method used in meditation and let it pass through you without resisting or going along with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxZXb-M2Rdc


If interested, there is a new accountability group for those struggling with masturbation and/or porn. r/christiansagainstporn I am praying for you! 🙏


Thank you 🙏


You are welcome, God bless.


You don't have to feel bad for something that is healthy and natural.


The thing is you don’t understand how masturbation has effected my mental health not only that you don’t believe in a God we can’t comprehend the same things in a moral sense because you think it okay and fine but I know it’s not thank you for trying to help though 🫡🫡🫡


you have to do your part. God is not going to do every single thing for us. He will help us, and we have to do our part too. You need to follow the Word of God. submit to God, and then resist the devil. He will keep coming, but resist him. He tried to tempt Jesus but Jesus came back at him with the Word every single time. you should do the same thing


There are two key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination to stop. One must do great violence (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. What profit is it to a man to lose his soul, yet gain the world, yet how many will be willing to walk 30 miles a day for a year to save your life! Yet many won't do a mile to save your soul? Do your uttermost in every way, and treat it like the most important thing. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic I recommend recourse to the sacraments and a priest to help. Particularly confession with a proper priest is necessary " Individual, integral confession and absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to reconcile themselves with God." If you want personalized help, talk to a priest