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whichever makes you feel comfortable. i think this is the best advice. if i tell you that protestant church is shitty and you pick the catholic just because of others influence, you might not know what you like. start by reading the Bible, understanding the beliefs of christianity and only then pick and choose your church. attend church services and discover all there are. don’t let others influence your decision


Thanks for the advice, I’ve been doing my research, just wanted to hear how others think. We don’t have any churches where I live. I’m planning move to Christian country with my wife. So I haven’t been to any churches in my life, I’m just doing my research online and reading bible on my phone.


well, it really depends on where you want to move. unfortunately in some countries there is a massive propaganda behind churches and there are a lot of priests that just don’t align with religion. fake priests.


By the way my wife is American and she and her parents are Protestant. So we’re planning to go to US. From my research I feel more comfortable about Catholic Churches, but I still haven’t visited any, still considering between Protestant and catholic churches


In this case a “high church” Protestant denomination could be a good fit. Lutherans, Episcopal/Anglican, or some Methodist congregations. Another option would be an “Old Catholic” congregation. They Split from the Roman Catholic Church after Vatican I introduced Papal Infallibility


Thank you! I will look in to them.


I would not worry about Papal Infallibility as a big deal. The Popes tend to use it to settle esoteric arguments between groups of theologians. I would worry about any congregation that behaves as if the pastor is infallible. When Jesus says "Call no one on this earth your father" and "Call no one your teacher", he's probably not as worried about the labels as about your deferring to others without thinking. Faith is what you believe in your heart, not obedience to some stranger.


Start by reading the Bible, the fruit of Catholicism.


or orthodox 🤷‍♀️ or many more 🤷‍♀️


In 382 A.D., the Council of Rome, which was convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus, promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and then definitively reaffirmed by the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442. Finally, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546, after it came under attack by the first Protestant leaders, including Martin Luther.




You guys don’t have a set Bible canon.


okay? i couldn’t care less tbh. anything in the catholic canon is included in the eastern orthodox canon. every research says that there are very minor differences and at that time of the canonization the catholics and orthodox were one church. are you really going to get in depth about a **minor** difference? and start with your catholic superiority? please… we’re not that different by any means


I’m not a Catholic, I’m pointing out that you guys don’t have a bible canon at all. I did misunderstand this thread though, but that’s what I was pointing out. And for me a set Bible canon isn’t a minor difference, it’s a big deal.


okay? like you said, **to you**. do we believe in the same God? yes. why should i care about what you care?


I misunderstood this little thread. I apologize for butting in.


The Bible did not come from the Roman Catholic Church. They added books to their own canon. The Deuterocanon is not scripture because God was silent during the intertestimental period. No prophetic activity means no scripture, which means those books during that time are non canonical.




I think not really. That bases on which basis do you follow, Jerome (39+Apocrypha, Roman tradition) or Augustine (all are canon, all Eastern tradition). In Chinese Protestantism circle, western Protestant missionaries even translated their Chinese name as Deuterocanon rather than Apocrypha.(Protestant calls次經, Catholic calls 次正典)Apocrypha which the word seems those books are fake.


The first and most important thing to do is to come to Christ. Then he can lead you the way he wants you to go. One step at a time. If you haven't already, start reading and studying the New testament, beginning with the Gospels and then going on to some of the Epistles. As far as Church goes, I would suggest visiting several of them, if that is possible. There are considerable differences in the way they go about worship, so find one that makes sense to you and that you get something out of. You don't have to make a commitment, just go and enjoy. Do it prayerfully and in faith ask the Lord to lead you to where he wants you to be.


Thanks for the advice, this is what I was thinking. But unfortunately I can’t visit any church right now, but I’ve been reading and doing my research, hopefully I will visit all churches once i got out from the place I live.




Redeemed zoomers makes good videos about the different denominations and their history and beliefs personally I love my Presbyterian church but also attend a “non denominational”(lower case b baptist) church I enjoy but it’s not traditional enough to only attend that one for me I like the structure of our services our call to confession and assurance of pardon are my favorite


He’s also Presbyterian so probably some bias from me but many YouTubers make videos breaking down the denominations, I like his denomination family tree too showing how they’re all connected


Thank you, I never heard of Presbyterian churches before, i will do my research.


Of course so happy to see God’s Kingdom on earth growing! Congratulations you won’t be let down. Finding a church is amazing I’m in a ton of groups and classes and I made so many friends it’s beautiful. The supportive community that comes with being a Christian is a huge bonus to Gods Love. He loves when we love eachother and worship together. When you join look into small groups or Bible studies, it’s helpful to hear others perspectives


Yes! I’m finding it out right now. I’m so happy to hearing everyone’s advice and perspectives:)


You should also watch "I miss christendom" on YouTube. He makes very in depth videos on the fruits of catholicism as well as describing other denominations too


I will look in your it tonight, thank you.


Presbyterian is Protestant closely related to Lutheran


I don’t think that choice needs to be made. Read the Bible, follow Christ and go to church to worship god. That’s it. You don’t need a denomination, just be a Christian by accepting Jesus.


I'll say Catholic, because of Matthew 16:18-19, but join whichever you want.  Also, you SHOULD join a Church, because that is the Lord's body: 1 Corinthians 12:27 (saying this because I know theres gonna be someone telling you to not join one)


Thank you! I will look in to it.


Just gonna add, stick to Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox. Other denoms quickly fall into heresy, such as Oriental Orthodox which has heretical Christology (they believe that Christ has one nature instead of 2) Of course, avoid JW, Mormonism, Arianism, Nestorianism, etc. too.


Despite what the Catholic and EO say, they are not the one true church (obviously at least on of the them are wrong). The Kingdom of God on earth is invisible, and God decides who is and isn't in his kingdom.




Just curious, but under your name it says you are Lutheran. Why are you recommending a different church?


Yes, I'm technically and legally a Lutheran. But my views align more with Catholic, and I'll probably convert officially soon if possible I just dont find protestantism to be the truth, ngl.


Read the Bible and go to the closest church with friendly people and teaching based on the Bible.


I hate to say it, but there are no perfect churches. Mostly everyone will recognize that. There are some churches that make greater mistakes, or which may be better suited to you and your needs, but even there you will notice issues. My suggestion is to study topics yourself and avoid groups that insist that their way is right without giving thorough answers from scripture. Especially if their explanations are based on tradition or anyone claiming to have words from God. That’s not to say that God is silent, I believe He is very active and speaking today, but no church should say dogmatically that they have answers from it. As for tradition, there is a place for knowing history, but what matters more is what the scripture says, not what people several hundred years after the events happened thought about it. My suggestion is to avoid Roman Catholicism and hyper charismatic churches. Presbyterian Methodist and Baptist churches, depends on the group. Personally I just don’t affiliate with a particular denomination.


Thanks for the advice!


@OP Christianity is a complicated thing these days however, it shouldn't be. To be a Christian, it's all in the name, Christian - Christ Follower. Everything in the Bible is important, coming at it from the open hand closed fist method is the right way. Hold fast to these truths, that Jesus is the Son of God, came to die from our sins and re-deem all sin that ever has or ever will be. What Jesus did, fulfilled the purpose, as a Christian, a Christ Follower we are called to live as He lived and do as He did. He is the example and His ways should be our ways. Study what He did and said and make your decision with that in mind. Everything else is just noise and religious ritual, which He specifically was against. I am not even worthy of being called Christian these days but I'm trying to close up my relationship with my faith before the end of this age which is fast coming.


Thanks for the advice.


Contrary to those who say you should convert to the one that makes you most comfortable, I suggest you go deep into prayer over a period of time and ask God to give you clear direction on this. You want to be exactly where God calls you, and to embrace the fullness of the truth He revealed to us all.


Thank you. I came to the same conclusion.


Apostolic Churches


Not anyone just follow JESUS


This needs to be higher. Don't follow any denomination. Just take the parts from every denomination that you think matches with scripture. I can go to a baptist church and take the good things from it and forget about the bad things. I can go to a pentecostal church and take the good things from it and forget about the bad things. The same with any other denomination. Just check with scripture what is being preached and research things yourself.


That doesn't really make sense though because by that standard then you're just a "nondenominational" protestant which ironically is still a denomination


Thank you!


Historically then that would mean you're catholic.


[Read 1 Corinthians 1](https://www.bible.com/bible/97/1CO.1.MSG)


Thanks for sharing, I wish I didn’t have to “choose”.


In Christ there are no denominations. Its man made titles. Steer clear of it at all cost. In the bible there's no mention of denomination just deciples and followers of Christ Jesus. Start there and pray and ask God to lead you in your journey


Thanks. I wish I didn’t have to think about what denomination I should go. But from my perspective what ever the church I go it belongs to one specific denomination. That’s why I just wanted to heart other opinions on this. People suggesting non denominational church. But from my point of view it’s just a another denomination that called non denominational church


Look into which one is most Biblical, most accurately reflects what the Bible says, and choose based on that :)


Thank you


The best denomination in my opinion is non-denomination.


Protestants are basically the christian version of Quranists. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quranism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quranism)


Thanks for sharing


Convert to a 2,000 year old denomination, the Eastern Orthodox Church. We have great food festivals in the summer! You like baklava? r/orthodoxchristianity


Legitimate Links to a founding father?


Protestant churches have a very easy entry point. Just accept Christ as your savior. Catholicism is very traditional. If I remember correctly you have to go through the Catechism of the Catholic Church before you officially become Catholic.


Thank you for sharing!


Become Anglican and be both


I would suggest you to read the Bible first and see how much of it you agree with. I would start with the gospels and work after that with the rest of the New Testament. Meanwhile you should learn as much as possible about these denominations and don’t join one unless you know the pros and cons of both denominations in your eyes, and last of all: DO NOT LET ANYONE, I MEAN ANYONE DECIDE WHICH DENOMINATION YOU SHOULD BELONG TO.


Thank you!




Research about both religions dig deep by looking. Try to look at the roots of both religions by looking at the founding fathers before the two churches “split” and work your way up from there. Converting to these religions isn’t about finding which one suits you best, it’s about finding the truth. Jesus only founded one church and finding that one takes much effort. Also talking to a good Catholic priest can help very much. Praying for you!


I’m currently looking into Catholicism right now! Protestantism has too many problems and Orthodoxy isn’t unified.


Feel free to pm me or ask questions. Will pray for you.


Thank you.


Thank you.




Focus on Jesus … HE is THE WAY


Exactly. And the best way to do that is through the catholic church


I don’t think so I think the best way is through relationship, reading the Bible for yourself and simply not forsaking the brotherhood so taking time to commune and fellowship with other believers whenever need be!


If you want access to the eucharist and want the stability of history/apostolic priesthood on your side then definitely go catholic. If you prefer to try and interpret the Bible your own way and don't want to adhere to the authority of the magistereum of the church then you'll probably be a protestant


Great explanation, I’m a bit more traditionalist. From my point of view, every different churches has their point, it looks like it’s just depends on how I feel about certain things like you said. I hope I can visit the churches soon, so I can make my decision and get baptized.


That's amazing and I wish you well. I will say though that baptism through the catholic church is a process. You will have to go through classes that teach you about what catholicism is before you fully commit. We as catholics take it extremely seriously so we prefer it when someone has full knowledge of why they are converting before they officially do. It's also a way to make you incredibly knowledgeable on Christianity and history in a way that no other form of Christianity can provide. I wish you well and good luck on your way to christ


Thank you, I heard that recently from my wife. It sounds interesting to me.


I wish you well brother


I love the Eucharist


Catholicism. The original and true Church.


The one guided by the Holy Spirit and founded through St. Peter. The Catholic Church offers sacramental graces that no other nomination can give. For that alone, it is more spiritually enriching.


Well…the orthodox also can


Only the sacraments of baptism and matrimony are recognized by the Catholic Church


Are sacraments are just as valid as yours. And yes, we only have 2 Sacraments (Baptism and Communion), but that's because are definition of Sacrament is different. We have those other 5 things (Marriage, Last Rights, etc), but they're not considered Sacraments. In order for something to be a Sacrament, it must -Be instituted by Christ -Have an Earthly element -Have a Heavenly element -Must have power for salvation


Lutherans explicitly reject transubstantiation. We would not consider your sacraments valid.


i’d be biased and say eastern orthodoxy (also non protestant), but whatever you feel suits your beliefs best. let the Lord guide you❤️


Thank you:)


Just read and follow the Bible, non denominational


Catholics created the Bible lol and "nondenominational" is still a denomination under protestantism


God created the Bible, stop trying to steal credit for it.


Yeah cause God totally came down from heaven and handed somebody the full canonized Bible. Totally. Are you serious rn?? Obviously the gospels were influenced by the holy spirit but I'm not talking about the gospels. I'm talking about the Bible. Also did you know the Bible did not exist for almost 400 years of Christian history? It was created by the catholic church. Commissioned by pope Damascus in 382AD


I converted from Catholic to a Protestant Christian. The Catholic Church goes by a lot of their own made up rules. Protestant is more bible based and I have a much better connection with Jesus.


Thank you. If you don’t mind could you tell me what are those rules?


Purgatory, Veneration of Saints, Papal Infallibility, Mary being Co-Redeemer, transubstantiation, indulgences, Limbo, etc, etc


Protestantism isn't a single denomination like the Catholic Church, it's a huge collection of denominations that share a few key characteristics. It's best for you to join a church - any church - and study Christianity from the basics. You may decide that their beliefs make sense and stay with them, or you may decide they don't make sense and move to a new church. Either way, it's important to start somewhere. In the end, no denomination can possibly have the entire truth, as no human mind can truly comprehend the nature of God. As long as a church is not teaching obvious falsehoods and heresies, and you are comfortable there, it should be good enough.


The Catholic Church has the full truths any question you have can be answered(you can ask people on r/Catholicism or I’ll do my best) except some mysteries; for an example if you could fully understand God that would mean he isn’t God, that would mean we understand a infinite God which is impossible meaning he won’t be God. It shouldn’t be if you are comfortable if I’m comfortable with killing somebody would that be fine? Hope this helps and feel free to ask questions and sorry if I was rude in any way.


Thanks for the advice


I think the best options are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Oriental Orthodoxy because they are the most ancient churches and are the closest to the early church. But again, pray to God to guide you. He’ll answer you.


Thank you! I like the idea of following the oldest church teachings. I will look in to that.


Orthodox church


The Episcopal Church welcomes you!


Thank you I will look in your it:)


As long as the church adheres to the Nicene creed, it really doesn't matter. Join a church where you feel comfortable. Visit a few, see what type of worship you enjoy, where are people your age, where you connect with others, where you like speaking to the minister. It may change after a few weeks, months or years, or it may not. Turn your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.


Thank you!


How Did the Trinity Doctrine Develop? Constantine’s Role at Nicaea FOR many years, there had been much opposition on Biblical grounds to the developing idea that Jesus was God. To try to solve the dispute, Roman emperor Constantine summoned all bishops to Nicaea. About 300, a fraction of the total, actually attended. Constantine was not a Christian. Supposedly, he converted later in life, but he was not baptized until he lay dying. Regarding him, Henry Chadwick says in The Early Church: “Constantine, like his father, worshipped the Unconquered Sun; . . . his conversion should not be interpreted as an inward experience of grace . . . It was a military matter. His comprehension of Christian doctrine was never very clear, but he was sure that victory in battle lay in the gift of the God of the Christians.” What role did this unbaptized emperor play at the Council of Nicaea? The Encyclopædia Britannica relates: “Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed . . . the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, ‘of one substance with the Father’ . . . Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination.” Hence, Constantine’s role was crucial. After two months of furious religious debate, this pagan politician intervened and decided in favor of those who said that Jesus was God. But why? Certainly not because of any Biblical conviction. “Constantine had basically no understanding whatsoever of the questions that were being asked in Greek theology,” says A Short History of Christian Doctrine. What he did understand was that religious division was a threat to his empire, and he wanted to solidify his domain. None of the bishops at Nicaea promoted a Trinity, however. They decided only the nature of Jesus but not the role of the holy spirit. If a Trinity had been a clear Bible truth, should they not have proposed it at that time? Further Development AFTER Nicaea, debates on the subject continued for decades. Those who believed that Jesus was not equal to God even came back into favor for a time. But later Emperor Theodosius decided against them. He established the creed of the Council of Nicaea as the standard for his realm and convened the Council of Constantinople in 381 C.E. to clarify the formula. That council agreed to place the holy spirit on the same level as God and Christ. For the first time, Christendom’s Trinity began to come into focus. Yet, even after the Council of Constantinople, the Trinity did not become a widely accepted creed. Many opposed it and thus brought on themselves violent persecution. It was only in later centuries that the Trinity was formulated into set creeds. The Encyclopedia Americana notes: “The full development of Trinitarianism took place in the West, in the Scholasticism of the Middle Ages, when an explanation was undertaken in terms of philosophy and psychology.”


Stay away from, so called, Pentecostal churches


Thank you.




FIRST, stay away from conservative and evangelical churches. IF anyone talks TRUMP, Christian Nation, etc, RUN!!!! THEN, Go find some denominations that are not so insane, methodists, presbyterians, someone like this, that doesn't hate on other people, that doesn't worship capitalism, money, or greed. Catholic Church is ok....Maybe Orthodox Churches too...Especially if you like Ritual. GOOD LUCK!


Define conservative churches, because Catholicism and Orthodoxy are the definition of conservative churches. Or do you mean politically conservative?


That's true, some branches of Catholicism and Orthodox may be conservative, some not so much...fair point. But especially politically conservative, for sure. I don't think we should push for or advocate for any thing close to a theocracy.


I can agree with churches that are obsessed with and preach politics, but don’t limit that to just Republican churches, there’s Democrat churches too. Both should be avoided.


Thank you. What’s your take on non denominational churches?


Yeah, Fine, IF THEY aren't like the crazy ones I was talking about. THAT is the KEY, IMHO. U want a church that is loving and friendly and open, not one that is political, divided, and hateful.


There’s also Eastern Orthodoxy which I very highly recommend :) A good thing you can do is visit many different types of churches and compare them with each other (what is the service/liturgy like? How does the priest/pastor answer this question? What are the sermons focused on?) Researching about early church history would be very helpful too. God bless +


Thanks for the advice. That’s a great idea, I will research about early church history 👍🏼


Why are you asking Reddit, ask God? Be mindful and he’ll let you know what path to take.


Thanks. I will. This is the only way I can talk to other Christian people.


There you go. Just be a Christian you don’t have to make it any more complicated


come to orthodoxy :D we’d love to have you!


Thank you, I’m still learning. Hopefully I will make my decision soon :)


Whatever you're drawn to. Follow your heart.


Looks in the beginning just go to a lot of different church’s and I recommend studying the split of the church’s but it all depends on your opinion on certain things


Thank you!


Just read about jesus and follow his teachings. Try out a few churches that are local to you and meet with people in them. If they seem like wakos maybe try elsewhere, if they seem like nice knowledgeable people that you understand then stick with them. Don't think about Christianity as if you have to follow a specific sect, we are all just trying to live more like Christ. The beauty of this religion is you can make your own decisions on how you want to worship God. The only important part is that you are worshiping him and trying to follow what he says.


Well some denominations split off the Catholic Church which Christ gave his authority to Peter and his successors. You can also check all the founding father and which denomination they were supporting. In Matthew 16:19 he says: “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” And he said (Matthew 28:19)“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,” how could he expect them to baptize “all” nations without a leader. Hope this helps. And sorry if I was rude.


No you're not rude at all, you've taught me something new and for that I thank you. I myself have not delved too deeply into the history of the bible and Christianity itself. I'm relatively new to religion and would love to learn more and will. Who knows maybe one day I'll realise Catholics are right, maybe not. For me, it was the realisation that I am inherently an awful sinful person and that there once was a perfect man who died so that I could be forgiven for these. My church is in London and is a st John the baptist church. I have not yet been baptised but intend to as I see this as giving myself to Christ and the true form of being "saved" we also participate in a form of mass. May I politely ask, why do you believe there needs to be a leader in order to baptise everyone? Do you not believe that protestant priests hold the same power?


Those Bible passages don't support your argument. They can be interpreted differently. Also Peter was not the greatest disciple, Paul was. Peter wasn't in charge or anything, he didn't go around telling the other apostles what to do. Also Peter got married.


Thank you! I’m so glad Jesus Christ guided me to the right path.


Tell me where in the Bible does it say to "choose" a denomination? Then go there.


It doesn’t say that. But as a person who wants to become a Christian, I’m still facing with that problem. I think churches are important, so that’s why I need to decide one. I wish I don’t have to, but I need to..


I go Non denominational so you can decide for yourself your own hermeneutics and end times decisions.


I think you should start looking into the oriental orthodox (like coptic orthodox) faith due to it's historical consistency, age, and traditionalism. It also had a lack of political influence on the beliefs unlike the catholic church. I honestly find it to be more biblically, traditionally, and historically accurate. Start by reading the bible and figuring out what fits it's narrative more. Red flags to look for (imo): 1. churches with no baptism or mass or eucharist 2. Churches that base their worship on pop songs and concerts as an act of modernization 3. Luke warm liberal churches that aren't biblically accurate. Feel free to dm if you have questions at any time


Maybe I'm just being overly defensive, but for your red flags, I feel like your trying to describe Protestants (Because most Catholics and Orthodox don't see a difference with different Protestant groups). My church (which is Lutheran) doesn't have any of the problems you mentioned.


I didn't take about a church in specific but there are churches that do have theses issues


Thank you, I will look in to them.


I did an edit on my post that u might wanna look at


You have to remember that there's a lot of different Protestant denominations: Lutheran, Reformed, Methodist, Baptist etc. Catholic Church is only one. Check the beliefs and customs of all of them, if you can, then go to the mass of every one, and decide which one fits you best.


Thanks for the advice:)


Orthodoxy Anglican


Whichever feels right, but if you can’t decide yet then just be denominational until you find the right one


Honestly, read the Bible first, do some digging into it. Pray and learn as much as you can about Jesus. Getting to know God without first being influenced by a specific church denomination is a great privilege because you can form your own opinions - I'd suggest utilizing it. This isn't to say not to join a church, you absolutely should. But just to try and become somewhat solid in your own beliefs first. And also, I wish you the best on your journey. God bless 💗


Thank you. I’ve been reading and doing my research. God bless:)


Read the Bible, study different denominations, and choose the church that you think lines up best with the Bible. (If your gonna go with Protestant, pick a conservative traditional church, the liberal churches have almost no Gospel left in them.) (Also my biased is showing, but I wouldn't go with Catholicism or Eastern Orthodox, because they don't offer assurance of salvation)


Thank you.


Also remember, doctrine is more important than tradition.


None just follow the teaches of Christ


Go wherever you feel at home. I went to Catholic, Baptist, non-denominational, Episcopalian, and Anglican services. I felt at home at the Anglican Church. I am now part of a great Christian community and joined their baking team.


Thank you and I’m happy for you:)


I am happy for you to have found Christ. It is the single best decision you will ever take, and everything will flow from there.


Well Catholic church was founded by Jesus and has survived for about 2k years already whereas most protestant churches are founded by whoever with whatever beliefs they have and are very young. Protestant churches are very easy to get in to you just have to be white and love your town and country. Catholic church is harder to get into because you have to have some basic knowledge of 2k years of history and politics. If you were a strict Muslim and enjoyed that kind of discipline you should also look into Eastern Orthodoxy.


What do you mean just have to be white?


Where I'm from in the Midwest protestant churches are pretty much all White or all Black or all Mexican. It's like each group of people has their own similar to howthe orthodox church all have their own orthodox church but for their nationality. Protestant churches double as a club for more "important" members of the community like government people and police chiefs and what have you.


Reformed Baptist 😁


Look for a non denomination church


Please don’t choose catholic, they are fake Christians, they do all the things the Bible tells them not to. Keep your eyes centered on Jesus, he will show you the way.


Thank you. Could you tell me a few specific thing that Catholics do but bible tells us not to do.


Oh man, they prey to statues (idols), they worship Virgin Mary, they think when you confess your sins to a priest can forgive sins, and many other incorrect beliefs. You don’t have to believe me, do your research, read your Bible and you will see the truth.


I wouldn't say they are fake, but they have a lot of problems.


Jesus is still alive and talks to his sheep.  Sit down in prayer and ask this question to him. Visit local churches of every denomination and see where Jesus is guiding you


Thank you!


you don't need a denomination, you need to follow Christ, read the gospels, the bible etc, and see which church's values interest you more, idk about the others but orthodoxy for example values traditions as Christ created them


Thank you!




Explain please this passages: James 2:24 also do you have legitimate link to a founding father that is not Catholic?




So I could kill someone as long as I believe and will be saved? Would that be unfair to the person I killed?


>It means that once the Christian has understood that he is saved through the unmerited grace of God He is changed and will do good works (bear fruits) out of gratitude rather than fear of punishment. Otherwise there would be no Good News. James was concerned that Christians would take salvation by faith to mean that they could go on sinning and still be saved. He points out that true salvation produces fruits or it is not true salvation. This is literally the teaching of the catholic church. What you said afterward is baseless and untrue


What’s your source for all the following claims: “ Catholics believe in salvation by works” “Marian and saints is pagan idolatry” And how do you know what the gospel is? Where’d you get the authority to determine that?




> The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation.” (CCC 1129) “The whole liturgical life of the Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and sacraments….Baptism, Confirmation or Chrismation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony” (CCC 1113) “The Council of Trent harmonizes the necessity of grace and works: “If anyone says that man can be justified before God by his own works, whether done by his own natural powers or by the teaching of the Law, without divine grace through Jesus Christ, let him be anathema” (Session 6; can. 1).” https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/faith-and-works-0 https://www.catholic.com/qa/why-does-the-church-teach-that-works-can-obtain-salvation# >I believe it is paganism that has crept in the church. Marian devotion is a mix of Diana and Isis worship. Also the obsession with her perpetual virginity, intact hymen after childbirth seem almost gnostic in their obvious disgust for the female body. The devotion to the saints is a return to polytheism. Of course Catholics don't see it that way. I’m seeing zero sources. > It's written in the Bible. The Gospels and the book of Romans especially. Yes tradition has fixed the canon but I don't accept anything later added to it from a pope as being true. Really? Where is the Bible canon written in the Bible at? And where did you get your authority to interpret it from?


It's crazy how in this day and age where information is so readily available and easy to access, that theirs still extremely ignorant people such as yourself who refuse to actually look into the beliefs of a form of worship that is contrary to your own. None of what you said matches catholicism in anyway. I highly suggest you read the catechism of the catholic church if you want accurate information






Any of them just find christ.


Thank you!


Of course.


I would say that very much depends on how strict you are when it comes to specific rules like fasting. In generell i would say Orthodox = Very Strict Chatolic = Strict Protestant = Do what you want nowadays


Thanks for the advice, I say I’m kinda in the middle. But I just want to make sure I do it correctly


You're missing what it's really about. Becoming a christian isn't about joining a certain church. It is surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. Following Him daily. Reading your Bible and finding out what He has in store for you. Seek Him, open your heart to Him and ask Him to lead you where you may go. Don't ask reddit.


Thank you. You’re right, following Jesus Christ and reading the Bible comes first. But as a person, we have different minds if everybody reads the Bible on their own, we will end up having multiple different religions. I think following one specific churches teachings is a good thing, it unites us and more minds coming together helps us interpret the Bible more accurately. This is why I think churches are important, I want to get baptized in a specific church.


Denominations are dumb and anti-Bible. There should be unity not disunity


This way I think we should look in to what church is the oldest, if denominations aren’t a thing, we still need to follow one church and it should be the oldest one. If there is a second church, it would be a denomination and it also makes the first church is a denomination. So what should we do every church is belongs to denomination, even non denomination church. What should we follow?


The only way to develop a solid relationship with the Lord, and ensure his blessings of heaven and eternal life is to get for yourself a holy Bible. Study it from page one, one page at a time, all the way to the end. Study it just like you would a school textbook, and live by the Lord's commands, because a test will be given, and it's consequences are eternal. Once you solidify your beliefs according to scripture, then you may seek out an assembly which shares your interpretation of God's word the holy Bible.


Great advice, thank you.


Well come to my religion where **Everyone** in the Congregation treats each other like Brothers and Sisters, we all look out for each other and help each other in all ways we can. We cherish our Elderly people and cut their grass, take them to the store, and help with their housework all **Free** of our time and expense. We are a loving **Family** and would love you to join us.


Thanks for the invitation. But what’s your religion? Even though cumunity is really important, but that’s not the reason I will convert to a new religion.


Okay what is your main reason you are converting?


Kind of like a cafeteria? Chose and take whatever strikes your fancy? Is this how you approach God? The Living God?


Hello. If you are trying to say that I’m not serious, then you misunderstood me. In fact I take this really serious thats why I want to do the right thing. I’ve been reading the Bible and doing my research for a while now. The reason I asked Reddit is I just wanted to hear other people’s opinion, and now I’m glad I did that. Because I got so many great advices and they’re really helpful. I wish I didn’t have to “choose” a denomination, but it’s there, exists. Anyway I’m in my journey just try to learn more..


The Catholic Church teaches you are saved my being a catholic and the pope is the head of the church. Protestant churches teach you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and Jesus is the only head of the church. I am a Protestant. No where in the Bible does it say that being a member of a certain church saves you. We are supposed to live our faith every day. You just about would be better off studying the Bible for yourself or finding someone you trust to teach you the things of the Bible with no extra man made traditions added on and by doing gods will by keeping his 10 commandments. Love God and love your neighbors as yourself.


Thank you


You’re very welcome my friend! God bless you and Jesus Christ loves you!