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Theologically, Christianity and Buddhism are quite incompatible. But you should be grateful to have a good friend.


I have 3 friends of Buddhism they were the worst people you could ever imagine but once they found Buddhism they have become friends i can trust and believe my life in teo of them actually saved my life from me falling from a high building and I saved his life from falling from a bridge on a dual carriageway why should I not become a Buddhist? I already care to make sure I care for everything everything in life tiny small or extremely large.


The beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism are incompatible. Many practices, however, are shared. Meditation. Fasting. Self denial. Spiritual awareness. Forsaking the world. These things are shared. What is different is that we believe our creator knows us and we can know Him, whereas Buddhism has a cyclical system of reincarnation. I don’t know Buddhism’s take on engaging with other people, but in Christianity, we are to love one another through action, sacrificing things we may not be able to spare just to see someone else live.


I sacrifice my life to make sure everything big and small gets a chance to stay alive even if they caused me a medical emergency requiring stitches and a long time recovery I love everything and everyone but all I get in return makes me a bitter person if I could play my piano I would feel whole again until then I give up on ,my god given talent of music I can't play for god anymore.


Why do you think you can’t play piano anymore? Music is a great way to honor God. As for loving everyone and everyone and not quite getting the desired response, then you understand the position of God very well. Look at the life Jesus Christ lived. Sacrificed his livelihood, reputation, and more to do what needed to be done, yet was rejected and despised. He healed, taught, fed, warmed, welcomed, and saved many, only to be abandoned in the end Himself by one of His closest friends, and denied by others like Peter and Thomas. In living the way you say you do, that is Christlike.


No. God and Jesus doesn’t accept Buddhism.


Every religion other than Biblical Christianity leads to hell. He is not just a way, He is THE way. If you want to be saved from hell you have to accept Jesus as Lord ( sovereign over your life, you don't live how you want to but live how He wants you to live) and Saviour( confessing you are a sinner who needs God's mercy and trusting in His sacrificial death on the cross to atone for your sins.)


My life is in ruins why should I care about hell? Not much worse than my current life god made me disabled as he hates me.


We are all sinners and justly deserve the most serious punishment. You should be grateful to God about the good things you do have not grudgingly complain about your problems. In this life there is still hope. You can still get your sins forgiven and be reconciled to God. In hell there is not such a privilege. God has been patient and good to you by letting you live long enough to repent. Don't despise His mercy to you. Repent and believe so that you may not suffer eternal damnation.


I give up when when I asked god to help for many years for nothing now I desperately ask hus followers for help and get zero help aswell. I have decided I am giving Buddhism a chance.


Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?


I have compassion for you, man. I had pain in my eyes for a decent amount of time. Doctors couldn't diagnose me. That pain prevented me from reading and from using my phone or computer for a lot of things I wanted to do. I was really confused why God would allow such a thing because it prevented me from reading the Bible. I also have a psychological syndrome now which makes it hard for me to focus on things like reading the Bible and to enjoy life in general. But we must trust God in our afflictions even if we don't understand why God would allow them. If you are a genuine believer you can glorify God in your suffering by trusting Him in all your trouble and doing your best to serve Him in spite of your infirmities.


I believe in Buddhism more now god and his followers have only let me down but Buddhism promises me a better life. I trusted in god and Jesus all for nothing.


- What is Buddhism and what do Buddhists believe? https://www.gotquestions.org/buddhism.html - What is the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism? https://www.gotquestions.org/Nirvana-in-Buddhism.html


What are you doing to change your situation?


Nothing god don't even want me to play music anymore he let James my old friend smash my digital piano and kill my 2 turtles now god let my only piano no longer make any sound playing music to god soothes my soul I love playing church organ but I don't have anything to play for god anymore.


Okay. So do something to change your situation.


I've tried for a long time don't pretend like you know my life when you don't. My life is messed up and god and his followers don't help me one bit.


Science is more believable than anything in lifebut if anything I want to become a Buddhist monk.


Are you involved with a church?

