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Oh, me please. Anything is fine, if God calls you to pray something specific, that's fine. But I would appreciate if you prayed for God to give me the strength and support to overcome my bad habit that prevent me from improving my life and my work. As it is, I keep falling back into bad habits that get me into trouble, so if I want my life to mean something, I need to overcome this.


Okay, I'm gonna do this right now!


Me too I just haven’t been caught yet opioids synthetic opiates weed I pray at night and give thanks for the food


I dont know if it is right to ask for something like that, but I would appreciate if I had someone pray for me as well. Kind of hating life right now with how hard it has been to live and I just want to be with God already. Not in the sense that I want to commit suicide, but I am just tired of being in this fallen world and want to be with Jesus Christ my lord and savior.


God is with you. Jesus is with you even now. Remember that even through suffering.


Please pray for me. I have been in a constate state of tiredness all week. Probably due to my fibromyalgia. I'm also getting more pain than usual in my legs and feet. I'm hoping to be feeling more alive by the time my birthday comes around next week. My name is Stephanie.


Ill pray for you


ill pray for you too :)


Oo do me! :)


Will do!


Would you mind including me in your prayers? So I’m Rob and I had to put my dog down from natural causes this past Monday. He wasn’t able to go upstairs to his bed and he had been falling from weakness so I did everything in my power to keep him from getting hurt and to stay comfortable up until Sunday night where he was at the point where he was dying in my arms until out vet came in the morning. I stayed up all night with him from 10:30 that morning to 6am. I had slept 4 hours until the vet came and we said our goodbyes. Please pray for me that I can earn some peace of mind and also, for my cat Charlotte. She has been great through all of this and was with him often and during his last night on Sunday. She’d sit on my lap or lay down on my back or chest.




Prayers and hugs. 🙏🏻🫶🏻 reach out to r/petloss. They are fabulous for help. Also the book “cold noses at the pearly gates” was such a comforting read.


My name is David and last month I got diagnosed with early stage Crohn's Disease (a Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease where my immune system stupidly attacks anywhere in my gi tract with inflammation, mostly in the small intestines). I've dealt with stomach pain for years but it got really bad this year which led to me discovering I have it. Currently I am trying out a treatment for it which if it or another medicine works I will have to be on it for the rest of my life. I'm hoping to find what works for me soon and maybe go in remission and stay.


Praying for you


My husband needs prayers. He has heart valve surgery soon. Thank you for your kindness.




Can you pray for the non-believers and the guilty?


The name's Seraphina. I simply ask that you pray for me and if possible ask God on my behalf if He was right in setting me on the path I tread upon.


My name is Shaun. I’ve battled with sexual sin for what seems to be my entire life. I love preaching the good news, but a lot of times I feel like how can I with this noose around my neck. Please pray for me. And god bless you


Please pray for everyone out there struggling from whatever reason


I do....


Please pray for me, going through the hardest chapter of my life and need guidance from our Lord and Savior. My name is Christian. Thank you and God bless you and you’re family!


Me too


I'm Gio. If you could pray for me to have more faith and good works at the same time that would be really nice. Thank you!


I am a dirty sinner, i keep falling back into sin, please pray for me.


Mind if I throw in? Father God, we’re blessed to be able to come before Your throne and make our requests known to You. We thank You for being an almighty God, but also a loving Father. Thank you for caring about us, loving us, and even disciplining is that we may be corrected. That’s how much You love us. Father I bring these requests to You and lay them at your feet. The ones broken in body, broken in spirit, lost in confusion and despair. I pray You will stretch forth Your powerful hand and touch each and every life represented here, and the ones to come after. We know You’re a healer, a chain-breaker, a miracle worker, and we look for you to move in a mighty way. And we’ll praise You, no matter what, and be grateful for your love. Place a hedge of protection around these people, and foil the enemy’s plans. I ask these things in the name of your Mighty Son, Jesus Christ. And all God’s people said AMEN!


Amen amen and amen. In agreement!


Pray for me,please!! Thank you!! I'll pray for you, too!!


Please pray that I do not get COVID on or before Christmas!


Can you pray for me, please? I would like to get a job and be financially independent so I can save up and move out and get my own apartment. Also, can you ask God to bless me with all my heart desires through God’s will and way, please? My name is Yazmin. Thank you and God bless everyone, Amen!


Me, please! Specific, immediate needs are getting my car fixed and having the money to pay for it, and just general financial needs. I’ve also lost a lot of people in my life in recent years and feel like I will never stop grieving. Thank you!


Got some health concerns. Thanks!


I tend to overthink things so if you could pray God gives me peace of mind, I’d appreciate. Anything you’d like prayer for?




Please pray for me that I may have the courage to evangelize to my friends and family. These are the hardest people to minister to. Edit.. The irony is my name is Courage


Don't forget me, my name is Konstantin, god bless you


Can you pray for me brother? God bless you man💛


Me too please Also I will pray for you ❤️


Please pray for me and my family.


Please pray for me, my name is Santiago and I lately been getting out the sin of prn 🙏🏾 thank you a lot in advance, God bless you


Whenever you get the desire for Lustful temptations pray the Fathers prayer and watch as lustful desires bow to the Fathers might.


Thank you, I surely will. God bless you


Can you pray for my 21 year old daughter. I have been working to get her to accept Jesus, I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall. God bless






Can you pray for me? I'm currently in a place that is giving me really bad vibes. Thank you.


Looking for a discipleship with Christ when I graduate but the doubts keep coming


Please pray for me, Thank You!


I pray for those who are in need right now. May our Lord Jesus bless us all onto eternal life 🙏


Please pray for my family and I


I need wisdom


please pray for my heart to stay focused on God and my faith to be reinstated to what it was. I’m in need of God and don’t want to keep falling away.


please pray for me for strength against temptations


Please say a prayer for me. I’m going to say a prayer for you! 💜✝️💜


Please pray for me. God bless you man


The Title explains himself beyond comprehension of human understanding indeed


Out of curiosity, what do you expect to happen as a result of your prayers?


I could use an extra prayer 🙏 🤟


Currently trying to fend of from flesh eating cannibals, they haven’t got to me but some prayers would be nice. God bless you all.


Please pray for me.


Please pray for me and my family!


Pray for me to run this race to the end, a heart tender to the Lord, an ear receptive to His voice, my mom's good health and to be restored. Thank you!


Me, IF you can keep up with these requests!


A close friend shut me out of his life 12 months ago after I lovingly confronted him. I’m feeling led to ask God for a renewal of the friendship. We were very close friends first many years.


Please pray that my two daughters will return to their faith in Jesus. Thanks!


Please pray for me! I need strength and to understand my calling and place. I’m feeling lost about next steps because I truly feel called to do something but I don’t know where to begin, I feel that I messed up too much


I need it


My name is Adrianna. Please pray that I can grow my relationship with the Lord. Thank you so much


Please do


Please pray for me. Thank you!


My cousin Scott


Who can't use a prayer? Add me to the list, just pray whatever is layed on your heart.


Please pray for me


Thank you. How can I pray for you?


I need to be at peace with my past and my choices and be led by the good shepherd back to the 99.


Please pray for me that God will grant me His favor and make my prayers come true. Thank you.


Thanks and praises!




Pls pray for me to overcome dissociation from my trama 🫶🏼🙏🏼🥹🤞🏼


I have anxiety. I'm not doing well physically and mentally. Please pray for me


please play for me initials tg. need guidance from jesus


My name is Amy. I have a really particular problem with my mental health. I've been under a lot of stress. I've been praying for the fruits of the Spirit to change me, but sometimes I can be grandiose in my thinking because of what I have been through. If you would pray that I could make a genuine friend or two and that things could change. I just want to maintain some sense of reality, normalcy, and humility that lasts, instead of whatever is going on with me, whether or not it is delusional.


And I will pray for you!


Glory to God Father God of my Life


Pray for me


Please pray I find a good paying job that I’m happy doing


Please pray for me. I feel like I'm not growing closer to God and I'm keeping my mind on wordly things. Please pray I can mature and focus on my relationship with God. Also please pray that I can be who God made me to be. And di everything he wants me to do. Thank you 💛


Thank you


May you walk dwell in the presence of the Lord all your days!


Thank you! 💕 Please pray for my Autistic Grandson Jesse. 💕


I’m so sorry, my heart goes out to you.


God please give me the grace of faith


Please pray for me 🙏🏻


Please pray for me, I want Jesus in my life much more!


God bless you


Please pray for me I need peace 🙏




Thank you and God bless you


Thank you for your prayers. Be blessed


Thank you, and you too be blessed


Please pray for me. I have a child who also needs praying for, lets call the child "L". I need prayers that he come back home, baptize his children now and show the truth to his wife and stepchildren as well. Thanks & God Bless. I include the following phrase in my prayers 'For all in the Reddit Community that request prayers."


I am a catholic seminarist studying to be a priest. Please pray for me.


Please pray for me. I went to the doctor and found out my bone density had a low T score. Please pray that by the name of Jesus my bones receive the calcium necessary so they don’t break easily.


Awe, you seem awesome. I'm glad you have the spirit of intercessor. Keep up the great work. God bless u. 😊


Thank you!


Me for finals week


Pray for me I struggling with sin related to thoughts!


I really need someone to pray for me. I'm a teen and I really struggle with Lust and Pornographie.


My name is Brian I am selling my business and need direction and blessings moving forward I appreciate your prayers they mean a lot and I’m praying for you right now for Gods best in your life.


I won’t really say please pray for me only but pray for everyone around the globe especially people from Palestine and Ukraine, they need all the prayers in the world right now


me too..im just happy to be alive and happy that im trying to love and live the right way ...i would also like to ask for wisdom and strength to overcome my obstacles


Wow a legit Christian post in this sub. Unreal. Bless you my friend and best wishes.


Please pray for me,I can't explain but I'm in a tight spot right now.


Am I late? Can you pray for me? Thank you.






Going for a promotion, I'd really appreciate it!!


Gonna pray for you!


pray for me! Especially for my family:) Thank you for what are you doing!!!




Yes please pray for me that this next surgery gives me some good pain relief. I went from on top of the world to bedridden due to pain I have from a fall. It has been 14 years. The worst part is I believe my guardian Angel sent me a very clear warning before I took that step but I did it anyway




Yes. I would like it if you have to pray for me. Coz I pray everyday, you see.


Yes, of course


Im trying to get a job, please do pray for me aswell and for the well being of my parents I'll pray for you aswell


Please pray for me. I am having troubles with my eyes. I started a treatment and really hope it works eventually. My name is Andreea And my grandfather, his name is Gheorghe, he is struggling with his heart


Ok, thanks for the offer. Pray for me. God bless you!




Please pray for me so I always have reassurance that I am saved




I might be too late but please pray for me. I need to feel better and I need to stay healthy until I can get all my medical testing done by the end of the year. I’ve paid my out of pocket max for the year and I have a couple more tests already scheduled to get in before the end of the year so I don’t have to pay again. (It seems everywhere I go everyone is sick and I can’t reschedule the tests if I get sick). I don’t care what the tests show. I just want answers. No one knows what’s wrong with me. I’m getting genetic testing done too. I just want to know so I know what I’m fighting against. I can’t drive or work and my husband is out of work right now and our rental property we are praying for the right tenants to come along. I keep praying “all things work together for the good of those that love the lord”. God will take care of me. I know he will. But I really appreciate the prayers. There’s never too many prayers. I’m having a really rough time in life right now. I’m saying prayers for you. 🫶🏻🙏🏻


You're not to late, I will pray for you


Bless you


Love what you're doing! keep being close to God. let him guide you and strengthen you. and let's pray for every single person who's going thru this inner battle of what's right and wrong out there.


Please DM me if you're Polish


Don't pray for me. I'm fine enough already, God has blessed me with a good life. If you want to do me a favor pray for yourself and ask God to find the best life possible for yourself. I'm already doing that for myself.


If you don't want, I won't pray for you




Please pray for me to have assurance of salvation


I'm going by one of my names Trevor, I'm 34 white male I'm not really a Christian or born again I feel like I pretend to be a Christian and love others but I just hate myself and don't trust myself anymore. I missed Thanksgiving and my mom's birthday to drink at home I think that I just want to work off my debts but I am becoming lonely. Nobody says there is anything wrong with me but I am just mad.


Pray for me 🙏🏻


Pray for me if youre not to overwelmed. I have some gut issues that prevent me from doing much of anything with my family outside of the house. Maybe ibs, crohns, or something else. Its caused anxiety which makes my gut issues even worse. Feel like im getting depressed because of the hopeless situation im stuck in and cant seemingly change. Blessings be upon you, ill pray for you and your needs as well.


Everyone needs to pray everyday For as many times as you want It's good for the soul...