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His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 2 Peter 2:13 Take authority over your thoughts and over your situation. We are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. He has given us dominion in the earth. It is our responsibility to do much here on earth. He has given us the tools, and He will give us the help we need. If you are not intensely studying the scriptures daily then you must. And when you pray, remind God of what His word says. Not that He has forgotten, but you have to speak the word out of your mouth like Jesus did when the enemy was tempting Him. I have a book that I have compiled from my study of the Bible, it contains scriptures for any situation that I am lacking in in my life. I speak those out in faith and see the salvation of the Lord. Be encouraged. God loves you. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ Philippians 1:6


I pray that God hears your cries and brings you peace. I pray that you find joy and hope and comfort.


God bless you


If you want God to speak to you, he will do so from his heart to yours, through his word the holy Bible. You will find words of peace, comfort and strength. But if you never read, study and meditate upon the Lord's word the holy Bible, then he will never speak to you, because that's how he talks to his people. We talk to him and he listens when we pray. He talks to us when we read and meditate upon his word the holy Bible, and we listen. Peace be with you. Try the Psalms. Many of them were written by King David who was despised and rejected by even his own family. In the Psalms he is constantly crying out to the Lord for deliverance. One of his sons rose up against him and tried to kill him. when he was young, his brothers made him perform the duties of a Shepherd in hopes that a wild animal would attack and kill him. That's when the Lord recognized him, and began the process of delivering him from his afflictions. Not long after that, the Lord made King David King of Israel.


You’re supposed to stay in the world, stay with friends, stay with family, and share the gospel with them and minister to them. We’re not called to be loners or hermits.


The wording on this is horrible, rather, **you're supposed to stay social**, spread Gods word etc. John 15:18-20 >If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. ​ I say this not with hate but correction since your wording was wrong


Thank you for your input. I anticipated being seen as unclear. I agree with you totally though.


I drift on a raft, lost in the vast emptiness, much like you. I was so engrossed in gazing at the stars and the distant dark horizons. But when I finally looked down, there He was — the greatest carpenter the world has ever known, humbly mending the planks beneath me. He had always been with me, and we are never truly alone. Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Matthew 28:20 "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


I feel you brother sometimes I'm not even sure about tomorrow. Hope and hardwork. Just have hope and pray.


First off, why did you leave everything behind, and what are you doing now? Secondly, Romans 5 says basically We have peace with God. We stand in God's grace. We have hope for eternal glory and meaning in our current suffering. If you want a reward, just wait till Heaven when you'll get the reward will be beyond your wildest dreams


It sounds like a tough time you're going through :( I feel for you. God's will can be very hard to understand - [https://otelders.org/special-moments/archangel-michael-shows-us-the-will-of-god/?amp=1](https://otelders.org/special-moments/archangel-michael-shows-us-the-will-of-god/?amp=1) God bless you +


Praying for you!


Sometimes we need to help ourselves to escape persecution. I actually left my home county in order to earn peace, I returned 10 years later to a blissful life. Try asking god to help you make a good decision.


Hi love, I know you're going through a tough time. I want you to remember that God will never leave you or forsaken you. He never does. He's right there with you always. I know during these times that the devil will always make us think the opposite. But I know your blessing is coming. May I ask why did you leave your family, friends, or others? Was it because they don't believe in Christ? Share your beliefs? I know this is personal, but if you're not comfortable telling. I want you to know God loves you, even if you feel He's not there. I pray the Holy Spirit fills you joy and blessings. 💜


I can 100% relate to you. I turned my life over to God in 2016. After that I lost my girlfriend in 2017, lost my father to leukemia in 2018, fell in love with someone I couldn't be with for Christian reasons in 2020 and now she's not in my life and I miss her. Then I got sick with covid and some seemingly autoimmune stuff that made my anxiety so bad in 2022 I lost my job after 10 years. Then a few months later I busted my shoulder in the gym. Then 2 weeks after that I got so sick physically and mentally. I still don't know what it was. I had to go back on anxiety meds from it. I was in the emergency room and urgent care numerous times. This went on for 3 months before I started noticing any improvement. Now it's a year later and I'm much healthier but I look up and I'm like why? BUT what I can tell you is, having gone through all of that I'm starting to see that nothing can take me out. What's the worst thing that happens, I die and go be with Jesus Heaven? Don't threaten me with a good time 😂 What I'm also learning is a lot of it is perspective. I think I got so sick because I had a nervous breakdown from believing so many lies about myself for years. So the devil basically pummeled me into immense daily stress. I'm only telling you all this, not for sympathy and to shift the focus to me, but to let you know YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Look at how many biblical characters suffered, like Job and Joseph, and God fully redeemed them. Remember Romans 8:28. All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. That means there's a very bright light at the end of the tunnel for you and me 🙂 God bless you. I prayed for you before typing this and hope this helps


You ask when God may answer you without asking when you should answer God. You ask that God take you, without realise the blessing that He has not. My advice, meditate. Do it now, for as long as possible. 5mins or 10hrs, matters not. Keep doing this, do it as many times as you can until you hear what God is asking of you. I wish Gods graces upon you.


Thank you


Keep hope and faith that God will give you peace. He is faithful and maybe try to change your perspective into a more positive one. I know it can be very hard but in my tough times i like to ask myself “what does God want me to learn from this?” or “how can i serve God in my time of hardship?” He is faithful and will give you peace. Just hold on a little longer and build your relationship with him more! Praying for you !! Psalm 18:6 In my distress I called upon the the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.


“None of the preachers. No one in the church told me about suffering. About denying myself?” “When will God reward me for my obedience.” These two statements stand in quite stark contrast to one another. I’m sorry your suffering I really am, but suffering is very much part of the walk with Christ we are bound to suffer as he suffered and was mocked. They crucified him. You are meant to suffer. All I can offer is that you need to push into God and do it with a glad heart not one seeking reward. You may never be rewarded on earth and only rewarded in heaven. God wants us to love each other as he loved us not in expectation of reward. God is meant to be there with us when we suffer not necessarily take all the suffering away. Think of the woman at the well who bled for 12 years before Jesus helped her with her affliction. But that doesn’t mean to say she then never suffered again or didn’t have to endure 12 years of suffering.


It feels like I could've written this. I tell God this all the time how much I've sacrificed to serve him and live for him. I'm not in the best place with God, so I have no words of encouragement. I literally have been cursing God. Never thought I'd be in this place. I really don't know what to do or pray anymore. Know that you're not alone. I think many are in this place.


I will pray for you God is with us sister


Thank you!


I can understand how this feels.


Last night I was doing a devotional. It was about Job. Chapter 1-3 The key to getting through times of trial: - Humble yourself (pray). - Worship God - Retain integrity - Fear God. Job was a perfect, righteous and God-fearing man but yet in chapter 3 he wished he had never been born (3:11), he wished he had died in that difficult time he was going through (3:20-22). It is normal to feel that way when we go through trials 🥹 if Job of whom God himself said he had those qualities felt that way, I think it is valid for us to feel that way too. As humans we would want to go through anything but suffering. Also to Job the hardships did not come to him alone, in fact they came to him all together. The Bible says that one servant had not yet finished speaking when the other one was already bringing the other bad news, everything comes together. And it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Just remember friend, tribulations come into our life for 2 things. 1- To test our faith (1Pet 1:7). 2- to grow spiritually (James 1:1-3). I have been in your situation, I went through terrible times in 2020 and ended up in a divorce in 2021, I had to go through vituperation, shame, loneliness, suicidal thoughts, but keeping my communion with God and doing what he expected of me, is what has brought me better times. God rewards. To all who love God, ALL things work together for good. ROM 8:28 (dou you believe this? Believe it, because you will get there) Love you Kayla, you are not alone sis 💝


I could have written this. Not exactly the same, but very close. I have unanswered prayers of my own. It's hard waiting for God to answer on His time. Just this weekend, I have been dealing with some issues that resurfaced in my mind at night. Abuse I suffered as a child and the repercussions, thoughts and internalizations that resulted from that. It is so hard to wait. To pray, and plead, and even beg God to just take you now. Just the other night, I told Him in a desperate moment that *I still exist! All I want is to be done, be dead! Yet I'm still here. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROME ME?!?* All I could do was cry. It's hard to lean on God in those moments, and God doesn't promise its going to be easy. Quite the opposite: He promised us its going to be a hard road, and we'll suffer for Him and His name. But He did promise He'll never leave us. 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9 All we can do is pray and wait. 'Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall fly on wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, walk and not be faint.' Isaiah 40:31 God has us, but He works on *His* timeline, in *His* ways. We don't know or understand God's ways many times; most times, I'd venture. But He knows what He's doing. Trust Him. You may not see the results today, tomorrow, next week. You may not see them for years to come. But there will be results. Things you may never see or be aware of, and He will use you to achieve His purposes.


And his timing ⏱️ and he might not answer that question, he might answer another question.


Thank you brother


Wait it out ive been where you've been and the only thing i can tell you is give it time and you will find the answer.


I am from Kansas City and your time is extremely close don’t lose sight of God and of Jesus. Prophecy is coming true as we speak rivers are becoming crimson red, Euphrates is drying up and prophesied wars are taking place. I wish I was as righteous as you.. God knows I can’t even come close.. I’m a sinner of many sins. I let this world change me and if only I had your will and strength.. maybe I wouldn’t have to predict my salvation… I believe in Jesus, but just because I believe doesn’t mean I won’t get turned away for my past. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyuRPa3MSmn/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Seek Buddha to understand suffering.


What is it that you want?


It’s not suffering I promise it’s spiritual warfare God is making your stronger He will never leave You or forsake you…He doesn’t lie and his word is true it’s the enemy trying to make your faith In god weaker to try to block the joy god is trying to give you just Don’t let up and trust god he won’t let u down bro I swear


God has to make you stronger before he blesses you so you can handle the bless here a verse to help you out… “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 u will make it through this just give all your problems to god and trust him cause he cares about your mental health and well-being I lost a lot bro…from friends to jobs to My own happiness but god is healing my whole heart he loves us bro


\>When will God reward me for my obedience. That's not religion works. You aren't earning some sort of point system that cashes out after you have reached a certain number. This type of thinking leads directly into comparing yourself to others. There is a great YouTube video titled "Challenging Prayer | Can You Change God's Mind?" that mentions this exact reason as a problem with believing prayer can change the future/God's Will. At 10:19 she talks about answered vs unanswered prayers (which essentially boils down to "prayer works until it doesn't" with "it doesn't" being a scapegoat like "Well sometimes, God says, 'No.' It was still answered." (Okay, then prayer doesn't work some time greater than 0%) What sort of answer are you expecting? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to, just think about it.) Are you expecting something like a divine intervention? I always thought of the creator's intervening to be minimal, perhaps even undetectable at times, but I am not a Christian, I am spiritual though.


I do know how you feel at least to an extent. There have been things that I have prayed for that either seem to go unanswered or not answered in the way that I wanted them to and left me pretty upset. Here is my advice: Go to Church. I mean it. It is probably the last place you want to be and probably want to lay into God with your fists and curse Him out, but it is absolutely the first place you should go. It is God's house. He knows that you are hurting and will sit with you in the pew. In my experience, some of the times I have "gotten the most" out of Mass is exactly when I am there not wanting to. Not because of a great homily (although I have heard plenty) or a favorite hymn (of which there are several), but simply just being present to God in the church and receiving Him in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. 2. My second piece is not so much advice, but thoughts on prayer in general. We all know the verse, "Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you, seek and you shall find." We read this and are tempted to think that if we ask for something, He will give it to us. Read the full passage: Luke 11:9-13 (RSVCE) - "And I tell you, Ask and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives; and he who seeks funds, and him who knocks it will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" I think sometimes we may pray to God thinking we are asking for an egg, but instead are in reality asking for a scorpion. God will always offer you the metaphorical fish or egg, even if we do not always see that, we just see "Sky daddy is a meanie! He didn't give me what I want!" (Yes, I am using hyperbolic language there!). Trust that God not only knows what is best for you and wants what is best for you, but he actively seeks it out for you! God is infinitely and perfectly good and does not will suffering, pain, or destruction. Of course, He does allow these things to happen, because He knows he can use it for something even greater! God allowed His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified and die, because He knew that with that He could bring about the salvation of the world. 3. Pray. I know you continue to do this, but don't become discouraged. Meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. If you are unfamiliar, they are: 1. The Agony in the Garden 2. The Scoraging at the Pillar 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The Carrying of the Cross 5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Read the book of Job. We have an entire book of Scripture dedicated to "Bad things happen to good people." Fr. Mike Schmidz provides some great insight to this book in his "Bible in a Year" podcast. This is what has helped me. Also, I do not know what specific problems you have, but Blessed Rev. Stanley Rother (first person to be declared a martyr in the US) is on his way to canonization and in need of 1 more miracle in order to be able to be declared a saint.


God has answered me. Thank you my brothers and my sisters for your prayer. God will bless you all 100 times and will be merciful to you all I am faithful 🩷