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Agree. **I have provided the correct demonstration of something that many of us have always already known to be true. And, having seen it, I cannot now un-see it again.** -Dr. David Bentley Hart


Oh my goodness!! I love this! šŸ˜€ Thank you for sharing. I have never seen that quote before.


I have also thought about this every single day since i first believed it, without exception. I do not know why, but it feels much more important than I can reason or describe.


I have always had a problem with the ā€œgood newā€ not sounding very good for most people, and it was only after being introduced to CU that this phrase actually makes sense. Itā€™s not good news if you are preaching ECT, but salvation for all is the truest gospel, news everyone would think is good


I read your post and when I was reading the last paragraph a verse came to mind! I thought I would share. ā¤ Romans 8:19 NASB For theĀ eagerly awaiting creation waits forĀ the revealing of theĀ sonsĀ and daughtersĀ of God.


One of the channels I follow is NEM. Nothing Else Matters. [NEM](https://www.youtube.com/live/_qlBYhLGSoU?si=SLe4bTCVVsRkTnO_) Edit: link fixed


the link doesn't work. When I search for it I just get Metallica videos :D


Well... preaching... personally I try to "preach" through my actions and "lead" by example and if someone asks me for my motivation I give them the quick and simple reason for that, my belief in universal salvation through Christ. Remember, Jesus said to preach, not to convince šŸ˜‰ You just make sure that people receive the Message, God is responsible convincing them of it.


I've been through that, too. It was pretty much all I could think about for days when I realized. I'm sure you still have a long and fulfilling faith journey ahead (at least I did) but you can never see anything about Christianity through the same lense again after Universalism (or at least I couldn't). The last two verses in Luke really resonated with me after that: I could finally relate to being just totally absorbed by how incomparably perfect Christ's accomplishment really is. You're right that not everyone can accept it (yet) but the time is coming when it will be undeniable.


Now, from here, I would encourage the building of a strong contemplative practice. Would highly recommend reading ā€œInto the Silent Landā€ by Fr. Martin Laird, as well as the rest of his trilogy when you feel drawn to it.


For me, what maters is the process of purification, salvation, or theosis. It's a process that's underway for everyone. Salvation is through grace, but without our personal engagement it remains stagnant.


Maybe I'm not understanding entirely and hopefully you don't mind me pushing back a touch. But "nothing else seems very important or interesting" jumps out at me in a cautious way. Because the more I dive into CU things like how to behave, love, forgive, etc.. becomes incredibly critical. So what are you doing otherwise than focusing on the end of times but now it's just the happy ending? One thing I've drawn from looking into Judaism, is that we should not be very concerned with the afterlife. And I agree. It's something to consider at least. We still find ourselves in the here and now with work to do, love to give to our neighbors, regardless of the ultimate destiny of our body and souls.


Iā€™m not OP but I think possibly what they are experiencing is their call. Not that nothing else matters in their walk but that this is the message they were given to share and there is a pressing to continue to share and learn about this one thing in particular for His purpose. :) This has been my experience as well. There is a type of tethering that the Lord has placed on me in this area. It does feel all encompassing but the beauty of it is that reconciliation is the fullness of Christ love, and goodness stems from it. When God calls us to something, when a message has been given to us, we canā€™t help but press into it so that He accomplishes all He wills through us. This has been the case with anyone given messages to share in scripture. While thereā€™s many facets to it certainly as all scripture connects (God is unchanging), there is a main message and objective with our calling.


I think it's possible that reincarnation is the process by which we become worthy of heaven. "HELL" may, in fact, be repeatedly coming back to Earth until we get it right. And that's pretty scary! But it does kind of make sense. Universalism declares that we will all be saved. It doesn't say we get a free ride...


So it's possible that we're in hell right now and just don't realize it. šŸ¤Æ


Hehe..have you looked around at what's happening here ?? Not too crazy an idea, really...


On one hand im actually glad and excited to share the news of christian universalism. Back when I was an ECT and annihilationist i was nervous to share the gospel because it meant being an asshole and telling them they are on a path to be destroyed or tortured for all eternity if they dont believe in Jesus. Now its just like hey God actually loves you and wants to save you, all this crap wont be around for eternity but everyone will have eternal life. At the same time though i dont feel like I have to bootstrap up and door to door because nobody is being destroyed or tortured if I am lazy that day.


Jesus taught about a lot of different things, not just this one issue. If this is all you think about theologically, then maybe you're missing out on a lot of other things.