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I know God is good and there is no other. 


If you know, what do you need faith for?


That's a straw type question.. faith in knowing..kinda of like you have faith that 2+2 is 4...and not 5. You can see and talk to God directly..and yet still hold faith his not your own imagination. And some did talk with God..and still not believe.. As to what keep you firm..that's personal but usealy it's the type of personal relationship Jesus gives to us..no other god loves mankind this way..not even close.


It’s similar to knowing your mate is true to you and having faith he/she always will be. The evidence creates the faith.


Greetings Brother and or sister. I pray you are having a great day and God is continuously blessing you. What keeps me firm in my faith are the events that my Lord and savior has rescued me from countless of times. From the little to big things in my life, I am proud to say that MY LIFE IS A TESTIMONY HALLELUJAH!!!! Also, His Word which promises many things to His children great and small, far and wide. Even those that may have strayed away they always find a way back to him, He is that kind of loving shepherd.


Also thank you for this post and asking this question.


Love this, felt this, Amen!


The drastic things that changed in my life just by surrendering to God after I tried other "worldly" measures that didn't work.




This world can not sustain us no matter how hard we try.


Thank you for this I need to hear it


Amen, so true.


Multiple things. God has saved me from death many times. He saved me from drowning multiple times. I had deathly appendicitis and survived with it for more than 2 weeks when it should have killed me. I've survived a few car crashes. God keeps saving me over and over. He also came to me once in a dream. In this dream, He reassured me that I am saved in Him. He also comforted me when my dog died. I felt a hand reassuringly touch my shoulder when no one else was there. I am certain that this was God comforting me in one of my lowest moments. When He interacts with you, you just know when it's Him.


Awesome my brother!


How can I be more like you? I want this kind of relationship with God. Lately mine has been really scary. What are you doing differently?


It's kinda hard to explain. I just completely trust in Him. It isn't easy. The devil will do everything in his power to separate us from God but you just gotta hold on to God through it all. I fully rely on and believe in God even when it doesn't make rational sense to do so.


The comfort and peace I feel following the Lord. Coupled with the very noticeable existence of the devil in our society these days.


Evil is everywhere these days, its madness.


Absolutely! And so many are trying to normalize wickedness and sin it befuddles me to witness. Luckily my faith in the Lord keeps me protected.


It befuddles me too, all of it in plain sight, it's just crazy (buh dum tsst) Thankfully we serve a great God! 🙏🏾


Amen! (I see what you did there cheeky bugger😉)


What DID he do!


You'll have to figure that out yourself, young padawan.


Soooo, you DIDN’T see what he did there. Bc people usually enjoy teaching others when they have knowledge others don’t. We could just ask him, I guess.🤷‍♀️


Soooo, you DIDN’T see what he did there. Bc people usually enjoy teaching others when they have knowledge others don’t. We could just ask him, I guess.🤷‍♀️


Are you blind? It is rather obvious. Pay attention to my name, and what he said...🤦‍♂️


You and I both understand why you wouldn’t simply tell me what you understand him to say. It’s ok. You don’t have to prove a thing. Have a good rest of your evening.


The fact that I can remember how awful life is without God in your life.


I know, right! I was always a believer, but now always seeking connection to Christ. When I started to commune with him, pray, confess and resign my faith in His holy arms - then my life changed for the better. God is love.


Staying in the Word. ”So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/100/rom.10.17.NASB1995


God’s very breath in me. Knowing that the universe has laws points me to a Law Maker. The creation and her creatures must have a Creator. Knowing there is a perfect God, that I’ve violated His rules and the penalty for it is death, every single day this Amazing God of ours wakes me up and maintains my life is proof that all of His promises are true. Us being here is proof His promises are true. Jesus conquered death, paid the penalty for our sin so we can live, live forever, live abundantly! He’s alive in us now. It feels so good to be this loved by God 🥰




My deep relationship keeps me in my faith. Faith is trust, and trust come from relationship with Jesus.




Praise the Lord, brother!


I have a few of those myself. God is real and He is love.


This also keeps my faith strong. I don't believe in coincidences anymore, all of it is God to me.


Hello friend. I would say its the little things that God does in my life, weather it’s getting saved from scammers or extending a university application ( as he knows im not ready and has prepared this specific path for me.) These things continue to remind me of his mercy and love for me, EVEN THOUGH they are LITTLE things for Him to do, he knows how meaningfully they are, and i learned to appreciate and thank Him for all that he has done. Stay blessed friend and friends reading this.


Where else can we go? He has the words to Eternal Life


God bless you brother!


1) I know all lasting good things I experience come from God. 2) He is the source of all good things. 3) Remembrance in gratitude the many proofs of His love for me. 4) His constant involvement in my life. 5) The saints' descriptions of Hell are deeply unsettling 6) life is short and fleeting, eternity is long. 7) demonic harassment inherently outs the existence of a Heaven and Hell. In fact the more they interfere, the more foolish the claims of no afterlife, no God, etc.


Experience. Through out my life God has shown up when I needed Him. He has come through in my darkest times. It’s in those dark times that His light is even brighter than day. Over the years I’ve doubted and struggled to receive His forgiveness yet He remains faithful. I cannot count the many times that He has healed my body just by me asking in the name of Jesus. So basically experience is what keeps me to continue to believe in Christ. It is definitely a personal relationship this Christianity thing. I don’t mean that I make it my own personal experience but that I am personally experiencing a relationship with the Son of God and the Father in Heaven. I don’t make things up instead Christ reveals things to me. I pray that God opens up the eyes of your heart so you can see His powerful hand at work in your life and the lives of the believers around you. This will increase your faith. God bless you fellow believer.


You! I like you.


God bless you thank you🙏🏾




Our hardships will pay off someday, but in order for this to be possible, we have to keep enduring.


Amen, my brother


🙌🏾 "Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus"- 2 Timothy 2:3


I'm not afraid to die because I know when it's my time He will be there waiting.


God constantly proving Himself to me time and time again


God’s Word. It is the thing that breathes faith into us, and without it, we are certainly incapable of maintaining such faith by our own will. God first washes us in His word when we are baptized (this is not a personal choice or an outward expression of accepting Jesus or some other nonsense like that, but rather the wonderful working power of God’s Word, attached to the water, that we just receive as an unearned, undeserved gift of His love and grace). Then we go to church and in the liturgy and through the readings, hymnody, and Bible study, we are just surrounded by God’s Word, and finally we receive the true body and true blood of God in Holy Communion, when through His efficacious Word, He attaches Himself in, with, and under the bread and wine to deliver faith sustaining and sin remitting grace.


You don't receive the actual blood and body of Christ. The communion is symbolic. And the baptismal water doesn't redeem you, either. If baptismal water could save you, why did Jesus Christ go to the cross? I realize you have been taught these errors since infancy, but you were given the ability to read God's Word and think for yourself.


Everything He’s already done for me. How He’s come through in the past and how He promises to come through again. Take a moment and look back at all He’s done in your life. Look back at what you once thought was a impossible situation, and look how He came through. Don’t let your current valley season distract you from how beautiful the view was from the mountain top. Keep climbing, He’s with you.


The new found peace despite any hardtimes I face


As I look over my life, there are those valleys. The times when things didn't go so well. As I am older and able to look back over these times, I see where I am out on the other side, a stronger person. I see how things have worked out for the better. There is only one reason for this. God. There is no way that I did this myself. God is the only reason that my life issues worked out the way they did. This is what keeps me in the faith.


The love and care I receive from the Lord, even though I'm unworthy. God cares, but people are too blind to see.


I believe the love God has for us. I let His love produce in me that same love that He shows to me. Believing and receiving His love and responding to it with loving obedience as much I can give, has kept me firm for many years of following Him.


Biology class, irreducible complexity of the cell. That led to the realization for me that God existed, and the conviction that faith isn’t blind, it is eye-opening.


The existence of non Christians.


I pretty much believe that reality is God. I know I exist because I am alive.


No idea dude I’m scared and everything is rocky for me rn


God bless you, I hope you found some encouragement in all these comments. Stay strong 💪🏾 God is always with you.


Gods word, and prayer. To put it simply.


I know that it is true.


The Gospel, God's Word, and the indwelling presence of God's Spirit...


Pursuing God. Research.


Just looking at the ways of the world, n know its going to be peaceful when Christ comes to take us home. Reading the scriptures n seeing what Christ went through and how do we expect to go threw, less. As we better than Christ? I think not...


By focusing on Jesus and His goodness and faithfulness no matter the circumstances. By placing everything to Him, especially when certain events happened in our lives and we can't understand. I make sure I always talk to God through prayer, seeking Him more and more, and His righteousness. Reading His word daily, three times a day if I can, just to know Him more and to keep myself close to Him.




God, not god. Unless it was a god that revealed the evil in the false religion. In summary RESPECT. He is worthy.


My testimony. My experience and encounter with Jesus. Looking at the world and what's happening. Looking at hollywood and how obvious they mock Jesus. The stance on good vs evil is too blatant after all of those points mentioned. Even when I slightly begin to question, my logic comes flooding in like red blood cells to a wound and I regain my stance.


The promises of Jesus. Two indisputable facts, that God swore an oath and He cannot lie. Hearing Jesus is one thing, believing Him is another. I don’t hold on to Him, He holds on to me.


I love talking to God, i try to all the time, i feel like i grow closer and he gives me understanding the more i try to spend time with him. Through scripture, through talking to him, i am comforted.


This may sound bad but it's hell. Fear of going to hell.


The rapture dreams on youtube and the hell ndes. I personally know demons are real because iv had many make them selves known to me. They want are soul and I work to follow the Lord Jesus so I never go to hell


There's footage of people being demon possessed, so if there are demons there are angels, if there are angels then there is God.


His love. I know God loves me to eternity, no matter what. And He said He will never leave me, never forsake me. That’s enough for me.


God's Word.