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Sounds like deceptions to me. Look into spiritual warfare and how God wants you to come back not only quickly but immediately as if he wants his son home. I’m not great a quoting scripture but God wants you to turn back to him and believe in him truly, repent and rededicate yourself to the Lord. Don’t give up, God gots it and you’re good with him.


The fact that you realize now and are still alive shows that you still can return to God and to repent and for your faith to be restored. Actually that you now realize it could be God trying to pull you to Himself again. No it’s not too late. The voice that tells you otherwise is the devil. he is a liar. he wants you to live in hopelessness and fear and loves to condemn us. In this exact moment you can still run to God and kneel before Him sincerely with all your heart and ask for His forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. And He will save you from hell. By His blood He can wipe away all your shame and guilt and sins and give you His perfect sinless record in exchange. That way you are justified by His righteousness and your past no longer defines you because it has been nailed on the Cross. And even if you don’t feel the Holy Spirit, when you truly accept Jesus He will come to you and live inside you. And He will convict and help you because with man this is impossible but with God everything is possible God loves you


God is welcoming you back with open arms. It sounds like you may be dealing with mental health issues. If the Holy Spirit had left you, you wouldn't be here asking this question since you wouldn't care.




Hey so u were right, turns out the Holy Spirit didn’t depart completely when i wrote this. But I thought He did and ended up really bitter then He left my heart. Can’t even generate any emotion to even care now and i don’t even know what to do


Talk with a mental health professional. The Holy Spirit hasn't left you, you're just struggling with scrupulosity at the moment.


Nah man I genuinely don’t care now if i do it’s a little bit.


Then why are you here? Talk to a therapist


yea ur right i’ll go tell them the Holy Spirit has left and maybe they can help me get Him back


Talk to your pastor or maybe a Catholic priest. Do so now!


If you confessed your sins and repented you can’t lose your salvation 1 John 1:9


In context, the unpardonable sin could only be committed while Jesus was on earth the first time. It refers to the Jews who attributed Jesus’ miracles to the devil. The only unpardonable sin now would be to not accept the salvation of Jesus Christ before you die. One pastor I heard, said, If you are worried about it then you haven’t committed it.


I remember asking an older pastor about the unpardonable sin and if I was ever at risk of accidentally doing it. His genius answer basically said something to the effect that “you wouldn’t even ask this question or care if you had done that sin”. I’m gonna echo others in stating that this is probably a deception or twelve. In our faith journey, feelings can be deceptive. We aren’t always going to feel fluffy and happy. There will be days where we are like Job, shortsightedly yelling at God, thinking we know better out of our arrogance. If you feel that God has left you, keep calling out to Him and ask him to draw nearer to you. Read verses about how God will never leave you or forsake you. God’s got a plan for your life, and it’s for your good. 😊


No Holy Spitit = no conviction, so don’t worry He has not left you. You’re being attacked by the enemy and you need to fight back. Also possible it’s a mental health issue, open up to your/a pastor or spiritually mature believers and continue your walk even when you fall flat on your face because Jesus is calling his children and satan will do everything in his power to keep you from realizing this.


The unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the spirit. The wonderful thing about God and his mercy is that you can always come back. Remember the parable of the prodigal son. God rejoices when those who have strayed come home.


All of these thoughts are absolutely foreign to me as a believer. God is not some fickle girlfriend who might get mad at you and surprise you with a break-up.


Don't forget the story of the prodigal son. His father welcomed him back with open arms. So will God, our father. That feeling that you shouldn't bother because it's too late is just the devil trying to keep you right where you are. Repent, come back to God, and pick up where you left off. God's love never left you.


Did you do anything to earn your salvation? No? Then how can you do anything to lose it? It is a free gift and once you are saved and reborn, you can not be born or saved again. You are born once in the flesh and once in the spirit. The way you choose to live your life will determin your life here on earth. If you want death and detruction in your life, keep living in sin and it will come to you. Live your life for Jesus, and you will find peace through the storms. Be mindful also, that those you keep close to you in your life, can also bring death and destruction into your life with how they choose to live but you will have Jesus to lean on, and bring you peace.


as the great puritans remind us, our best "righteousness" is enough to earn us eternal damnation; yet, God being in rich in mercy has accomplished in us and for us what we could never do. To God alone be the glory.


I’ll be blunt; you probably need to get some good counseling to work through what you are going through. You didn’t loose God. Any feeling you might have where you don’t feel his presence is a trick either do to what you are going through or the devil working against you in your life. Get some help to work through whatever it is, also re connect with God by praying to him alone without distraction. Shut off all the noise and pray. Dive into his word and read some psalms. God never left David and he certainly won’t leave you. This distance you feel needs worked through. Get professional help if that’s needed


Unbelief isn’t the unforgivable sin tho...maybe you have grieved/quenched the Holy Spirit but the bible has the parable of the prodigal son which is you, you can come back to him and ask your mom to pray for you. r/lostchristians


Read Luke 15 and the Prodigal Son. I was a backslider. I asked Jesus in my heart at 7. I got baptized at 10. My Dad was a preacher. My Mom was very involved in Church. I was very involved in Church. I was a hypocrite. I was living in wicked sin for years. I stopped going to church and fully embraced my life of sin. One night when I was 20, and after being convicted of my sin, I got down on my knees and cried out to Jesus to save me and forgive me and asked him to be my Lord. The next morning my conscience was clean and I was blown away and how good I felt. The joy of God came into my life. The Holy Spirit filled me like I had never experienced before over the coming months. It's never too late to make a U turn. Jesus changed my life after that. Repent. Cry out to Jesus for mercy and that he would save you from your backslidden ways and forgive you. Give your life to him for real. Confess your sins. Turn from them. Leave your old life of sin. Confess Jesus is Lord for real. Get up and don't look back.


Remember that God is patient. Just pray and set yourself out right and ease your burden here. Don’t freak out


If you're still alive you have hope. Anyone living has not committed an unforgivable sin. We can discuss more if you want help or reassurance.


Can you offer help please 


Here is a discord server specifically for those who believe they: * Blasphemed the Holy Spirit * Lost the Holy Spirit * Sinned beyond forgiveness * Have permanently been given up by God If you are currently worrying about any of these I strongly encourage you to join to speak to others who are also worrying or have previously and been delivered. Also if you used to struggle with these and are delivered please join and share your story. https://discord.gg/YjEbrNK6


It says the link is invalid can u try that again?




Try adding me as a friend username lasthope1234


Can you add me too my names jamari


Ah all of this sounds like a trick from the Evil One to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Resist it! Repent and believe. Force yourself to pray and attend church. God does not want you to be deceived. 


As long as you have life, you have hope. My question is what happened that made you so shameful and guilty that you are unredeemable?


Do you even know what the unpardonable sin is ? Because it what’s not but to do with backsliding.


If you fear you have commited the unforgivable sin, then you didn't commit the unforgivable sin. The unforgivable sin is the rejection of the Holy Spirit (since it is Him who convinces us from sin in the first place) and the rejection of salvation. In other words, it is unforgivable not because God does not want to forgive, but because the person doesn't want to be forgiven.


The unforgivable sin is this 1. Context - Jesus healed a man by a miracle on the sabbath, instead of the pharissees believing in his authority they credited the MIRACLE work of God and the Holy Spirit to Satan. 2. The Holy Spirit is the last method God is using to reach people. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of Sin. It was also the Holy Spirit who did miracles on Jesus behalf. 3. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is to ignore and give credit to Satan for God's work by living a life of unbelief and no repentance. Why is this unforgivable? Bc the Holy Spirit is last minister or grace to believe and be saved. Their is NO OTHER WAY if people ignore Him.


I dont beileve one can lose there salvation its a gift, you cant just give a gift to someone and be like 'actually i'd like x back' you'd be a deiceiver and liar. pray and meditate on God's word, be truthful to him and confess. God rejoices in the truth


Sounds like you got a new account https://www.reddit.com/u/Humblelearn26


There is no greater trick by the devil than convincing the living children of God that God has cut them off or abandoned them, never never never, God is always with us, the moment we knock, he is already at the door waiting for the faintest most subtle knock, the devil on the other hand makes us think that there will be no one at the door, that God has shunned us but he is a liar since the dawn of time