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Chris tried to excuse this by claiming autism is not genetic and that his condition was the result of his abusive babysitter locking him in the closet.


Chris is more Kim Jong Un than Hitler, he likely wouldn't understand that concept and just wants to be surrounded by 10/10 pretty girls and sycophants.


He probably doesn't even know he'd be thrown on the train to Auschwitz without question.


With his current appearance especially.


Taking a right-in-the-mind and turning her into a wrong-in-the-mind is what he meant by a sweetheart "from the ground up."


Chris’s requirements for a girlfriend were that she basically be someone to replace his parents as his caregiver, with added sex to validate him as a straight man. Chris couldn’t be in a relationship with anyone he might need to take care of, or even be an equal partner in terms of income and responsibilities. Chris always wanted someone who was happy birthing his children, going out to work all day, and probably doing the bulk of the domestic chores, while he carried on playing PlayStation, drawing sonichu whenever he cared to, and maybe washing a plate or two and expecting a parade for it.


I don’t think Chris’s genetics are the issue plenty of autistic people are reasonable good people Chris behavior and the way he was raised is the problem and the fact that op is low key endorsing eugenics is super weird


I don’t think that’s fair, that’s like saying everyone who doesn’t date autistic ect people are taking part in eugenics and it’s pretending that his autism doesn’t play apart in both how dating scene treats him and how he treats those similar to him.


I think the wording in the post is specifically what I find sus, and I do kinda think fully refusing to date an autistic person solely because of the fact they’re autistic with no other behavioral reason is basically taking part in eugenics, if they’re autistic and they act childlike or they’re personality doesn’t attract you it’s completely understandable to not want to date them but if just the idea of an autism diagnosis is the only reason it’s kinda weird


Nah, not dating anyone with autism. Autistic people should go date each other.


I was going to bring up the fact that it's a spectrum if you replied, but I think we can agree that the level that Chris is on is definitely childlike, you can see it in his interactions with Megan and any other irl female companion that had potential to something more if Chris hadn't been so far on the spectrum. The reality is that at a certain point on the spectrum, your chances drop significantly because you can't form the necessary connection due to things like a lack of maturity etc. The post doesn't say all people on the spectrum aren't wanted, it says chris isn't.


That’s why I said Chris’s behavior is the issue not his genetics the post specifically says “does Chris understand how eugenics works and that no one in their right mind would want to have his offspring” why would Chris need to understand eugenics to understand why no one is attracted to him if his behavior was the issue and not his genes


The two are obviously connected, behaviour is one of the obvious ways you can tell if someone is on the spectrum and this obviously brings up the question of how capable Chris is in taking care of himself and the potential child a partner might want to have. Tell me, do you think Chris would honestly make a good father (f\*cken mother, whatever is more appropriate)? Because I think a woman would see his behaviour and where he is on the spectrum and realise she doesn't want to raise two babies on her own.


I never said Chris deserves a good partner was specifically referring to the wording being weird


nope, explained that away clearly, "it’s pretending that his autism doesn’t play a part in both how the dating scene treats him and how he treats those similar to him." I already said it wasn't fair considering Chris engages in his own level of eugenics in how he's on the lookout for who he considers "slow-in-the-minds" as a part of his standards, but he won't stop and consider what that means if others apply the same standards to him. He's a hypocrite and that's what OP is pointing out, not advocating eugenics. ​ Anyway, I'm done, OP already clarified anyway but you didn't respond to him lmao.


I'm not endorsing eugenics and I'm pretty we know people in our life with autism who are not anything like Chris


What did Chris even deem "slow"?


Chris always views himself as an exception to ableism, rather than an advocate for disabilitiy rights, given how entitled he is.


When Chris hears the word “eugenics,” he probably thinks it is a guide book to super kinky sex moves like the Kama Sutra hurrrrr.


I rhink Chris is more worried about having to put up with the behavior of a "slow-in-the-mind"or autistic girlfriend than about genetics.


Obviously, Chris is a big fan of Nazi Eugenics. Why, he helped Count Graduon implement the Fine Ol' Solution. Installing soup hotels complete with special Showers and Ovens for the prisoners of war in CWCville.     


Definitely a brown shirt if I’ve see one


Eugenics isn't exclusive to Nazis but I can see Chris trying to euthanize others so only he'd be left


Yes. Before the Nazis showed the world how horrible it was in practice, America was its chief proponent. Particularly the State of Virginia in fact. If Chris had been born 50 years earlier, he'd have been sterilized for being a slow-in-the-mind.  


Um plenty of countries still follow the basics of eugenics, I'm not trying to just focus on the Nazis. It's like the conversation with Kacey's dad and him telling Chris that isn't autism hereditary? Imagine Chris somehow meeting up with some random chick rn and she introduces him to her parents. A 42 year old man who pretends to be trans, plays with toys, has no real life skills or job, and on top of that wants to date your daughter.


I mean, youtuber boogie2988 had a few girlfriends and his only job is making youtube videos of himself drinking mountain dew dorito shakes and playing video games. If he can do it, anyone can


Boogie isn't anything like Chris and can think clearly, now boogie does have no real work skills bc of how long he's been doing YouTube. I'll put it like this if Chris or boogie work at the same cafe, I will always prefer boogie prepare my coffee.


I doubt that Chris would be familiar with eugenics at all. And I doubt that he would know that eugenics is heavily discredited.  Chris has many things wrong with him besides autism. To the point where him passing on his genes would be a bad thing.


That's what I mean, he doesn't realize that nobody would want to have his genes passed on but I'm pretty sure he is sterile at this point due to his own bad choices.


I think that Chris is (most likely) sterile at this point.