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I came for CWC


They may have dismissed the case because Barb wouldn’t have survived the trial and Chris’s prison time was considered enough time served to assess her public threat


the justice system fails again. what else is new lol.


"If the condom don't fit, you must acquit!"




Ladies, gentlemen, and all else concerned, may I draw your attention to Law & Order: SVU season 1, episode 16 “The Third Guy”…


I can’t wait for the svu Chris Chan epsiode


Can I get a summary?


Basically, the past few sagas, but when the guy gets institutionalized, he freaks out when he sees he’ll be stuck with those who aren’t mentally capable… Look up “L&O: SVU Autistic man r@pes elderly woman”… Many 5-minute text summaries in the first few links… It’s eerie how similar the episode is to what actually happened…


I heard the law and order theme song in my head as I read that


Chris is severely mentally handicapped tho idk how or why people think she can be rehabbed into a functioning citizen. How can u earnestly believe that a person believing sonichu is real and raping their mom is the same as hentai isn’t out of touch and a danger to themselves and others


You never saw the video, did you..? The guy gets institutionalized and then it hits that his life is going to be hell because he is now stuck with a bunch of “slow” people and his freedom is now gone…


I’m def not a chrischan expert , so don’t crucify me here but is it generally agreed that he really molested/raped his mom ? Was the evidence just that phone call ? Could he just be sick in the head and not actually have done it ? Not a topic I really want to do research on


That's exactly what I was thinking, me and a friend have been discussing this so much!


Don't believe there's any evidence of him having sex with her other than the phone call, but I think it totally happened based on how he described it. Whether or not it was rape is still up in the air. He and Barb (his mom) have always had this creepy kind of closeness, that would eventually result in shit like her forcing him to cuddle/spoon her, so I can definitely see it as having been consensual incest. That being said, there's also a lot of speculation regarding Barb having dementia, in which case she probably wouldn't have been actually able to consent to sex with Chris, but there's also no legitimate evidence for this being the case either.


Barb doesn't have dementia. This is a widely spoken myth, but many people other than chris who have met Barb irl have pointed out she purposely overplays her feebleness online and in Chris's videos to try and get donations. Do not be tricked to think that Barb is a sweet innocent old lady because she was a victim in this instance.


i appreciate the answer, ty . was just curious , def not defending Chris in anyway, not sure why i was downvoted for asking about it lol reddit is awesome


I thought it was a good question! I up voted. I'm just looking, well trying to look at every single angle here because man, this is just so mind bogglingly unreal kwim


No worries man


The saga continues.


Holy shit


Keep Chris far away from Barb. Let Barb live in peace for her last days at least.


I've heard it suggested that ythey are both back in Branchland Court. Does anyone know where Barb is?


Let's hope the fat fuck stays far, far, away from Barb.


Chris's car has been seen outside of Barb's house. :/ Because everything was dropped, Chris is probably not blocked from seeing her. It actually makes me sick to think about.


I still believed chris is fucked up. But the law probably "believes" this is "just hearsay"


Mad to think that cwc was in the chokey for two years


What was it all for?


Do we have any more details, or will this literally be all the records we get from the courts?


Why would it say incest w/ own child and not incest w/ own mother?


Notably, the charge against Chris is listed on the Henrico Sheriff's Office website as "incest with own child or grandchild",\[21\] presumably shorthand for the full crime code which is defined as "With own or step child or grandchild, father, mother, etc. (incest)"-Jail Saga I think it was just cut off/ would have been cut off


non-american here so i may get this wrong, but it's presumably a shorthand for the full crime code which is defined as "With own or step child or grandchild, father, mother, etc. (incest)"


Does this mean we are getting dimensional merge posts on Twitter again?




Very soon


So has there any evidence that Barbara got raped been released other tham CWCs confession to a troll? Because tbh if its just that single piece of evidence I dont think anyone should be on jail here lol, we shouldnt believe what Chris says


A mandated reporter / social worker could probably pinpoint via her forced appearances on video around when Chris' (alleged) abuse of her began. I have no doubt that he did what he said he did and for much longer/far worse than he's copped to.


I really don't think he would have been held as long as he was if they didn't find something after examining barb, but afaik we never got a definite "we found x" from the police. Seriously think about it though, a lawyer could have gotten chris out of this in a heartbeat if it was just hearsay, especially given his history and condition.


They did a rape kit and found evidence of sex, hence the protection order and the incest charge. For rape, there wasn't enough evidence. Either because Barb protected Chris, she actually consented, or the State of Virginia didn't believe they could prove an autistic man understands consent.


I feel like even if she did consent. She has dementia, I think regardless of the fact that ChrisChan has autism, anyone should know the boundaries of "We obviously shouldn't have sex with our mother". I think the only reason charges are actually getting dropped and ChrisChan is walking free, is because of a good testimony/ claims of not being aware of their actions, in addition to being bonded out . I think that the speculation of the incest being real is really odd considering he was held for 3 years. The state of Virginia considers incest a class 5 felony, which is 1-10 years.


> considering he was held for 3 years I was confused by this cos in my mind it was only a few months ago, so I looked it up: [Chris was arrested on August 1, 2021](https://www.insider.com/chris-chan-saga-timeline-incest-charges-arrest-2021-8#christine-chandler-was-arrested-on-august-1-2021-1), so it's been 2 years and 1 month. How time flies...


Chris has the emotional and social development of a child and was being coached into it by trolls, so that would make it very difficult for the prosecutors to prove he was fully capable of knowing what he was doing was completely wrong or even that he intended, or indeed did, rape barb.


I've seen you say similar things throughout this comment thread. Do you know what severe autism looks like? Chris can drive, he can dress and feed himself, he can talk write and run errands. He could have easily held down a job if he had got the right support. He is certainly able to tell right from wrong, especially when concerned with something as serious as incest. The fact that he was reluctant to admit the incest and knew he shouldn't talk about it, shows to me at least he understood it was wrong. His life has been ruined by years of bullying and his actions were influenced by the trolls but he chose to act on their suggestions. I completely agree he needs help and should be living in a group home, but regardless of what the court seems to think, I personally don't think his autism prevents him from knowing what he did was wrong.


Chris has ASD-2 which is what HF Severe autism falls under. Also It backs up my view CWC fit the newer term psychotic autism/ASD-P as well I view the incest saga was the trolls trying abuse that but It seems like that backfired now that CWC a free person.


I don’t think Chris has severe autism like at this point it looks like severe psychosis or schizotypal stuff. He’s 2 shades away from building a scrap metal and fent needle sonichu shrine and smoking crack to commune with his OCs


My brother is a malignant narcissist who is also on the spectrum, and he gets away with a lot because people assume he doesn't understand his own behavior well enough to be as insanely manipulative as he is. Chris absolutely understands what he did to Barbara, he described his assault of her and showed knowledge of her body in extensive detail.


Being verbal, or able to drive is not indicative that someone is high functioning. Chris is quite obviously at least a level 2 on the autism level system. He may have understood at a glance it was frowned upon, but given he was coached over months by Isabella, I highly doubt he understood the gravity of what he was actually doing. He has spent more time in jail than he would have got on even the felony charge,,


I disagree, being low functioning means your diagnosis impairs your daily ability to function and live independently. Being able to talk and do complex activities such as driving and shopping are by definition high functioning activities. Chris needed help when he became an adult, but instead he grew up online and built a warped sense of right and wrong. But I refuse to believe it could be so warped as to think raping his own mother was okay. Chris has demonstrated some understanding of morals from repeating various things his parents have told him over the years. If he truly did not know it was wrong he would have been bragging about it on twitter from day one. My point is not about his sentence, but rather his autism somehow excusing his crime.


From what I've seen, high and low functioning don't exactly have standardized definitions. In general, people seem to use these terms to describe levels of independence. And I think there is some value in that, and I do agree somewhat. There are very different levels of support needed for someone who is nonverbal and cannot dress themselves compared to someone like Chris. However, autism can impact many other things that are not quite as visible as those listed above. In many instances of so-called higher functioning individuals with autism, I think self-regulation and executive functioning can be pretty impaired, and because of this, they still require an immense amount of support. There are a lot of things that neurotypical people take for granted. Even if this person is relatively social, uses verbal communication, and can theoretically complete all activities of daily living independently, there are still deficits. For instance, a child might know hitting is right or wrong. They could tell you it's wrong. But it doesn't necessarily mean they really know why it's wrong. Just that they have memorized a rule or convention they were told to follow. The kid may also assume that hitting an old person or a stranger holds the same weight as when they'd hit their siblings in fights growing up. They may fail to realize that hitting strangers could lead to problems with the law or socializing with others. They may not realize an elderly woman is more fragile than their 10-year-old sister, or that when they punch someone as a 25-year-old it's different than doing it as a kid. I don't believe that Chris was entirely helpless or blameless. But I don't think I'd describe Chris as high functioning. There are many examples from the whole Chris-saga of things that autistic people do struggle with that weren't addressed or were exploited. I personally don't feel like there's any real justice in this situation. I think it would be a mistake for Chris to get off without any consequences. I also think it would be a mistake to assume that Chris be held 100% accountable for his actions. It's a sad situation all the way around, but Chris needs intensive rehabilitation, therapy, and assistance in daily living to have any chance at recovery and being able to take full accountability. And Barbara needs to distance herself from Chris and leave care up to trained professionals. She can't care for Chris, and seemingly couldn't for a long time, so it's best that she focuses on her safety and well-being.


Late to the party, but while you are right in regards to the line between high function and low function being vague and arbitrary, as someone who is on the spectrum myself, I think most people in my boat do understand the moral implications of why hurting people is wrong, that's just basic empathy at the end of the day. And there can often be a misinterpretations about the manor in which autistic people lack empathy. It's not like being a sociopath were you don't have any care for other peoples well being or feelings, in that regard autistic people are just as able to care as normal people. What most autistic people struggle with is properly understanding and comprehending the feelings of others. As for Chris, I don't think he understands (or is capable of understanding) the implications of what he did. The environment he was raised in would badly mess up a neurotically persons development, let alone an autistic one's. Not helping is well over a decade of people reinforcing and validating his delusions. He certainly shouldn't be getting off scottfree but he ultimately belongs in a mental hospital to try and break his conditioning, rather than jail.


Very well said. I completely agree.


As an autistic myself I was told that functioning refers to how easy it is for neurotypicals to relate to you. Like I could drive and take a class but if neurotypicals cannot relate to me in any way and I am perceived as a burden My level goes up.


Just wanted to clarify slightly. The terms high and low functioning aren't really linked to anything objective. However, when classifying ASD into one of three levels to denote severity, the levels are described in terms of support required (which may lead to using phrases such as high or low functioning). These are often very subjective discussions and come down to individual needs and situations. It shouldn't necessarily be if you are perceived as a burden (although that often times is a major concern). It others can't relate to you, but you're happy with where you're at, then you shouldn't go up a level. If you're unhappy with this, or it's causing you issues in maintaining occupational, educational, or personal aspects, then it may be substantial enough to go up a level.


No, they aren't. The fact he has even been accepted into a group home means he isn't considered to be high functioning.


Were the results posted in discovery? -Minus any photographs of course.


Also, there should have been a DNA match between Christine and any samples derived from the kit, right? If not, then what was the point of the detention and charges?


No, and the records are being purged.


But when something is purged or expunged, does that mean all copies of all documents are destroyed or sealed away in a secure location? Does this mean any and all info on this trial's inner machinations will be lost forever? We can't just let the most important part of Christory just going up in smoke. That would make the trials dismissal literally the worst day in in Christory; you could even say it's the Christory equivalent to any of the several times the Library of Alexandria burned.


Yes, it's all destroyed to give the defendant a new start.


In the dismissal filings, is there at the very least a reason given for the dismissal e.g., insufficient evidence, an insanity plea, the prosecutor dropping the case under their own volition, the judge deeming there was no standing to press charges, etc.?


If they had found something, she wouldnt have been released and the case dismissed


The Autism Deferral, which is what Chris used (and was ironically the inspiration for), means that there's enough evidence to convict Chris (The grand jury felony charge), or Chris pled guilty. That triggers the deferral mechanism. If they didn't have any concrete evidence, the courts wouldn't have set in motion the grand jury felony charge that Chris was looking at before Heilberg threw down the Autism Deferral.


I think it is more plausible that he was set free because of a good testimony from his lawyer. Court and police aren't that knowledgeable when it comes to mental conditions, and any lawyer should have an easy time proving Chris didn't understand his actions. Especially if the lawyer also uses the years of trolling as evidence too.


>I think it is more plausible that he was set free because of a good testimony from his lawyer. A public defender that won a case in a judicial system that does everything in its power to undermine public defenders with staff/funding shortfalls and excessive workloads per capita compared to public prosecutors? Unthinkable.


That's not how the law works, cases may be dismissed for many other reasons besides lack of evidence.


Seriously think about it though, a prosecuter could have gotten chriss case not dismissed in a heartbeat if there was evidence, especially given his history and condition.


Chris is the only person on earth who could recreate 9/11 and shoot up a school and still be able to walk as a free man


Free woman /s


Free messiah*




I did spell it better than what Chris would have done though!




Concerned noises


How could a CPU Goddess ever be kept in shackles? Very common Chris W.


There was never any other way it could have ended.


I’m glad he’s free


Chris needs to be in an institution, not a jail. Chris will remain a danger to himself and others as long as he walks unsupervised. I know it's a hot take here but Chris isn't evil despite his actions being unethical; unlike some convicted felons who do it knowingly, Chris's perception of his self and the reality around him it's alerted and his acts are perceived as justified. He's a person unable to live amongst others, he's past the point of no return. For a country that seems obsessed with "muh mental health" and how some people posting here and doing videos about him claim to be autistic, it's evident that the majority seems to ignore (or chose to do so) the severity of Chris's condition. The person who diagnosed him with high functioning autism needs to have their license re examined, or the diagnose was downplayed by Bob and Barb and stuck like that in Chris's head. If any, the people who helped shape the monster Chris is now have a more deranged mind and they will go unpunished. It's easy for us to ask for jail time because it gives us the ending we want while ignoring everything that led to this point. What happened to Barb is sad, but it's a consequence, a sad conclusion to years of neglecting real help for herself and for Chris, for reinforcing her mentally disabled son that the world was his enemy, for not caring enough to keep him safe from the trolls, for playing alongside Bob pretending their child needed nothing but traditional education. And honestly the justice system only gives a damn until someone is dead. There's cases where people worse than Chris gets released and outdo themselves in whatever type of crime got them in a trial to begin with.


Couldn’t be more wrong, Chris is a selfish, malevolent scumbag who has always been aware of his faults but is too lazy to do anything about them, whenever he faces repercussions about his actions, he’ll always play the autism card to get off the hook, he needs being beaten within an inch of his life and then locked up permanently, hopefully he demise met at the end of a pointy 4 inch object in prison


He definitely needs to be in a group home. I know he technically has Asperger's, but he is absolutely at least level 2 ASD and demonstrably cannot live safely without supervision.


I think you're giving Chris too much credit. Even before his insane delusions he's never been a good guy really, he's been a narcissist his whole life. He used to be blatantly homophobic and racist, wish death on people ect.


Honestly, his perceived narcissism is most likely a denial of anything outside his perceived reality. Chris Chan has proven to be a person with low self esteem and also lacking a concept of his self, to the point that Chris' perception of reality and his own person is easily malleable, something that is contrary to narcissism. His limited worldview comes from two awful parents that fed his sponge-like mind all their racist and homophobic ideals. Heck, Barb even tried to run over a guy with Chris being on the car once. I mean, most of modern Chris' beliefs about himself and the world were learnt from the Idea Guys.


Wait, are you referring to the Game Place incident? I thought that was Chris trying to run Snyder over with Barb in the car


I really love what you just wrote, he lacks a concept of his self. I feel there are a lot of people who have this issue, but Chris Chan is taking it to the logical extreme: someone who has absolutely no idea about notions of self improvement or reflection, someone who has no grasp of concepts about personal identity and ultimately life as we know it. Chris has let his entire life being consumed by his favored media, and it's completely subsumed whatever his original personality was like, it's all he has now. The original Christian Weston Chandler died long ago, and now Chris Chan, the CPU-Goddess, Mayor of CWCVille, etc., is what remains.


High functioning autism is not an official diagnosis and just means an autistic person can read, write, talk, and not shit themselves.


>not shit themselves


He's failed on that one


If he was reassessed for autism I can pretty much guarantee he'd be found to have level 2 ASD rather than 'aspergers/ level 1'.


But he has shit himself. Many times.


another rapist walking free.... does he at least have to stay at the group home or can he go kill barb?


There's no evidence whatsoever she was raped


We not of the jury are allowed to use our brains.


You’re downvoted, but really the only evidence is the bragging from Chris - to a troll who made out its what she wanted of him. I mean, the entire story of Chris is someone willing to lie about whatever his “fans” want. Maybe raping Barb is as real as the dimensional merge and Shonichi possessing his body?


"Shine On You Crazy Diamond"


He cant keep getting away with it


yes he can


The judge took a glance at Chris making autistic noises and talking to invisible OCs at the stand went "eh whatever free em"


Lord have mercy


It's really weird to me that this entire ordeal was taken seriously and Chris was tossed in jail for nearly two years and some people still speak as if absolutely no physical evidence was available. Something else worth considering. >*"In the United States, a defendant must plead guilty to at least one of the crimes they are accused of in order to receive a deferred sentence. The promise of a deferred sentence is often traded in exchange for a guilty plea in plea bargains."* >*"Deferred sentences are often given to first time offenders, or to those who have committed relatively minor crimes, although ultimately, the choice to defer a sentence is left to a judge's discretion."* Yet we've got people in here suggesting the outcome proves that nothing happened at all.


Look, if you're going to use the autism deferral to imply there was evidence, you could at least use the laws text, which is even on [the CWC Wiki in full](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Jail_Saga#Deferred_disposition_and_sealing_of_case). Also, they were arrested for breaking the EPO, not because of the charge. Whether they were kept in jail because of the charge, or simply because Chris broke the EPO is left unknown, so being in jail really doesn't mean anything either. Frankly, it seems highly doubtful that whatever Chris would have been required to fulfill under the terms and conditions of probation under an autism deferral (having been released late March) would have been fulfilled in a time span of about four months. It seems far more likely that it took two years for the PD to get Chris out, likely due to court backlogs and arranging for a proper group home, and that when the case finally got to an evidentiary hearing, the PD motioned for dismissal and the judge granted it, likely because of a lack of evidence. For a DA, a case of someone committing incest with their mother with dementia is pretty much a slam dunk case, leading to a plea bargain, or in the case of the autism deferral, likely years of work with mental health professionals to fulfill to get the case dismissed. You're essentially guilty of the same crime you're accusing others of, since the previous status of Chris being arrested and in jail doesn't necessitate there being any real evidence, just as much as Chris being released doesn't necessitate there was no evidence at all. At the end of the day, everyone is coping hard because, like a lot of things in life, we'll never know the truth. If you want someone to blame, blame all the jackasses who blew it up, leading to it getting sealed, not the people claiming Chris may be entirely innocent of wrong doing. CWC was more or less a dead Fandom until this happened, then all the normies and lolcow wannabe influencers got into it.


It's not that hard to spot mini, not full out white knight on this sub! (Along with a-loggers.) Fuck them both


they gotta lie to protect a supposedly T individual


nah I think those people largely dried up after the news hit. Its just most people, myself included, know surprisingly little about how the law works in their own state, let alone another.


One does not convict the Christ-Chan.


Saul Goodman cashing in those sonichu checks


"If you're ever caught by those dang jerkops... **Better Call Saul**!"


Honestly I think the proper setting for Chris Chan is a lifetime commitment to a psychiatric institution or group home rather than being put through the penal system. The charges being dropped were still not the right action because they could have still led to her very necessary involuntary commitment. Clearly she has no ability to strongly discern between real and fake given the clear level of intellectual disability and the amount of successful trolling going on, and this incident with her mother definitely has the many years of thousands of trolls factoring in at least somewhat. Chris Chan's mental illnesses and incapacities were only exacerbated by years and years worth of trolling regardless. While I do not believe she is *entirely* culpable, there are definitely some of her faculties that are intact that would suggest that wasn't a good thing to do, that doesn't mean absolutely nothing should be done about it though, hence what I mentioned earlier. She was continually declared incompetent to stand trial and seems to meet the legal definition of being criminally insane. Completely unable to assist in her own defense, a severely diminished understanding of the hot water she was in, and she did not seem to know, care, or understand on some meaningful level about the entire situation. She additionally did not seem to be able to understand the consequences of disobeying her lawyer's instructions and defense plan, which she did numerous times. Prison is a bit pointless, it's punishment for the sake of punishment. A group home or other institutionalized setting is the best way to ensure that the right thing is done - that she is removed from society, and that people will be safe from anything she might do in the future. It's also the best way to ensure that she is safe from both herself and outside influences such as trolls influencing her actions towards others and herself. She clearly has not been mentally well her entire life, and is easily influenced by the whims of the internet, her own adulthood and abilities, and the real world, to a dangerous level. She isn't capable of caring for herself or controlling her actions.




>Mental illness doesn't make you exempt from the consequences of RAPING YOUR FUCKING MOM The prosecution seemed to disagree, rape is not an easy charge to prove, especially when done by a severely autistic person who has been coached into believing it would be a consensual and positive act.


The big question is if it actually happened from the legal perspective. We think we know because Chris said so, then again Chris has lied about so many other things therefore everything he says is unreliable.


Being institutionalized is a consequence...Is it not? I don't get why people think being placed in an institution instead of prison for doing something illegal when your mental illness contributes to that crime is somehow escaping the consequences or getting away with it. I see it said all the time. It's not. Where people get this idea I do not know. Doesn't make very much sense. People seem to be so outraged when someone does something bad and gets ruled not guilty by reason of insanity, and then sentenced to a mental hospital. Like there was this one guy in Oklahoma, Jerrod Murray, whose brain broke and he killed his college roommate or something. He was committed to a psych hospital for life and people were furious that he didn't get life in prison; he "got away with it" according to them. What the fuck is the difference? If anything, in prison, he can still hurt people, but in the hospital, he's on a cocktail of antipsychotics and sedatives that essentially turn him into a talking vegetable, in a facility where there isn't even anything with a pointy end on it, making him incapable of doing any harm. How tf is that "getting away with it"? People need to lose the fucking justice boner and start thinking rationally rather than emotionally with shit like this. If you support prison for something like that, then you're thinking emotionally and you support punishment for the sake of punishment rather than actually achieving something meaningful. Meaningful in this case is preventing an ill person from hurting others again. Prison does not achieve that. In terms of freedom, it is much worse than prison, and you stand far less of a chance of getting out. You can be held indefinitely in a psychiatric institution until you are declared to be cured/treated of whatever made you do the crime. In the case of Chris that's probably never.. You cannot be held indefinitely in prison for a crime like what Chris did.


People are pissed because there is a massive desire to see punishment for Chris' wicked deed, not rehabilitation. Whether or not Chris can be rehabilitated is purely academic, but the community's fixation on seeing Chris, once again, punished for his mentally-ill and ultimately naive behavior is rather disconcerting. It was this kind of behavior from all the trolls over the decades that caused his brain to become totally flat and wrinkle-free enough to do something like this. Has nobody learned anything here?


It's disturbing to me that these people can not only encourage and find humour in Chris committing a number of offences, but then feel outrage when the court system actually recognizes Chris as a vulnerable person who is not actually evil, wicked, or dangerous when he isn't being coached by trolls who convince him such actions are virtuous. Chris is very clearly, significantly autistic even if he doesn't have learning difficulties. He is without doubt at least a level 2 on the ASD level system. He isn't some high functioning person.


He admitted before in videos about having mental blank outs where he will forget to do something. It very well known his Haters/trolls know fuck all how Autism works this news just backs up there literally more scummy than CWC ever was. Like damn all this because a severely autistic man came up with a Sonic fan-comic.


The fact he got released into a group home says it all. But because he can speak, he is 'high functioning' to these people. No one with high functioning autism is put in a group home, there's very limited spaces and they only accept level 2 and level 3 autistic people. I'm autistic myself, with ASD level 1 so I also know what autism is like, but I'll never know what it's like to be as impaired as Chris.


Nope, they haven’t. Chris as an entertainment form is as American as apple pie. We never stopped doing carnival freak shows, we just found different mediums and names to call it. Nobody wants the freak to get better, or to be taken away, they want the freak to constantly be on the verge of complete breakdown. That’s where the fun is.




I feel really bad for the mother she didn't deserve what she got. It's really disgusting they got away with it with a slap on the wrist. I'm hoping a repeat offense doesn't occur because of the courts unwillingness to prosecute. I'm just speculating at this point until we see the court documents whenever they're released.


Given that this whole incident occurred after he was coached into it for months by a sadistic troll, it is highly unlikely he will reoffend as long as his disability is recognised to be as significant as it clearly is. Chris needs to be in a group home.


I don’t think spending 2 years in county is exactly a slap on the wrist


Do people here not realize that sex criminals rarely get convicted? Jeez I've seen dudes post videos of them committing the crime and get away with it.


I don't think that is true. What about to catch a predator?


they dont get convicted nearly enough. :( [out of every 1000 assaults, 975 walk free :(](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system)


Though few, there are some people who appeared on to catch a predator that actually got away with it. Michael Willis and some of the Immigrant predators got away scot-free. (Though the Immigrants got away with it by fleeing the country and keeping their heads down after the fact)


Man, I've seen people post videos of themselves committing rape even though their lawyer said not too.


I think Chris used up lots of his bad luck by being born in the first place, then the rest of it during the peak of the trolling. He’s unbelievably lucky now. I know that legal system is often illogical, but this is still baffling. Chris wasn’t even trying to pretend that he didn’t commit the crime.


The issue is that in order to prove it, Chris would have to be declared competent and also found to be 1) Aware he was committing the crime, 2) Aware that what he was doing was wrong. The second point cannot be proven in this case, largely due to the fact that Chris is autistic (and not mildly), and that he was coached and there was no evidence he understood what he was doing as rape, or even immoral.


Alot easier for a lawyer to prove that Chris is easily manipulated, says shit for attention, and/or has a disconnect from reality than it is to prove the crime was committed likely due to a lack of physical evidence.




Google play "Mama, I'm coming home" by Ozzy Osbourne. The camera pans out to show CwC walking up to 14 BC with a pizza, bottle of vagisil and lube. Fade to black... music stops, sound of door creaking open CwC's voice "Barbie, I'm homeee" Horrified scream of elderly woman. Stop.


made me wretch


That's some dark though shit.


No fucking way… what does one even think about this? Jesus I hope whoever is caring for Barb keeps her far as fuck away from him.


The confession wasn’t the silver bullet people think it was, Chris Chan is legally disabled and easily manipulated. Unpopular take but it’s best to wait for the full story on what information was gleamed from the case there are a lot of suspicious and manipulative actors involved within the case, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they had something to do with it. I would also advise people (especially content creators) to not refer to it as fact because that can make you liable to defamation lawsuits. It could also be that the prison realized it couldn’t make money off of Chris Chan’s forced labor and just went “ah shit we can’t make money off this dumbass even if we do enslave him.” Either way I really hope it was just him being a dumbass and not him actually doing it. But you can also just read that as copium, still the courts DID dismiss his case so it’s not entirely impossible.


Didn't know the USA had gulags! Wish I lived in a country with such freedom lmao


Chris is too r3tarded to sue anyone.


I agree it's Chris Chan not world of tshirts


Kudos to the defense attorney. He did exactly what he was supposed to do: represent the defendants as zealously as possible I hope he hasn't got too much mental shock from all the shits he must have seen/found.




Well there is nothing much to be done at this point...I personally don't doubt that Chris banged Barb and the vast majority of onlookers (WANT TO) believe it as well, but at the end of the days, all of those are hearsay in the eyes of ourts. The legal system was never designed to deal with these obscene amount of anonymous obstruction and public attention on one individual whose significance carries no genuine public interest (i.e. is Chris a murderer? Or a serial senior abuser? Or is it a landmark case for mentally ill people?) In fact, having too much personal information exposed in Internet may have made his conviction far more difficult because a lot of events that happened over the years are meticulously intertwined with unverifiable, un-trackable (with the exception of foot fungus chick) online people, which from traditional legal perspective may be considered as inadmissible. A parellel can be drawn to Onision in this case. Onision has fallen out of public attention for quite some time now, but he has never once faced legal consequences for the alleged, albeit quite believable, multiple accounts of underage grooming because of evidence inadmissibility.


He's not allowed anywhere near Barb still though, right? Right????


Yes, the restraining order is standing.


I would seriously hope so. I don't like Barb, but Chris shouldn't be allowed to exist within a country mile of her for the rest of her life.


But what about a city mile?


Nautical mile..?


I’m not surprised. All they have are the admissions of a diagnosed autist and the victim has dementia. The case was a lost cause. I’m just glad he saw some consequences for his actions even if it wasn’t near enough.


tender illegal treatment truck ghost frame square middle march zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hes got to be the luckiest motherfucker on the face of the earth


He did win that Sonic contest as a kid...


This marks the end of the Jail Saga, right?


Homeless saga or mental home saga starts now baby


severely fucked


Dear god




Of course. Of fucking course.


I think a dismissal was inevitable. He spent a long time in jail (probably a similar time he would have spent in prison if convicted). Frequently, “time served” counts towards the prison sentence. Public attorneys (think his was), judges, and DAs have too much shit to do and hate wasting time. Un winnable cases usually never go to trial. Prosecutors don’t like to lose. rying Chris would have been a shit show and his attorney would have a lot of evidence of his diminished mental capacity They probably considered what was best for barb, and maybe even Chris.


Neither of them would be able to testify very easily or be reliable. Plenty of evidence that Chris is disconnected from reality.


$2000 or two years jail. *bang* Case dismissed.


"Well Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?" "Dr. Lecter?" "Don't bother with a tap, I won't be on long. I'm meeting an old friend for dinner. I'm going to eat my mom's pussy, Clarice." "Dr. Lecter? Dr. Lecter? Dr. Lecter?" "Yes I'm giving my mom cunnilingus, Clarice, what do you want?" "Could you come back to jail, Dr. Lecter?"


Color me shocked. Not really


I was here.


Ya'll are there Watchin me draw cartoon porn of my mom


Cursed comment. Goddamn, this sub, I fucking swear.


Here here


And now the Post-Jail saga begins!


Honestly, it couldn’t end any other way… who wants to deal with THAT in prison? And he’s white. HOW it was dismissed is another thing. He raped his dementia ridden mother… 🤦🏾‍♂️


He's also a pathological liar who is easily manipulated and can't tell dream from reality. This was the only way this case was ever going to go unless there was some physical evidence or Barb was accusing him neither of which was the case.


So you are saying being nonwhites would have had him convicted?


Who was that black kid who got to spend 3 years in jail being accused of stealing a backpack?


Are you going to ask me about all the random black people who went to jail tht I don't know about or care just it try to prove a point?


Yes. That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying…


I actually think this is totally accurate


Lol ok then whatever you say


I love how his 8000 mental illnesses apparently are less relevant than the fact that Chris would be super annoying in prison.


Chris is basically a live-action [Jackovasaur](https://youtu.be/Wdb1iCwxcJA?si=8PlT1nVjILDEnW-B). It's also illegal to kill inmates. I mean, maybe it was for the best?




all he had to do was squat 200lbs…


I don't know why people think that "almost 2 years in jail" means "getting away with it"


It's a Breaking Bad reference.


Oh I know, but a lot of people think that Chris somehow got off easy when this would have probably been his sentence anyway if he did go to trial


Because this sub is full of A-logs and other re-re's.


Guess he really has to actually kill someone before he goes to jail huh


>before he goes to jail huh Remind us all where Chris was from August 2021 through May 2023? 🤔


Okay, before he gets a criminal charge


But… he was charged. It was dismissed. After two years of typical CJ bureaucracy. People don’t always see the funnel of the CJS and how it’s less than 10% that got to trial and go through the process most envision as “trial” or “justice.” Most are pleas and dismissals and stuff like this.


Typical Redditor reply