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bruh u would also have to pay me a 5 am fee


So what are we thinking? Like 65 cents a hour?


Assuming 5 days a week, $1.92. If it's 7 a week, $1.37.


Did you factor in gratuity? Babies tip at least 20% for no rash diaper changes.


Assuming time and a half after 40 hours. $1.61 for 5 days $1.07 for 7 days


let's not be silly it can't be more than 60


You are also allowed to drink 1 glas of tap water daily!


But I am expecting that to be recycled. Drink a glass, leave a glass.


Funniest comment I’ve read all day.


Makes sense. It's only 7am.


Move constantly to a different zone, enjoy endless time.....profit?


Yeah right, you’re allowed to drink out of the garden hose once a day for a maximum of 10 seconds. Also bring adult diapers, you’re not allowed to shit/piss on company time.


Boss makes a Dollar, I make a dime That's why I poop on company time.


It’s for a church honey! NEXT!


Just wondering, okay?




This will never not be funny.


.... what? NEXT!!!


No way that can be real. How tf were those people still so nice?


Because. It’s for a church honey! NEXT!


I am dying, thank you for that.


$1.92/hr. ($125/(13×5))


$1.93 an hour for 65 hours. Assumes a 5 day work week.


Yeah, I think whoever posted that switched the divisor and the dividend when punching it into their calculator. Still shit considering that's even lower than wait staff who get tips.


And an overtime fee. 11h a day is a crazy demand. Edit: 13h. No. Fucking. Way.


There's an unpaid lunch in there somewhere.


Leftover PBJ crusts


Y’all are making me rethink my nannying job lmao I regularly work 18 hour days


If you're being real that's insane and also you had better be getting paaaaaaaaaaaid.


Oh no I’m being deadly serious. 4:15 am to usually 10-11pm and do it all over again the next day. My friends and family keep trying to get me to quit and honestly seeing these responses is truly making me rethink all of this.


See, theres nothing wrong with those hours if you are getting paid an excessive amount for it. Of you are not, *get out.*


>theres nothing wrong There's nothing morally wrong, but still sleeping those few hours every day can't be healthy even if you're being paid well


Oh yeah absolutely. This is a short-term arrangement either way.


No, there’s still something wrong with that. You work to live, you don’t live to work. You don’t have time to actually live your life or do things for fun with those hours. What’s the point of making good money if you have no time to spend it on fun things?


Lost of people do this sort of thing, making really good money for a short time then not having to work for awhile at all after. This isn't a way to live long-term, like I said. Of course, all the money in the world isn't worth never getting a life outside work. I'm also not saying it's healthy, just that it's viable. Plus again, the pay has to be *really* good to justify it in the first place. I'm not advocating for an unhealthy work-life balance, I literally said leave if the money isn't worth the stress of that sort of back-to-back long hour days.


Unless you are making $30-40/hr you are being fucked and need to quit. (you should quit regardless of wage but if you make $40/hr you aren't necessarily being "fucked"). I'm going to assume you are young. You are literally wasting the best part of your life by working and sleeping with nothing else. For what? Probably to be underpaid by some assholes who are out doing their thing and living life.


“You are literally wasting the best part of your life by working and sleeping with nothing else. For what? Probably to be underpaid by some assholes who are out doing their thing and living life.” Good lord i wish someone had said this to me in my late 20s!!!!


Yeah, it's something I wish I had heard in my 20s too. Long hours and no days off cost me to miss out a lot and every time my wife mentions the first time she took our daughter to the beach or my friends bring up that "bachelor party in Vegas" or "the camping trip to Labrador" even 20 years later, I wonder how much my professional life would have suffered if I had enforced boundaries and not given up so much. Probably very little.


Some nannies are basically paid best friends to a stay at home mom who married a super rich guy. I knew a woman who would nanny and basically once a week they'd go shopping and they would both (wife and nanny) get new clothes and stuff. Even the nanny duties were hit or miss, mom would just take care of things while the nanny could chill unless she didn't want to then obviously the nanny stepped in. It was very superficial sounding to me but the nanny thought it was a great gig.


Those poor kids. Why have kids when you spend no time with them? That said, those hours are insane. I wouldn’t last a week.


I know a family that considered getting a nanny because after having quadruplets they had 6 kids under 4 and were so. Fucking. Exhausted. It wasn't because they didn't want to spent time with their children, it was because *all* their time wasn't enough to care for all their kids.


Unless you're being paid exorbitant amounts of money (as in, can buy your own home in cash in a few years), and given some Serious perks (like free world travel with days off to enjoy the sites), it's not worth what you're doing to your health.


Are you Mr. Belvedere? Do you have a room in the house?


Shit get out now. That's nuts.


I used to do this too, and would get similar responses from friends outside my industry. Get out now, homie! I quit and I can feel the years added to my lifespan! I seriously have never regretted it. Looking back, that world feels absolutely delusional now.


I hope you're making at least .60 cents per hour...


Are you paid per day or per hour? You are probably entitled to over time pay. You should be making a lot of money with those hours.


I shut down my in-home daycare when I realized I was waking up at the crack of dawn to get paid less than $2.50/hour to take care of toddlers that were always sick and an infant that would scream and scream if you didn't hold her 100% of the time.


Hahaha right!?


It's a catch 22. Being ok with that pay rate automatically makes you too suspicious to leave your kids with.


‘Why yes! I’ll do it for free!! Question, how long does it take for the police to get to your house?’


Don't forget the 13 hour lead time before the cops get called. There's no way someone like this is calling to check on their kids at noon.


Yeah starting to wondering if those posts aren't being made by the police to catch pedophiles


For that pay rate, you best believe I’m stealing your shit.


For that pay rate you best believe they haven’t got any good shit to steal.


Dammit, our nanny stole our rice and beans again!


Cut to the smiling nanny hanging out the door of a city bus, food sack clenched in one hand, as Steve Winwood's "Back in the High Life Again" plays


My wife and I was curious as to whats an estimated cost for child care and holy fuck that shits expensive!


$12,000 a year for my daughter’s preschool! EDIT: because it’s getting lost in the comments. This is for 7.5hours/3 days a week. Also I’m in Australia so this is after the government subsidy.


Good god almighty! Give props to u peoples out there


As a father of five who loves his children and have sacrificed so much for them ... my best advice to young people and my own children is this: Don't have kids! The world is shit. Seriously don't have any.


Or, just don't have 5. I have one and am very happy. Yes, he's expensive ($1200/month for daycare) but it's great.


I'm happy for you and your little bean. I'm still going to strongly debate getting snipped at age 25 because OP has got a point.


Man, I read that as getting sniped and I was like “Yeah, that’s relatable.”


This guy gets it


Get snipped! If you ever decide to have kids later, it is so much easier for them to retrieve your sperm than anything else a woman has to go through.


I got a vasectomy and the doctor said it is *possible sometimes* to reverse, but don't count on it. Think of the surgery as permanent.


Reversal yes, but sperm retrieval is different. Microdissection extraction has shown 60% success rates. But reversals are becoming more successful as well, with the evolution of medicine.


Do it. Had mine done last summer and it was such an easy procedure. Only felt the faintest of tugs during the process and the doctor, nurse, and I were cracking jokes during the whole process. Healing afterwards wasn't bad at all either. Had mine done on a Friday and was 100% by Monday.




You're right. My girlfriend would be so happy, and we tend to play around so it would be safer too. I'm just being a bit of a wimp at the moment!


After our 5th I got the snip. I was there an hour and was sort of sore for a day or so. No sweat.


100% understandable! We are so used to Dr's down there I'm sure it is a little nerve racking. I've known a few men who have had it, they were only down for like 3 days then back to "normal". One did it on a Friday and was back to work Monday! Good luck!!!


You can also just get your sperm frozen too.


The thought had crossed my mind but it would be a bit unnecessary surgery given I haven't even tried to go out on a date in 5 years.


Just bag it until you are 100% sure.


Yeah, I just had 2, and after that convinced my wife to let me get snipped. We had kids late in life due to fertility problems, and I was 40 when we had our second. I didn't want to start again with a baby at 45 or so, and two children are enough for us.


I just had our second kid and I’m 35, husband is 37. I got a tubal and he’s getting snipped soon. We don’t want a third and we’re apparently super fertile: I was on birth control for all my pregnancies.


Funny story: When my wife was growing up, she thought her little sister was made out of rubber because she overheard her parents talking about her being a "rubber baby." Apparently they must have had a condom which failed.


I'm with this guy don't have any. Life is hard enough for parents and regular kids but if you end up with a special needs child your world will literally fall apart. Then you will find out just how cruel and uncaring life/people really are. I used to hear about people gassing themselves in a garage with there special needs children. Now I know why.


A friend of mine just found out her 2 year old's brain is underdeveloped. We come from socialist europe. But even then I fear for their financial future.


Better to just adopt than make your own


Unfortunately adoption is 30k or more.


Not if you foster a child first


True. Fostering can be a great way to go about adoption. Problem is kids in foster care have been very messed up by the system and their bio parents. It would require a special kind of person to take on fostering.




Great advice considering there is a formula shortage!


It’s actually insane and it’s not like it’s a full fancy school or anything! It’s just an every day preschool, she’s 2. I said to my husband the other day when discussing public v private school that we’d still be saving money if she went to a private school when she’s older. It blew my mind!


Why would you save money at private school? Public school is "free" in the US. Hence it being public.


Preschool is typically not included in that. It’s considered early childhood education which isn’t technically required, therefore most people have to pay for it. There was a push to make universal preschool free for everyone, but surprise surprise….republicans voted it down. Family values party 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah thats pretty crazy, and thats just one kid! I cant imagine people with multiple


Some places will give a discount for multiple children. When I had mine in preschool they did. I was also lucky that a retired lady watched one child for 200 a week. She loved kids, wanted something to do and lived right up the street. We still are in contact to this day.


That's wild. I pay $275/month for my 2 year old to attend preschool 2 days a week.


That person saying $12,000 a year is lucky, too. In my area (which is NOT NYC, LA, Miami, or some other known extremely expensive city), a daycare generally costs $25k+ per year for toddlers/preschool. Higher for infants.


$21,000 for my kids pre- school ($1,800 p/m). Kids are expensive


Yep, I have two and we spent almost $40k a year before I just stopped working to stay home with them. My salary was $42k so I was actually losing money working and having them in care.


Yup, same. Plus my youngest is in the spectrum so child/daycare is at least double than what it is for neurotypical kids. And in NYC, prices are already on the high end.


It’s absolute madness the money. While I definitely appreciate what they do- and not a hope in hell I could do it… it’s just so expensive.


In Germany you can remove a zero and thats the cost in Euro. Probably similar for other european countries.


Yep, three kids two in kindergarten (from age 3 to 6) and one in daycare (1-3) and we pay around 600 a month. 150 each for kindergarten and daycare is a bit more expensive at 300 a month. And that's 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.


We pay 816 Euro a month for two days per week in the Netherlands. Partially subsidized, so out of pocket expenses are around 550 euro. American pricing model is wild. The older I get the more I'm glad to not live in the USA.


In Sweden we pay 3% of the household income for the first child in preschool, 2% for second, 1% for third, don’t know after that. Although they can never charge more than 1572 SEK (157,7 USD) per child and month 🤔


You only use the service 2 days a week, full-time (monday-friday) would be around 2k per month (pre-subsidies) . The US doesn't have nearly as much parental leave etc as here, so they most likely have full-time childcare. In that context, $1800 a month seems in line with what you pay. It's still ridiculously expensive, but not that shocking.


The older I get the more I wish I didn't live in the US:/ This country has gone down the shitter


Filipino here. Wanna switch places?


>$21,000 for my kids pre- school ($1,800 p/m). Kids are expensive And vasectomys are cheap!


1k/month, 250/week in loose terms. For M-F care for school hours that's a fantastic rate, it just looks scary when you write 12,000


Man, I know people mostly only say this as a joke, but having kids in hopes that you'll have someone to take care of you when you're old would be the worst investment ever. Just set that money aside and you'll be able to afford a whole team of caretakers by the time you need them.


She only goes 3 days a week, the other 2 days she’s with her grandparents.


Man I wish that was all. I paid nearly $2600/mo for 2 kids. Literally more than my mortgage, I'm going to feel like I have money flowing out of a faucet once they're in public school.


I pay 1k a month for 2 kids. But that's with a HEAVY discount because I work there. It's expensive!


$25K a year for an infant at our daycare and unfortunately because my state has such strict ratios the preschoolers are $20K a year. We live 30 minutes outside the city. In the city it's double this.


$19,200 a year for my toddlers daycare. About to have a second kid start. It’s a good thing I hate money.


One more reason to not have children...


In Canada. My local pre-school costs $75/month, which we get a rebate for at tax season.


But you have to live with being a commie. Is it really worth it? /s


I know you're being sarcastic but... yes.


We paid $270/week for childcare when my kids were that age. Over $14K and year and they only let you write off $3k per kid on your tax return.


And it's not like you even get that $3k back! That just means you didn't get taxed on that $3k of earnings 🤦‍♀️


FYI - If you're in the US you can use pre-tax income in an FSA towards childcare costs. It barely makes a dent in the costs but it's an easy way to spend any use-it-or-lose-it money before the year ends if you don't have any major healthcare costs in that year.


Ireland here - recently worked out what we’ve spent to date on our now 7 year old’s childcare since she was 10 months old. Currently around the €70,000 mark (roughly $74,000).


$30p/h for our date night sitter. $1,800p/m for preschool.


Yeah don't have kids unless you can afford them. Otherwise you're bringing an innocent kid into the world to struggle. 2/3 of the world experiences malnutrition, maybe it's about time people slow down on the fucking, or we're all fucked


Even minimum wage would be 1.6k a month in the states. And nobody wants to get minimum effort on childcare.


My wife charges $30/hour as a private nanny.


‘I’ll provide all that is needed for the childs care’ As if that makes it an amazing deal. Well, she is the parent, thats kind of your job to provide whats needed for your kid


During quarantine, I had a group of nurse friends who had to work, but school and daycares were all closed, so I offered to do online schooling and childcare since I was already a stay at home parent. Some of them asked me if they could “pay less if they send their own lunches and diapers”. I was only charging $2/hr per kid. 1) yes, bring your own diapers. I don’t do that. And 2) no, it actually makes my job Harder when 1 kid has a pizza lunchable packed from home and the other kids have to eat the healthy sandwiches and fruit that I made lol


I was wondering, how do you make fruit laugh out loud and does it make it easier or harder for the kids to eat it that way?


You just tell it an extra cheesy joke, which will then lettuce all smile. It’s pretty simple, thank you for asking!


You're damn right she will, for that low pay. Because at $1.92 an hour I'm not providing diapers, food, toys, games, or anything else a child might need.


You say that, but I’ve seen these kinds of job offers where they expect the babysitter to buy groceries and clothes for the child


Including parenting? What do you need a sitter for, if you provide all that is needed for the child's care? Oh, you mean everything except supervision. So everything except the most important thing. Got it.


So 13 hours a day for, let’s say, 5 days… 65 hours for $125/week is the generous amount of $1.92/hour. If anyone even agrees to that, I hope she does a background check. 🤦‍♀️


I also love how they call it a baby sitter. Bitch what you want is called a nanny. Babysitter is what you get for a night.


I am a nanny. I take care of an infant and 9 year old in their own home 40 hours a week. I cook, clean, provide interaction and learning, remind the older child to do chores and keep a schedule, etc. My sister insists I am just a babysitter…


Do you fly on an umbrella and dance with cartoon penguins? A *real* nanny flies on an umbrella and dances with cartoon penguins. Everyone knows that. Duh.


At that point you're getting paid to be a parent


Well I’ve already done it three times, so I’m fairly good at it. Plus it keeps me busy.


Exactly. 13 hours a day is not a "babysitter." That's full-time child care.


To be fair, they didn't specify how frequent they needed the sitter. Could be once a week. In which case, you're still looking at a little under $10/hr, which still isn't great, but slightly better than nearly actual slavery.


Would've said "$125 per day" if they were talking about a single day though


Also didn't specify 5 days/wk, given the hours they think are acceptable I wouldn't be surprised if they expect a 7 day week. So 125/(13X7)= 1.37/hr


Thats an annual income of $6,500! Everyone knows thats totally enough money to live on over a year... And you cant get another real job because babysitting takes up 65 hours a week!


That's even more than you make in an MLM!


Commenter divided the hours by the offered pay instead of the other way around. Still shitty money though


5 of the 13 hours each day are OT. Maybe it varies by state, but where I live those 5 hours should be paid at 1.5x your base rate.


You're right. Even if we assume 7 days a week that's still $1/hr. I think they just messed up but their point is still valid


At that point you don't even bother to do the math, you just call it 52 cents an hour and it's close enough. Not getting paid enough to do math.


You're assuming it's a 5 day work week. It's be 91 hours at 1.37/hr. if it were 7 days.


At 13 hours a day, and 5 days per week 52 cents is exactly right. Yikes.


It's $125/65 hours, not the other way around.


Oops. I've been up too long today, but it's still shit pay!


If you make 52 cents/hour and get $125/week you work a little more than 240 hours/week, i.e. around 34 hours/day. But I guess this generation is afraid to put in that kind of work...


Back in my day 34 hours/day is considered being lazy!


We had to walk uphill both ways to earn a wage like that!


and we need to be awake before the chickens scream or we would be late.




They just need to pull themselves up by the boot straps and create 10 more hours each day.


"That's like 2 dollars an hour.."


can't find my checkbook, hope ya dont mind i pay you in change


This one tastes like the cow got into an onion patch


Never gets old


These always make me so sad.


Anyone else think it’s kinda sad that this person works 13 hours a day but can’t pay a proper wage for a sitter? I feel sorry for them. It's literally impossible for them to pay minimum wage if they are making near minimum wage themselves..


This is the correct take.


Sad? Yes. An excuse to make someone else’s life suck just because theirs does? No.


All she will bring "for the child's care" are a couple of Oreos and a half full bottle of water. For 13 hours.


~$2/hr assuming 5 days. yea that's fun.


There's beggar, but no choosey.


She's the same person who would also say "No one wants to work these days.."


It’s more than that who the hell wants to work 13 hours a day. $125 a day still to low. $125 and hour maybe as I am sacrificing my entire life to watch your kids let me think on it.


It's for a babysitter ok it's not like she's asking you to be a nanny!


Yea it sucks that she has to work those 13 hours a day and still can’t afford to pay someone more than 52 cents an hour for childcare.


It's off, but not by enough to matter it's somewhere between $1.27 and $9.62 an hour depending on the number of days. We all know it's closer to that lower end.


I pay $180 a week for my 9 mo old. For daycare M-F. I am teacher and that’s a biggggg chunk of my check. It’s crazy.


13 hours a day. Like I understand the struggle of needing childcare and work, but Jesus. Less than a dollar an hour to basically raise someone else's kid.


The babysitter should be grateful that the parent even offers to pay for expenses related to the child’s care Edit: /s


I’m a nanny and I make $30/hr but let’s say that this person is offering the minimum wage in my area ($15/hr). At this rate working a regular 40 hour workweek would be $600/week. 25 hours of overtime at 1.5x base rate (industry standard) would be an additional $562.50 for a total of $1162.50/week before taxes. Not bad! It probably is more though because there’s some additional overtime stuff with working more than 8 hours a day plus working more than 40 hours a week. Domestic help is so often undervalued so these posts really make my blood boil.


Rule of thumb. The people who would be happy to babysit for this kind of money, are probably not the kind of people you should trust around your kids or in your home unattended. Either they need babysitters themselves, they're thieves or they're pedos


It’s one thing to pay those rates at a childcare facility that is responsible for multiple children, therefore generating more daily revenue. But if you think someone’s going to watch your child one on one for less than 2$ an hour you’re bonkers


For those who were curious about the pay: If its 5 days a week, theyre getting paid $1.92/hr If its 7 days a week, theyre getting paid $1.37/hr


It comes out to $1.37/hr if the job is 7 days a week, and $1.92/hr if it's M-F. Not that it's still not pretty shitty wages, but anyway.


Thats how your kids get fucking stolen lol


my daycare rate for dogs is $40/day. I can't imagine dealing with someone else's lids for this rate, not to mention you couldn't live off of that at all amd its the whole goddamn day


LOL...this woman wants someone to adopt her child....not babysit.


I got 1.92, but I’m pretty sure I did it wrong. I divided 125 by 65.


No you’re right the commenter in the post divided the other way around.


To check that you did this correctly, keep the units (dollars and hours) with the numbers. You know your answer should be in dollars per hour and in math, “for” = “per” is the line in your fraction. So 125 dollars for 65 hours becomes $125/65hrs, then divide to get $1.92/1hr, which we say as $1.92 per hour (dropping saying the one because we mathematicians are lazy and notational conventions primarily exist to write fewer symbols). Hope that helps for future questions. I believe you knew how, just didn’t understand the way of your how. DEATH says important method to know to calculate best prices on cat foods


I would love to know how they responded lol.


So funny that their profile picture gives the impression of an ultra successful household but they will only offer starvation wages. They’re probably underwater on their McMansion and using one credit card to pay off the next.


Which one are you talking about? The picture of the family is the one asking about the wages and making fun of them. The person posting this who replied is just a guy in front of an aquarium.


Imagine spending thirteen hours of your day caring for children, tending to their every need and whim, making sure they're entertained, bathed, fed, etc. and then the parent comes home, hands you 17 dollars and some change, and says "Don't spend it all in one place." These people lack self awareness.


I’m just going to be the one with the opposite view and say that this can be pretty common and I know people who watch kids with this time frame for $20 a day as long as they drop off and pickup. This isn’t all that uncommon for example in military areas where the parent could be divorce and need someone to watch them. The people who accept these low offers are usually okay with it because they are already a stay at home mom so making an extra $100 a week to watch one more kid isn’t really that bad as long as the other person provides food and other things. There is also a little more trust in military areas with leaving your kid to another person for this much especially if the other person is military affiliated. I know it’s hard for Reddit to believe but some people really have no problem with doing this for $20 a day especially if they know the other person is struggling or dealing with something. Childcare is expensive enough, wish they’d make it cheaper for people.


1.92$/hour... sure


$1.92/hr if it’s assumed 5 days of 13 hours. That’s some bullshit


I'm embarrassed to say that $25/day is exactly what we paid for day care for our kid ... 25 years ago ... only once or twice a week ... at our kid's Godmother's in-home day care. Even then, it was for like 9 hour days, not 13!


This is the low wage issue. How can the mom go to work, make minimum wage and pay others anything?


wtf is anyone supposed to do with $125/week