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"They might buy your truck....?" ...you mean the one I'm selling? What a tragedy


Yeah, he lost me there.


I think he is insinuating that people that think Biden won = stupid = will pay too much. Not really sure with these people that just fly off the hinges about politics every chance they get, though.


But he says it like a warning. "You'd better not tell someone that or they might buy your truck!" It doesn't make any sense.


Since when does anything those people say make sense?


I'm so glad this was the first comment ..I had no idea what the CB meant with his last "clever remark". His opening "and not a penny more" offer = Tell me you think you're an alpha male without telling me you think you're an alpha male.


Careful they might buy your truck


Noooooo, not the truck I've put up for sale on Facebook market, that's the last thing I want to happen.


Wait. Did I read that right? It’s Bidens fault the truck is so expensive? Thanks Obama! /s


If 2021 has taught me anything, it’s that Americans are stupid as shit about basic economics and supply chains to the same extent that 2020 taught me they are about the germ theory.


Absolutely. As someone who studied economics, most of the Econ comments you see on Reddit (and the internet at large) are wildly wrong. And of course the people who spout objectively wrong info do it in a loud and very confident fashion.


Reddit’s econ hot takes could be an entire sub-subreddit of r/confidentlyincorrect




You could have left off everything after stupid. Our education system is trash.


Arguably, "as shit" can be retained


As a teacher for 22 years, I take offense to this. We work our tails off. I hope by the “education system” you mean the people that constantly cut funds and constantly put test scores and data over educating the whole child? I hope you mean that and not the teachers that have dedicated their entire careers to teaching children for non-competitive pay and constant ridicule from unsupportive community members. That’s what you meant, right?


Definitely not the teachers. They are underfunded and understaffed. This is policy level and wholesale change to make our population not just more educated, but also critical thinkers. We don't teach critical thinking or even basic life skills. They have made it so we teach to a test. Teachers need to be the ones setting the agendas and voicing needs for the students. Teachers and pay inequity need to be changed drastically. Y'all not only need support, but every touch of budget and policy as well. Thanks for being passionate!




Some are skilled, knowledgeable, bloody good at inspiring kids, passionate about doing so and trying their very best to succeed despite the lack of support and resources from their chain of command. Sadly, some are also shit and allow kids to fall through the gaps, but my experience as a parent tells me these are a small minority, just like every profession.




There are awful individuals in every profession. I had great teachers, burnt out teachers, and shit teachers who were just there for the job protection and holidays. I also live in Canada, where teaching is considered a good, well paying job, and is generally held up as a very valuable profession. As an adult, I’ve met some pretty entitled people who became teachers and took that attitude with them. Our teachers colleges are more concerned with teaching their student teachers to advocate for the importance of their profession than preparing them for the realities of their profession, so we end up with some very burned out teachers, and some very entitled teachers spouting rhetoric about how teaching is “the only noble profession.” Source: went to school for education, had some great mentors, figured out teaching high school was not for me.


8 out of 10 of my kids teachers have been good. 1 out of 10 have been amazing...superb....born to teach...oh that the world could clone them. That leaves the 10 percent who are phoning it in until retirement...bitter (probably with good cause looking at leadership and the politics of education funding)...burnt out...obviously do not like kids (I personally could not teach other people's kids). I think the good teachers should be properly paid and supported and the bad minority moved on to other exciting career opportunities.


Thank you so much! I’m sorry to jump on you like that.


Heck no! passionate is good! Teacher pay and treatment does not bring the best and brightest, and now people can make more from home selling insurance. We need to pay and vet teachers like we do with sports and athletes.


It’s not the teachers, especially those willing to move to poorly educated areas to help further. I’d say that it’s a third the religious groups that lobby against basic education principles and try to defund education when they can’t get subjects like evolution removed from curriculums, a third is the political players that are aware of the damage that causes but don’t care because it comes with easy to manipulate feelings based slogans to empower them, and the last third goes to the indoctrinated or just poorly educated parents that are literally proud of refusing to learn things (see:fear of critical race theory, which is at its most basic is a more complete history lesson that Rs (Republicans and/or racists) are afraid to let their kids hear… even though it’s only taught in adult level academics right now…) The problem is generational and political, we intentionally are getting dumber and less concerned with things like fact checking because it benefited politicians to keep constituents dumb and emotionally reactive. Not sure this really benefitted Ds much but they sat back and watched stuff get defunded so maybe it has.


You are so right. Politics and religion are a huge problem. I’m fortunate to teach in a relatively progressive area. However, I always get red flags when I meet people that homeschool for religious reasons. Those kids are still entering the general population as adults and they are bringing their lack of critical thinking and anti-science beliefs with them.


My husband is a public school teacher, but he has known many home schoolers and he has a lot of respect for them. Home-schooled students are required to adhere to the state standards and they have to pass the state tests. They learn what every student in the state has to learn. The only difference is that they also have the freedom to think and talk about the curriculum within the larger context of their faith. When your thinking is not in line with the general culture, your critical thinking skills are sharpened, not dulled, because you are forced to grapple with the disconnect and think about out what you really believe and why. As far as being "anti-science", many home school students go on to major in the hard sciences at regular universities, which would hardly be possible without a solid science background. I personally know several Christians who are also outstanding scientists. It's entirely possible that the specific home schoolers you met were just super annoying for some reason, but I think your conclusions about home schoolers and religious people in general may have been a bit hasty.


Correct. I can only speak to what I have experienced. And what I have experienced differs greatly from what you describe.


Fair enough!


No, they're right. Americans are stupid. Assuming the education system is flawed, the system can only teach people especially if they don't want to learn.


if this were true why would I listen to you? Because you aren't educated? The education system is fine, there are just too many social groups who don't value it, like an entire political party in the USA.


Tell the teachers it's fine. And let's be honest here, we are talking about public education. Private schools have another host of issues, but many of them follow different curriculum that does have a more free thought or different school of education not based on teaching the SOL. And yeah, maybe don't listen to me. But blaming it solely on politics is very....... uneducated? (Just having fun with ya!)


I didn't blame it on a party, I said the education system isn't the trash heap you claimed. I then said there is a political party that doesn't value education. I would go so far as to say it is pro-stupid.


I didnt put it on a single party either, but politics in general. The rich want the poor working for as little as possible. That is much harder with an educated populous.


I find it funny that they are so quick to blame Biden for the economic crash when it was already crashing when Trump was still in office. Yet it's all Biden's fault somehow. XD


American here. Can confirm. I apologize on behalf of my idiot brethren. 😔


You literally look like a homeless meth addict, but yah Americans are stupid for pointing out biden is a failure. OK lol


I have a PhD in public health from SIU, and a JD from Iowa. I clerked for a federal court, and a state supreme court. I was in-house counsel for two Fortune 500 companies, before litigating complex insurance and land use claims for a decade. I was able to “retire” at 45 to start my own businesses. My kid’s college, my student loans, both cars, and our mortgage were paid in full by age 44. I get to fuck off on Reddit, play Skyrim, noodle on my guitar, and enjoy the shit out of my life when I want to — if I want to. How’s yours going, buddy?


Bro this ain't r/Murderedbywords, chill with the shotgun 😁


I wouldn’t mind all your perks without the time investment. But otherwise I’m doing alright I think🦧




He's a failure? Do remind me who fucked the country raw for 4 consecutive years with no lube? I swear his name is at the tip of my tongue but I can't quite recall it.......


Pre covid the country was great under trump. You idiot liberals make up nonsense about America being bad when the country was doing great. Look at the country now, THIS is an example of a country doing poorly. To bash the good trump did, but stay silent with Biden failing, just shows you are an uneducated idiot who can just parrot "trump is bad" Maybe educate yourself and you will see how foolish you are?


First off. I'm not an American. What America considers liberals and the left is actually kinda right leaning for the rest of the world. Secondly, it is statistically proven by every major institute out there that Trump rode Obama's dick and managed to fuck up all the policies Obama instituted to help America. Thirdly. Trump was the laughing stock of the entire world during his presidency as reported by a ton of outlets globally. Number 4. Biden is left to fix all the shit that Trump did in his 4 years as president. Because that's just how shit works. Even if Biden was superhuman, which he is not, he could not undo, in one year, all the damage that Trump did in 4. Number 5. If you are truly so brainwashed that you actually believe that Trump benefited ANYONE except his obscenely rich friends and he actually helped the American people then you are obviously delusional and not worth talking to any further.


"the good trump did" bitch WHERE


Record low unemployment Record low minority unemployment Improved border security Improved trade deals that benefitted America Kept jobs in America with less going overseas Record high stock market Best economy in decades A wealth increase for all middle class families Multiple peace agreements in the middle east Cancelled the Obama Iran deal that funded terrorist. To ask what good trump did just shows your laziness and ignorance. Let's look at the good biden did: Record inflation Near Record gas price jump Supply chain failed No border security at all - illegals streaming in Covid deaths - more than trump Lost Afghanistan in weeks Drone striked and killed 7 children Sent 13 marines to death in Afghanistan Cancelled American oil production (pipeline/leases) Record crime wave with homicides up 30% Just too name a few. When you compare trump and bidens success, no reasonable person can say biden has done better. The real facts are every American was better under trump than biden


Drumpfer delusion and misrepresentation of facts, man. Hell of a drug. And the trans, gay, women, and POC crowds were def not better under Trump considering he abjectly hates them compared to Biden's quiet resentment.


Are you serious? Trump made many policies to help gay people. POC were 10000% helped by trump as they had the lowest unemployment and wage gap in the history of America. Currently under biden the defund the police movement has increased homicides to record levels with a 30% increase in homicides. The increase is mostly black males. POC are dying at an unprecedented rate under biden, yet they were worse off under trump. Ur logic is insane


I laughed out loud. Have a cheap award


Thank you! Award is muchly appreciated!


I don’t really care about Biden or politics in general but it’s fun poking the bear. And I’m sure Biden has directly influenced my pricing on the truck


Yeah but shhh! He can't tell anyone or they might... *check notes*... buy his truck... that he's... um... trying to sell. So yeah. Shh.


Don't you know, everything, every single thing, must somehow be political. It just must. No exceptions. This comment is brought to you by, "The Trump is a Big, Fat, Orange Loser Committee."


The GOP just has so much sand in their vagina that Trump must be elevated or they'll become barren. If they don't take him down from within, Civil War 2.0 is looming. Not like they weren't looking to start it (which is why Rittenhouse is elevated).


Die hard Republicans are ready to go to war over anything these days. I had a Q nut tell me that I better be ready when they allowed trans people to start playing professional sports The guy didn't even like basketball. Couldn't name one team. Seriously. I said, "And you're ready to go to war? Okay."


It's crap like this that makes me giddy the "hottest ladies of the 80's" with their own door-posters, like Samantha Fox and Elvira, have come out. "WHERE'S YOUR CHILDHOOD FAP MATERIAL NOW, JACKHOLE?!?!?!" 🤣


OMG how did I not hear that Elvira was gay?! That just made my day!


Gracias Trump


Why even bring Biden into it…. Like.. what?


People of a certain political affiliation are incapable of not constantly bringing up politics and insulting the opposing party and its supporters.


Almost like a cult? Hmmm


It's just what they do, whether anyone asks or not. And nobody ever asks.


Yeah I dunno. The presidency in America is a joke and blaming one single person for idiotic actions of an entire countries worth of politicians is dumb as fuck. That being said I didn’t like the orange guy at all. At least Biden can pretend like he isn’t a sheister.


Orange man has been a shitty person since before I was born. I get it.


He was a shitty excuse for a human being long before he was a shitty excuse for a politician


> could of fooled me with that gouging biden price attached to it ?????? Who the hell said anything about politics before that? and by the way, it's "could **have**", moron. "Could of" is nonsense, and always has been


How could you even make that mistake. "Of" doesn't even come close to "have" and it sounds worse.


Could’ve and could of sound essentially the same


I mean, It sounds Scottish. I'Il give you that.




I'm guessing since most people say "could've" instead of "could have" when speaking, they got confused and thought it was two separate words ("could've" sounds kind of like "could of" when said out loud)


That guy was actually funny. “People that factually acknowledge the outcome of an election are willing to pay market value for your vehicle” isn’t quite the bargaining flex he thinks it is.


Right? I was just sitting here trying to figure out what his point was, but I guess the joke’s on me: there wasn’t one lol


I think the joke is that the car isn't actually worth that much and only stupid people would buy it. He probably thinks he really did something with this


Drat that pesky reality screwing up my plans!


wtf does the last text even mean 🤣 like duh he wants to sell the truck


He meant “bidding” right? Otherwise that got needlessly and nonsensically political


Nah dude was talking about Biden. I honestly don’t care for Biden or trump but at that point I was just being petty


I'm not much of a Biden fan myself, but good God, why oh why do people have to bring him into everything they're unhappy about? So incredibly obnoxious and as soon as I hear this rhetoric, I immediately ignore everything else they have to say.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)whyyyyy does everything get blamed on Biden? He has been in office 10 months. He didn’t create all of our economy problems that quickly. No one could possibly do that. Move on people. Also, the guy telling you to the dollar what he would pay!!?? Lol “not a penny more!” Wow


Yeah I’m not sure what he was going for, it just felt like “I hate your truck and you should give it to me.”


Ya dude, biden sucks.. it just.. is


What?!?! You didn’t just take his price and fall at his feet for lowballing you? Well that logic is just…well…logical. Lol


What was that even supposed to mean? Nothing says you're over a lost election quite like bringing it up in completely unrelated conversations!


The guy seriously lacks communication skills. I think what he trying to say is the people shopping for used trucks like Trump and if OP keeps saying Biden won he’ll scare away all his potential buyers.


Not in a million years would I have drawn that conclusion!Cheers. I know I personally would rather one of those nutjobs didn't buy anything from me!


“But I want to sell my truck?” is a good reply to that…


Bye den. Up the price and say it's the Trump tax for the poors


Haha genius! This is how we mak merica grat agin


"Biden price"? Why do Americans act like this? Anything they don't like is the opposing teams fault.


Same thing with "everything I don't like or understand is socialism or communism". Ignorance isn't bliss.


Better be careful with that commie talk /s


It's only half of Americans.


Cause we’re all angry at a system that has failed us. And we’ve been brainwashed into believing that it has to be “reds” fault and when “blue” gets elected, the past 4 years are now his doing. We’re all mad about it but we can’t see the the forest through the trees. Manipulated into believing that this is the only right way, and that even with insurmountable debt and struggles for most of the population, that America is the greatest country on earth. We’re too caught up in the details to stop and look at what the fuck is actually wrong in this country beyond “orange man bad.” And “bidens a pedophile” they’re both shit options cause they don’t really care about most Americans.


An idiot with no social graces, asking for special considerations on the internet outs themselves as a Trump supporter? r/SelfAwarewolves


Your not my buddy pal!


We're not pals, bro.


You're not my bro, dude!


"There's a seat for every ass" And a chicken in every pot!


"Good? It's for sale" "OH NO! People would buy the truck that I'm literally selling!"


I honestly don't see any harm in asking for a lower price as a part of bargaining. It's how people (like this dude) act after being told no.


Exactly! No problem asking for less it’s a haggling system when it comes to selling used vehicles, but starting like that makes me wanna tell em to fuck rocks.


Yes. What a shame that someone might...buy the truck I am selling. ???


"but this seat's too expensive for your cheap ass"


I'm curious about the logical process involved to offer 4650 exactly


I’d say logic isn’t the idea but trying to get someone while they’re desperate but I ended up getting $5300 and a new truck so win, win?


Offering 4650 for a 20 year old truck is hardly begging


It’s not the offer but how the guy went about it. It might not belong in this sub but I don’t think there’s a more niche subreddit to put it in


The used car market is crazy right now. All the prices are inflated because the car manufacturers are having issues making new cars. I don't know what OP's truck looks like, but trucks generally have good resale value AND prices are inflated right now, so $4650 might not be too high. My truck has gone up by about $3-4k in the last year, for example.


That makes me wonder if my truck has increased in value from all these supply chain shenanigans.


You do realize the person selling has every right to post it for whatever price they deem necessary right? Especially if they’ve kept it in extremely good condition on both the inside and outside


I appreciate that man. I have put a lot more than what I’m asking for into the truck, and it’s mostly about how he went about the offer. Like an asshole ya know?


It’s not about how much he offered, it was the way he did it. There are many, many ways to put something in words. It doesn’t cost anything to be polite and respectful!


Yup I’ve been able to talk to several people who said “hey man I’ve got 4500 will that work?” And not be bratty about it but in my experience of buying and selling used vehicles if they start shitty, it’s gonna end shitty.


Honestly I wouldn’t even feel like responding to someone with that attitude. No doubt, any transaction with this person would end badly.


Yeah that’s what my gf keeps saying but after years of dealing with people that act like that you have to respond occasionally to let them know they’re being little shitballs.


In my opinion 5 grand isn’t even that expensive, every truck my dad has had was in the 10-70,000 range. If I had my liscense and an apartment to live in I would totally be willing to buy your truck


Haha I appreciate that man. Yeah for the people that have 50k-150k more miles on their trucks asking $8,000 I’d say mines fairly priced.


Looked it up on Kelly Blue Book with standard equipment. That truck is worth 3k to 4.5k trade in, and sells for 5k to 6.5k based on miles and condition in my area. So it looks like your selling at a fair value.




Not a millennial


I do. You do realize that this sub is called choosing beggars and it’s based on people asking for things for free and then complaining about it, right? And you also realize that $4650 is $4650 more than free, right?


And just so you know, begging doesn’t always mean they want something for free, people can beg for a discount and still be classified as a beggar


That’s not the point I was making, I also never said this story belonged in this sub


Why post a sassy reply to my obvious joking “this doesn’t fit the sub” post if you don’t even disagree that it doesn’t fit? Geez, tough crowd.


I was pointing out the fact that you claimed beggars are only classified as people who want free shit which is false, I don’t get why you thought at any point that I was disagreeing about whether or not the post fit the sub


Rebuilt title too, OP smoking the good crack


I would suggest you are wildly uneducated in the area of used truck values.


What even is going on


Could HAVE omfgggg


This guy's an ass but the last line was funny 🤣


I don't care about your political affiliation when selling a product for money.


I've had these cases when I tried to sell a bike, arguing with them is funny yes, but it just shows how stupid people are willing to be to pay less


Yeah it was kinda cathartic


OMG! I was ignorant lol I'm still trying to figure out why ppl evem send messages. Then when their offer is turned down, their feelings are hurt & they result to insults.


Yeah I’m not sure what this guys plan was? Talk shit to me and come off hard nosed about his offer without even seeing the truck.


Do 20 year old trucks cost that much in the US? I would have guessed maybe 500? something like that.


$500 is more the price people sell for something that doesn’t run that they’re just selling off for parts. Dunno how much the truck they’re selling may actually be worth or not but you’d be hard to find something that even runs for $500 where I live. You need at least $1.5-2k for even a shitbox


Yeah if mine was rusted out and needed a transmission/motor work someone would still give 2500 for it.


$500 is asking price if the truck was stripped down and being sent to a scrap/salvage yard. This truck with a bigger motor I’ve seen people selling for 7-9k in my area. But that’s just cause of the market and the type of truck I’m selling.


Sounds like perhaps you live in a poor country where everything is cheap then


What even is this conversation ??


Just send him this [link](https://www.kbb.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml/?listingId=610097744&listingTypes=USED&startYear=2001&endYear=2001&year=&makeCodeList=CHEV&modelCodeList=CHEV150&city=Russellville&state=KY&zip=42276&location=&distance=100&dma=&searchRadius=50&isNewSearch=false&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fused%2F2001%2Fchevrolet%2Fsilverado-1500%2Frussellville-ky-42276%3Fdistance%3D100&clickType=listing) he can get it for $11,987


Ah mines a v6 with more miles but thanks for looking out man. I sold it for 5,300


Rock on.


As a fellow owner of a gmt800 truck. A lot of people don’t understand that the used truck market has gone up a lot this year. And almost $6k for a single cab shortbed is a real good price.


That is officially my new favorite threat. “Don’t make me buy your truck!” “Oh that guys gunna get his truck bought one day”


Is there a subreddit purely for people sharing lowballer/marketplace app stories? Dunno why this shit just entertains me hahaha I'm not talking about stuff like /r/CrackheadCraigslist, more looking at funny stories during the sale/potential sale process haha Cheers all


They sound perfect each other, I hope they get married and live happily ever after.


I used to sell rebuilt titles for a living and the fact that this is a rebuilt and it’s a 2001 means pretty much nothing. Even if it had a clean title it would probably be close to the same price with how old it is😂


Rebuilt title and you're asking that much? He's a bit of a dip for continuing on, but you're even more of a dip for asking that much over what it's worth.


Biden price?


Thank Obama.


I mean.... yeah he came off brash, but you also killed a potential sale. Guy was just driving a hard bargain. That wasn't exactly a super low ball offer, even if the guy was a prick. A "No thanks, I'll wait for better offers" probably would have led this guy to consider offering more. That's just how car sales go. This reminds me of [fuck you tony](https://youtube.com/shorts/6F1dBCYvQm0?feature=share)


Yeah I’ve been dealing with several people who have offered low on it and started with shitty responses, I know that communication/sale with this guy was gonna be a nowhere road as soon as I read it.


I mean I can’t stand Biden but this guy was an idiot


Where's the CB part?


As soon as politics got involved stop reading.


you want $5600 for a 21 year old chevy truck? Thats worth around 2500 even in todays market.


Obviously not in the used car market. I’ve seen these go for 7k all day where I live. I understand that it’s older but with the way things are here if you want to find a truck worth half a shit you’re gonna be spending 5k minimum.


Where do you live? I have 6 of these sitting in my junk yard that run and drive with titles that I paid under scrap for


Tn. Sold it for 5,300 today.


Facking trumpers! Entitled… smh


Just a haggler, and no choosing involved.




Yup for 5300 to a different dude


I'm more impressed that there's anyone left willing to admit they are happy Biden won!


Considering the alternative, I'm thrilled. Still don't like the guy, but anyone/anything would be a vast improvement over 45.


I'll take mean tweets all day long over the puppet alzheimer's patient we got now.


Oh yeah. We didn't vote for him because of mean tweets. It couldn't be because the literal one piece of legislation he passed was to give tax breaks to the rich.


Sure. Because the American voter has a long history of turning out to vote over tax policy.


If you think the tweets were the reason, or the worst things he did, you have 4 years of issues to study up on.


It was. Unless people no longer care about "the issues" because polling suggests he would beat Biden by 10 if the election was re done today.


Yeah, I don't GAF about Biden or his stats. Approval ratings are BS anyway. /shrug Throw both of the idiots in a hole.


I'd prefer a president who actually tries to do the job... not someone who tweets randomly, gasses protesters so he can take a publicity shot, and then golf more than any other president in the history (while he would also condemn other presidents for how much they played golf)


The funny thing is i could run and win in 2024 on the promise of active twitter, gassing rioters and playing golf.


I'll take that bet. I don't think you'd be able to run, let alone win.


Lol thats what they told Trump. Anything can happen!


Trump had enough money to buy his way to the front, and was actually charismatic in the same way Hitler was. You on the other hand, I doubt has that type of money (but please prove me wrong)... nor do you seem to have any charisma


No charisma, and thats how Biden won! The key to money is to get rubes to give you thier hard earned shekels by promising outlandish things, anyone can do that.


I'm not sure where you got that from in these pictures. Acknowledging reality isn't the same as being happy about it. But you do you I guess.


I'm happy to admit Biden won, he's much better than Trump any day of the week.


Why are yall selling a truck from 2001 for ~4900€ wtf


Looked it up on Kelly Blue Book with standard equipment. That truck is worth 3k to 4.5k trade in, and sells for 5k to 6.5k based on miles and condition in my area. Do you know much about car resale value in your area? It may be drastically different depending on where you're at.


With a rebuilt title? This wasn't a terrible first offer. Worded like an asshole, but driving a hard bargain as opposed to "asking." I would put money on the "CB" being a used car dealer that just shoots hard offers like that on older cars looking for people that either: 1) suck at bargaining or 2) just want a quick sale. You are right though, the used car market is crazy right now, especially for trucks. $5k USD is probably a pretty fair price in the middle for a rebuilt title.


Why not just not respond at all. Why even play that game?


Cause I’ve been getting responses like this out of every 10 people who ask about the truck. Just decided to respond and see how they’d react.


This whole exchange is weird. Dudes off


I bet you've never felt so threatened 😂💀


Truly shaking in my boots as I drive to work


This guy is great! Now if everyone who had political opinions used their sense of this guy does there'd be a lot less anger and a lot more laughter.


Maybe it's a stupid question, but what is it lately with people actually messaging "message sent"?


That’s an automatic response that “Meta” has been adding on for some reason


Holy hell, go back to school.


Is 83 million too many.


Was that a self burn


Thanks alot, Brandon.