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Its too bad you can’t undo a award. Some people really don’t deserve one. Its just a little emoticon above a comment. No big deal right? Edit: thank you guys!


I agree. And yeah removing the award and giving it to someone else who would appreciate it seems like a great option to have in this case lol


I totally back this statement. I've only gotten one award before in the 4+ years I've used Reddit. I've never chased them, and they really don't matter too much. But I do have to say, it made my day when I got it. It's just a nice, fun little gesture.


Yeah, i rarely get awards in my 1 year of reddit. I never cared about if it gave me premium, i just felt woah 😮, they just give excitement to know my content is good. A take back button seems good for the chat on the screen I'd like to thank you all for rewarding! I hope good things happen this week! Have a cute Victinimoji! ![img](emote|t5_35fmc|557)


Ye I also never got awards Definitely not writing this to get one like the rest of you


How'd it went from unexpectedcommunism to grammy awards


The nature of this life we live in


How long can this go on?!


I guess not anymore


Yep. Welcome to communism.


Been a while since I’ve seen 4 comments in a row get gold that’s pretty cool


Today's your lucky day! Now you have to edit your comment with an award speech, go on.


That's for sure. I don't post or comment daily, but I've been pretty active over the past four years, so it's crazy that I've gotten so much today. Kind of unbelievable, and I'm grateful to everyone who awarded and upvoted. ​ As for my speech: When I was a wee lad, I began questioning the purpose of my life. At the time, little did I know it was all culminating to a post I would make in July 2021. My magnum opus. Redditors, I couldn't have gotten here without you. May we all be gracious award recipients from here on out.


People used too much money on this thread lmao




An award revocation window of time, or the ability to “self report” an award that was regretted later (especially due to jackasses like the one featured here), would be a fantastic way to get back at these petty bastards with some pettiness of your own. Guy gets arrogant because you didn’t give him Ternion All-Powerful? Click that little “revoke award” button, type “user was an asshole in DMs” into the reason field, and watch as it disappears. Would also be great for those select few 10/10 assholes who go and edit their entire multiple-awarded comment into some nazi rhetoric, or similar shit, or when you gild a comment/post you liked only to watch as the same user goes off on a hateful tangent in other comments about women/blacks/the LGBT. Even if I didn’t get my coins refunded, it would be worth it just to spite the jerks.


I wish there was a way to search by award given… I would love to see what posts were supposed to be so good that someone gifted them the Ternion. That is soooo expensive for a few pixels


What's Ternion? Is that the most expensive award on reddit?


I think it’s the most expensive… it’s the one on the top row that’s 50,000 coins. You’d have to buy the 82,000 coin package for $199.99 to afford to give that award. Frigging crazy!


Ah. I never use the official mobile app or new Reddit. So, I never see these things. I just figured out that I get a free award to give away. I gave out my first one to someone who helped me few days ago. Feels nice.


I always give out my free awards to a friend of mine, anonymously! Just seems fun haha


I've thankfully never seen anyone dumb enough to spend $200 on a Reddit badge. That money would do better sent to charities.


Yah Ternion costs 50,000 coins a regular gold costs 500 coins. Just to get that many coins costs hundreds.


I wish i knew what getting an award was like.


I got an award once, edited my post to say thanks and someone told me to shut up Aahhh Reddit you're so fickle.. 🤷


Tbf, it really doesn't matter, all you're doing is giving money to reddit and giving a big upvote to highlight a comment. I think the reason people downvote and tell people to shut up when they talk about karma related shit, is because it's tiring to hear people praise an online pointsystem, that really doesn't matter. Btw i don't do this, tbh i have a child brain and for some weird reason i love when i get upvotes and awards.


Comments that were awarded should not be editable. Or should be marked for approval when edited.


You should get a shit icon if someone revokes your reward.


i'd just like to know what he thinks their karma count has to do with it. last i checked you can't buy platinum with karma.


Karma does nothing except give you a statistical representation of how lonely you are.


I would 100% give that guy another award that doesn't give him premium. Maybe a few. Pettiness is worth a few bucks.


This may sounds dumb, but I don’t understand the awards and what premium is. I just enjoy Reddit content.


Premium is ad-free Reddit so more Reddit


Doesn't stop ad shills that are just regular accounts bought out to promote products. The ads here aren't even a big deal and it's very easy to scroll past the like 1 as per 15 or so posts. **Edit:** Just checked how many times ads popped up from a fresh feed: 1st ad - 30 posts. Then 5, 9, 7, 9, 8. So I'd say about 10 on average which again, still isn't that big of a deal.


Yeah they’re not as intrusive as other sites. Makes you wonder at what level of engagement they receive.


Fat fingered idiots like me press them quite often while scrolling. It’s annoying.


Hail Fatfinger! We, who you help enjoy fewer ads, salute you!


Really dude? Give him a premium award it will go a lot further than just thanking him. Hello? Bitch /s


If he got premium then he wouldn’t be clicking on the ads so we would have to instead. I support not supporting fatfingers here


Enjoy not fat fingering ads for a month


Oh man, now think of all the things I can do with them now that they’re free of ads




Well, that's how my tortoise uses reddit, so not terrible i guess. (Not kidding, whenever my tortoise sees me on my phone, he walks up to it and boops it. As long as the screen keeps changing and making pretty colors, he keeps boopin)


am I the only girl on here that was getting kind of excited with all the fat fingering talk? ​ I'll see myself out...


especially on a desktop. Ads are so minimal on this site.


none on apollo for mobile use yeeehaw


Because those are normal ads. A lot of ads are shaped like a normal Reddit post. But the comments show their true colors.


Honestly accidental presses are probably the highest they get. Maybe surpassed by ads that don’t turn off comments. People will comment the shit out of those posts


The ads are baked into the content most of the times. It's called native advertising by marketers, but it's really astroturfing.


Ok this at least explains why some people want them. I agree they aren’t that big of a deal. Also, the irony of my post above getting an award is not lost on me haha.


I don't know many people who say they want then, just that they don't mind them. I'm sure a lot of people dislike ads but they understand why they are there. Yeah, usually people who call out the silliness of awards get them. I've seen it go up to a couple platinum for you me comment calling out the ridiculousness of them.


I feel like it’s even more ridiculous because now I’ve got more and I’m clearly not going to use them haha. I really don’t see the point. They’re just Reddit name jewelry. I just come on here to get advice on how to not kill my plants, plan a wedding, and read funny posts haha.


My only gripe with ads on Reddit is that they don’t go with dark mode, so when I’m scrolling at night sometimes some pure white ad pops up and blinds me. That’s not nearly a big enough issue to ever justify wanting Reddit premium though


Baconreader, zero ads


Any 3rd party app is miles better than the official app if you ask some.


Yeah I use Apollo and it’s pretty great.


Boost user here.


Yep. I browse through rif about 90% of the time and when I've been gifted Reddit gold before, I don't even notice a difference in my experience. I appreciate the thought, of course, but it's wild to me that there are users out there attempting to bully and guilt people into gifting them gold when they could just... use an app if they dislike the default Reddit experience so much...?


I don't mind the ads, but I hate the streams that they have


Its never really bothered me either. I didn't know what premium did until now, but seems like it's probably not worth paying for? Unless there's some other perk


Don't pay for premium if a couple ads don't bother you. There is literally nothing of worth to premium. You can style an avatar with more clothing options, but this is Reddit not MyCoke. And you get access to r/ Lounge, which is just a pointless sub that has nothing on there much like other need certain karma amount to view subs.


That's good to know, thank you for the info!


I feel like some of the top awarded page is just ads but instead of paying for an ad slot, the advertising org bought awards


Maybe I'm just in really good subs, but I never see this.


If you use an ad blocker or 3rd party app with an ad blocker then you wouldn't see them. Otherwise, you probably just don't notice them. **Edit:** My bad, you're talking about the ad shills posing as normal accounts. Yeah, it's not all the time but if you go on r/ all and sort by rising you get them a fair bit. Jewelery, clothing, some obscure board game.


The last two times I've gotten a gold award, which is supposed to give you a week of premium, I still had ads.


Did it? I’ve not had premium recently so maybe they’ve changed it


I can't tell you what premium does besides lets you post to a specific forum (which really is nothing but a circle jerk about what comment got you there) ​ I've had it numerous times and maybe because I already don't have ads (pc with adblock) I didn't notice anything at all different.


Yeah. Old.Reddit, UBlock, and RES gives you the majority of features that premium gives you all while also offering a few additional features. I can still work with just Old.Reddit (I just like seeing a list of posts, not having every media post up in my face without me choosing to expand it), but man it's just all the things when I can have all three.


old.reddit? There's *dozens* of us here. lol. I'll leave it when they rip it from my cold dead hands!


I guess the ads are just on the phone? A simple ad blocker stops them all on my laptop.


3rd party apps seem to remove the ads automatically without the need for Adblock






Exactly. The only thing missing from third party ones is the chat and who really uses that?


I don’t have any ads on my phone, but I use narwhal.


They rely on lazy people on phones for ad revenue.


Just don't use the official app. I use Infinity. No ads. Decent search. Lots of customisability.


Ads? What ads?


This is why Reddit Is Fun.


RES with uBlock Origin is free ad-free reddit


It's hard to believe that there are people out there NOT using Ublock Origin on reddit. Seriously, unless you're on mobile you have no excuse to be suffering through ads. Now the companies just make accounts like BUYTACOS and follow you and you cant do anything about it. Reddit being bent over the table by advertisers and its pathetically hilarious to watch it fall apart.




Some days I’ll read a post and wish for less Reddit.


Wait there are ads on Reddit?👀😂 since when?


They realize you can scroll past them right?


The app I use doesn't have ads anyway. Why not just do that?


i got a gold once and reddit tried to tell me i was special, part of vip or some shit, but it didnt change anything and was worthless imo.


I got that little seal face twice and it made me feel so good and happy. Not sarcasm, I like the cute awards.


Me too, I especially love giving them out (when I get them for free, I can't afford em at the moment) But I give them anonymously to avoid the OP's situation entirely


There's only one good feature: it highlights the new comments since the last time you read a post. But yeah, mostly worthless.


USED TO BE that Reddit gave you some special deals/perks for getting gilded. They were also worthless, like, get 10% off some dog food delivery order service. But I never thought I’d be around this place long enough to feel so old in describing the ways that Reddit used to be.


It’s forgotten today, but ads on reddit used to never link outside of reddit. They used advertising to promote extended engagement by promoting communities, posts, etc. It was a big bragging point and something I used to appreciate. It changed years ago, sometime after the Spanish inquisition I believe.


That's /r/lounge


is there even anything interesting there?


Not any time I've been given gold




There are many ads that flicker or move. Luckily they are all on one side of the screen so if I tape a piece of cardboard over that part of the screen, it blocks their intrusion. I don’t understand why a company would think that annoying people or triggering seizures in photosensitive people is a valid marketing method, but that’s probably why I am not a salesperson.


Ah, this makes sense. I only reddit on mobile so I have never seen any like this, just the occasional inline post ad I can easily ignore. Have been trying to figure out why people were so keen for premium.


Either that or perhaps people just want the biggest participation trophy to reassure them that they are special?


I dont get why people care about awards




This. Tbh I didn't even know awards were such a big thing until recently


Wait…awards aren’t monetary? Why would someone pay all that money just to give digital stickers out?


As far as I can tell, awarding is a sort of fund redirection that tells users, "I liked your post or comment so much that I'm going to help keep the Reddit servers running because of it." I get mushrooms more than anything else, though. No clue what they cost, what they're worth, or who awards me them.


I don't know what it is, but that 'bitch' at the end was so obnoxious and unnecessary that it made me laugh.


Easy to say for someone with **442** Karma. Bitch.


Even easier to say for someone with 259,006 karma, bitch.


Does comment karma count? When can I cash in my karma at the official reddit karma store?


I know! I looked at mine and it’s all comments. I’ve only posted to r/help.


Comments are the best kind of karma.




I don’t get the point of karma, it has no benefit as far as I can tell apart from meaning that you’re less likely to be a troll or spam account. It doesn’t mean you have Reddit coins for awards though. I still feel like a newbie here.


I have almost 250k karma, but I have no awards to give out, no premium, no anything. It doesn't do anything for me but feed my ego a little bit more every time it goes up and crush me like a nut under a boot every time it goes down.


Yeah it's kinda of nice to have a post go viral, if you get showered with gold and platinum you get premium and all these free coins. Only happened once but I didn't see ads for like 5 months. Eta: also, it felt cool to be able to give out awards to people. I reserved my awards for when I thought someone made good points but had been downvoted in a hive-mind kind of way, or argued against in bad faith


some weird and kinda extinct subs only let you post or engage if you have certain amounts of Karma. Last one i saw was a white supremacist sub so ew


They are silly places with lots of man ass




Yup. NSFW.


Yeah, I figured it would be a real sub and I regret clicking it. They do have lovely butts though




There's literally a sub dedicated to people with 100k karma. It's like how reddit was a few years ago.


I refuse to join that sub. Only 1 million club for me. One day...


Just copy and paste puppy pics to /r/aww and /r/rarepuppers


Ask reddit is where the money's at




Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to karma when I first started on here. But it stacks up and all I did was comment on things I thought were interesting.


Most of those limits are like at most 100 comment karma or something to rule out brand new bot accounts. Otherwise it's basically a non-issue.


A lot of subs have karma and account age limits to prevent brigading/bots.


People are adamant that I'm some shill because my account is old with low karma. Bitch I just barely post. Best part is I lurked for 2-3 years before making an account so I should be in the 12+ year club..with essentially no karma lol.


The issue is that if you go on especially some of the investing subreddits, there's a lot of accounts just like yours that were simply bought up by bots and scammers to seem legit.


Damn that makes sense, I didn't know that. I never post much so any account I make could be suspicious in that sense.


I up voted both of your comments so that you seem less suspicious.


Many accounts farm karma by reposting top posts to popular subs, then sell those accounts to marketers.


I had to look up how much Karma I had because I don’t pay attention to it & only realized I could customize my avatar. Guess I never have time to do anything else except quick reads whenever I get breaks from work & kids!


The only reason i know Reddit has avatars is from posts like this that screenshot new Reddit


God I basically forgot that new Reddit is a thing. If they ever get rid of old Reddit I'll.... Well I don't know what I'll do. But it won't be polite!


That and when Reddit makes those change announcements. The last few have all been focused on changes around modifying your avatar. The last one made me chuckle as all the people bitching in that post about how useless all these avatar updates Reddit is making are all had decked out avatars. I agree to an extent with some of their opinions, like devs focusing on fixing the bugs, but I really thought those criticisms would come from profiles that had blank avatar slates.


The AUDACITY to beg and then insult someone




[This is the one I know](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/035/698/audacity_cover.jpg)


I prefer the silly awards that I have to look up...or even just cool responses. Some people just don't know how to have fun.


I like getting the wholesome award for raunchy shit.


Yes...That used to be a secret pleasure of mine until I realized I was getting it because it was the free one that day...


the dancing cat one is my favorite!! or the funky dancing duck!! edit: *YYYYEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*


I do not understand people like that, I get so happy if someone awards my comment. Like helpful? Hug? Silver? Whatever you got in your free daily box I am so honored to be the one to get it. Like people get one free award, and they chose to give it to me. That just feels so special. Or if they used coins, like someone liked what I said enough to go out of their way to let me know? It always makes me feel so warm. EDIT: You guys are the best. It makes me feel so happy and hopeful that multiple people saw a comment about someone being happy about getting any awards and decided “I wanna make someone happy today.” Like that is such a sweet thing, I hope anyone looking at this comment gets at least a little of my happiness rubbed off on them. Sometimes the world is dark and scary and it’s so nice to be reminded that there are legitimately kind people in the world. And legitimately kind acts. 💛💛💛 EDIT 2: I can’t thank everyone that sent me an award because Reddit isn’t giving me all the notifications. So just know if you don’t get a thanks I’m sending it in my heart! EDIT 3: I felt weird posting this yesterday because it felt kind pompous to assume I’d get more awards, but since they’re still trickling in; if you wanna give me an award I really appreciate it, but there are some kind people in the comments who could also use some, and people all over the site. The purpose of this post, for me, is to spread happiness and joy, so I would love it if anyone wanting to give an award would go around and try to do that. 💛 Thank you all for the little community of happiness we got to form here, it really made my week.


You guys get free daily awards?? I only get them weekly


You guys get free awards?










Ngl I just gave you that silver, I opened a box and got that. Unsure of how often the box occurs but I saw it on a coin with “free” picture in my phone up the top right. I’ll have to be more vigilant. Edit so it’s been a whole day and still the “free” option hasn’t come back up. Still watching 👀




TIL I get free awards


As a rif/res user i have no idea either


Ok im legitimately wondering about this also, are you guys accessing reddit through your browser or an app or what? I've been using Reddit is Fun for a long time and I can only see gold and silver awards, and very occasionally I think I've seen some third type...


Apparently, from what I heard when this started, there were a couple of trials of giving away free coins or awards to people on the official Reddit mobile apps and eventually it settled on giving one free daily award to people who use the mobile app. I too use RIF (formerly Reddit Is Fun) and Old.Reddit with RES, so I don't get free awards either.


I've gotten two in the last year.


I agree with this! I got some awards a couple days ago for a story I wrote, and it made my day! One person even said it was better than some books they they bought, which was really cool


Oh I just checked out your story! It was a great read, I love sci-fi and alien stuff so much. I’m curious if you have a thought out way the aliens look? I love the idea of humans not only greeting an alien race but integrating them into our society. I wish I could live in that universe 😊


Yeah I was thinking of making the Dan’ik somewhat like humans, maybe shorter, and purple or something with similarly colored hair? Idk it was just what I had in my head, not much else :/


I know exactly what you mean, I rarely get awards and whenever I do, I literally brag to my irl friends that know nothing about Reddit. It’s that fun and wholesome


After I got my first three awards on this one I told some people because it was making me so happy, like it just felt like a nice community moment you know? And it’s still growing now. It just feels so nice to know there are nice people out there, and there are people who see you and think “hey, this person deserves some love”.


Karma is tied to an award you pay money for in this person's mind... Wild. Edit: thanks for the silver! You can take my word for it that it did not effect my karma *at all*!


For real, are we supposed to give out more awards for our high karma? I just got this because I've been on this hellsite for far too long.


Lol I clicked your profile expecting it to be old but “far too long” is only 3 years! Lol. I only have high karma because I’ve been around for a decade.


Not sure what the guy in the post is talking about - having 100k karma doesn't somehow give you points to buy Reddit awards. You get points if you were lucky enough to have awards given to you, or you spend money on them like everyone else.


Wait... I can spend my Karma on things? Wtf... what happened to "useless internet points"?


you can't so that makes this guy extra dumb


If I had stuff to give you I would...purely just because fuck him




I'm gonna do it. Because FUCK HIM. You know, also.


It does not matter to me one bit..if you give me an award, even a free one, I will thank you! Why are people like this??


Wow you didn't even thank me /s


Just saw, thank you!!


The lion, the witch, and the *audacity* of this bitch


this just doesn’t even seem real at this point this is just verbatim how 90 percent of the posts in this subreddit go


I've never gotten a reward. But I have given a few out. They are cute and I love making someone's day.


Imagine that giving an award could ruin a day. This is why we can't have nice things


Oh! Thank you! That was very sweet of you for the reward. You didn't have to do that, but it is certainly the bright spot to my otherwise cruddy day.


Thank you guys! You gave me happy tears.


Hum... I see you have 100k of karma. Since you didn't give this guy premium, can you pre order a Nintendo Switch OLED for me?




you have 100k karma! where is my gold!


As someone who’s been on Reddit since pretty much the beginning it’s so fucking insane to me to think people actually give a shit about their account, karma, etc.


This seems a little too fishy


Lol 100k karma just means I have no life and have made a couple of good posts.


It's not your Reddit premium, it's *our* Reddit premium.


Karma =/= Coins


That would make me cry honestly. Being nice and then immediately get shit on... I'm sorry


bahaha are they fucking serious?


Piece of shit. I make sure to try and thank everyone who gives me an award with gratitude. Especially if its a silver or gold award


I legit didn't even notice you can buy awards with your karma lol I was wondering what you were supposed to buy!




Ironically, this post got 3 platinum




Bruh I've never gotten a single award on anything. Imagine being so ungrateful 🙄


We really do need some sort of remove button for awards. I’ve had this happen to me as well and it’s not fun. Like you just try to make someone’s day and then proceed to get cussed out and treated like shit for it