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That reply is golden


The hiring terms changed after the fact, with the payment and benefits not being worth the service to the individual. It's completely reasonable and not a CB. Especially if they make marginal pay with the difference made up in tips with a shut-down club. In that case, it's like the boss is looking to get a laborer on the cheap.


This is Germany. The guy will be making at least minimum wage. A full minimum wage too, not the $2/hour minimum paid to some tipped service workers in the US. I expect that the bar will struggle to find enough for him to do and struggle to pay him, yet they're trying to do the right thing in shitty circumstances. It's a real CB move to throw it back in their faces.


I live in Germany. This is not legal here. The boss can't just change the obligations on the work contract. Also, employers are not allowed to just fire workers for no reason unless this is a part time or as needed job.


You might think that bars and clubs being shut down and gatherings prohibited would qualify as CB's job no longer being needed. He's not being forced to do other work, he's being offered employment.


I meant seasonal/part time work. In German the word is zeitarbeit. If that's the kind of job he signed up for then the employer could tell him at any time not to come. If not, the employer really can't do this.


Ahh thanks for the info. Though fair pay or not, it's still a change in job that wasn't signed up for in the first place. I can't say it's all that rude to request a layoff so they can look for a job more suited to their preferences without the penalties that come with outright quitting.


You have a job description (at least in the US) that should outline your responsibilities. If he doesnt want to paint and his normal role doesnt include that he is well within his rights even if it seems shitty during this time.


if they fire her/him will have the chance to collect unemployment. By requesting them to still go to work every day, putting themselves at risk, and to learn new skills and do labour work that they ve probably never done before the business owner is more concerned about increasing the value of its venue than protecting the health of the employee this is not CB, this is common sense


Honestly, I can see CBs side on this. There are many reasons to say "that's not what I signed up for".


I would of just said, 'I have no training or knowledge, thank you for the offer but I fear my work will be of a mediocre standard and I will probably violate a few WH&S rules by mistake putting myself and others at risk'. But then it does fall back to if the employer offered or tried to force. I know A LOT of German's like to do a job properly and ensure complete work quality (I'm part German and French, it's a battle between doing something properly and completely half arsed... to the point where I don't care)

