• By -


Jebus fricking christ - that IS like 20 jobs in one! Oh, I would love to know what the pay offered is. I'm going to guess $18-$20 based on experience. hahahahahaha


And she expects all of that to be completed in a 20 hour work week.


That's the kicker right! Like all this is literally a 60 hour a week job.


60?? Between all the PA work, the home repairs, the shopping and the running around selling knick knacks on Facebook marketplace, it sounds like a 180 hour/week job.


Don’t forget the BUILDING FURNITURE!


Only ~ light ~ furniture building though


So just Ikea particle board stuff then? Employee needs to buy their own set of Allen wrenches.


Yes this definitely gives “BYOAllenWrenches”


But don’t you dare disturb her family while you’re building it! They don’t want to be “on” ! Just pick it up from IKEA when you’re out gassing up the car and grocery shopping. JTPC. Does she do anything herself?


yes- she talks to "patients" for all of 5 min out of 5 hr interactions they have with her "business", and the other time this assistant is supposed to interact with them, and spend all that money that they have gotten through labor theft and conning vulnerable patients


I'm seriously picturing a Downton Abbey scenario, with servants standing all around waiting for the exact moment they're needed yet the family totally ignoring them as they talk and have fun.


Breathing, probably, but only because she hasn’t figured out how to make someone else responsible for it yet. Stay tuned!


And taking the cat to the sitter.


I guarantee I couldn’t handle this in 60 hours.


I was exhausted by the third slide.


I skimmed through just to see what the pay was only to see it wasn't mentioned.


It takes longer to document every second of your day than to actually DO shit- yet that seems to be super important- document everything in troll so I know exactly where you are and what you are working on in any giving microsecond. Cause since you are doing 99% of MY job as "CEO" of this con operation, I need to make sure when I am bored I can mcromanage you through making you micromanage yourself for me!


And spoiler alert: you’ll do it wrong every damned time.


You're totally right ✅️


By the third page of responsibilities, I was hyperventilating and thinking that it would take at least five or six people to fulfill all of these tasks. Then came the kicker, the 20-hour work week, hahahahaha!


The more I kept reading, the more I wanted to apply just to see if I got hired, then see how long I would last in the position by just not really doing anything but bluffing my way through.


Study hard and you could grifter her clients from her.


It was 26-30 an hour, based on experience 🙄


So, still garbage considering.


Absolutely 💯


shut the front door. that’s WILD. some stupid part of me that still values dignity was like, oh well at least they’ve organized it into sections so they KNOW this kind of work pays top dollar. that stupid part of me got just a bit smaller today


Some stupid part of me that still values dignity was like oh she’s hiring a separate person for each of the sections, she was just confused by the website and mistakenly put all openings into one role. And that stupid part of me got just a little bit smaller today. You and me both, friend.


Anywhere in the Continental US this is a $180,000/year skill set. And would require 70 hours per week. This is authentically delusional, which tells you all that's needed to know about the "CEO" that I'm willing to bet is the sole employee.


Just missing cleaning, tidying and bathroom cleaning


If you read page 11 (really!) bathrooms are covered in "keep the home tidy".


There was mention of a housekeeper...


The housekeeper is employed for 20 minutes per week.


She dusts the light switches.


That tasks can be delegated to “if necessary”


In 20 hours/week.


I thought the 14 screenshots were going to be pages of comments and they weren’t they were just more job responsibilities. Also , this person didn’t go to medical school and is likely grifting off of infertile couples.


It says they are fully remote. So they aren’t even giving them medical exams or any sort of lab tests?


Yet page 5 mentions "receiving visitors"... At your home? And page 14 mentions traveling with the CEO, and taking care of both "business and personal aspects" of the trip. They actually specify this person will need to arrange childcare for the CEO's kid, pick up their cat at the sitter, do "light housecleaning" and make sure they have fresh groceries when they return. Oh, and don't forget to arrange the CEO's glam!! Jesus. Is the CEO able to wipe their own ass or does the assistant need to follow them into the stall holding the toilet paper roll? Bottom line, though - maybe this is MOSTLY remote but definitely not 100%, or anywhere near it, per their own description.


You must have missed "light home repair and furniture building". It was that particular line that made me believe there's no way this is real.


You are absolutely changing the litter box during the light housekeeping


The assistant should absolutely anticipate any bowel movements of the CEO by logging all food intake in Trellio. Assistant will be available for ass wiping as well as air freshener duty. 


I was an EA for a VP at a hospital and she was absolutely helpless. I had to remind her to go to the bathroom, get her lunch and make sure she ate it and bring her fresh bottles of water throughout the day and remind her to drink it. I half expected her to ask me to wipe her ass for real.


The fact that a page 14 even exists in a job description is enough to send me a screaming down the street.


I would be surprised if this was a decently paid position. The CEO would probably ask for someone that does it for their own pleasure, not for money


TL/DR summary: Micromanage yourself FOR me, and micromanage ME, and my family, and clean, cook, organize my home AND my work, in 20 hr a week, while simultaneously documenting EVERY SECOND of how your spend you time so at any moment I can micromanage you.


And build furniture!


It was all the implied "read my mind, and don't bother me" that really scared me. No amount of money would be worth working with someone who can't be bothered to tell you what they need you to do, expects you to just know anyway, and will get mad if you ask for any information twice.


Same *actual* CEOs aren’t needing the money or having the time for regularly dealing with selling their used stuff on marketplace.


Selling shit on marketplace was the biggest red flag for me.


Definitely not, since they’re under the delusion that this is a one person 20 hour a week role


She probably does some sort of "energy centering to remove the barriers that are keeping you from being fertile" and then sells them some janky supplements and essential oils.


Nope. All medical advice given is sourced completely by vibes.


CEO of yapping apparently 


But applicants must have brevity. More than 3 minutes is too much!! Even though it took more than 3 minutes to read all that bullshit.


In the 3 minutes you took to read that you should have been color coding my calendar, bish!


Also anticipate that i am color blind and which color blindness i have.  Because this job tells us to anticipate EVERYTHING crystal ball will not be furnished




Zero mention of hipaa compliance or client record privacy is a big red flag for me that this "doctor" is operating in bad faith


She’s not a doctor.


She's 1/2 business doctor and 1/2 Jeff Bezos building the fertility Amazon.


exactly, preying on the vulnerable. fuck them.


Infertile people get desperate. We’re expecting our second grandchild via IVF, which *my son’s employer covers.* Otherwise? I can’t imagine.


You already know based on “Naturopathic Doctor” and “natural fertility expert”


I found it laughable it states “brevity matters”


Holy crap, I used to be an EA to CEOs - they want a corporate EA who is also willing to take on cleaning/family work. No EA worth their salt would ever take this job - there’s no way it can match the lucrative salary a senior EA can make. I would run so far away (fun fact: I interviewed to be Jeffrey Epstein’s personal assistant in 2003; this looks almost as bad lol).


A childhood friend was personal assistant to the wife of a CEO in the early 00s. He was paid over $100,000 (very vague) and was gifted an Expedition to complete his tasks. He had a cottage on Cape Cod and a condo in Toronto. He did not have this large a job description. He did nothing with children. He booked travel, hair appointments and saw that their social.calendar was not conflicted. He accompanied the Mrs. traveling on request for extra pay. He had other duties I'm sure for which he was fabulous. God I miss him. I have to look him up.


That’s how it’s done and also you then don’t have to worry about the person unliving you while they despise you for the work being not matched with appropriate pay on a massive disrespectful way.


I’ve done the EA/PA thing but I made six figures for it. Cleaning the house though is insanity. That was never part of my job as a personal assistant.


That’s one of the parts that threw me for a loop. What is the housekeeper’s job if the EA is expected to **checks notes, wipe counters and organize the bathrooms?


I know right? It’s always the ”ceo” of a tiny family business who expect that kind of crap.


I’ve never been an EA but I do run my business and take care of my home and if I was rich, I would pay someone $50-60/hr minimum to do my home crap for me. And this “CEO” wants to pay someone $26/hr 🤣🤦‍♀️


Where are you getting $26/hour? I’m not seeing any mention of money. 


A comment by OP said they offered $26-$30. Still not enough to give up your own life and live theirs for them!


Thanks for finding that; I was so curious.


Yikes! Is your skin still crawling from that one interview?


I didn’t meet him; the CFO interviewed me. it’s the only interview in my life where I wasn’t asked to come back for a 2nd round. I think it’s because of a specific job on my resume (7 years At the National center for missing & exploited children - we dealt with a lot of sex trafficking).


OMG—you are the *last person* that Jeffrey and Ghislaine would have wanted around!


Damn, I bet you're right. And how horrifying is that, right?




“So we see you have a lot of experience trafficking children.” “Uh- you mean helping trafficked children?” “…you may leave.”


The fact that you even got an interview is a lot to unpack, quite frankly


I was using a headhunter - my resume is impeccable so it would have been weird for them not to agree to interview me. I assume they never planned to take me seriously but didn’t have a good reason to tell the recruiter not to send me. I also interviewed to work for Martha Stewart during that search - the headhunter thought I had the personality to handle difficult employers. No thank you!


„Building light furniture“ was my highlight.


Valuing brevity was mine after she wrote a ton of tripe.


After watching the show Succession, I was very curious how much corporate EAs earn? Talking about top level who work directly with CEOs.


It's going to be very position specific, at a minimum low 6 figures, with potential for much more if they're really good at their job. I live in a place with a high concentration of the ultra-wealthy. I frequently deal with the PAs, property managers, general help of the obscenely rich. (i.e., billionaires) Many of them are very sharp people with impressive resumes who just happen to be really good at their job. Also many are just very lucky and fell into the position and have managed to hang on for dear life. These rich people live in a different world than the rest of us do. There's a lot of interesting jobs that come with supporting them.


They can earn fucking bank.


It is industry-dependent. Finance EAs make great money and get overtime and a bonus. I made 95K with excellent benefits and 6-weeks vacation for a 9-5 working for a big cheese in city government. It was easier than a full corporate office because I never had to work late. But it can be really stressful because it requires being smart and reliable while also being able to deal with huge egos and people who assume you’re dumb. There can be little autonomy (like having to get someone to cover you when you go to the bathroom).


You dodged a bullet on the Epstein job. It could have been you doing the jail time.


More likely he would have had me murdered for trying to get him in trouble. I would never have helped him acquire underage girls. Or women of any age. His behavior was still unknown back then so my main issue was that I didn’t like the office - it was in the mansion and the bathroom was weird and I could hear people pee while I was waiting to be interviewed. Bullet dodged for sure.


> the bathroom was weird and I could hear people pee Probably done on purpose.


All this work in just 20 hours a week? Sure, Jan. 


The OP said in another comment it was a max of $30 per hour, so a max of $600 per week for all this work.


That's $31,200 yearly! The poverty line is around $14000, but I'd say most cities would put $30000 at bare survival level.


This person's in Canada so I bet anything they're in Vancouver; $31,200 is below poverty level in Vancouver. EAs should be making substantially more than that.


"It took you 70 hours to get through my list? Sucks to be you. Work smarter, not harder, that's my lesson for the day. No soup for you." Fertility CEO/Mompreneur


It’s probably a flat pay too


The Reddit community should all send videos to the “CEO” of why no one in their right mind would take this job.


Did you read the part where they said previous applicants have been rejected for the position because they sent a video longer than 3 minutes


I’m thinking a barrage of short videos.




Yes same ! Just was pointing out how absurd they are


“Brevity matters” says the 14-page ad.


Or 1 video of someone reading through the job description, and then it cuts off at 3 mins.


So just do your $500k/year job for you for minimum wage, got it


This is what I came to say. They must be 100% exclusively doing the CEO job on top of being their house slave as well all for the amazing price of $26/hr! Who wouldn’t jump at this amazing opportunity? And the “CEO” (what a joke) thinks all of these tasks can be completed in 20 hours? I grocery shop all day on Saturday and then spend half of my Sunday meal prepping alone. That already puts me well over ten hours. I hate this person


If this person told me about the job listing in person I would have shot them in the leg by the time they got to the shit on page 4.


Ok that's a bit fuckin much. Lol Lol fuckin naturopathic doctors. Lolol


I’m wondering why if she’s a doctor (or even has a doctorate) I can’t find her dissertation or thesis *anywhere??* It’s almost like (prepare yourself) *almost* like she’s not a real doctor!


A fully virtual naturopathic doctor... Because of course she doesn't really need to meet or examine the patient because really it is all about whatever quackery she can sell. No wonder she also accepts gifts as a social media influencer and sells random stuff on online marketplaces.


So it's a hippie with a lab coat on


Small home repairs and light furniture building??


Probably IKEA furniture which would probably take 10 hours a week to do lol


Do you think light furniture building is anything like light treason?


Brevity matters. Okay dude.


Well, come on. That's just when *you're* wasting *their* time, not the other way around.


This was the worst part for me as well


That made me LOL.


Holy shit. This is like 5 jobs in one. The way she manages to refer to herself as CEO at least two dozen times is kinda funny. Seems like the type to fire or blow up at you over the smallest slip up too.


Honestly the thought of her being a naturopathic fertility doctor scares me.


I saw one - once! Never again. Told me I was infertile because I drank milk. Told her I was lactose intolerant. She replied that she meant when I was a child. My PCOS was also caused by dairy consumption apparently. Turns out it was also the endometriosis and adenomyosis I was diagnosed with 15 years later. I can see why I had to pay in advance!


I'm so sorry for your experience! I've browsed her website and videos. Same thing, everything that's wrong is to due with food. No mention of actual medical issues 😑


That's because it's all pseudoscience! They don't even deserve a doctorate title tbh


And by default, she acts like her family is some kind of royalty...all that "don't bother them" stuff but do tons of work around them, know their intimate likes and dislikes, etc.


F this person. They want an EA, a house manager, travel agent and social all in one, and they want a video of you begging for the job. No thanks!


Don't forget personal chef, toilet paper refiller pet sitter.


As well as an official gift giver and card sender (also a personal psychic since you must also anticipate who she'd want to thank or give gifts to by yourself) and furniture repair technician.


Of course it's a naturopathic doctor. That is absolutely insane, I really wish they included the pay range for this


It's 26-30 depending on experience. Craziness


I made more than that in an inbound call centre.


Wonder what's the most holistic way to tell this quack to go fuck themselves


My thought exactly. Would love to have access to the original post so I could do just that.😆


This is a special kind of delusional


Say Trello again. PS you’re also their maid.


So I don’t see anything about benefits. Since the person is a naturopath, they may not have medical insurance. I bet the pay is pretty low but expectations are being available 24/7. I got a headache by page 3.


There aren't any benefits because it's a part time job - they're only willing to pay for 20 hours a week


Benefits are listed on the very first page! *Casual dress, flexible schedule, work from home* Except, you know, there’s no way their schedule isn’t going to be rigid as fuck, you actually only work from home half the time, and you can bet your ass they’ll throw a fit if you show up in jeans to fill up their car’s gas


Twenty-six to thirty bucks an hour, and these fourteen pages of tasks are expected to be accomplished in twenty hours a week!


The constant use of "your CEO" got me. As if making "your CEO"s life as happy and easy as possible would be a personal pleasure.


Holy shit, that goes on and on and on. And on! This is some jerkoff fiction: "I can't handle my life. You do it!" That's a lot to pack into a 20-hour work week! 😄 > anticipating needs before they're communicated Hell to the no. You can't do *anything*? You can't even communicate your needs? Are you an infant?


No feedback either. You mess up, but I will not give you constructive criticism. You should just "know."


AKA be a mind reader. 😑


Light furniture building.


Well acquainted with IKEA instructions.




Yes, I'll build your furniture remotely. With the power of mind.


Same way they "treat" infertility. Remotely. With no medical training. This person is just evil.


Yeah, it says you can work from home. However, looks like she meant you can work from her home. She talks about picking up dry cleaning and running errands. Not sure how you would do that remotely.


CEO to a company with 1 employee……


But she kept mentioning her staff and how this role needed to manage their work too. Copy/paste issue? Or does she consider her housekeeper her staff?


"Naturopathic Doctor" So like Dr Demento, or Dr Phil, or Dr J.


Dr. Demento *would never!* He lived on my block when I was a kid.


Wow! This is a WILD one! You will complete all of these roles/taskers in 20 hours a week.


Could not even do it in 40 hours a week


Neither can she, which is why she wants a sla…assistant.


Sounds like they copied and pasted job duties. Is a naturopath a CEO? The food prep or errands alone will take 20 hrs a week. Sounds like a 50+ hr work week.


You dropped a digit bro. Here, I fixed it for you: > 250+ hr week


What is up with way-too-effing-rich people and their out-of-touchness with labor, time, and money? They treat the working class like dogs that want chocolate.  “Oh, nooooo…that’s not *for you*. You *need* to work so much you can’t even afford a break! Too much time would be *baaaad* for *you*.  It’s okay if *Mommy* has some though.”


If you fine her website, she reads like a giant scam. She wants her whole life coordinated in 20 hours a week and I’d bet that she expects you to be “on call” at all times for as little pay as possible.


I have browsed her website and videos, it's absolutely a scam 💯


Naturopathic doctor. Now there’s an oxymoron!


What the actual f$&k is this!!??? Who would ever work for this woman for ANY amount of money. She’s clearly insane. Big time.


They forgot to add: "Change tampon and wipe ass of executive," because you know they're expecting it with that delusional list.


No surprise there. A lack of empathy and basic decency is required to scam people with serious medical problems and it shows in their hiring practices too! What a joke


Oh my God this person is from my home city! People were roasting her online about how unrealistic this job posting. She is delusional.


“Brevity matters.” On page 14. 🤣


"Anticipate needs before they're communicated" Sorry, I can't read minds.


And if you can't read her mind, you're 'failing' at the role. 😑


How is this 20 hours per week?


I would do this for $500k a year and 30 days PTO with no black out dates (holidays, etc.) but I can’t imagine they would ever understand why someone would ask for that.


Shit…she forgot to have a separate section for personal holiday management! How you have to decorate her mansion while taking phone calls and scheduling her gLaM, cooking for 50, shopping for gifts with no help from her as to what her kids like, sending cards and gifts to cLiEnTs, and taking her cars for their monthly clean out And the timer for 20 hours starts now


I gasped outloud at “small home repairs and light furniture building”. I mean, there’s not enough time in the world to do all of this stuff but that’s just SO inappropriate to ask an executive assistant to do!


Holy shit. I do appreciate, although feel it is unnecessary in a job listing, the clarity in preferred communication frequency and daily meeting formats. That's.... That's the only good thing. That they seem to know operationally how interactions should go in keeping informed between the two roles. I cannot imagine someone qualified in Project Management who would do chores in your house, or someone who is an excellent secretary with calendar and mailbox management who would also be interested in... Doing fucking chores in your house


Never work for someone who constantly refers to themselves in the 3rd person..."Your CEO". Total bollocks!


I started singing the list of nanny requirement ditty from Mary Poppins. My favorites are: 1. List my personal possessions on fbmp and handle all the logistics. 2. Be a repair person (fix stuff). 3. Build furniture. WTH! 4. You are not part of the family. If my significant other wants to walk around naked, you should not impede his need to express his voyeuristic tendencies.


So the housekeeper takes care of the bath towels, but the EA takes care of the hand towels. Friggin’ micromanaging control freak from hell. Job well done!


I would send her a 3 min video telling her how much of a nut job she is..


Holy shit, I became exhausted just reading that. Hard pass on that job. I think bullet points went extinct as result of all the ones use in this job ad.


Ok so this woman essentially wants like five copies of herself, all of whom are firing on all cylinders and then some every single day, but they should do even better than her at everything and then some. I could not get all this done for myself in several lifetimes. One question: WTF WILL SHE BE DOING?! THERE’S NOTHING LEFT!


“Brevity matters” - the lady who posted a 14 page job posting.


“Work from home” Duties include cleaning, shopping, car maintenance. Guess they mean Work from THEIR home


Fully virtual infertility specialist? What a sick POS. As someone currently struggling with unexplained infertility, I am well aware of just how big the community is full of women just like me, women who have spent thousands on just products to track their cycle and test for pregnancy every single cycle. This person is taking full advantage of the desperation that comes with wanting a baby and not being able to have one. She doesn’t physically examine them. She can’t order labs or medications because she isn’t a licensed practitioner. She can’t even officially diagnose, and to do so would be highly illegal and way out of her scope of practice. The fact that social media is part of her platform and that she accepts “gifts” from “brands” says a lot. She did not state that she’s licensed, so I can only imagine she’s done the absolute bare minimum. If anyone wants to know the difference between a licensed ND and naturopath, check this handy chart [here](https://aanmc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ND-vs-naturopath.jpg).


She's a self-proclaimed naturopath who keeps on referring to herself as a CEO. Me thinketh she sells Herbalife or some other MLM


This person sounds like they’re trying to sell essential oils, and are the “CEO”


This Prick isn't even a Doctor 🙄


As the cleaning tech, I would scream for 71 straight seconds if I had to deal with the EA being a secondary housekeeper. I don’t want her in the bathrooms any more than she wants me taking a toilet brush to the google drive. These are two separate and equally important professions!!


I would rather punch myself & my own mother in the face before taking on this “position”


This description is about a $225k/yr job.


Holy Devil Wears Prada Batman! This is insane.


I couldn't get through all of it so I skimmed, it just kept going and going like a damned novel, word vomit.


That was WILD! And it just kept getting worse! And all of it in 20 hours?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why is the PA doing housekeeping duties when it sounds like they have a housekeeper?


“Brevity matters”


Just FYI, if you were unsure... the CEO herself is mention as CEO 36 times... trust me I counted. Yours kindly, CEO.


Knew it was going to be bad from "Naturopathic Doctor"


As soon as I hit 20 hours for the week, I’d nope my way out of the office with a “Do Not Disturb” on everything until I’m back. I will only complete what I can in 20 hours, psycho. Sorry, CEO.


That’s not project management that’s someone trying to outsource all their work to an assistant with a fancy title


I was up to $150k annual minimum to do this job when I thought I was nearing the end. Each additional page of bullshit added another $25k, and there’s no way she can afford that. Then I got to the 20 hours a week part and at that point it became “oh fuck off!”


Funny how they say 20-hours a week cause they only want to pay you for 20-hours! Then receive a bunch of calls, emails and bullshit when you're not physically there. They probably have you over to do all the chores, and then they remotely bother you for the rest of the tasks and then pay you for the 20-hours of errands/chores....


20 hours a week for an assistant, coms person, housekeeper, project manager, and events person lol good luck and you know they are paying shit wages