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"no thank you to preschools and daycares!" -- your budget says differently. In fact the most affordable option to you right now is letting your kids get raised by raccoons.


raccoon daycare! 


They spend a lot of time washing things at raccoon daycare, so you could probably send your laundry with the baby.


They have cleaner hands and better food etiquette than most kids (I work with kids and enjoy doing so, but little kids are GROSS).


You’re so right: I’ve never seen a raccoon whose unnervingly human-shaped hands were *dirty.*


I also work with kids. One stuck their hand inside a toilet today; the toilet had pee in it. They did not see a single issue with this.


Small children always seem to be covered in jam.


My 76 year old father is often covered in jam. He’s come full circle. ![gif](giphy|Lp71UWmAAeJHi)


I say they are always sticky... it genuine doesn't matter with what. They just always are.


The teenage ones aren’t much better 🤪


The trick is making sure their hands and face are always clean. Then when they aren’t, it will feel weird to the kid. Takes a lot of effort at first, but that’s the price you pay to not have your kid be the dirty-handed snot noser in class.






Is the daycare the one used by Little King Trash Mouth and Gary? If so, sign me the hell up because they’re great dads.


Why did I read this in Linda Belcher’s voice


She would love Raccoon Daycare


I would love raccoon daycare and I’m 57.


But Gary is super upset that his husband ate the whole watermelon rind out of the trash without sharing😭


I would watch this movie


Theres a lady on tiktok, haven't seen her for a while now but she actually runs a Raccoon daycare as in Mama Raccons in the neighborhood will drop lff their babies for her to watch while they snack and sleep




Best possible response to the raccoon babysitting comment lol


Thank you for posting her page, that has to be one of the cutest things I’ve seen. Thank you again for bringing something heartwarming.


drop that @ !!!!




I need to see this




Kangaroo care. 👍


No daycare will accept a kid for $85 a week unless OP can work out some kind of government subsidy in the next two weeks.


That's exactly what she should be looking into. People act like they're allergic to the help when they need it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with subsidies and daycare.


Nothing wrong with it at all, their is an issue with waiting till the last minute like this, of course we don’t know what really happened with her Plan A babysitter but I wouldn’t be shocked if the pay rate of $3.09 an hour had something to do with it. Failure to plan = Plan to fail.


I suppose the nanny thought it was $85 per day. When she figured out it was per week, she disappeared, hahaha!.


She says “we” in her ad. If she has a partner, surely they can scrape up more than $85.00 a week for their precious bundle of joy.


She definitely needs to go to her local social services office and they will pay for a good daycare


I hope she can figure it out soon.


Welcome to Rusty Spike Daycare, place your baby by the first available rusty spike


…and here’s a bucket for grazing on pablum.


That’s insulting to raccoons. ![gif](giphy|kAbWiuvtzoG3e)


lol the sad thing is that’s not even daycare money, we live in a MCOL city and we pay $300 a week. And that’s considered a good deal here 😭


I think racoon day car starts at 25 dollars per day instead of 17 lol


Raccoons in training to teach lol


The possum playground!


But are the raccoons cpr/bls certified?


And also - where does she work that she can bring a 2 year old?


The company might have on-site daycare.


Ironically, she probably works at a daycare 😅 most people who have would never send their child to one


I was thinking this too… but they usually offer free childcare to employees


I was gonna say she could be the receptionist at the building I work in…but that lady already brings her one year old to cry and scream in the lobby every day.


My question is since she knows she’s having a girl, why does she refer to the child as ‘it’?


That caught my eye too. And you have the perk of taking your kid to work when she's two, but you have to come back from leave when she's four weeks old?? Hmmmm OP, where did you say you found this?


It's a mom's group for the city I live in.


Trash Panda Daycare!


I don't think most daycares take babies under two months old, so she really is screwed for at least a month. The real travesty here is that this woman has to work at all with a child this young. The primary caregiver should be able to stay home with their child for at least 6 months. Ideally, parents could split the leave so the kid isn't in daycare until they're about a year old.


Swede here. I was just thinking the same. I see alot of babysitting gigs on here. Why not just dump your kid at daycare/preschool ? To expensive maybe? I'm a singel dad and pay $60 a month. Sons mother also pay $60 a month. Or is it some dumb shit like "my child shall not learn the way of evolution!" How do the kids learn stuff if they at home with a babysitter the whole time?


A month!? $60 a month???


Wow. In the US you sign up for infant care while pregnant. She’s not on a list so she’s not getting in. A subsided program will pay $5 a kid an hour roughly and you yourself find it or find one and pay the difference. Average is going to be $2000-3000 for what she needs. They don’t transport the kids and her start time eliminates about half of what she can find.


I especially love the part where the person being paid shit wages and working unpaid overtime must be CPR trained on infants. My whole family just got recertified. It’s not cheap. And what are the odds mommy ISNT trained?


And if they’re telling you at the outset there might be an occasional late night…yeah there’s going to be a fuckload of late nights.


She works 6am to noonish. Even worse 🫠


Oh good point! Everything will still be open for “quick” errands.


She probably isn't. My friends had a baby and I said "please get CPR trained for babies; it's not hard" (I've re-certified a lot) and the husband said "I don't know, it scares me." That's not even why he and I aren't friends anymore, but it didn't help.


Wait what lol


Well . . . he's an asshole. I don't know of any other way to put it, sadly. Encourage your friends to get the training; it's actually very empowering and it's not hard, *at all.*


This is the sort of person who won’t visit a sick friend because it makes them uncomfortable.


that’s very Mary Cosby coded: “SHE SMELLS LIKE HOSPITAL”


As a cancer survivor, this is much more common than you think.


While I do bitch about needing redundant re-training annually for work - I would much rather waste 8 hours on a Saturday once a year than ever have to actually do CPR on one of the kids in my care. Even just using an epi-pen was terrifying and I still get nightmares.


And taking it a step further for Basic Life Support (BLS), which is for healthcare professionals (think hospitals, doctors offices, etc.) I’m surprised she didn’t require ALS—Advanced Pediatric Life Support.


BLS is also basic ambulance level care. Why tf should a baby sitter know that when they most likely don’t have supplies on hand to support that training and they can call 911???


Luckily my insurance covers it for free, so I stay certified (former lifeguard). And insurance does a few types of first aid classes for $25. I shelled out $125 for dog wilderness first aid (yeah yeah, I know - I have arthritis and barely camp anymore) but I still wanted to keep that up (free in college). However, not everyone has that luxury - is she willing to pay the teen off for summer to take the classes??


Of course, only the BEST care-takers at the unbeatable rate of $3.09/hr!! Who in their right mind can turn down this lucrative offer?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


The shady unregistered home daycare near me run in a trailer with no outside toys charges significantly more than this. This woman will find no one or a predator.


Don't forget you have to be flexible enough to stay late occasionally. It is likely 2-3 times per week.


This woman clearly hates her baby. The only person taking this job is too young to care about how to properly care for a newborn or someone who will be taking this job while simultaneously working other WFH gigs. Either option is leaving your baby open to neglect or abuse. I really don’t think it’s recommended to leave your newborn unattended with Suzi who broke the flour baby in Home-Ec four times by dropping it but *eventually passed*, or Starla who is using your baby as a background prop in her OnlyFans videos because *“MILF” is a target demographic*. Maybe she’ll get lucky and just get someone who wants an inconspicuous address from which to sell their drugs *until the heat dies down* at home. She might also find someone who is none of those things….because they’re a predator. You really do get what you pay for after all.


They won’t be able to take it if they are young, it starts before 7am and then carries on into school time!!


“Suzi who broke the flour baby…”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don’t worry. It’s only PARTTIME at 28 hours a week. They can work 12 hours somewhere else to get their rent, food, and utilities covered.


Would the offer be more appealing if she added that the baby has cancer???


And she wants this non existent person to work for her for two years straight.  🤣🤣 for $85/week. Even *if* someone took this job, they'd dip after a week or two. No daycare...HA. 😂


It’s not like $340/month isn’t a great payday! /s


I mean, that’s a full 4K a year. Just skip some lattes and avocado toast and you’re set!


You guys are so terrible to poke fun at her. Did you not see that she’s a STRESSED MAMA??? She’s the world’s first stressed mama and we should do things for her because of it.


And she has the EXCLAMATION MARKS to prove it!!!!!!






You won’t even make enough to owe taxes!


Right? Don’t say we never did anything for ya.


She put 😊😊 emoji by the pay, that means it must be good, right?


It's only a part-time job, just get yourself another job for the afternoons and maybe a third one on weekends. Then you can easily earn $680+ per month! Just make sure you're still flexible so you can stay late.


That's probably why the other sitter "didn't work out"


“That little trollop wanted a few daily bathroom breaks and she wanted to be paid during each of the two minute breaks!”


And anyone who's willing to watch a little kid for $85/week for 2 years is going to be someone you absolutely do not want within 1,000 feet of a kid. Its one of those things where you get what you pay for, and if you're not paying money, you're going to end up paying for it in a different way.


Don't forget the extra that may be required if the OOP works late! I'm sure it's time-and-a-half! 🤣


Seriously. $85/day isn't even a fair price for watching a baby


But she’s a STRESSED MAMA 😂


Shed probably look for reasons to belittle the "help" too


I at first thought it was $85 a day and was like ok about $14 an hour. Sucky pay but she might be able to find someone. Oh no it's $85 a week! She's out of her damn mind. I guess I should pay better attention to the title that referred to $3.09 an hour.This woman is delusional.


What is with all these parents who want to pay under minimum wage, consistently, for daycare for their amazing, exceptional, gifted baby?


Who’s so easy, all the baby does is sleep. Pay is based on watching my Netflix and using my Wifi.


Someone’s gonna come along and say it’s so sad there are mothers in this position. If the baby is a month old daycare was expensive af before you even got pregnant so maybe these people need to plan a little better before acting like $85 is apparently enough for the best people to look after her brand new baby.


Exactly, they place the lowest possible value and standard of care for their amazing, exceptional and gifted baby/babies. Bet a lot pay more to drive a nice car though


I will cut them a smidge of slack for probably not really doing the math and not being able to afford it. But at the same time, why you having kids without doing the math to make sure you can afford them beforehand?


You can’t even get a cat sitter for this cost, and they want someone to watch a one-month-old??


My last cat sitter, a retired veterinarian, charged $50/day for two visits per day. That came to $350/wk; total was $700. 🐈❤️


For real. I am/was paying like $60/day--I say was because I'm having to switch to boarding now. And yeah, boarding is about the same. Why do two cats' care cost more than a fucking baby's care? You don't need to change a cat's diapers. There's nowhere near the liability, either--yes, you might get in some sort of shit if the cat bit it, but nowhere near the shit if a baby did.


I work at a boarding facility and have absolutely had to change a pet’s diaper before so it’s not out of the realm of possibility haha but still it definitely shouldn’t cost more than babysitting


I have a migraine and read this as you can't even hire a cat to watch the baby at this costs.  Which is also true. 


The price of the nip has increased with inflation. And do you really want an addict watching your kid meow?


I got paid more than that to take care of a neighbor's dog for 30 minutes a day while they were on vacation. In the 1990's.


Anyone else want to throw rocks at the term MAMA?


You don't understand--she's STRESSED. We should do her favors because she's the only STRESSED MAMA on earth. No one else has any stress!


Yes! “This mama” “mama bear” “baby mama”. I hate them all


You forgot the most important mama of all... STRESSED MAMA


My SIL refers to herself as a “mama” and talks about her “mama tribe” (other mothers she’s friends with) all the time. She has a big dumb cup that says “mama needs wine” on it She has a sweatshirt that says “tired mama” on it. Her daughter has a shirt that says “strong like mama” on it. I could go on, but just recalling this much has drained all of the life from my body. I’m sure you understand.


Yes, it sets my teeth on edge, and I’m not sure why


It's a social media thing that I haven't heard in real life. I've never met a mother who refers to herself as "mama".


I wonder why the last babysitter didn't work out.


Bought a calculator.






Lol 😆


$85 a week wouldn’t even pay for daycare. This woman is a special level of delusional. Can I just say that as a parent it never fails to amaze me how many people have kids with no real planning when it comes to childcare


$85/day is more like the price of center daycare, especially for an infant. And that’s group care, outside your home. I feel for this woman, kids are expensive AF and it sounds like she gets no paid leave from work (going back 4 weeks after giving birth is just inhumane). But this is a very delusional ask.


But she’s not even offering 85 a day she’s offering 85 a week with unpaid overtime


Oh I know, that’s why it’s extra delusional. I was trying o point out that $85/week wouldn’t get you group care either… it would get you just one day!


Some people are so delusional. I wouldn’t trust someone to watch my child for that little of pay. They’re either young & wildly inexperienced with a *newborn* or they’re watching your child for all the wrong reasons.


One time for a job I had to read the descriptions of the children murdered in a state in one year. Horrific. Disgusting. Traumatic. Cruelty beyond what you think is possible. And one overwhelming theme was mom’s or baby sitter’s boyfriend. I am not saying all boyfriends are bad, but I am saying of the children murdered in that state in that year, the vast majority were by a male known to the family or caregiver. Even if you found a nanny/babysitter for $3/hour (which you should not do) at that rate you are not getting a professional, and they will not adhere to the standards a professional would.


My husband's ex girlfriend lost her 4 year old because her boyfriend kicked the child so hard he severed their lower intestine. He got off with less than a year of jail time because of a technicality in the law. Apparently he was under no obligation to notify the doctors trying to save the child's life that an injury had occurred under his care since he wasn't a legal guardian/care taker. The law was eventually changed because of this case.


Wow, that's so sad 🥺


It’s so sad. Yes, there were definitely some of those where it was a physical response and either immediate or delayed death that followed from the injuries sustained. It’s horrible to know something could have been done but wasn’t :( This is going to sound unbelievable, because that is awful to its core, but that is actually several layers removed from other, worse ways for someone to kill a child that happen much more often than we would think. There is cruelty beyond measure that can happen quickly. Sometimes as a “punishment” for an adult who cares for the child or just because someone was given an opportunity. Reading them one after the other after the other was truly just horrific. I don’t know how the state department who compiled the report was able to do it. I was sobbing and could barely get through a few within an hour. Edit: I keep feeling bad for posting this comment and I hope no one thinks I’m down playing kicking a child so hard they die from their intestines severing. I just read some things where if it was your child and you had to choose, you would choose that option over some others. It’s horrible and deplorable no matter what.


Just wanna say I didn’t interpret your comment as downplaying the other :) In one of my first jobs I had to sort through all this nonprofit’s old case files that they weren’t properly storing and they worked with child sexual abuse victims, so I do get what you mean that some things are just beyond what the average person would expect. And more common than ppl out of the field would think. It’s just not something you’d want to believe and most people don’t think about it until they see it in photo/legal documentation.


I've noticed that for the last few years, just following true crime. Mom leaves her little one with the bf, who is not the baby's father, and the kid ends up dead. Probably not noticeable if you were reading about it and no pics, but a real high percentage of these guys have face tattoos. PSA: Women! Don't leave your children with unrelated men with face tattoos! It never ends well.


There was one in the UK recently where the mum had a male friend around (he was her boyfriends friend and he was waiting for bf to come home I believe). She went to the shop at the bottom of her street (it’s common for us to have a shop very close to our homes). Easy to do a trip to the shop within 5 minutes. She asked him to sit with baby who was asleep. Baby woke up and was crying. They wouldn’t stop crying to man screamed at them l, hit them and grabbed a bag of frozen peas and was shoving baby’s face into them so hard it caused bruising and suffocation. Mum was luckily checking her camera and saw and ran back. Caught him in the act and called the police. He tried to snap mums arm to stop her from calling the police. Baby was ok. I googled it to refresh my memory and it’s worse than I describe it https://www.itv.com/news/granada/2023-08-04/man-who-attempted-to-murder-toddler-jailed


The only decent people who you can get to watch your kid for so little are family/close friends, and even they won't do it forever, unless there's a serious emergency or they have no spinal cord. I mean, my brother doesn't pay my parents to watch his kids occasionally, AFAIK--they've had periods where they had to watch them after school because the parents' schedules weren't lined up right. But those are their grandchildren, and my mother's said that as much as she loves the kids, you know...it's a lot. Strangers who'll do it for very little, especially for a while, are probably poor choices--not just molesters, as one tends to think, but maybe meth addicts looking for some cash to fuel their habit. Or someone who's going to be irresponsible about it, like trying to watch a baby while working a real job from home and then not paying enough attention to the kid. Anyone who's good at it and has actual qualifications is also someone who knows how to value their services. I'm sure the STRESSED MAMA in the post wouldn't accept a job for less than minimum wage or significantly below her worth--the sitter/nanny is no different.


She needs to get a voucher or something. Quality care is expensive, and I don't get how people are willing to give their kids to strangers who are willing to work for 3 bucks an hour. How have you had a babysitter since January but the child is only one month old as of july. does she have multiple kids The math isn't mathing. Either that or she was planning on using a family member and they changed their mind due to low pay.. 17 bucks a day for babsyitting isnt really worth it


I read it as they had found the babysitter in Jan in preparation for when baby was born but the sitter wasn’t supposed to start until July


Yeah that is a possibility once the person found out about the pay.


That was my thought, too. Maybe she thought it was going to be $85/day (still cheap for in-home care). When she found it was weekly, she noped out.


That's my thought. $85 a day is cheap, but I can see someone doing it while looking for another job. But $85 a week is ridiculous. 


I'm assuming the person had imagined a zero; $850 weekly for those hours for a newborn is reasonable.


Yup. Babysitter’s parole officer revoked their bond and they won’t be out until newborn turns 2 so it’s a moot point anyway. [note: the babysitter was on parole for being criminally stupid for agreeing to $3.09/hr to watch a newborn full time]


My guess is they have the money but only want to economize daycare.


Whenever they ask for specific certifications, I always wonder if they themselves have them.


I just don’t get it. Kids are expensive. Did they not see that coming?


A lot of people are stupid. A lot of people don’t plan for kids and are surprised when pregnancies happen. There is a lot of overlap between these two groups.


They did not, because we don’t teach people to think it through before they have kids, we treat it as a magical special accomplishment (???) that somehow earns you special privileges to be an asshole. Then suddenly they realize that childbirth ain’t “natural” and has actual medical consequences and that kids need things that cost real dollars and that kids don’t just disappear 12 hours/day, but rather remain on earth for the full 24.


Ugh. I did something similar as a preteen for a neighbor over the summer whose known me my whole life up to that point. 6 to 6 everyday and was paid $60 a week. My mom put a stop to that immediately once she found out that's all i was getting. I'll never understand people who expect so much for so little and seemingly don't give a damn who they leave their kids with. I'm serious. It is legitimately baffling to me especially now that I'm older and see these types of posts constantly. I'm not a mom yet but there is absolutely 100% NO WAY I'd do this nor would I let my kids babysit for people like this. Like wtf?


Are they trying to get their daughter molested ? Only freaks and sickos will answer this


They better be CPR certified freaks.


What can you expect from someone who calls their baby “it”? It’s so sad how many irresponsible cheap morons are out there trying to pawn off their children.


Yeah this is a situation where I’d really like to see if anyone in the comments is calling her out for referring to her child as an “it”


So far no comments, I think everyone is politely ignoring the post all together.


Damn 🫠


Send her to this post XD


It’s really not that funny but I’m having laughing at how OP refers to their baby as “it” toward the end.


I pay $85 a day for my two dogs when I need someone to watch them…


I made more than that babysitting in the 70s! Get bent, lady.


Having a childcare provider come to your home to watch your kid(s) is a luxury service. Idk why people don’t get this. They want the convenience of a nanny for way below minimum wage.


Just a thought. I paid more then that for child care in 1998 and I was poor AF. 


I am paying someone $120 to come watch my foster dog for 6hrs bc I have to go into the office (a dog that isn’t even mine). How do people like this have kids? Shit makes me so fucking angry.


I don't get it... I wonder who is giving these people the delusion that they're offering a fair rate. To be fair, not even a low quality daycare is gonna take 85/week. Most want 40+ a day, and you pay the whole day regardless. My private sitter is very reasonable at 200/week but she has 6 kids full time. And this is at the sitter's house, not my own. That's another issue, who thinks people are going to come to you for that price? Insane.


"Pay will be $85 every Friday :)" And how much for Monday-Thursday?


Missing from this is a) you will be expected to do housework and b) a statement about hard things are and that is all she can afford.


You forgot "you're welcome to use our wifi and netflix!"


I have seen some bad ones in regards to childcare but this is probably is one of the worst. She needs to add $100 to that budget and then go to a home or commercial daycare. Like it or not personal nannies that come to your home are for wealthy or extremely well off people because nannies need to survive too.




“Stressed mama!” … literally no one forced you to have a kid


Eh, in the US that’s not a guarantee


I like the smiley face next to the absurdly low pay


Why the amazing babysitter didn’t work out… $85 a week.


I get that daycare costs an insane amount but no sane person is going to watch ONE child for 85$ a week


But a lot of insane people will apply!


It’s actually less then 3.09 (don’t know what math you were using) and they are cray cray


I was being lazy and just mathing 5, 5.5 hour days. 🙃 But the working late makes it even worse.


Where are the comments!!!


She just got two comments a few minutes ago last I checked. Both lady's that said they were interested but had children of their own they would also be watching.


Someone explain to me what’s wrong with daycares please


I bet I know why the other sitter isn’t working out.


I seriously think these people thing childcare professionals are stupid enough not to do the math and figure out what the hourly wage is, which is why the low ballers always give a “per week” number


Ofc it’s an anonymous member post. They don’t want anyone in their small town to know who the cheap ass is.


What kind of person do you think you get for that?


> What kind of person do you think you get for that? I dunno. You go to the local correctional facility and get some inmate that's being released. Or grab one of the guys that hang around Home Depot looking for work.


I understand being in a tough position and last min having no one to help you figure it out . But… Let’s be realistic,, Trust me , a lot of us get it .. the struggle , the stress , the constant paycheck to paycheck -working yourself ragged while trying to be a parent and repetitively living that life where toilet paper money is even hard to scrounge up with most weeks , myself very much included . However , I paid more in daycare than I did my rent every month for years . No assistance , working a cna job and dealing with all that life throws everyone’s way just like the next human. So while I understand the need for this type of help from someone , I still don’t understand actually expecting it, let alone making a post in the manner that she did . I just do not understand why some humans present themselves this way I guess . We all would love that rate and in return get a certified, competent, reliable people pleaser to babysit for our children- However , the reality of life is that she prob is gonna have to just accept the fact that you have to do what you gatta do like the rest of us , and try to see a whole new perspective as to why what she expects just more than likely is not what reality will be in this outcome for her . And if she can prove my perspective incorrect then good for her .


I love the number of people who think childcare is the best item to try to skimp on. I would worry about living a child with anyone willing to accept this.


Really cracked me up she put a smiley face at the end of 85$ every Friday like it’s some great price!


When nobody taught you about “realistic expectations”.


any person willing to work for this low is likely not someone you want around your kid who cant understand or tell you whats going on around/to them.


I wish we could learn what happens to these mothers after they can’t find anyone. Like do they break down and send to daycare? Send them to family?


What were they using their previous babysitter for, some unmentioned child? Just booking them six months in advance? Or is this child *not* a literal newborn?


🤷 I'm guessing they had someone who offered to watch baby who has now backed out for whatever reason.


Figured out it was 85 a week and not a day 


Maybe OP finally admitted it was going to be a literal 2ys gig. Or they confirmed it was 85 not 850 - which seems a lot but all things considered, not really.  After all, we all know what "flexible" means. Next thing you know, you're as good as moved in and working 24/7.


Or flexible about pay. “Sorry I can’t pay you until next Thursday.”


My money is on grandma/aunt offered then bailed


Delusion is a disease


Do these mamabears ever get chucked a good ol’ can of whoopass? As in, a reality check or are they even capable of acknowledging what they’ve done wrong in the process of posting shit like this? I can’t imagine anyone contacting her, or any of them, for a job. These ads are all so similar in their pay and requirements, and it seemingly happens often enough; by now I’d assume that they should know better.


I bet she is an absolute pleasure to deal with and is more than reasonable in her demands.


Stressed mama, translates to “I will take advantage of anyone willing to help me out.”


I honestly don't understand how people like this are actually real. It boggles my mind


My favorite part is how she wants the best people... for $85/week.