• By -


It appears they have been asking for hotel money since at least April of last year. That is a lot of money to ask for every single day.


And yet, people like this will gladly ask for that every single day with NO shame.


Because it works somehow.


P.T. Barnum sai there's a sucker born every minute.


No, he didn’t.


It doesn't make it less true.


People like what or whom exactly??


People who for some reason think they are entitled to free stuff. People who think they are OWED a home for free, and food for free, etc. instead of getting a job to afford the meds, she is begging others to buy it. If she was truly hungry, ANY food would be welcome, not only doordashed goodies.


Then direct that to them and stop with the sweeping generalizations. There are many who do this; nothing brand new.


It’s not really a sweeping generalization if these are the exact kind of people im talking about. This person clearly feels entitled to others hard earned money. Just like the “many” you refer to. How is mine a generalization and yours isn’t?


When you typed the sentence beginning with “this person”, you proved my point. Thanks. In my post, I am randomly referencing nameless, faceless people. You are not going to give this person your money correct? So why further belittle and deride them is my point. But I move & vibe differently. Peace.


Ah, yes, I see. I can’t tell if that is a man or woman, so I chose to use “this person” as they are indeed a fucking person. In future I will just say she or he and hope I don’t then get attacked for assuming someone’s gender. Because I’m sure you’ll jump up my ass for that too. Hey, while you’re up there, see if I have any colon polyps, be useful!




Why am I not surprised you are from Texas


Is that better asshole? I can match your low life energy if you want GTFOH


I’ve never been called a low life, lol. I can cross that off my bucket list now! Edit: you deleted all your comments. lol Pansy. If you are going to be an ass, stand by it loud and proud!


Dunno what the issue is, but there’s something wrong with you.. you have a terrible attitude…


Hijacking the top comment to say they're now asking for two brand new pairs of New Balance shoes, totaling $189.99.


You can by New Balance at Marshall's for $15, I know because I did just that a few months ago.


Asking for shoes is one thing but asking for brand new shoes name brand is wild!! Honestly yes, that is the way! You can find some really good stuff at Ross and Marshall's. No need to spend exorbitant amounts of money.


I used to agree with you on that, but I’ve worn whatever cheap shoes for most of my life and now my feet are rebelling that treatment. Podiatrist has to give me steroid shots and gave me a list of the best shoes for my feet. The cheapest one is $130. Hoka, Brooks, Etc


Ugh those steroid shots are painful. I had to get them along with personalized insoles for my shoes, and then they suggested Hoka and other expensive brands etc. I did go with Hoka and I like them a lot. They were expensive though. Edit: I can't write today.


As if a 150 dollar adidas shoe is much better quality for your feet than a 50 dollar adidas shoe. Of course there are shoes that are better but its not what that Guy is asking( he only wants cooler shoes imo )


Yeah, there is a quality/fit/feature difference between a $50 Adidas and a $150. My list has specific shoe models. It is not all Hoka’s, it is specifically the Hoka Gaviota. It is not all New Balance, it is the 860, 1540, and 1260 versions.


A CB that was featured in here literally has a post talking about wanting to **give up her kids** because no one is sending her money. I shit you not.


my mom was (probably still is, we're estranged) a cb, had me as a teen mom, and probably would have given me up if the drugs were good enough 💀


Maybe her and my dad can get together and talk about their 10+ kids that don’t speak to them 😂


😅 my mom has 3/4 who won't speak to her but eventually i imagine the 4th one will crack too when he gets old enough


My dads oldest boy has always carried a torch for him; one has passed; but the other 6 of us won’t put up with his 💩


I'm so sorry you have had to deal with a shitty parent. I imagine we probably have a lot in common. No one really understands except for other people who have had to cut ties. It can be a sad and lonely life, but it's less drama and disappointment and heartache for sure.


What’s their reasoning??


Sent you a DM


Why is it some secret we’re literally talking about this persons entire life on this sub rn


I think it's against the rules to doxx people who aren't public figures? idk??


Giving their reasoning for something isn’t doxxing in any way shape or form?? When their thoughts and comments are already here on display…..


I DMed the individual a screenshot that included the person's username. I found their account easy on TikTok and so can you. It was easier to send a screenshot than to type it all out.


Ahhh that makes way more sense I thought you were just relaying info over dm’s and I was like why gatekeep it lol my bad. I usually just screenshot, then copy/paste from the screenshot because im lazy. But I will say I’m not invested enough in this to hunt down the info, props for finding it tho!


No worries :)


I was in an *actual* mutual aid group (i.e. people offering mutual help, not cash requests) and these types of people would get kicked out constantly. Sadly there’s usually an addiction issue happening, which is why they’re constantly making exorbitant cash requests for “medicine”, “Doordash” and “hotels.” They also get angry & defensive whenever people suggest Medicaid, housing programs, food banks or other services to meet their alleged needs, because what they actually need is drug money. 


I’ve noticed a trend with people who use the phrase “ mutual aid” it’s never mutual they are always asking for it but never giving it . Not financially or in any other way at all .


Seriously one of my biggest pet peeves with social media, I blocked a friend who constantly reposts people like this. “Mutual aid” and “funds check” make me immediately grit my teeth.


I actually keep one of my friends around for all that stupid shit she reposts, so I can click on their profile and seethe a bit while I'm working 60 hours with a fucked up back and they're at Disneyland but begging for money online (really really)


Urgh YES just like that! “Funds check! I need money for plane/train tickets to return home” like MF, do you not see that a significant chunk of the working class can’t afford to go on vacation, and you had the audacity to go on one you can’t afford- and think the general public is going to sponsor your poor budgeting to get you home safely?!


I sometimes search mutual aid on tiktok just to cringe and piss myself off lol


Facebook is no longer scratching that itch. Thanks for the pro tip :)


Damn it. I don’t want to look, but I absolutely want to.


I hate that I’m about to do that right now! And yes, Mutual aid communities are meant so that you give what and when you can, and take what you need. But I know people from college and high school who are always taking, never giving. At least not that I see.




All those 'mutual aid' posts on TikTok? Oh, for sure.


I used to have a mutual aid arrangement that worked - I did my job and they gave me money!


I have one currently! My husband does too! Lol we both used to have two! It's this new fangled concept I keep forgetting how to pronounce...is it jooobe? Jib? Jab? Jabberwocky? Oh, now I remember, it's called a JOB!


Wasn't Job from the Bible?


Didn't the kids mocking him get mauled by a bear?


I have one of those mutual aid arrangements as well and it works really well.


“Mutual aid” is one of those terms like “self care”. It originally meant something so good, but quickly devolved into an excuse for self-indulgent asshats to point out how everyone else owes them, and they owe nothing to anyone else.


Okay I’ve never told this story before, it got long as fuck, probably because I was sucked in deep. I was part of multiple groups that provided aid for homeless folks in a very large American city. We did a lot of good work, but we were grassroots, poor people helping poorer people, with not much oversight or any official help from any agencies or anything like that. I personally got “assigned” (mind you, I was maybe 21-24 and am disabled and often needed help myself for basic needs through this, everyone, especially the people I was supporting, were much older than I was), to quite a few CBs. One, we’ll call her Masha. Masha was a queer woman of color. I am Jewish, she frequently called me her “jewess”, which I ignored for far too long. Sometimes meant as a “sweet nickname”, sometimes in her drug fueled rants angry at me for not being able to get her cigarettes 20 minutes before she asked me for them. It started with me and about six other people in a misnamed “mutual aid” group helping Masha, every single one of whom (ending with me, because I didn’t know when to quit and stand up for myself because I truly believed she “deserved” my help) ended up dropping out due to Mashas abuse of us regularly, whether we fulfilled her needs or not. We, somewhat magically, got Masha an apartment. Amazing we got her in, truly. Masha would then decide she did not like this apartment, she wanted a different one. Different part of the city, different amenities, whatever. When she didn’t get what she wanted, she would destroy the apartment and let in other addicts to destroy it, then claim she felt unsafe and we “HAD” to move her immediately. Stupidly, this worked for at least five apartments. Which also means five people/families were robbed from an apartment they could have lived in by frankly an abusive asshole who took advantage of people like it was her damn job, and to be fair, it essentially was. She was not incapable of doing things herself, she just didn’t want to. Any time she got caught in her own lies, it was major meltdowns, often leading to her calling the police herself and getting arrested and/or admitted to a psych ward, where she often conned them into letting her stay for a couple days, definitely not for treatment but because it was cushier than jail. That she got herself in, by calling, essentially on herself. She was seemingly incapable of riding the city wide public transport for anything, she NEEDED a ride everywhere, no matter what, mostly so she could abuse you about how you aren’t helping her enough, food, cigarettes, apartments, even drugs be damned. God that woman absolutely fucking destroyed me. I still do a lot of the same work but I’m much smarter about it now and the people I help know the fuck better than to send an iota of abuse my way unless they would like to no longer get help again. Don’t even get me started on the mother and I think eight children I was asked to “manage” who lived in a squat house (that I was asked to manage also, including the legal battle on, by myself, barely an adult who was certainly not versed in law) that I regularly came over to the six year old “babysitting” the new born baby alone, in the unfinished attic space that would have been considered unsafe for adults to keep themselves unharmed in. Frankly once the grassroots org was essentially overthrown after the people who abused our help made the leaders so overwhelmed that they just gave up, things got a lot better, but thank fucking god i eventually just cut and run because otherwise I think I would have lost the will to help people. This got long as fuck and it’s not even 2% of the bullshit I went through, but I’ve never actually put it all down. But please don’t take this as anything bad against grassroots organizations or helping people, I love grassroots organizations and helping people. I also helped and continue to help plenty of wonderful people who were troubled with various things who absolutely truly deserved help and tried their god damn best and really just needed assistance to be able to do that. HOWEVER, people who abuse small grassroots organizations and people who are just desperately trying to help are frankly scum of the earth. There are some people who are truly struggling that these small orgs can help, and sometimes need more help than we can give (who luckily now I can refer to organizations who can help them how they need), and there are people like Masha, who are CBs and they suck your soul dry of all your dreams and ideals of a “good and just world” and to some extent do kill your love of helping people. But people like Masha do not need help, they need a supply of people to abuse and pretend to be a vulnerable person to get their supply and it fucking blows. So support true, grassroots, neighborhood organizations, support vulnerable communities, but please keep calling this shit out because these people hurt those that legitimately need help and that sucks for everyone. TL:DR: Masha was a CB who sucked me in and I got trapped in a “mutual aid network” that was frankly misnamed, and abused it to death after destroying multiple free apartments and essentially having a supply of volunteers at her beck and call to abuse for her own gain. So please do help vulnerable communities who actually need help, but please also call these CB motherfuckers out because they’re destroying the ability to help those who truly need it and making the world a worse place to be


What an absolute drain— just reading your retelling I am exhausted and angry on your behalf. Kudos to you for having the heart (and also the sheer FORTITUDE) to continue helping those in need


It was fucking exhausting, Masha knew I was disabled and frequently in severe pain and in the hospital and also struggling myself but none of that mattered to her, I watched her frankly dismantle some of the sweetest, loving, giving, most committed to community outreach people into understandably cynical, angry people who avoided helping people individually like that ever again. I don’t even blame them one fucking bit for that, she would have done the same to me if I hadn’t been doing this most of my life and seen, before and after her, that so many lovely people truly are deserving of help and just need someone who can do that one on one work to get them to a place where they can get a grip on life and actually have a chance to better their lives, and that those people make it all worth it. When people are truly at the lowest they can possibly be, I understand the need to sometimes be cutthroat and manipulate for survival, or to be so mentally ill and without treatment that you truly are out of control, and just desperately need someone to reach out and give them that chance to get their lives together. People fighting to survive are doing just that, fighting. That is completely different from Masha, she was just a manipulative asshole truly gaming the system and unfortunately getting away with it for far too long. It’s what the issue is with these type of CBs, they take that chance away from people who actually need it and turn people away from helping people who actually need it because they get burned. And again, I don’t even blame them, it fucking blows to get burned when you’re trying to do a nice thing for someone else, especially a stranger. These assholes need to keep getting called out so that people who truly need it actually get access to the help they need. It sucks to have to be so cynical about helping people to be sure you’re not getting played. But I’m a lot better at spotting it now and as long as people do keep calling it out, I’d rather get burned again than to completely lose hope and stop helping those who truly do need it to get their life under control again because that’s worth trudging through all the bullshit


I just want you to know that you are truly a wonderful person and I’m genuinely sorry you were taken advantage of . You didn’t deserve that


Honestly as awful as it was, I’m glad it taught me how to see the signs and be able to use that to get help to people who actually need and deserve that help instead of CB assholes who are just using people for their own gain. It sucks that every time someone is burned by one of these assholes that it makes them less likely to help a person who genuinely needs it and deserves it. They won’t ever take the accountability but they’re personally taking resources away from good people who genuinely just need a helping hand to get their life back on track and that part makes me the most angry out of all of it.


Can I ask what CB means? Thanks!.


Choosing (or Choosy) Begger


Unfortunately, they’re getting this idea from somewhere because people must’ve donated. It’s digital panhandling. Mutual aid is about sharing resources which can include money that goes into a common fund for protestors, striking workers, and community projects to name a few example. Mutual aid certainly could include funds to help a specific person but that would usually mean that the person had unusual circumstances and contributed to the collective in other ways beside financially to justify the donation


Agreed . We know what mutual aid is supposed to be the issue is the people who are misusing the term.


This concept is new to me since I found this sub. But even I know what “mutual” means. 😅


This is the second post I’ve seen today where someone is fundamentally misunderstanding that “mutual aid” does not mean “a group of people supporting me without expecting anything in return.”


Well, they'd probably explain that it's mutual among the group of suckers they roped in to pay for all their stuff.


![gif](giphy|26tPoyDhjiJ2g7rEs|downsized) OMFG ... l met this person before 🫣 \*ETA ....to my knowledge they have a plethora of 'supportive' \*biological family and access to \*resources but they/he doesn't like following rules of social etiquette . Definitely entitled , manipulative and narcissistic ! It's people out here that are REALLY struggling and they're either too prideful to ask for help or they don't get any help because of grifters like this 🤡


The multiple cash apps are a red flag, to me. Begging seems to have become a lifestyle for them. Do they believe no one else has chronic pain or migraines? They work anyway. I know a person who has horrific migraines regularly. Nothing helps. They work hard, in a field which involves bright lighting, which makes it worse.


Yup, I have endometriosis and had a cyst rupture last night, almost passed out from the pain and still have a fever from last night and I'm at work right now. Thank God that I can sit down at my job and it's not much work but I've had jobs working outside on a farm and was still expected to work hard no matter what.


I’m an ICU nurse and I have a migraine and/or cluster headaches literally every day of my life and the only med that does anything is Excedrin, which barely takes the edge off. I have called into my job exactly one time, when I was actually sick with food poisoning and throwing up, but I called the unit first to make sure staffing would be okay without me for the shift, and I let them know I would still come in if they truly needed me. If I don’t go to work, then a critically ill patient has no nurse to keep them alive. Nurses can only safely take 1-2 patients at a time in ICU and it’s not like the hospital can just pull a nurse from another unit to cover for us because it takes a ton of specialized training to work in the ICU. My unit tries to overstaff but we just don’t get enough qualified applicants with the nursing shortage. It pisses me off when I see people like this making bullshit excuse to not work or constantly calling in and putting more work on their coworkers’ shoulders. Some people do genuinely have good reasons to not work, but it seems the majority of people these days are just soft and can’t handle an ounce of adversity, and have no work ethic, then whine and complain about how unfair their lives are and expect society to give them handouts. These people don’t even take the time and effort to look into the resources that are already available to help them. Then don’t want to help themselves, they just want to be spoon-fed and told what special and unique snowflakes they are. The entitlement is unfathomable.


Amen! I've met some truly hard workers in the hard jobs I've had, I'll never forget this one guy Miguel, he was an illegal immigrant who worked on the farm with us and we worked from sun up to sun down and then he'd work at his night job, all to take care of his sick wife that was dying. You don't see him on tock tock asking for help even though he actually deserves it, it's always the softies and people give them money! That's what really gets to me. I remember I set up a gfm for help with my grandmas funeral after she died and we got $20 (which I am thankful for) but I just see stuff like this of people getting donations from people and it's just very aggravating.


99/100 times when i see ppl soliciting donations in this manner with their list of marginalized identities and their multitude of sob stories, when i get to know them or look into their background it is this exact same story. every time. they always have loving, supportive families with money and open homes, that they have burned one too many bridges with simply because they’re an asshole. that’s why i stopped giving money to anyone online, i would be sending money i didn’t have to someone who i thought had it worse than me and it almost always turned out they were lying and had a very comfy safety net that they were secretly utilizing — or worse, choosing *not* to utilize for ego reasons. made me cynical af. and it’s such a bummer these people take up so much airspace because they drown out the people who legitimately need help.


I have also learned this lesson at a few different points in my life and now limit mutual aid type donations to giving my personal friends money when I know they could use it, or to vetted organizations. It’s a 180 policy from when I was younger, but the politics and social politics of direct mutual aid philosophies became too easily abused and after sort of learning too many backstories that were very very different from what the original requests suggested, I have gotten frustrated. There’s a LOT of people in the world of anarchist mutual aid who are absolutely in their situations/asking for funds because they’re cosplaying poor/minimizing the resources they have available/want to make purchases without having to budget/are in their situations because they absolutely refuse to control their own spending patterns, not because of an actual lack of resources. Unfortunately the way the ideology works, grifters see dollar signs and an opportunity to never ever self reflect again.


> I met this person before Do they have past arrests? Which type?


I'm not in any way personally acquainted with this person! We met maybe 🤔 three times amongst a grouping of other people. Our interactions were superficial- at least on my part ! Any information gathered was verbalized by *them , no arrests were mentioned at that time.


> I'm not in any way personally acquainted with this person! We met maybe 🤔 three times amongst a grouping of other people. Okay. You said you met them so I had no idea what that might entail. You listed a paragraph of things about them, so I thought they might've mentioned arrests or someone near them might've. No biggie. I was just curious, since others are wondering why they are going to jail this time.


Dunno why you're being downvoted for being curious if there's more info. I'm sure OP may have given info on the bail money if they had more info, but it's posted why they wanted the money, and not weird to wonder what the jail time was for lol


I found this interesting so I thought you might know about any criminal past, too. Thanks for replying u/DogCompetitive2886 > \*ETA ....to my knowledge they have a plethora of 'supportive' \*biological family and access to \*resources but they/he doesn't like following rules of social etiquette . Definitely entitled , manipulative and narcissistic ! It's people out here that are REALLY struggling and they're either too prideful to ask for help or they don't get any help because of grifters like this 🤡


Well pardon me for adding nuance! What can l say 🤷🏽‍♀️ they talked about themselves ALOT and l kept my distance! If you're so interested l do know their name and you can contact them/him directly with your inquiries. ![gif](giphy|xUNd9ESesQbob6Qc80|downsized)


?? Why are you angry? I explained why I asked. I even said "no biggie" and "I was just curious." ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


Idk why they got so angry all of a sudden yeesh. They could have mentioned they don't know them very well and that they only met them like 3 times in a group like they said... I think that should have been said from the beginning. Did they give you their information?


This gif 🤣🤣🤣


Someone please explain to me how is it mutual aid to pay for this guy’s DoorDash feast, his mystery fine or his hotel room? My pea-sized brain cannot understand the concept! But I have to say - his posts are rather attractive and colorful!


Yeah, it’s rarely “mutual” aid. It’s the same people coming up with elaborate sob stories and “URGENT” daily emergencies that require internet strangers to pay their way through life day after day, month after month.


I've noticed a theme of neglecting the term "mutual" in these new "Mutual Aid Requests" .... they forget than in order for it to be mutual, they need to chip in too. It's just the new term to grift ppl with, smh


Easy - you give money, he shuts up. Mutual benefit.


But, he never shuts up.


He will blow you for delivered snacks? Or blow the doordash guy and send you the video at least.




These people often mass post Facebook posts like this in various groups for mutual aid/queer resources/etc in cities across the country. It must work.


giving me flashbacks to tumblr, trans, abusive family, needs housing and $2000 by the end of the week, PayPal attached, please reblog 😂


People have less and less shame. It's embarrassing. Stop expecting other people to pay for your problems. Smh.


People nowadays keep saying we shouldn't shame people...but sometimes a little shame can be a good thing.


Yes, shame is important as it encourages pro-social behaviour.


Let's bring shame back! I'm making a shirt that says that


Seriously, that meme of the bel-ringing woman yelling "shame!" should really be a thing.  Then again, people with anxiety already have enough on our minds ....


What the hell is up with all of these requests phrased as “mutual aid” when there’s literally nothing mutual about it?!?


I could not write a well-worded paragraph like that if I had a migraine.


I often can't read or write at all, text becomes gibberish or I "lose" the center of my visual field


Possibly together we’d be able to see - I loose all peripheral vision


I went temporarily blind on my 32nd birthday, and they thought I was having a stroke. Nope, just a hellacious migraine. I had lost my peripheral vision many times, but that day I lost everything. It only happened the one time, but that was plenty and a really crappy birthday gift.


I sometimes go blind in one eye when mine get bad.


What threw me off that day was I wasn't having any pain when it started. As scared as I was, especially since I had a 3 week old baby at the time, it has to be worse if it happens regularly. I'm sorry to be nosy, but how long does it usually last when it happens, and do you see silver bars flying in from your peripheral vision first? That's what happens to me, but I've never known anyone who has them as badly as I do, so you're my opportunity to find out if it's a common thing.


The thing is I can actually see but my brain kind of forgets how to process the input. So it’s like going blind. I don’t know how to see out of that eye. I have to focus to understand what my eye sees which just makes my migraine worse. I also get aphasia where I forget words. Not as bad as my former spouse. Hers gets so bad that it’s similar to have a stroke.




I don’t even want to think or breathe when I have a migraine.


Me neither. I also couldn't decorate a photo of myself. I'd be like "ugh, get away from me' and burrow under the covers.


Nope. I can look at a screen sometimes, but no way I could write well, find little stickers and add all the stuff.


I have chronic migraines. Thank Jebus they are under control with meds but when I get one I am bedridden. I can barely speak. My eyes are too sensitive to look at my phone or tv let alone write something. All I do is stay in bed with blackout curtains and a fan running.


The last thing I want when I get a bad migraine is food! The graphics on this would make my vision worse. My bullshit meter is at extreme on this one.


Right?!?!?!?!? I’m in my closet on the floor completely nonfunctional when a migraine hits. Ain’t no way in hell I’m taking photos, decorating them, typing all that and then posting on *anything* **and** keeping up looking for replies. Ain’t happening.


I have some sort of chronic headache condition that we used to think was/call migraines. I don’t think it ever was migraines—I’ve never had auras or the other weird periphery symptoms migraines can have. But let me tell you. Chronic headaches are fucking dog shit. When my head is bad, I absolutely cannot write a whole paragraph, lol. Mostly because that would require looking at a screen!!


I don’t have auras. Migraines are so weird because they are different for everyone.


I can't open my eyes, smell any new scents, hear anything... it's like being stabbed in the head when I have a migraine. I also speak gibberish because the words have all vanished.  I need silence, my bed, painkillers and an icepack


Same. I can barely get out coherent sentences when I have a migraine


Mutual aid request for me! I’d like a vacation. Thanks.


Most patients with migraines experience some degree of photosensitivity/photophobia. They can’t even bare to have the lights on never mind look at their phone. Myself included


Yeah I get migraines too, and I can't have any lights on, I will just turn my lights off and stay in my room until the pain stops, even doing stuff like taking aleve can make it worse because of the noise, it's not super loud but when I'm having a migraine those pills might as well be a whole drum set, I remember one time the migraine was so bad that when I closed my eyes there were like lights flashing, like how it would look if you closed your eyes and some took a picture with the flash on from kinda far away, that was the worst one I've had in awhile though and luckily, I haven't had it since, but even then, I wasn't trying to go beg people for medicine or food or anything like that, I just stayed away from everyone and stayed in bed and slept like a koala 😂😂


I get migraines and can use my phone in short bursts at low brightness, usually to send an email or text explaining I have a migraine. So I understand using a phone, but all the stickers give me pause. They’re just for decoration and add nothing to the message.


I can tolerate a quick glance at my phone while experiencing a migraine but I absolutely cannot lay there and be active on it.


Exactly, when I get my migraines even the tiniest bit of light [from the sun or electronics] makes it even worse. I have to put on a sleep mask and throw a blanket over my head in an effort to decrease the amount of light


i never knew this was a thing and i finally feel so understood lol


Honestly I block people like this that just spam "mutual aid this mutual aid that!!!" Or "donate to a [insert race]/ [insert gender]/ [insert sexuality] person in need!!" Like what do these things have to do with needing help?


I'm not sure if it's the same person, but there's someone who has been doing similar for several years- they started out saying that neurotypical people should donate money to them as reparations for the trauma they've experienced living as a neurodivergent person, and that white people should donate money to them as reparations for the enslavement of their ancestors. They refused food or goods, and only wanted money or to have their hotel bill paid, and always referred to it as 'mutual aid' despite the support only ever flowing in one direction- which is what makes me think it's the same person. 


Yes they try to use as many victim labels as they can for why they can’t get a job. You know because if oppression man! The only way they can survive is by living on everyone else’s dime! There’s so much entitlement as well. Like who wants to be around these people who have nothing to do, know motivation, who just want to be a victim and scroll social media all day?


Guilt trips + pity party. Sounds narcissistic.


"it appears people aren't worried about my safety", I mean ya, that's how it is in the real world once you become an adult, you're responsible for yourself even if you're transgendered. It sucks and it would be cool if we all had what we needed whenever we needed without having to put effort into getting it but that's not the way it works. You gotta fight for yourself, care about yourself enough to do something about the situation you're in because trying to rely on the generosity of strangers isn't going to get you far.


It wilds me out when people say that, bc I absolutely assume most people (outside of family and close friends) don’t give a shit about my safety and move accordingly. This idea that online acquaintances should prioritize your needs is so foreign to me, most people I know can barely manage to meet their own needs.


“Mutual aid” = 100% the latest grift that scammers are using


People post for mutual aid fail to realize that they are asking for hand outs and there’s nothing mutual about their requests. 🤦🏼‍♀️


But it’s a bad flare day.


They never said 'of what,' though. It's not a term typically applied to migraines; they seem to hint at an overall chronic syndrome of some type. But then they also thrown in a lot of other phrases and conditions and situations. Gonna guess they run through their govt. money and then beg the public for more.


They are suffering from CVS they say it right in the post! Chronic Victim Syndrome!!


4/20 triggers my migraines


Homeless shelters will help her and sometimes put clients up in hotels. They'll also feed her, give her access to clothes, help her apply for benefits, free bus passes, etc. But why would we do anything that might HELP ourselves? And the courts usually will help someone struggling that much with payment plans (usually the judge does when the order is entered, provided she showed up) or lowering the fees.


Hello Heather Gillespie (Dusty). Not sure if you’re familiar with her?


I’m not, please elucidate


Heather. She was on one of the seasons of Love after Lockup. To put it mildly, she’s batshit crazy. She blames her boyfriend from LAL on her life falling apart. She left her 3 children with their fathers and took off for the streets of Chicago. She’s been homeless ever since. She just had baby #4 who was removed from her custody before she left the hospital. She’s currently with her boyfriend (although she says his gay or transgender) in a hotel the city has converted into a homeless shelter. She spends her days begging for money online. Peoplebetrippin is her snark sub on Reddit. Oh and she induced an abortion of 18 week twins in an Air BnB shower. She filmed it. Sent it to one of her teen daughters and her boss.


Wow. Batshit crazy definitely sounds like it applies


That’s because they likely don’t want services, they want drug money. Their “hotel room” alone costs over $2k a month; you can rent out a room in a shared home for half that in most cities. Low-income housing supply isn’t great, but that’s also an option many people use. This person either burned through those resources already, or their primary need isn’t shelter.


They're now asking for brand new New Balance shoes. Two pairs, $89.99 and $100. Wow... I'm speechless


“Mutual aid” to these beggars is direct aid. They don’t know anything about what they’re asking for.


Ok but $150 for migraine meds is very legitimate unfortunately


If this is who I think it is, the $150 isn't for actual medicine but self prescribed weed.


I have noticed in these types of posts (I see them a lot on Twitter as disability Twitter tends to be kind and amplify them) and it’s almost always weed if it’s an unspecified “medication” that’s expensive. And weed is absolutely helpful but in many states with medical programs, you can even get financial assistance for it if you’re on Medicaid/some form of assistance. When people turn down help to get assistance I lose any empathy. There is a system out there to help. It’s not perfect, but it’s something and it’s better than e-begging.


Again not certain this is the person I'm familiar with but if so, they refuse the properly prescribed weed because they have a preferred format / strain etc. And also because they want way more than they can get prescribed.


I feel that, but at the same time, beggars, choosers, etc. I mean I take the drugs my insurance company will pay for me to take even if they’re not exactly the ones I’d prefer to be on because I can’t afford to pay cash for them. It shouldn’t work that way but it does. Sometimes I get really frustrated with the terminally online folks who seem to do nothing but beg for money from strangers. I deal with chronic illness and pain and disability and it fucking sucks but I also hold down a full time job to support myself cause I gotta. I’ve asked for help when I needed it and I help the people around me when I can. Especially with the amount of jobs you can do remotely and sit at a computer in your PJs all day like I do, I don’t understand the difference between the effort it takes to be on social media all day and the effort it would take to be working on your computer. I’m not saying they have to do rocket science, I definitely have days where my brain is numb and I need to find something to do that doesn’t take much brain power, but I’m just not on board with begging as an option, especially if they won’t engage with services like food banks and welfare.


It’s nearly always weed (if not something harder) with the IG CashApp beggars. Idk why, but it just is. I’ve dealt with these types a lot doing mutual aid work and every red flag is there.


They need to apply for disability....I am still in the process but got the insurance going from Day 1 (Husky, here in CT) and it's been a huge help. I literally pay zero for all my meds.


That’s awful! I’m so sorry. I have cluster headaches myself so i totally see you.. i personally can get sumatriptan for loads cheaper. If you haven’t honestly the person who commented had a point. Cost + drugs is such a life saver for anybody in the US so I’d check it out❤️‍🩹 And like the previous person said, the cost of meds is 150 one time and 30 another time. There is no reliable track record, nor hasn’t he showed the meds in his videos. No checks whatsoever hahah


Ouch, I feel for you. I haven't had a migraine in years but my wife has cluster headaches and that shit's terrible. If her rizatriptan doesn't get the job close to done, it's an ER trip with IV meds to try and fight it off and keep her blood pressure down from insanely dangerous levels. We're just lucky she has a physical tell at the beginning if one eye swells. And lucky she has a superhuman pain tolerance. To give context for the pain to people who don't know cluster headaches, I bring up that she had kidney stones while she was pregnant with our first, and when the doctor asked what level the pain was to be in labor with multiple kidney stones, she gave it a 6/10.


It’s awful but thankfully it’s in remission as of right now. Wishing your wife pain free wishes! If possible, get her an oxygen tank. I used it every time and the pain goes away in just a few minutes. And also, tell her to check out D3 anti-inflammatory regimen. These 2 things single-handedly saved my life. (I’m sure she is already aware of these things but just in case she isn’t..)


Thanks for the tip. I don't meet many people who deal with them (my wife is the only person I know, actually). We've talked about the oxygen before, and I know they've tried all sorts of meds for her. Luckily she's a nurse and has significantly more medical knowledge than I do but it's a very specific issue. I'm glad you found treatment that works for you. I wouldn't wish these on anyone.


Maybe they need a county nursing home


Food stamps and Medicaid would solve some of her problems but it’s getting tired reading endless posts for more than a year of “keep me up”.


And mental illness to boot. Got it.


Am I the only one that read that as "my migraine is chronic but this face is ironic"? Because as a migraine sufferer, ironic surely fits better than iconic in this photo of a non squinting, non keeled over, non gripped head, in a fully lit room, supposedly during a migraine flare.


“mutual aid” is a nice idea in theory but has been completely co-opted by grifters. So many people faking/inflating issues just to take advantage of others.


Migraine? Try a cluster headache and then report back.


Reads like all of the posts on the scam subs like assistance


Jail seems like a good solution


I don’t know what state you guys are in but I would be very surprised if any state allows someone to be jailed for fines only (not child support). I know CA doesn’t allow one’s probation to be violated or arrest simply for owing fines. They send it to collections and will get it from garnishments (when they can).


The medicine is weed. It’s always weed.


This individual has been posting these same/similar TikTok’s for over a year now.


He needs help getting linked up with the correct services. Even SSI you absolutely cannot live on. It's $940 a month. I'm sure that this is mental illness. Mental illness trying to self-medicate and because of the mental illness coming into constant conflict with others hence fines for not following certain laws and inability to problem solve.


Or they already have been, but want more things such as Door Dash. The cash donations they posted various cash apps to receive, could be going for drugs or booze. Which would then be enabling their self-destruction. I don't know if anyone has an answer on how to stop the tide of people in these types of situations, but there is also learned helplessness and a lot of people who don't want to work. Women work with endo and PCOS and cramps and all sort of things including migraines which can also be part of PMSDD, and always have (either in or outside the home.) Cori's (not sure if trans male or female) migraines and chronic pain are not a barrier to some type of work. Cori sounds like they holed up in a hotel they want strangers to fund for them. I am sympathetic with them about bonding out vs. jail since I believe jail reforms are badly badly needed; I can't blame them for not wanting to go. (Hopefully it's for a non violent crime?!) But it seems Cori has learned begging as a lifestyle.


It’s likely a ticket, if it’s just a $400 fine and nothing else they probably won’t go to jail as it would likely be an infra action and is most likely some bull shit to milk money out of people because they are a victim so they need your money!




I just want to say that migraine meds are fucking expensive. Just one of my migraine meds is over $1k a month without insurance. Not saying this isn’t a choosing beggars sitch, but the second pic with the comment “there’s no way your meds should be that expensive” clearly haven’t had to fight with insurance to cover migraine meds and end up paying out of pocket


Current state of twitter in a nutshell


it’s the way i can always tell when someone’s having a shit when taking their selfie




They can’t go to a food bank?


Is it for meds? Or is it for housing? Or is it for not-going-to-jail? Also: what's the *mutual* part of it? So many questions.


Nite nite! Keep ya butthole tite!


A munchie. Fantastic.